Vol 2 Chapter 44: Returning Demon Hunter

Thank you all for your support! 】
The light of fire reflected Lev's uncertain face.
He silently watched the thin man go away, then took the dwarf pipe and took a deep breath.
The heavy door was closed.
Lev picked up the glass and took a sip, then kicked off his bed board. Under the messy bed board was a locked box, beside which was a heavy steel sword, a silver cross sword, and a crossbow. .
Lev picked up the steel sword and pulled it out, the blade was still very sharp, and it could be seen that it was often maintained.
This steel sword is not the same as the steel sword used by Su Ziyu's previously seen demon hunters. The demon hunters of the Xiong school are one-handed two-handed swords. Others need two hands to wield two-handed swords. It is quite easy for them. The demon hunters of this school are some amazing warriors.
The cold light of the blade reflected Lev's face, and he wiped his weapon with sword oil in silence.
Lev put down the steel sword in his hand and opened the locked box. Inside was a set of very heavy armor. Among the demon hunters, only the bear school personnel would equip this heavy armor. They used to rely on a sturdy heavy armor. It has been hard steel in front of countless monsters.
The Xiong School is characterized by strength and endurance. Their genetic mutations make them stronger and more powerful.
"Bears will never lose their fighting spirit," Lev murmured.
He reached out and took out this set of armor, which weighed nearly fifteen kilograms.
Lev put the armor on the body one by one, then put the two swords behind his back, and placed the crossbow on his waist. In the school of demon hunters, only the bear school and the viper school often use crossbows. Most of the hunters in other schools specialize in swordsmanship.
The decoration in the whole blacksmith shop is very simple.
Lev felt a purse under the bed, and then carefully opened a completely sealed box with a vial of vial of alchemy.
When he came out of the blacksmith shop.
The old and blacksmith who had been decadent and depressed had become a fierce fierce hunter. He finally glanced at his blacksmith shop and took out the key to the only hotel in the town.
Lev pushed the door into it.
He saw many shocked faces, and some were whispering: "Hunter!"
"I already knew!...you don't believe it!..."
"He would be a demon hunter!...No ordinary person can kill a black bear with his bare hands!..."
There is a trace of fear and curiosity in people's eyes, because there are very few demon hunters in this place. The demon hunters of the Xiong School are gradually being forgotten because they were the first demon hunters to be cleaned.
"I want your horse." Lev walked over and said in a deep voice.
The innkeeper is a bearded middle-aged man. He seems to know Lev's identity and hesitates without hesitation: "Okay. I will take you."
"No." Lev took a hip flask from the table and threw the key of the blacksmith's shop: "That blacksmith's shop is yours!"
After he finished, he looked at the others while holding the hip flask, and turned and left here.
Devil hunters usually have no means of earning a living. The training they receive is to deal with monsters. The best thing in their lives is fighting and killing. Many devil hunters are down at the end because there are no other means of making money. Eventually, some people started to take the risk and gave up the creed of the demon hunter to secretly accept the commission of murder.
These are forced out of life.
Lev is one of the only bear demon hunters in the world.
The reason why he will open a blacksmith shop is very simple. The bear hunters of the Xiong school have a big appetite, and the equipment is usually worn out. The money he earns is gradually not enough. He simply picked up the hammer and learned how to repair armor weapons.
A sound of horseshoes gradually went away.
The people in the hotel are still talking, discussing why a demon hunter is hiding in their town incognito.
Some people said it was because they were tired of killing, some people said it was because they were rejected by others, and some people said they were just tired and wanted to take a break...
Beside the road outside the town.
The gruesome man was waiting quietly on a horse, and when he saw Lef's fully armed figure, the man with scars on his face grinned a little.
"Bears will never lose their fighting spirit!" Lev glared at him, repeating this sentence again.
"I'm sorry! Brother!" the grimacing man seriously said: "Yes. Bears will never lose their fighting spirit!"
Lev threw the hip flask in his hand.
He looked up at the moon in the sky and said in a deep voice, "What about the lone wolves? Are they back?"
Among the many schools of demon hunters, the wolf school has always been the strongest.
"It's still at sea." The gruesome man took the hip flask and took a sip, laughing. "Those lone wolves quietly cultivated a few wolf cubs in the Southern Islands!"
"They attacked the secret base of the church."
"Secretly recaptured some recipes for trial potions."
"We said while walking."
The two demon hunters rode away gradually, and the moonlight pulled their back very long and long.
Free capital.
After strengthening the psionic lightning to a certain extent, Su Ziyu finally decided to accept the entrustment of Ms. Anirella to remove the high-level vampire from the hunting school.
But this requires a very detailed plan.
They obtained the intelligence of this high-level vampire named Gimon Van Tarf from the Queen of Night.
He is actually a member of Parliament in the capital of freedom. His apparent identity is a powerful man, and he even owns a piece of land. This guy seldom stays in the capital of freedom, because other high-end vampires don't like him, and Jimmon van Tarf often wanders around alone, to satisfy his desire to hunt blood.
High-ranking vampires don't want to turn the capital of freedom into a chaotic city without order. They even clean up some unruly guys themselves.
Jimo Van-Talf often travels in some towns in the south, and occasionally travels to coastal islands, where the legendary horrible'Night Beast' is said to be him, because there are already many in that area Ten people died in his hunting.
This high-end vampire's enclave is very remote.
There is almost no population, but there are some slaves in his castle, as well as a lot of blood-sucking beasts.
Every month he will go back quietly. UU reading www.uukanshu.com
As for other times, whereabouts are uncertain, but Ms. Anirella said that she would try to find the location of Gimon Van Talf.
Ms. Enid is gathering people.
Some elf rangers who had just walked out of the depths of the jungle gathered here at the Chamber of Commerce. The number is probably a dozen or so. It seems that they are all very powerful masters.
Su Ziyu was quietly waiting for the news during this time, while collecting more intelligence from the monsters.
On the third day, he received information from the southern countries. Van Tessin led someone to sneak attack on the flaming rose knight of Cologne, assassinated many high-level churches, and burned their resident in a fire. .
At present, these demon hunters are being wanted by the church and the countries!
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