Vol 5 Chapter 36: Reforming Yin and Yang II

When Su Ziyu came back, it was already three or four in the morning.
He had just entered the house, and his expression was helpless. The hall was still lit by candlelight. Qing Ji was holding a needle and thread to measure on a cloth, as if hearing the footsteps outside the door, she happily put down her hand. Stand up and get up and greet: "Husband."
"You're back."
"Huh." Su Ziyu nodded slightly, replaced the clogs handed over by Qing Ji, and asked casually, "Why haven't you slept yet?"
Qing Ji lifted her pale white wrist and gently lifted her long hair. A pair of eyes always fell on Su Ziyu's body and whispered, "Can't sleep. I thought of making suitable clothes for my sisters."
"Husband is hungry?"
"The food is still hot in the kitchen, let me bring it to you."
Su Ziyu looked at Qing Ji in front of her with a complex expression, and nodded a moment later: "Okay."
He watched Qing Ji's back leave, and could not help but sigh in his heart: "It's really a gentle and virtuous wife. It would be nice if it weren't a monster."
The shadow left for Su Ziyu in the real dream is too big.
Make him a little afraid of Qing Ji now.
Qing Ji came back with some food. She moved to her knees and sat next to Su Ziyu. Her white fingers twisted the needle thread and said, "Husband. Isn't the matter of the Hades yet?"
"Huh." Su Ziyu nodded. "Now the ghost door is wide open, we must reorganize the yin and yang, and divide the two lives."
Qing Ji couldn't help but looked up at Su Ziyu's side face, glanced at her for a while, and noticed that Su Ziyu only noticed that she lowered her head slightly and shyly: "The husband is going to do something big." People. Concubine stupidity can't help."
"How come. You have helped me a lot." Su Ziyu turned to look at Qing Ji, a faint smile on his face.
"Really? What is there to use the concubine afterwards, despite the order of the husband." Qing Ji's expression seemed to be very happy. She first reached out and measured her waist, then twisted the needle and spread the cloth across the double. On his lap, he whispered, "Sisters are very noisy today! Their wits are not open, it is like a group of children."
"When I was cooking today, I asked Sanji to help make a fire, but she sprayed a fire directly into the stove."
"Almost burned the kitchen."
"Fortunately, the concubine responded quickly."
Speaking of which, Qing Ji raised her head and looked at Su Ziyu in front of her eyes. That beautiful face trembled Su Ziyu's look, and then her mouth slightly raised: "In the afternoon, Yi Ji held a copy Come over and let me teach her literacy."
"It's what the husband ordered."
Su Ziyu quickly lowered his head to cover his eyes, and coughed a little: "Well. That's what I said."
Qing Ji got up and poured a cup of tea for Su Ziyu, and said softly, "Fujun eat slowly."
"They are completely ignorant, they will not be transformed, and they don't know the common sense of the world. The husband can let me take them with me, and I don't feel that they are in trouble. The concubine is very thankful."
Is this really the Qing Ji in the dream?
Has everything at the end of the dream changed her so much?
Su Ziyu looked at her beautiful face, and her voice softened a lot: "It's okay. They still have to learn a lot, and it's more convenient to carry around."
"Teach them some common sense of life first."
"Then teach them to read and write, and it will not be easy to suffer in the future."
Qing Ji’s six sisters are still in the form of snake tails. They don’t have the ability to change adults like Qing Ji. They are just monsters that have just been born, and there is still much to learn. At present, they can still stay in Kyoto, but until the matter here is resolved, those onmyoji teachers may not be able to tolerate them, and they will definitely have to move to another place in the future.
"Huh." Qing Ji smiled at Su Ziyu and smiled softly, "Husband is so good."
It's such a satisfying woman.
Su Ziyu accompanied Qing Ji for a while, and then she got up and went back to her room to rest. After briefly serving him to wash, Qing Ji also turned back to the sisters' residence. Perhaps Su Ziyu didn't realize that when he saw Qing Ji slightly relieved when he came back, there was a wave of waves in his heart.
When Su Ziyu opened his eyes the next day, he couldn't help but meet a pair of curious eyes. The long and narrow blue snake tail swayed slightly in the room, carefully not making an annoying sound.
"It's Yi Ji." Su Ziyu got up and sat up.
He looked at Yi Ji not far away and beckoned: "Why did you come to me so early?"
Among the six younger sisters, the spiritual growth of Yi Ji is the fastest.
Qingji's biggest headache is Liuji. She still only says one word, eat, delicious, really delicious, and she doesn't know when she can start her wit.
"Books...words..." Yi Ji bowed slightly towards Su Ziyu, the posture actually looked decent, she learned to be Qing Ji, and she held up a book with anticipation and handed it to Su Ziyu. In front of her, she said timidly: "Teach...I..."
Want to learn literacy?
Su Ziyu reached out and took a glance at the book and set aside: "This is too difficult for you. Come with me, I will teach you something simple."
After he finished speaking, he got up and came to the courtyard, breaking off a branch of the tree.
The common characters used by Fuso in this period were Chinese characters. Su Ziyu was going to teach him something simple. It is rare that Yi Ji was so easy to learn. It is said that the other five sisters were not interested in learning at all. Wu Ji climbed to the tree yesterday to catch the bird. The long and narrow snake tail wrapped around the big tree, frightening the two soldiers passing by, and yelling. They had seen a beautiful woman crawling on top of the tree. Just kindly remind her to pay attention to safety and don't fall down. As a result, a blue snake tail with a length of five or six meters rises slightly in the next second.
When Qing Ji talked about it yesterday, she looked helpless.
"Something to eat." Su Ziyu had just taught a few words, and Qing Ji came carrying a wooden box, followed by three other Snakes behind her, and was looking curiously at this time. Yi Ji gestured on the ground with a branch.
This is Erji, Sanji and Wuji, the other two should be in the kitchen.
The six sisters of Qing Ji are almost identical, and outsiders can't distinguish them at first glance, but Su Ziyu is easy to distinguish because he does not distinguish them by appearances, but judges their identity by spirituality.
"Well. Let's eat first." Su Ziyu clapped and stood up.
At this time, a snake snake swam out of the kitchen. Her two cheeks were bulging and she was holding a large plate of white dumplings. At this time, she was having a bite to eat. She noticed Su Ziyu’s After looking away, she quietly turned and slid into the room, seeming to be afraid that Su Ziyu would grab her food.
It is not easy for Qing Ji to teach these six sisters to transform.
Su Ziyu stayed at his residence until noon, and then set off for An Pei Qingming's mansion.
An Pei Qingming's face passed by day by day, and now it looks like a 60-year-old man. When Su Ziyu came, he was enjoying the flowers in the courtyard, sitting next to him who was called Kagura Miko, she was smiling gently, and nodded slightly towards Su Ziyu, then got up and made tea. This person should also be the same period as Ampei Qingming, but because of her high appearance, she hasn't grown old, and she should have a friendship with her to look at Ampei Qingming, but I don't know why Ampei Qingming would marry a mortal woman .
"Master Su is here. Please sit down." An Peiqing's expression looked much more natural than yesterday, maybe he had figured it out in his heart.
Su Ziyu just sat down, and his expression couldn't help but move slightly, muttering: "You..."
"It's okay." An Pei Qingming's breath became weaker. According to this progress, he is estimated to be less than eighty years old.
Faced with Su Ziyu's startled gaze, An Peiqing shook his head slightly, then waved towards a short distance away, and then two young men who looked almost the same age as Su Ziyu walked carefully, he was beside The witch stood up with her help, with a serious expression: "Jichang, Jiping."
"You guys come here."
"Come and see Master Su!"
These two young men are the sons of Ampei Qingming. Their mana is much stronger than that of Su Ziyu when they first saw them. Regarding the weakness of Ampei Qingming today, Su Ziyu already had some conjectures in mind.
"See Lord Su!"
"See Lord Su!"
Ampei Jichang and Ampei Jiping came to Su Ziyu, then the two men bowed down and performed a big gift. At this time, Fuso learned the etiquette from the Han and Tang Dynasties. Although kneeling is a daily habit, kneeling is extremely serious. Unlike the later Qing Dynasty, the two sons of Anpei Qingming performed the first ceremony of kneeling and knocking. In the current era, only fathers, masters, and kings will do this.
Su Ziyu originally wanted to avoid it, but when he thought of dealing with the eight-branch snake Ampei Qingming that day, he spared no effort to practice, and Su Ziyu stayed in place, with a serious expression to bear the first gift of these two men.
"Neither of my sons are talented." An Pei Qingming saw Su Ziyu sitting on the spot and accepted the ceremony, and a smile appeared on his face: "Qingming knows the law cannot be passed on lightly, but I have no time many."
"Don't dare to ask Master Su to accept these two sons as disciples, only hope that Master Su can help you in the future."
An Pei Qingming now leads the Yin Yang Lao of Fu Sang.
Unsurprisingly, his two sons will take over their current positions, but the strength of these two people is far worse than that of Ampei Qingming, and his talent is not at a level at all. They are a handful.
"Yes." Su Ziyu nodded slightly, and then he thought about reaching out and taking out two strange beads, one by one gently raised his hand and floated in front of them.
The reason of the mountain boy.
The reason for the new bride.
These things Su Ziyu never know how to use, but the Onmyoji of this world can use them to practice, since he received the elders of these two people, naturally it has to be expressed a little.
"Accept it." An Peiqing nodded slightly, and his two sons accepted it carefully.
Although Su Ziyu is not the master of the two of them at this time, it is okay to let the two men shout an uncle in terms of seniority. He is still returning to the friendship of Ampei Qingming, and also leaving some incense points in this world. Qing Ji still has to live here. After this time, Su Ziyu's relationship with Ampei Qingming immediately became a lot closer, and it may be that he will be good at his death. Amp Qingming has less arrogance on his body, but treats people like Lin Chunfeng. .
His Yangshou is running out.
Looking at Ampei Qingming's appearance now, Su Ziyu couldn't help but think of how he felt when facing death several times. Because he could face death so calmly, and arrange such things so calmly, Su Ziyu must Acknowledging that An Peiqing is clearly a great figure of this era.
It was already evening when I left Ampei Qingming's mansion.
Su Ziyu went back to see Qing Ji, and by the way, told her that she might not come back tonight. Although the current Qing Ji and the Qing Ji in the dream world have changed greatly, Su Ziyu is still a little worried that she can't see that she will Hurry.
The night grew darker.
Su Ziyu came to Luo Shengmen near midnight, and was just near here. An Pei Jiping, who was in charge of guarding the town tonight, leaned down and performed the junior courtesy: "Master Su."
"It's Ji Ping." Su Ziyu nodded slightly. "The Hades are not settled yet. I'm going to Yinyin."
"There may be ghosts escaping tonight."
"You need to be more careful!"
Ampei Jiping respectfully said: "Jiping knows. Master Su, please be more careful."
There are more than 20 Onmyoji teachers nearby. Kyoto is not safe yet. Before the hidden dangers are completely eliminated, ordinary people cannot return.
Jingle bells.
Su Ziyu had just passed Luo Shengmen, and heard a clear bell sound, which made him tremble, and then returned to normal. Not far away, you can see a carriage burning with ghost fire. The blue light was actually a driver today. She was holding a golden bell in her hand. She was slowly driving along the Suzaku Avenue, accompanied by the sound of a clear bell. Translucent ghosts emerged from the ruins, and then a group of ghost fires gathered on the carriage, and the ghost fires piled up in the blink of an eye like a hill.
"Master Su!" Qingxing Lan still looks like a smile, and greeted him when he saw him.
Su Ziyu glanced at her and turned directly towards the palace.
Are you still angry?
Qingxing Lan looked at Su Ziyu's back with some distress, stretched his hands around his long hair and twirled a few times, whispering with one hand on his chin: "I told him clearly as soon as I knew it."
The Royal Palace is in sight~EbookFREE.me~Meow!
Su Ziyu just walked to the gate of the imperial city, a cat meow came from the roof not far away, and then the figure of the nine-life cat fell from the sky. She first looked up and down for a while. Whether the body is intact, then he smiled and said: "Master Su!"
"Master Yan Mo said let me act with you today!"
"When will we go to Huangquan?"
"Are you saying that we are going to Huangquan in the book?"
Crow mouth!
Is nine lives great? A nonsense!
Su Ziyu rolled her eyes directly at her, reached out to grab her neck and neck, and then rubbed and rubbed on her cat ears before letting go of her.
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