Vol 7 Chapter 40: Giant King-Lou

A faint smell of sulfur came.
After the three men walked for a while, their eyes widened a lot, and a large number of burned corpses appeared in their sight, piled up together to form hills.
"I'm afraid there are thousands of people here." Su Ziyu looked at the corpse in front of him and reached out to twist a pure gold wine glass.
In front of me all was a piece of gold.
It is roughly estimated that the gold and silver here are only a few tons, but unfortunately there is still a lot of gold in his private space. It is useless to take too much of these things. There are more gold and silver jewellery in the capital of crime than anywhere else, and you will step on it when you walk accidentally, but it is a pity that they are ordinary gold and silver appliances, and there are no wonders included.
After walking for a while, the disgusting monster crawling on the ground appeared again.
These giants seemed to have had their heads cut off, and two hands were attached to their necks. The extremely fat body was very fierce when they rushed over. The mucus dripping inside the eyes seemed to be poisonous. To avoid.
"Shit Block (Singular Object): Contains highly toxic blocks that can be thrown at enemies and is said to be found on some giants."
A giant will drop two to three blocks of highly toxic shit.
But in ten minutes or so, Su Ziyu collected a lot, but unfortunately this strange thing is really a bit out of hand.
Just walking like this, there seemed to be a flash of fire ahead.
Next second.
It was a huge black shadow that came down from the sky, huge wings spread covering the road, holding a spear burning like a torch in his hand, but when he looked closely, it was a statue I found before. I don’t know when I came alive and changed. Became a powerful gargoyle.
Dang Dang Dang!
There was a flash of fire.
The reaction speed of the three people is very fast, almost shot at the same time, but this enemy is really thick and fleshy, and the sword bursts out a spark, but only a few scratches are left on the gargoyle.
A strong wind hit!
The gargoyle swept a huge torch spear, then spread his wings and spiraled into the sky, quickly lifting the weapon and smashing it down.
Su Ziyu and Sister Fryd dodge at the same time, and the Onion Knight put up a large sword to parry each other's attacks.
"It's so powerful!" The Onion Knight backed off a little.
Su Ziyu took out the dragon hunting lance and stab it violently. The wings behind the gargoyle were bent and protected in front of him, actually using the wings as a shield to block the attack, but it somewhat underestimated the sharpness and rigidity of the dragon hunting gun. A crack appeared on his wings.
Sister Frid suddenly disappeared, and when she appeared again, she came behind the enemy. The huge sickle waved down. With the flash of cold light, the gargoyle's head was suddenly cut off the small half.
It nearly twitched to a height of four meters, and then slowly fell into a gravel.
"Creation of ancient magic."
Sister Freed twisted a mass of soul and threw it over and said, "There may be more than one in this place."
"Be careful!" Su Ziyu suddenly shouted.
not far away.
Suddenly a burst of flames flew by, and when I looked closely, it was a white shadow flashing in the corner. Sister Frid responded quite quickly, and directly rolled to the side of Su Ziyu, and the onion knight also took Out of his heavy shield.
Another flame struck.
This time they finally saw what the enemy looked like, but they were three strange women in white clothes, carrying a small lantern in their hands, exuding an ominous flame.
"Who is this?" Su Ziyu frowned slightly, and wanted to talk to the other party a little.
I just don’t know if it’s a normal person or not, can you communicate?
The three women dressed in white walked lightly, wearing strange silver and gold masks on their faces, the kind of masks worn by the leper king in the movie, and the pupil position radiated a faint light. They said nothing. The hair floated over, the white torn robe slightly swayed, and suddenly accelerated after being pulled closer, holding a sharp ceremonial dagger in his right hand.
"The capital of sinful karma is long gone." Sister Freed said, and the whole person flew out, waving a huge sickle to the head of a maid.
Mars burst.
Along with the fluttering white hood, a maid's head was directly cut off by Sister Frid, and the strange silver mask also fell. Su Ziyu saw a burned, unrecognizable face. .
It has long been completely alive.
The death of the companion did not make these white maids afraid, they quickly approached, wield a dagger and attacked wildly, and after a strange sound, they could summon a burning flame, which seemed to be summoned from the lantern in their hands. Yes, but that's just ordinary props, the only special thing is the indestructible flame inside.
The battle did not last long.
The three men quickly resolved the maids. Su Ziyu each took a metal mask and took a closer look to make sure none of them were normal living people.
They have all been burned once.
But I don't know why it wasn't burned into the pile of coke outside.
"We should be almost here." The onion knight's voice was very solemn, and he slowly said: "These are the maids who serve the fire of sin karma..."
People fear the fire of sin.
So they also serve the fire of sin karma.
The Onion Knight said it well. After turning a corner, everything in front of the group of people suddenly became bright, and there were many similar white maids in their sight. At the same time, there was a magnificent and broken in front. palace.
This time it is really Jinshan Yinhai!
Su Ziyu's sight is all silver and gold, and a lot of gold and silver are piled up into mountains. They are buried here and dust is not known for how many years. The corner is a pile of burned corpses. It should be At that time, many people fled here to take refuge, carrying their gold and silver wealth, but in the end they all burned cleanly.
Countless gold and silver treasures are mingled with corpses and piled up on a hill three to four meters high. Even Su Ziyu can't count how much gold and silver there is.
Because there is more under the buried ruins.
If these things are brought into other worlds, the rich and the enemy are not enough to describe.
A broken ladder leads to the depths of the palace.
The three people walked up the stairs, and they could see a lot of gargoyle statues, but it seems that these are dead and will not come to life suddenly.
Another huge flame struck.
They saw a blaze in front of it. It was a brazier with a diameter of more than three meters. There were many white-dressed maids nearby. They knelt and stood still in front of the brazier. They suddenly stood up after they found them.
Someone is controlling that brazier to cast spells.
Su Ziyu didn't think about it, but gathered a thunder gun in his palm, then threw it at the innermost maid, who was wearing a golden mask and looked slightly different.
But they are not difficult to deal with.
In the capital of sin karma, their status should be similar to that of a priest, with a little ability to cast spells, but the battle is not powerful.
A raging fire was burning before my eyes.
Su Ziyu's sight saw the statues of four people. They raised their hands with their hands and lifted the huge brazier in front of them. Among them, there were men and women, and their expressions looked a bit painful, while the huge brazier burned quietly. I don’t know how long it burned.
"It looks a bit like a royal look." Sister Frid reached out and touched it.
Su Ziyu also watched curiously. He bent down and looked at it, and found a small text beside him.
"It is not the power to suppress the fire of the sin karma, but the noble soul of the king..."
"When the king is not...flame...falling from the sky..."
The writing at the back is blurred.
"It is said that after the giant king-Yum agreed to the request of everyone to become the king of salaries, the fire of sin karma fell from the sky and burned here after going to the fire-sacrifice sacrificial place." Sister Frid sighed softly.
The salary king went to spread the fire at the request of everyone.
At first, the giant king Yum suppressed the fire of sin karma here, but then it seems that the fire has passed to this place. For the time being, no other strong man is eligible to become the salary king, so the people of the crime karma asked him to become the salary king. Go to the Fire Sacrifice. Although the giant king Yum knew that people did not really serve him as king, he still accepted the people's request.
Unfortunately, not long after he left, the entire capital of sin was burned down by the flames falling from the sky, and few people survived.
Although the giant king has left.
However, judging from the distribution of corpses around the people, when the fire of sin karma fell from the sky, people still came to this palace subconsciously to seek refuge, otherwise there would not be so many corpses accumulated here.
Of course, they did not forget to bring their gold and silver treasures.
"After the King of Kings was awakened, he did not go to the Passing Fire Sacrificial Site, but returned directly to here." Sister Frid pointed to the deepest part of the palace and whispered: "He should be right inside."
This should be the most powerful enemy so far after coming to this world.
Su Ziyu took out the demon gourd and took a sip, then turned to look at the two people around him, Shen said: "Are you ready?"
"Well." Sister Frid nodded gently.
The Onion Knight squeezed the storm restrainer in his hand, his expression silent, but he stared quietly at the front.
"Then go." Su Ziyu said in a deep voice.
Giant King-Yum!
The most special one among all salary kings.
It is also the most noble king of character! He had even predicted that what would happen today many and many years ago, and gave his weapon to a friend who was worthy of trust, let him take this weapon and come to give him a real end.
When the salary king went to spread the fire, he did not necessarily know his final ending.
But he went back without hesitation.
Perhaps in his time, the world was not as desperate as it is now, at least it is worth a real king to sacrifice himself in order to continue it.
There should have been many such kings in history.
Otherwise, the world can't stand up to now!
The three of them walked slowly towards the most central hall. Su Ziyu could feel a powerful force. It was a flame that was still very strong after burning. He sat quietly on the throne, waiting for himself. 'S old friend, following the promises many and many years ago, brought himself a real end and a real rest.
Such a king should not be dug up and burned again.
This is disrespect for a noble soul.
The Onion Knight slowly pushed open the heavy door in front of him. He held a heavy shield in one hand and carried the heavy storm restraint on his shoulder in the other. His eyes firmly entered the hall and slowly said: "You Mu, my old friend..."
"Catalina's knight Jack Baldo, came to fulfill his promise!..."
"May the salary king be with the sun!..."
The Onion Knight gripped the storm steward and pointed to the throne in front of him. On the huge throne in front of him, Giant King Yum held a hatchet with a length of seven or eight meters, and his head was lowered as if sitting on the throne Meditating.
This former king has lost his ability to speak.
But he still seems to remember this ancient promise. The whole person slowly stood up from the huge throne. Under his crown was a burning face that had turned into ashes, and a deep red in his pupils. The light, the burly body is twelve meters high, a trace of Mars scratches can be seen on a severely burned chain mail, a rib on the chest is clearly visible, and the flesh has been burned in the initial fire Exhausted.
His huge body was left with only a little residue after burning.
The onion knight burst into a scream, and the whole person seemed to have an endless fighting spirit, striding firmly, and heading towards the burly figure standing up from the throne.
This is a man's promise.
This is the knight's promise.
This is a promise to fight hard even if you know that you can't match it!
This promise awakened him from the grave.
Now ~EbookFREE.me~ he wants to give his friends a real rest with the storm sword once given by his old friend.
Red light burst!
When the giant king Yum stood up, Su Ziyu's sight seemed to see a burning humanoid flame, which was different from the aftermath of the French undead team, which also exuded the smell of the fire of sin, It seems that this salary king is as he expected, one day he will also be eroded by the fire of crime.
The heavy footsteps sounded like drums of war beating on the heart.
When the giant king Yum stood up, his huge shadow directly covered most of the hall. In his broken body, the naked Mars appeared, like a piece of firewood that had not been completely burned, the flame. The embers gradually spread along his body, eventually igniting the huge hatchet in his hand.
"Giant King-Yum! [Salary King] [Abyss Erosion] [Fire of Sin Karma]"
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