Vol 7 Chapter 1: Coffin! Bells! Nameless King Soul!

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Dragon Kingdom.
As the name suggests, it should be a place with a lot of dragons. Suziyu is relatively easy to deal with ordinary dragons, but he is afraid of encountering those super-normal existences. The advantages of entering this world are obvious, that is, dragon blood baptism can promote a big wave, but the disadvantages are also obvious, as long as it is related to dragons, there are few particularly weak. Most adult dragons started with a legendary level, and Su Ziyu's current level of enhancement is only a bit higher. He is not afraid of those adult dragons, but the old monsters that have lived for thousands of years.
Is it still a steady wave?
Some perverted dragons can compete with the gods, and now he is still a little bit reluctant to face.
Accumulate strength again.
If you can enter the demigod realm, you can almost try to explore the pollution plane of this difficulty. At least in a moderately polluted world, there will be no such thing as ‘walking in half gods and legends like dogs’.
Su Ziyu directly locked the plane of the "Dark Soul".
With the appearance of a strange suction, when Su Ziyu touched the barrier of this plane, a large amount of data flow actually appeared in his mind, and a faint hint emerged:
"Alert! Alert!"
"The power of the soul of the current plane is abnormal! ... Start the autonomous protection program! ... the plane law of the fusion of the current world!..."
"The hourglass is activated!..."
A gleam of pale golden light shrouded Su Ziyu's body, accompanied by a dark and deep cloud, he was swallowed into it, and then his consciousness was completely comatose in a flash.
Time does not know how long has passed.
Su Ziyu woke up feeling dark in front of him. The muddy air made him feel a little uncomfortable in his throat. There was also a hot piece in his lungs. The faint bell sounded in his mind, and his consciousness also As the bell recovered gradually.
In an extremely desolate burial place, a worn coffin suddenly cracked, accompanied by a skinny arm stretching out, and the black coffin in front of him was opened directly.
"What's going on?" Su Ziyu sat up suddenly.
This has never been the case in the past.
He used to cross the plane barrier and entered directly, and he has not experienced a short-term conscious coma, but now he has not only been in a coma for a period of time, but the initial appearance is actually in an abandoned coffin.
It's just ugly!
"How long have I been in a coma?" Su Ziyu closed his eyes and looked at the hourglass.
There is no obvious change in the hourglass of time, that is to say, he has not been in a coma for too long, and he should have been repulsed only when he entered the plane.
"and many more?"
Su Ziyu looked at his hands with a little consternation, and then looked at his body, his expression was a little nervous, because he saw a pair of thin arms, his whole body seemed to be thinner, almost A skinny look, but he didn't feel very weak. On the contrary, there was an endless energy in his body. The physical changes did not affect his strength, even stronger than before. .
"The data calculation is complete."
"The current plane has a civilization level of 1 and an energy level of 3!...Soul anomaly detected in the current plane!..."
This is a plane with energy level 3.
Su Ziyu tried to summon psionic lightning, and found that the psionic mobilization was unusually smooth, and even a slight golden shimmer attached to the summoned lightning.
"How has his body become like this?" Su Ziyu can touch the clear ribs under his clothes. He doesn't know what he should say now. It feels like the flesh is dry, and his weight has dropped by nearly 3%. Ten, but there is no weak state.
There was a slight itch in the throat, and Su Ziyu couldn't help but cough, and actually felt a smell of smoke coming out of his throat.
It's like it's burning.
"There is something wrong with this plane!" Su Ziyu's eyes swept around. He saw a lot of coffins scattered around, some of them were completely closed, and some had been opened. The human bones were scattered on the right, while the left Some of the coffins on the side seemed to be opened from the inside, and they were lifted directly. It seems that the opening time is not too long.
The sky is gray.
There was a hint of haze in the sun, and there was no warm feeling on the human body, as if it were purely a luminous display.
"What is this?"
Su Ziyu had just walked a few steps, and he was aware of his perception. He walked to a corner in front and saw a corpse that did not know how long it was thrown here. This corpse has almost become The corpse was dry, the leather armor on it was broken, and the scattered swords were covered with rust, but there was a sphere of white light floating above the corpse, which was exuding a trace of spiritual light.
"The soul about to dissipate! [refinable]"
Is this the soul of this world?
Su Ziyu reached out and picked up the shimmering light cluster, its weight was almost negligible, but it had a clear sense of substance when held in his hand, and there was no conscious response with spiritual perception, just like a mass A pure soul about to dissipate.
Can you find a soul on the roadside?
Su Ziyu has never experienced such a world in the past, it is a bit overturning his understanding of the past.
"Soul that is about to dissipate (refinable): After refining, get 5 energy."
so tall?
Su Ziyu took out the demon gourd and sucked this group of souls into it with his hand raised.
"I'm afraid this world is a little more dangerous than you think!" If Su Ziyu remembers correctly, in the world where the ghosts are walking at night, a lampstand ghost spirit can only refine the energy value of 5 points. And here he picked up a soul that was about to dissipate by the side of the road, and he could actually refine 5 energy points.
Looking at the equipment on the body, it is estimated to be an ordinary soldier.
Is an ordinary warrior about to dissipate his soul, so the remaining soul is so powerful?
How strong was he when he was alive?
Even if the lampstand ghost is weak, it is also a kind of ghost, and here it is only equal to a group of souls found on the roadside that is about to dissipate.
Su Ziyu immediately became alert.
He now appears to be halfway up the mountain, and in the distance is a gray mist, and some dilapidated buildings can be seen vaguely. Surrounded by a silence, almost no small animals can be seen, everything that can be seen with the naked eye is revealed by a trace of gray, decrepit and decaying, some bare trees that seem to have withered grow wildly, and each one grows like a tooth and claws. , People feel very uncomfortable to watch.
Su Ziyu vaguely heard a little movement. He frowned and came closer. After crossing a narrow path, a figure in a tattered cloak appeared in his sight. The clothes were covered with dust and stains. I don't know how long it has not been cleaned.
The other party walked a little weirdly. His body was extremely stiff. From behind, he could see a dry blood stain on the mopping cloak.
This is not like a living person.
Su Ziyu pulled out the long meteor star sword in his waist, the world is full of weirdness, he is still a little careful.
The other party seemed to be aware of the existence of Su Ziyu. At the moment when he turned around, Su Ziyu also saw the other person's face clearly. It was a rotten and dry face. A female, holding a bizarre ceremonial dagger in her hand, a faint red light gleamed in her hollow eyes when she noticed him, and the next second she fluttered at a completely different speed than before Come up.
Undead? Living corpse?
Su Ziyu slightly sidestepped the opponent's attack with a sword. The force from the blade made Su Ziyu frown. The force was greater than he thought. With a flash of cold light, the other party was in Su Ziyu. At the moment of parry, he lifted his leg and kicked him in the abdomen, and then daggered it directly to his throat.
Su Ziyu fought with a sword, and then slashed toward the target's head.
But the living corpse in front of him suddenly rolled to avoid, avoiding it with quite skilled techniques, and then a cold light pierced the kidney part of the squid from below.
Su Ziyu once again blocked the enemy's attack, and instantly bent slightly into the opponent's arms, accompanied by the wielding sword light, the slash turned into a sweep, and the enemy in front of him was cut off directly.
The enemy's body twitched when it landed, and soon it was completely immobile.
There is no source value prompt.
Not a polluter.
The combat skills are very proficient, even if it becomes an undead, it still retains the fighting instincts during his lifetime. It is preliminarily estimated that he has the combat skills equivalent to the LV2 of the Raven Sword.
If she was alive, her combat ability might be much stronger.
A faint gray light poured into the body.
Su Ziyu had an unexplained feeling. He found that he could easily perceive the soul in this world. Just when he had just killed the enemy, he actually had a feeling that his soul seemed to grow stronger.
The ceremonial dagger lost its luster, and seemed to be turned into a piece of scrap iron directly.
Su Ziyu glanced at the corpse in front of her eyes to be sure that she had been dead for a long, long time, and I don't know why it could become dead and moving. There is a trace of weirdness in this plane. He has just arrived and he has no clue. He must gather information before he can determine what is going on.
Once again entering the mission plane, Su Ziyu's ability has been improved to a certain extent.
Charisma enhancement has become LV4, but time acceleration has not changed this time. It seems to have reached an upper limit of automatic promotion. He must be strengthened by his divine value.
The wind screamed.
Su Ziyu took off from the sky with his thoughts. His current location is an unknown mountain. In the distance, he can see an extremely broken monastery. Near the monastery, he can see many similar wandering activities. Corpses, they seem to wander here unconsciously, as long as the squid are a little closer, they will attack.
There is no one living.
Su Ziyu flew a little, and could not find any trace of a living person in sight, but heavy tombstones can be seen everywhere, and I don't know how many people were buried here.
"Obtain 1 source power value."
The sudden prompt made Su Ziyu a little stunned, and then he reacted, feeling a warm stream of heat in his heart.
Little girl.
His daughter.
Su Ziyu is still in midair at this time, the source value is naturally not obtained because he killed the monster, but from his daughter, just at that moment, Su Ying who remained in the wasteland world to obtain The source power value was obtained, and a small part of it was returned to the squid. Pasha mentioned that when the little girl is familiar with her power, she will send someone to protect her from hunting some mutant monsters, the purpose is to exercise her fighting ability.
After all, the little girl is a child of the plane of that world, and she must take on the heavy tasks of that world in the future.
A trace of warmth rushed out of the heart.
Su Ziyu suddenly found that his body began to recover bit by bit. Originally, due to some unknown reasons, he suddenly became skinny. The whole person was like a corpse, leaving only skinny bones.
But now his body is recovering bit by bit. Although he hasn't returned to his original state, the whole person looks a little bit fleshy.
"Humanity recovery!..."
"Alarm! Alarm!..."
"There is an unknown erosion in the current plane!...Residing for too long will lead to the gradual loss of human nature!..."
"Hourglass at the time of automatic activation!..."
"The time and space mark is activated!...Seal your own humanity!..."
An hourglass-shaped mark appeared on the back of Suziyu. With a slight spark of Mars shining, Suziyu felt that a force appeared on the hourglass and formed on his body. An invisible protective barrier.
Human loss?
Su Ziyu couldn't help but giggled, he didn't feel any mental abnormality, except for the strange changes in his body.
What's going on in this world?
Why lose humanity?
What happens if all his humanity is lost? Has it become a living corpse wandering exactly like the monster below?
Su Ziyu felt a sense of nervous oppression, and the unknown was his greatest worry.
The loss of humanity stopped.
Su Ziyu can feel the vitality in his own body, and can even vaguely feel his own soul. This plane is very peculiar, and his perception of his own soul has been strengthened a lot. However, Su Ziyu did not know the reason. He found that a trace of Mars appeared on the surface of his body, just like the Martian light spot flying in the burning bonfire, flowing slightly in and out of his body. .
Planar assimilation?
Su Ziyu frowned down from the sky and went directly to the ruined monastery~EbookFREE.me~ Anyway.
Let’s look at what’s inside first, and then maybe there will be some information he needs. It would be better if we could find a living person.
at the same time.
In a very ancient sacrificial field, huge thrones stood above the sacrificial field, but unfortunately they were all empty, and no figure was seen. A faint bonfire was burning in the center of the sacrificial field. In that erratic flame, a faint phantom appeared, and then a low female voice sounded:
"Nameless King Soul has arrived!"
"Embers without fire!...Go! Go find this King of Time and Space!...Go and bring his soul back!...He will be the best firewood of this era!..."
"The continuation of the age of fire requires his strength!..."
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