Chapter 2: Hourglass II

   "It's so cold!"
  Su Ziyu seldom speaks swearing, but recently he feels that swearing is quite refreshing, which can calm down his irritability slightly.
He now feels a little stiff all over his body, as if he came to cold Siberia in a single coat. To be honest, he doesn’t know how long he can persist, but after being locked in a cage for six days as a pet by those strangers, he There was no suicidal thoughts in my head.
   People are dead birds, and they will not die for thousands of years.
   It may have been too peaceful in the first half of his life. At the beginning, he was a little weak. More than once, the idea of ​​simply committing suicide appeared in his mind. It may be that the alien's abuse of him inspired a strong force in his heart, and I don't know when he suddenly became afraid of death.
   The knife that finally killed the leader of the alien was the only one who made a slight mistake and died.
   It's so cool!
  Stabbed out, Su Ziyu felt that his entire spirit had sublimated.
"It would be a bit funny if they didn't die in the hands of those snakes, but instead they were frozen to death." The wound on the back has been frozen so fast that there is no pain, and the heat in the squid is quickly lost. Follow His own estimate, if he can't find a warm place, he can't hold it tonight.
  I don't know how long I walked, Su Ziyu suddenly opened a lot in front of his eyes.
   "This is... the road!?"
Although it is only the most primitive mud road, there is still a very obvious difference between the road in front of it and the original environment around it. It must be the road opened by humans, or some other intelligent creature. I have seen those named after myself. After the snake man's alien, Su Ziyu felt that it wouldn't be strange to encounter anything again.
   The weather is too cold.
  You must find a warm place, or you will soon freeze to death.
   Su Ziyu ate a little snow on the roadside to replenish water, silently calculated his remaining physical strength, and began to gradually speed up. The biting cold wind made his reaction a bit dull, his lips cracked and his brows did not know when a layer of hoarfrost had formed.
  He walked alone in this biting cold wind, but the thoughts in his brain were less and less because of the cold.
It was a very strange ethereal state. The whole person only knew to move forward mechanically. He clearly felt that his body was close to the dying state, but he didn’t know why he wasn’t afraid at all. Laugh, but now he can't laugh at all, because his face is frozen.
at last.
  After climbing a small hillside, he saw a barren farmland and a small village surrounded by fences not far away. Su Ziyu felt like he was saved. He couldn't help but speed up his steps, but then he suddenly felt something tripped under his feet.
   He fell.
   This fall completely awakened his perception of his physical condition. His limbs were extremely stiff. All his strength seemed to be exhausted in an instant, and even his physical strength to make a sound was gone.
Is    dying?
so tired!
   Die if you die. Anyway, I'm a lonely one. I haven't been a virgin for a long time. The car I drove has also been driven and there is nothing to worry about. I just don’t know if the little orange I raised will be adopted. If it becomes so fat and becomes a stray cat, it will be very pitiful...
and many more!
  Who is helping me up?
   A burst of cranky thought seemed to exhaust Su Ziyu's final spirit, and he fell into darkness.
I don’t know how long it took. Su Ziyu finally regained consciousness. He felt very thirsty and his throat was sore, but no one handed him water. After the initial consciousness was blurred, he quickly became sober. come.
   Su Ziyu glanced around, obviously relieved.
   This time it was not locked in a cage.
He seemed to be lying on the bed, not wearing clothes, but he was covered with a thick, soft fur, and there was a crackling of firewood burning next to him, there was a burst of warmth, his body was still a little stiff, and his back was hot. The pain, I feel that the entire back is a bit numb. When he woke up, the sound seemed to disturb the outsiders, and soon a footstep came, two weights and one light, one footstep was particularly heavy, and then he saw two men and a woman, three humans pushed in and walked in. , The headed man's physique is nearly two meters tall, and his eyes are alert to press his hand on the hilt of his waist.
   "#@%#¥#%%@......" He looked at Su Ziyu and said a word.
   is finished.
   is also language impaired, but fortunately, the encounter was finally human.
   Su Ziyu has never felt that humans have been so close. Although the other party is obviously white-skinned, he really felt very kind after seeing the snake man for so many days.
"Hello there."
   "Can you give me saliva? I'm almost thirsty!..."
The other party obviously couldn't understand him, but fortunately everyone was human, and finally he could try to communicate. After Su Ziyu made a gesture, the human being led finally understood, and he reached out and handed a kettle on the table. He was given, but the right hand was always pressed against the hilt at the waist.
   "Thank you."
He pours water into his stomach, so he has the energy to observe everything in front of him. The three humans in front of him are all Caucasian, but they don’t understand English. Look at the appearance of an ancient man. The man also wore leather armor. The two people next to him are a little younger. The young man on the left is looking at him, while the the right is curious and seems to be the first time he has seen a human of his skin color.
   "Thank you."
   "Thank you for saving me, and I will repay you." Although the other party could not understand him at all, internal human communication could communicate more or less.
  At least they knew that Su Ziyu was not malicious, and the heading man also moved his right hand away from the hilt.
   "su." Su Ziyu pointed to himself, then leaned weakly on the bed and extended his right hand.
The man headed by    seemed to understand his meaning a little bit, but instead of shaking hands with Su Ziyu, he held his arms with his hands, and the elbows of the two lightly touched.
   "ken." The first man said a Ken-like pronunciation, then pointed to himself.
Human facial expressions and vocal cords are somewhat similar in their pronunciation. Su Ziyu is not as difficult to communicate with the other as the snake person. At least the snake man's voice is completely inaudible, and he can't judge the other person's facial expressions at all. .
  He now has severe pain all over his body.
Someone should have given him medicine. He touched his back and felt something like an herbal medicine. There seemed to be few intact skins on his back. Those snakes were ruthless thieves. Su Ziyu has never suffered in his life. After such a poisonous fight.
   The three people in front went out, and he heard the sound of falling locks when closing the door.
   The other party is still vigilant to foreigners.
   But this time Su Ziyu has no energy to think so much, he really needs a good rest.
   outside the gate.
Just after the squid lay down again, the three humans outside also began to communicate. The language they used was a bit close to the ancient Norse language, a language that uses Lun script, the language of Nordic mythology, and the pronunciation is different from English. Very large, but there are some similar syllables.
   "This person may be an exiled noble."
   headed the man said in a deep voice: "He has no other wounds on his body except those whip marks, and no calluses on his hands and feet. At first glance, he has not experienced any physical labor."
   "I saw people of his skin color when I went to the East, but they didn't look the same as him. UU Reading"
   "I don't know where he came from."
The body raised under the material conditions of modern society is still quite different from these aborigines, even the skin of that girl is not necessarily as delicate as the squid, not to mention the aborigines of this world need to be engaged in heavy Manual labor. The difference between Su Ziyu and other people is like a photo of a modern man compared with the photos of ordinary people in the Republic of China. The appearance and temperament are very different. I am afraid that only rich and wealthy children in the Republic of China have such a look. The headed man not only thinks he is an aristocrat, but is also likely to be an aristocrat with a low status.
   But he didn't understand why a noble with a low status suddenly appeared in such a poor and remote place in Beifeng County.
  It takes three or four days to get to the nearest city. Usually, almost no foreigners can be seen. Even businessmen come only once every six months.
   "Then he should be very valuable." The young man whispered.
   The girl next to him could not help but glared at him, his expression slightly angry: "He was picked up by me. It is my spoils. You are not allowed to move him!"
   finished, she lit the dagger around her waist.
   went out to hunt and found a man on the roadside, still a noble, and the girl's mood seemed very good.
   "Stare at him."
"Don't let him run around. Those monsters may appear again when winter comes. I don't want to see any trouble." The headed man glared at them, and then pressed his hand on the hilt toward the sentry tower. Go, there are dozens of people outside, all talking about the foreign man found by the girl.
   But in any case, Su Ziyu is still a human, and their attitude is not very bad.
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