Vol 7 Chapter 14: Cursed Tree

Su Ziyu slowly pushed open the very heavy door in front of her.
There were some drooping branches and vines in his sight, which was completely different from the decaying and decaying scene outside. Su Ziyu actually saw some blooming flowers here.
That's the breath of life.
He could feel a twisted vitality spreading in it, exuding decay and vitality little by little, as if he had completely integrated into one. The flowers did not emit a fragrant scent. On the contrary, the squid could smell a slight smell. The roots of these flowers infiltrated the corpses scattered around, absorbing the nutrients of the corpses and growing hard.
Facing them are two eccentric statues.
There are many strange beliefs in this world, and various statues are also very strange. Su Ziyu had already seen a lot in the dark chapel.
A bunch of vines entwined the statue and stone pillars.
When Su Ziyu and Sister Freed entered, these vine branches seemed to tremble slightly, just like living creatures with life.
A candlelight was lit ahead.
"Someone?" Su Ziyu glanced at Sister Freed next to her, who frowned slightly, as if she was perceiving something.
Someone here.
But it is not a normal person, but some crazy living corpses.
After seeing the figure of Su Ziyu, they immediately waved their weapons and threw them up, which was easily solved by two people.
The courtyard in front is not small.
There are some vines spreading on the ground, and the blossoming flowers. The scorpion fish can see the living corpses in the corner. They are obviously not dead, but some roots have infiltrated into their bodies. It won't take long for them to die completely.
Directly in front of them are big trees that have dried up.
These ancient trees have been decaying for a long time. There are some things hanging on the bare tree poles. If you look closely, you will find some shriveled heads wrapped in cloth.
"Cursed Big Tree! [Pollution Source] [Curse] [Activation]"
Under the dead old tree is a bloated, humanoid monster with a fat belly. Its body is composed entirely of dead trees. Some vines are wrapped around both arms and legs, and the surface of the body seems to be parasitic. With some white things, it looks like insect eggs from a distance.
"Alert! Alert!"
"You have entered the realm of curses! ...Unknown curses are very likely to cause mental pollution!..."
Is this ghost thing bearing the curse of the undead?
Su Ziyu turned to look at Sister Frid next to her, and slowly approached the cursed tree in front of her step by step.
It felt as if someone was approaching, and the cursed tree in front of him suddenly woke up. It supported the huge body with his hands, as if he wanted to stand up, but the extremely fat belly made it impossible to stand at all, only Sitting on the ground turned slightly harder.
A big hand caught the squid directly.
The movement was not fast, he rolled to the right to avoid it, and at the same time he slashed the sword at the enemy's arm.
Not moving at all!
There was only a shallow sword mark on the arm of this big tree, even if it was attached with psionic lightning, it would have no effect on it.
It seems that fire is still needed.
Su Ziyu took out a flame pot and threw it directly. Sure enough, when the flame was burning, the cursed tree in front of him looked like a living person with a painful scream, and then suddenly a liquid poured from its abdomen , As if it were a festering abscess on the body, with green-blue pus flowing out of it, directly extinguishing the burning flame.
A huge dead wood arm fell down.
Su Ziyu's figure rose into the air, carefully looked at the monster in front of him, and at the same time, he gave a glance at Sister Frid not far away.
Unfortunately, no incendiary bombs were brought in.
This source of pollution does not seem to be completely transformed, and it can't even stand up. If there is a molotov cocktail, it is estimated that it will be very easy to kill the squid. The enemy's physical defense is amazing. The straight sword of Iruhil has a shallow mark with full force, and the effect of psionic lightning is not very good. At this time, Sister Frid will be the main output.
call out.
Just as Su Ziyu's figure stayed in midair, suddenly the vines growing around in the courtyard moved up, and the dark blue vines danced like snakes, winding directly towards Su Ziyu's body.
Dozens of vines completely blocked Su Ziyu's retreat, forcing him to slam his sword and slash at these vines.
not far away.
Sister Freed finally stopped entering the theater mode. A bright flame appeared in her white palm. After nodding her head slightly towards Su Ziyu, she directly crushed the remaining fire in her hand.
The King of Wandering Souls of Rondo!
A black flame ignited at the feet of Sister Frid.
Sister Freed's momentum almost skyrocketed, much stronger than when she once played with Su Ziyu, her figure rose into the air instantly, and two black flames surrounded her body like dancing ribbons. At the moment of waving the giant sickle, a black flame mixed with the breath of ice, like a black-and-white ink painting, turned into a sea of ​​fire and attacked the cursed tree in front of him.
This monster is obviously scared!
Almost at the moment when Sister Fryd attacked, the belly of the cursed tree suddenly cracked in front of her, and then a pale arm stretched out from the belly, as if there was something to be drilled out!
A harsh scream sounded.
From the perspective of Su Ziyu, there is a humanoid monster in the body of the cursed big tree, but it seems that this monster has not yet fully grown out, and most of the body is still left in the abdomen made of trees. The dark cyan liquid burst like amniotic fluid, revealing the outline of a giant burly body, and the head was still wrapped in a thick white substance.
What ghosts are gestating in its body!
The time when Su Ziyu arrived was just right. The monster in the body that had cursed the big tree had not yet hatched. It should be a very weak period now.
Sister Freed's figure descended from the sky, accompanied by a icy cold light, black flames spread rapidly on the body of the cursed tree, and the power of the ice spread along the tree's veins. The pale arm in the middle shrank back again. Sister Freed frowned and glanced at the slit in the abdomen of the cursed tree when she landed. Her figure disappeared suddenly, and when she appeared again, she was already above the cursed abdomen.
Rondo's Black Flame!
A wanton burning black flame enveloped the sky above the courtyard. At the moment Sister Frid wielded the scythe, the black flame was smashed down like a surging wave, and a surging black flame even forced back. Su Ziyu, who wants to help, makes him have to lean away from these strange black fires.
The earth is shaking.
A cobweb-shaped crack appeared on the ground, accompanied by a terrible scream in the black sea of ​​fire, and a hint appeared next to the ear of the squid fish.
"Get 20 source power points~EbookFREE.me~ Mission completed! Privilege level increased!......"
The huge body of the cursed big tree collapsed, and the monster that had not been bred in it shattered directly, leaving only the half-broken pale arm in the abdomen.
who am I?
where am I?
What should I do?
Su Ziyu in mid-air looked at the broken shell of the cursed big tree, and the scorching black flames, and he froze for a while, then shrugged and fell down.
Never mind.
If you want to do so much, touch the loot first.
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