Vol 6 Chapter 30: Psionic awakening

A faint murmur came.
Su Ziyu suddenly opened her eyes and sat up from the bed all at once.
"What's the matter?" Pasha's soft voice sounded, her expression slightly puzzled, and as the quilt slipped, a fair skin and a rounded outline appeared.
Su Ziyu shook his head and said: "Nothing."
He stretched his hands around Pasha's waist, which was leaning on his shoulders. He seemed to have no drowsiness. The time is now three o'clock in the morning, and there is still a short time before dawn.
"Did you have a nightmare?" Pasha asked slightly, pressing her fingers gently against Suziyu's temple.
"Uh." Su Ziyu nodded and kissed Pasha's face sideways: "You sleep."
"I went out to smoke a cigarette."
After he finished, he got up and put on his clothes, and went directly to the outside of the room.
The weather is a bit cold.
But Su Ziyu doesn't care about this coldness. Standing on the top of the building, you can see the fire in the old city, because the price of coal has recently risen, and even at three o'clock in the morning, you can see some places lit by campfires. There were vaguely some people taking a nap beside the iron bucket, and from time to time someone would throw firewood into it for a while. It is said that the workers of Bingqi City and the railway organization are making troubles. It is probably something like the workers’ movement in the past, mainly for better welfare treatment. The strike activity caused the price of coal to rise in a short period of time, and the supply was also in short supply. Some families would be a bit more difficult in this cold winter.
Su Ziyu lit a cigarette for herself and took a slow breath.
"Deep scan itself."
"Check whether there is mental pollution." Su Ziyu spit out a smoke, slowly said.
In an instant.
The huge data stream in my mind works on its own. The space-time monitor system has certain self-scanning capabilities, just like an anti-virus software. Sometimes, although it cannot be anti-virus, it can find the infected virus.
"No mental pollution found!"
Along with the emergence of the spatiotemporal supervisor system, Su Ziyu couldn't help being relieved.
Soulsight is indeed a divine skill.
Almost every time the saury fish uses it, there will always be some unexpected discoveries, but the problem with this skill is also very big. Every time you use the Lingshi, you may see something you should not see. This is the second day when Su Ziyu came back. This evening was the third time he heard the strange pronunciation of ‘Cthulhu’.
That scary thing is looking for him!
There is a saying that when you look at the abyss, the abyss is watching you.
When using Soul Vision on the plane that day, when Su Ziyu saw him, he also saw Su Ziyu. Fortunately, Su Ziyu already had experience after so many times. When he saw the situation, he immediately cut off his spiritual vision, so the other party did not lock his spirit. He only relied on the vague spiritual residue to actively send out telepathy, and tried to try again. Get a response from Su Ziyu.
From this point of view.
The monster's situation should not be very good. Most likely, it was trapped in a certain place. Judging from his eager attitude, he was very eager to have deep contact with Su Ziyu's spiritual consciousness.
Of course, it is impossible for Su Ziyu to die.
So he directly cut off the telepathy of the other party, but after all, it is a monster of the old level. He can still influence Su Ziyu's dream through the remaining spirituality. Since he himself has not been contaminated by spirits, it will be impossible for that ghost thing to whisper in his dreams after the remaining spirituality disappears in a few days.
to be honest.
His spirit is really a bit bad in the past two days. Every time the name ‘Cthulu’ sounds, he will have a feeling of cold hair.
The sixth sense gives a fairly high degree of danger.
"Dad?" A small figure appeared on the roof.
Su Ziyu's expression was slightly stunned, and she wiped out her cigarette butts, and walked over and said: "Baby? How did you wake up?"
"Why don't you wear more clothes? What if you catch a cold?"
He took off his coat and put it on the little girl's body, and then reached out to hug her little body into his arms.
"Did you have a nightmare?" Su Ying raised her head and whispered.
Almost forgot that the little girl also has telepathic characteristics. Su Ziyu's expression suddenly became more dignified and whispered: "Did you also dream about something? Tell me seriously."
"No." The little girl shook her head and kissed him on the face. Her small hand held Su Ziyu's finger, and was a little worried. "I just felt that Dad had a nightmare. Come and see."
That's good.
Su Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief, touched her little head, and smiled: "It's okay. It will be fine in two days."
"Huh." The little girl shrank back into his arms, closing her eyes against his chest.
Su Ying's talent is very good.
It is very likely that she was born with telepathy. She had never seen the monster and was unlikely to be perceived. It should be the telepathy between father and daughter. When Su Ziyu had a nightmare, she produced a trace of spirituality. On the feeling. It was as if she had always believed that Pasha hadn't happened when she disappeared. The little girl's telepathy might be a little stronger than him.
After ten minutes.
Su Ziyu took the little girl back to the room. He gently put the little girl next to Pasha, and then he sat on the bed and covered the quilt.
"How did she wake up?" Pasha lowered her voice.
"Maybe I heard me up." Su Ziyu reached out and touched the cute face of the little girl, and turned to look at Pasha: "That must be on the agenda."
Pasha's expression was a little hesitant and whispered: "She is still too young."
"I know. But we must consider the danger of this world." Su Ziyu said slowly.
Last night he discussed with Pasha to make the little girl wake up psionic.
The two communicated seriously for the most part of the night.
The so-called communication can only be communicated through a gap. Although the communication process is a bit difficult and tortuous, but eventually reached an agreement, Pasha is most worried that the young girl is still too young. accident.
"Okay." Pasha nodded.
Of course, it is impossible for Su Ziyu to raise his daughter's psionic power to a high level at once. He will gradually strengthen the upper limit of psionic power until she has the ability to protect herself, and at the same time warns her not to use this power easily.
Pasha has secular power, and the little girl has powerful supernatural abilities.
The two complement each other, plus the relationship with the Brotherhood, self-protection should be no problem.
Su Ziyu has spent more than half of his time in this world. Before leaving, he must give their mother and daughter some cards to protect themselves.
of course.
It is best to solve the hidden dangers at one time, but this matter is not Su Ziyu's final say, but also depends on whether the Brotherhood can find the traces of Solomon. Now basically it can be determined that Solomon is behind the genetics. When he released the anti-radiation agent, he already knew the side effects of the agent.
The genetics have been trying to solve this problem, and the way they solve the problem is to study the transformation plan of the super mutants.
The hidden dangers of that year have already been buried.
It was like a man who had been trapped in the desert. He knew that the water in front of him was poisonous and had to drink it. They wanted to live before finding an antidote, but they concealed all the truth from ordinary people.
the next day.
Su Ziyu took the little girl to a quiet room.
His expression was quite serious, staring at the little girl in front of him, Shen said, "Are you ready?"
"Well." The little girl nodded vigorously, a little nervousness and excitement on her little face.
Su Ziyu sat down cross-legged, put her hand on top of the little girl's head, and slowly said: "Relax. Enter the state of meditation."
The intensification ceremony is not so complicated.
However, Su Ziyu had to consider that his daughter's age was too young, so he directly connected spiritually, preparing to watch the little girl's advancement throughout the process, and stopped in case something went wrong.
"Psionic Awakening!"
The first step of strengthening consumption is not much, just like the original squid, it only requires a source power of 2 points.
In an instant.
A vast expanse of galactic projections appeared in front of Su Ziyu's eyes. What he saw at this time was everything the little girl saw when she awakened. He had also experienced it at that time, but the process was too fast and I don't remember it.
It was a little different to see it again this time.
Su Ziyu saw the nebula-like galaxy and felt an extremely large source of power almost all over the universe, and all he mobilized was a negligible amount of it.
Psionic power is everywhere.
Similar to Su Ziyu's awakening, when the little girl senses psionic energy, the surrounding objects suddenly tremble, and some small objects have automatically suspended a little.
"Concentrate. Control them with your mind." Su Ziyu said slowly.
"Mind Control!"
Su Ziyu has strengthened another ability, and soon those trembling objects will be stationary, suspended in the air quietly, the speed of the little girl is very fast, of course, it is also related to the data flow of the space-time monitor system, because that It is a kind of learning method like virtual reality.
Su Ziyu withdrew his hand, and in front of him, the excited Su Ying opened his eyes.
She gently waved her hand, and a small box flew into her hand automatically. The little girl threw herself excitedly and kissed him on the face, giggling, "Dad. I'm superpowered too!"
"Remember. Don't mess around. Don't expose your abilities at will." Su Ziyu said solemnly.
The little girl heard it more seriously, and nodded: "Well. I know."
Psionics strengthens LV1.
The little girl's reinforcement system is still a bit different from Su Ziyu. She can't light up other abilities, not even psionic lightning. Only the psionic system's mind-strengthened skill tree exists. In other words, the space-time apostles can only strengthen the abilities that they have, or are potentially unawakened, and cannot integrate other abilities like the squid.
But instead, the little girl's talent in psionic ability is stronger than him, and the adaptability is obviously one level higher than that of Su Ziyu.
She was born with psionic potential.
Next, Su Ziyu will strengthen the psionic level of the little girl every two or three days until it reaches the psionic level of LV6. It will almost consume the energy value he saved, and he will also target the little girl. Sexual training allows her to master the related extension ability of the psionic system as soon as possible.
Doing so will naturally slow down the progress of the saury.
But this is her daughter. She still lives in a dangerous wasteland world, and Su Ziyu is so happy about it. Moreover, the source value of dozens of points is not as great as he thought. At present, Su Ziyu needs the divine value most, because the advancement of the semi-divine level requires the accumulation of divine value, he must Transform yourself into a special kind of [half god] life form.
The divine value of the old creation remains, and Su Ziyu is ready to save a little more, and then directly strengthen the psionic power to LV8.
2 divine values ​​are enough for him to increase psionic power to LV8.
That is an area that has not yet been touched, but Su Ziyu feels that after breaking through, he may have a battle against the existence of the old level.
The little girl is still too young.
Su Ziyu had to carry out targeted training for her next, mainly to master the mind, to protect the force field and the spiritual barrier. These are the most important life-saving abilities, and mind flying must first increase the psionic level.
Everything did not go according to what Su Suyu expected.
The third day.
The little girl who was practicing mindfulness suddenly awakened again, or it can be said that she entered a state of epiphany. When Su Ziyu was aware, she was already suspended in mid-air, and there were a lot of objects floating around, and then these things trembling violently , Little by little, turned into powder, and then she gained a new ability by herself.
"Explosion of Mind Power: greatly increase the intensity of Mind Power in a short period of time, and the increase effect is ~EbookFREE.me~ to slightly increase the consumption of psionic energy."
at the same time.
The data flow in Su Ziyu's mind also produced a trace of change. Immediately after the original psionic system strengthened the skill tree, a new ability was suddenly lit up in the mind branch.
"Explosion of Mind Power: greatly increase the intensity of Mind Power in a short period of time, the increase effect is 250%, and slightly increase the consumption of psionic energy. Consume 8 points of source power."
Is this the son of the plane?
When Su Ziyu awakened psionic energy, there was no such good thing. All his abilities were to expand the skill tree and then strengthen the mastery. There is no such thing as awakening by himself.
A new ability emerges from the skill tree.
This ability actually comes from his daughter, but the effect seems to be slightly weaker.
"Strengthen the explosion of thought!"
have nothing to say.
Su Ziyu also directly entered the state of perception, syncing his telepathy to the little girl, while mastering this ability, while gradually awakening her daughter caught in the consciousness of the star sea, but this time he saw not the galactic void, but It is from the perspective of outer space to see a planet gradually becoming deserted.
Desertification has spread on this planet, and the vitality of this planet is declining little by little from the perspective of psionic energy.
The little girl's emotion suddenly broke out, which should be related to what she saw.
Because their world is gradually dying!
Her psionic energy still cannot reach the level of macroscopic observation of a planet. Su Ziyu noticed something wrong at the first time, because he perceives the existence of a vague and huge consciousness.
"Pan-plane Pan Consciousness!"
This incomparably large body of consciousness flashed by.
In an instant.
Su Ziyu and Xiaoya opened their eyes at the same time.
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