Vol 2 Chapter 17: Female Warlock Mutual Aid Association 3

   "She's so beautiful." Melissa murmured next to her.
  Fanthin looked away and looked away, seeming to be quite ashamed of this Lady Enid.
   Su Ziyu's sight also fell on the body of the Lord Enid. It has to be said that her facial features are really very delicate. He has not seen a few women with such delicate facial features. The lady looked a little petite and delicate, but her figure was slender and slender, her dark golden smooth hair fell down, her slender willow eyebrows, her small veiled nose, her lips were thin, her eyes were calm but fierce, her eyebrows were a little red Mole, wearing a pendant in the shape of a maple leaf on the chest, wearing three rings in the right hand, red, yellow and green, and two rings in the left hand, green and purple.
  When her figure appeared, she inexplicably gave a light pressure.
   The sight of the Lord Enid swept through the crowd and soon fell on Su Ziyu.
   She leaned slightly and gestured with a very modest attitude.
   Then she gracefully came to the first seat of the banquet and raised her glass to Su Ziyu and Fant Sin: "Thank you two for helping me!"
   Su Ziyu and Van Tesin stood up to raise their glasses in return.
During this time, he learned a lot about the story of this Lord Enid. It is said that she is one of the most powerful female warlocks in the South Coast area, can summon a terrible storm, and is the only master of teleportation in the female warlock mutual aid society. Spellcaster. She left earlier to track some people who are said to be able to travel through time and space, and the sorceress mutual aid thinks that it is they who brought the terrible plague.
  After the appearance of this Ms. Enid, the other warlocks immediately became more honest.
   Su Ziyu can roughly see that there are three factions in this sorceress mutual aid society, and the one who dominates it must be this Ms. Inid. Both Alice and Daisy are her followers. Upon closer inspection, the two female warlocks can see that the appearance is slightly different from the others, and it seems to have a small part of the elven blood.
   The second is a small group of female warlocks headed by Judy. They should be of noble origin, with rich financial resources and very rich.
  Probably most of the funds for the activities of the Mutual Aid Society are provided by them.
  The last one is the Elena who came to thank Su Ziyu. There are also several female warlocks gathered around her. They should all be people of civilian origin. As for the other female warlocks, they look a little bit immature, as if there is no right to speak here, they should be just apprentices who have just awakened.
   Halfway through the banquet, Ms. Inid stood up and said, "You should all know why I left earlier."
   "But unfortunately, I want to tell you that I failed."
   "I didn't find the people who spread the plague. They were like ghosts who appeared out of nowhere and couldn't trace them."
   "Those secular aristocrats and the forces of the church will not listen to our justification, they will not give up the persecution of us. We already have too many sisters killed in their hands."
  Inid's words made the warlocks silent, and many people's expressions were a bit panic.
They had hoped to find the source of the spread of the plague, so as to scrub the accusations of the witch, but this action was a bit naive to Su Ziyu, even if they found the people who spread the plague, the secular nobles and the church forces How could it be admitted that they have wronged these witches, does that mean that the tens of thousands of women who were cruelly killed in the past are all innocent?
   This is a terrible blow to their prestige!
   "We have no choice." Enid glanced past Fantxin and Su Ziyu, and slowly said: "We have to leave here to find a land where we can live freely."
   "I know some people are not willing to leave."
  Inid's eyes fell on the three warlocks headed by Judy, with a serious expression: "But staying here will be very, very dangerous!"
   "The church has bewitched those people."
   "Once your identity is exposed, you will face an endless hunt."
   It seems that the warlocks headed by Judy are not very willing to leave.
   They have amazing wealth here, and a large part of this wealth may come from the land. These people are not very willing to give up all this and go to the unknown unknown distance.
   "The situation in the South is getting more and more tense."
There was a trace of sadness in Enid's expression, she slowly said: "I just got the news today, the Eden Coleman of the occult was caught by the witch hunter, and after being tortured, he was burnt to death in Cologne's square. on."
   "We will depart for the free capital of the northern continent in five days."
   "Would you like to leave with us, you should think about it yourself."
   Warlocks have extraordinary beauty. They may be better if they fall into the hands of witch hunters in the church. After all, most of them are fanatics, and they will only directly execute these witches. The most terrible thing is to fall into the hands of witch hunters organized by secular forces. Over the years, many villains, robbers, and soldiers have secretly joined the witch hunters to earn bounty, and the witch who fell into their hands are often tortured. He was executed after bullying, but most of the victims were some innocent and beautiful women.
Even the non-interventional hunters like Van Tesin hate witch hunters very much, and one can imagine how outrageous their behaviors have been over the years~EbookFREE.me~ Ms. Inid is finishing these words. After getting up and leaving, she whispered in Alice's ear before leaving, and then looked at the opposite Su Ziyu and nodded slightly.
   "Lord Enid wants to talk to you alone." Alice came to Su Ziyu and whispered.
   Su Ziyu turned to glance at Fantxin next to him, and got up and left after the other party indicated that there was no problem.
  Before leaving, he noticed that the opposite Judy Warlock had been staring at him. The other party raised his wine glass to pay tribute, and his expression seemed to be somewhat pleasing.
   Alice led Su Ziyu to a room outside.
   When he pushed open the door and walked in, he saw Ms. Inid, who was tired and lazy, lying on the soft bench.
"Thank you for helping me this time." Ms. Inid tilted her head and looked at the Suzi fish in front of her eyes. Her eyes were a little curious: "I thought the cat school hunters were wiped out in the turmoil of that year. I thought there would be successors."
   Su Ziyu shook his head and sat down, looking directly at each other's eyes: "I am not a cat school."
   "I'm just a purposeless traveler, occasionally picking up tasks to earn money."
   The world's demon hunters are generally short of money, because the cost of brewing potions may sometimes be higher than the bounty of the mission. Su Ziyu knows how to maintain the current role.
   "Okay." Ms. Inid didn't seem to want to delve into this question either, and asked Su Ziyu's eyes: "Then I want to entrust you to us to the capital of freedom."
   "I don't know if you are interested?"
"of course."
   Speaking of this, Ms. Enid smiled meaningfully and said, "The compensation we give is also very generous."
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