Vol 5 Chapter 20: Fame

Grass your uncle!
After Su Ziyu got up, he pulled out the meteorite in his waist, directly turned on the ability of Lingshi, and walked towards the outside of the house with a murderous look.
Where did you hide?
What about that eater tapir? I must stew it!
Su Ziyu's figure rose into the sky and flew around the neighborhood in a murderous way. After waking up, his first thing was to go to the dream-eating tapir to settle the accounts, but he didn't expect the monster to be cunning, etc. When he went out, he didn't even have a ghost outside. The dream tapir didn't know where to hide, and no traces could be found nearby.
"You finally woke up!"
"what happened?"
"Are you okay? Why are you so angry? What happened?" Mu Lingji's figure appeared under a tree, her expression a little scared, asked timidly as she looked at the murderous Su Ziyu.
If there is fire in your heart, you can't suffer innocent.
Su Ziyu took a deep breath while standing on the spot, and then slowly shook her head: "It's okay. Have you seen a dream tapir near here?"
"Shimeng Tapir?" Mu Lingji's expression could not help but stunned, and then gently shook his head: "No!...... I am familiar with the monsters in this neighborhood!......"
"Did something happen?"
This dream tapir is quite powerful, even the mountain spirit here can't find its trail.
"It was a very long and long dream!..." Su Ziyu shook his head gently, and in his mind flashed the picture of Qing Ji carefully wrapping Anzhen's body and then buried in the flames together, fact His consciousness didn't break away until the last moment. Originally, Su Ziyu still had a bit of hatred for Qing Ji, but at the last moment, all his hatred disappeared.
This is also a very stubborn poor man!
Although she burned Su Ziyu many times, the act of living and dying with her at the last moment made Su Ziyu no longer hate.
"Dream?" Mu Lingji asked cautiously: "Did it eat the dream tapir?"
"It's a big monster from Eastland."
"I haven't heard that it hurts, is it a prank?"
"It is said that it likes to eat nightmares! If there are no nightmares, it may also cause people to have a nightmare and then eat it!"
Last night was a very long nightmare.
Su Ziyu was burned to death by Qing Ji so many times, and the pain he felt was quite clear, but the final outcome was not a nightmare. On the contrary, Su Ziyu felt a lot.
"How long have I slept?" Su Ziyu asked slowly.
"Two and a half days." Mu Lingji cautiously said: "I thought you were due to poisoning, but I didn't expect it to be due to encountering a dream eater tapir."
"I blame me for being too careless."
"If I were to guard it myself, it should have no chance to get close."
What a really kind monster.
Mu Lingji also visited Su Ziyu, but Su Ziyu's life characteristics were normal, that is, she was awake, she thought that she was exhausted, or the toxins of the bride were not cleaned, so she didn't try. Wake him from outside.
"It's none of your business." Su Ziyu smiled at Mu Ling Ji in front of her eyes and said, "This time I still thank you for your help."
"I...I haven't helped much!" Mu Lingji looked a little shy.
"That's right. You drink this." Mu Lingji cautiously held a piece of green leaves: "You haven't eaten for a day. You can replenish your energy after drinking."
I'm really hungry.
Su Ziyu is also not polite, reaching for the nectar and drinking it out, then said: "Can you eat ordinary people's food?"
"Me? Me? Can you eat a little!" Mu Lingji whispered.
"That's good. I'm just hungry too. Let's have some grilled fish together." Su Ziyu took out the tuna with him, and then took out a wine bottle. It's a pity: "The last bottle is left. . Exactly we drink it today."
He didn't bring too much Druid's fruit wine at the time, and he could ask them for more when he went back.
The taste is really good.
"This wine smells good!" Mu Lingji seemed to have no interest in tuna, but she was extremely interested in the druid's fruit wine, and a little face was greedy and embarrassed.
Su Ziyu poured a glass to her with a smile, and said softly: "Try it!"
Mu Lingji stretched out her hand and took a drink. The exquisite face floated with a blush, as if a little dizzy: "Delicious! I want it!"
The host and the host enjoyed the meal.
It's just that Mu Lingji basically didn't move the tuna. It was a cup after a cup of drinking. It seemed to be a bit up after drinking. Actually, he reached out and recruited a little bit of a dizzy butterfly, a freshman. The two little beauties danced in the open space of the deciduous trees. Their dancing postures were quite light and elegant, as if they were casual, Su Ziyu smiled and palmed together, and two little squirrels watching the drama sat on the branch next to them. .
In the end, Mu Lingji seemed a little drunk, and when she sent Su Ziyu to leave, her eyes were slightly red, and she whispered: "Will you come to see me again?"
"If there is a chance, I will definitely come again." Su Ziyu nodded with a smile.
He still owes the other person a favor, and he will definitely have to pay it back in the future.
"Then you come next time, I invite you to drink." Mu Lingji smiled and whispered: "I know what fruit this kind of wine uses, next time I invite you to drink my own brew."
"Good." Su Ziyu nodded with a smile, then turned away.
All good things come to an end.
Su Ziyu, after going through so many worlds, has slowly adapted to the difference with friends, because as long as they are destined, they will meet again.
Su Ziyu said goodbye to Mu Lingji and then went to a small town in Junhe Country. Because of the dream of the dreaming tapir, he suddenly didn't want to go to Mount Fuji.
Maybe he was a little scared to meet Qing Ji again.
Because he didn't know if he could handle it when he met Qingji again, and Qingji wouldn't seem to run out and hurt others.
"Have you heard?"
"The evil mountain boy in Ishinomaki Mountain was killed by a mage from Dongtu!" A deliberately suppressed voice sounded in the hotel.
Soon, his words attracted the attention of many people.
"Has the murderous mountain boy been killed?" A middle-aged man dressed as a businessman rejoiced.
A person next to him also said: "I seem to have heard it too!"
"It was shot by a mage traveling from Dongtu. It is said that everyone saw a thunderbolt across Laoyuan that day!"
"It must have killed the monster with thunder."
The person who said the first said: "Of course it is true. The nobles of the Three Rivers country also sent people to find the mage, and I heard that they wanted to give the bounty to eliminate the monsters."
"They found the remains of the mountain boy from Ishinomaki Mountain, and they were all burned to a pile of ashes."
The middle-aged businessman was surprised when he heard the expression: "Did the mage not receive the bounty? I heard it was a huge sum of money!"
"That's a master! Maybe you don't care about the bounty." The person next to me said: "I heard that there were people who used to be fakes to get rewards, and then the lord discovered that they were counterfeit and were directly cut off by the samurai."
"And the mage also removed Yuanjiang's harming bride."
Speaking of which, he lowered his voice and said: "Do you know the new bride? Secretly seduce the man, and then eat his head three days later!"
"The monster was also removed by the mage."
"It is said that the nearby lords are looking for him, probably wanting to seek the asylum of this mage."
"After all, there are indeed more monsters emerging recently."
Su Ziyu, who was drinking tea next to him, was stunned. He was sure that there was no one nearby when he eliminated Shantong and Luoxin.
But who has spread the story of his monster elimination?
It seems that someone has made a name for him again!
The stories told by these people are not much different from the facts, as if someone secretly saw the story.
Who is the one?
Su Ziyu frowned slightly, and soon a figure of a bald old man appeared in his mind.
Slippery ghost!
The only one who can approach him silently, and the one who has not been discovered by him, is the slippery ghost. The nightmare tapir is barely considered one, but it can only be approached when the squid is sleeping, if the squid is awake , It will definitely be stewed in the pot when touched.
"What does that mage look like? If you have a chance to meet, you must ask him for a protective amulet." The middle-aged businessman asked.
"I don't know." The person who said the first said: "It is said to be a beautiful man like Qingming Gong!"
These people are still very discerning.
Su Ziyu drank tea silently and decided to find the slick ghost next time when he met him. He did 90% of this. He didn't know why he did it.
The businessmen chatted while eating, and the topic changed again after a while.
"Have you heard?"
"Someone in the Edo side of Kanto met Isoji! It used to be rumors. This time someone was really killed!"
The oldest businessman said: "It is said that the monster is as long as a boat!"
Is Ji?
Su Ziyu is very new to this name. He took out Baiwuyu and turned it for a while, and soon found a record about Isoji.
It turns out that Jiji is a monster with a human tail. It is called a shark in the east, a mermaid in the west, or a siren sea monster. Fu Ji's legendary Ji Ji is a very cruel monster, the body is as long as 20-30 meters, such a long body is a bit like a siren sea monster, Ji Ji will attack humans near the coast, the legend is a The extremely difficult Kraken.
"I don't know what happened to this world!" said the middle-aged man next to me: "I met a friend from Kyushu the other day."
"He said that Sakurajima sometimes saw a ghostblade flying across the street with a ghost fire at night!"
"Alas." Another sighed: "It's nothing."
"The drunken boy near Kyoto is the big evil! It is said that no one dared to go out at night in Tamba Kingdom! No one is not the same!"
"The princes and nobles in Kyoto only know about hedonism, regardless of the life and death of the people of Li Min."
At that time, the elder businessman said: "I am afraid they can't control it."
"You probably don't know yet?"
"Kyoto is haunted at night! No one dared to pass by near Suzaku Boulevard! I heard that Qingming announced the enchantment seal there!"
"Those ghosts haven't been solved until now."
"Business is getting harder and harder to do."
"After finishing this single business, I will go back to my hometown to support the elderly."
Su Ziyu silently listened to the complaints of these merchants, and then got up and left the hotel. He was not going to travel any longer. He set off to return to Kyoto tomorrow, because the monsters of Fuso are still the most near Kyoto.
The big deal was that he disguised his identity and avoided the underworld, and went directly to the Tambo Mountain to brush a wave of ghosts.
Just go and see what happened to the ghost Kyoto!
This time Su Ziyu is not going to stand in the light and directly secretly act. If there is a chance, he will get a little source value. Anyway, the best character in this era is An Pei Qingming. Let him deal with those demons and ghosts. Su Ziyu is just passing by Wild.
If Jungle wants to be supernatural, he naturally needs to develop a little.
at the same time.
Just near Odawara in Kanto, a beautiful woman with a white paper umbrella appeared on the street. Her appearance was extremely beautiful and graceful, elegant and graceful like an oriental lady. Wearing a jade pendant, a white long dress embroidered with strange cloud patterns, and holding a paper fan in his white palm, the whole person looked as if he had fallen into the world.
As her figure appeared, the entire street seemed to be quiet. People looked at her beautiful figure involuntarily, and a faint look appeared on her face.
All men and women, young and old, were attracted by her inadvertent charm.
The extremely beautiful woman seemed to be looking for something. Her eyes swept over many people, and then a trace of disappointment appeared on her face.
She walked like this.
Just like a fairy walks on the earthly world, the people around him are involuntarily retreating, some men are obsessed with admiration, but they haven’t come close, just swept her sight, the whole person is trembling in place , As if stiff, cold and rainy.
The woman in white went away in disappointment. Before she left, she opened the folding fan in her hand and looked at the line of Chinese poetry written on it with a confused look.
"There is a law of both sides in the world, and if you live up to it, you will live up to the law."
Her expression seemed to have a hint of pain, and murmured: "Where are you? I will find you!"
Some greedy eyes followed her closely.
After leaving this town, the woman in white stopped in a secluded wood~EbookFREE.me~ Then she turned and looked away, and said softly: "Come out. You have followed me for a long time ."
In a strange laugh, five or six men dressed as sloppy came out, and the big man, headed by the smile of the pig, looked wretched: "Beauty? Where are you going? Actually go out alone?"
"Now that you know I am going out alone, do you dare to catch up?" A beautiful and cold smile appeared on the beautiful face of the woman in white.
Wisps of blue flame rose in her palm.
"Mother! Monster! Help!"
"Do not kill me!……"
"I'm wrong!...I don't dare anymore!..."
When the extremely beautiful woman in white turned and left, there was only a pile of burning ash left on the ground, and the wind slowly dissipated.
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