Vol 7 Chapter 44: Devouring Alderrich II

  Eldridge, the strength of this salary king, is unknown.
   It stands to reason that the strength of the salary king burned once in the initial fire will be weakened a lot, but there is also a huge variable. That’s the ghost saint-Erdrich eats the Shadow Sun-Gwendelin. There are two situations here. The first is that Alderrich has digested the Shadow Sun-Gwendelin. Worst of all, if the salary king known for his cannibalism digests Ge Wen's heirs, then a surge in strength is almost inevitable.
   In the second case, Aldridge had eaten Gwyndrin, but he had not completely digested it.
   This situation is the most favorable situation for squid.
  Because Eldridge is still in a state of ‘eating and digesting’ at this time, the difficulty of dealing with Him will be reduced a lot at once.
  Erdrich, who devoured the gods, has been hiding in it since he last ate. He hasn’t completely digested the Shadow Sun-Grindelin. But it is not ruled out that He did not want to come out after digesting, and kept hiding inside to wait for the initial fire to go out.
   Therefore, Su Ziyu still needs to do a little more preparation.
  "Physique strengthening LV7!"
  Considering that the power of the strong in this world is very tenacious, Su Ziyu decisively depleted the 1 divine value from Giant King-Yum on physical strengthening.
   Constitutional life is the fault tolerance rate in combat and is very useful in the face of any enemy.
  "Strengthen the perfect body!"
The Protoss knight of Janor Lund provides a lot of source power. Su Ziyu has a little selection, and the priority is to strengthen the legendary expansion ability. This is a passive ability that can remove Su Ziyu except the head. All the fatal points other than that, even if he was punctured in the heart, he would not die immediately, but would enter a bleeding state that was seriously injured and dying.
   Perfect physique can cooperate with the legendary strong, directly improve his vitality to the level of a humanoid tank.
   Of course, the defense is not enough, unless he put on a set of heavy armor.
   However, Su Ziyu can't move flexibly while wearing heavy armor, and the consumption when the mind is flying will also increase. It must be a choice.
   After these two abilities have been strengthened, the saved source value is not much.
  "Agility strengthens LV6!"
Su Ziyu thought about it, and simply strengthened his agility to LV6. Because of the belt of the Fire Giant, his power burst was not weak, and the output method was not entirely based on physical damage. The power was not in a hurry, but it was agile. The enhanced conditioned reflex and dodge ability are more useful.
   After so many battles, he was not injured much because the dodge was high enough.
   "It is necessary to expand the skill tree further." Su Ziyu looked at his data page and secretly said.
  The skill tree of the space-time monitor system needs to be expanded by itself, to a large extent, it is related to the world he has experienced and the enemies he has eliminated.
  Because I went to the sub-technical plane in front of me, what I have developed now is the enhanced route of flesh and blood distortion.
He now needs higher-level psionic expansion, more advanced swordsmanship expansion, and better to master some new nirvana. Lightning storm is a ranged attack, and the lightning strike has to be outdoors. He can do it now. Only the Thunder Gun expands.
   The further back, the lower the weapon lethality that the technology plane can obtain.
  Unless he is ready to enter the world of'unstable mechanical ascent' to find new high-tech weapons.
   "Let's go." After recovering the psionic energy to about 90%, Su Ziyu stood up and said.
  Sister Frid a little nodded her head, while Yuer Hika was still expressionless. It seemed that Sister Fryd was right in the beginning, and her humanity was indeed lost a lot.
   The loss of humanity in this world is very strange.
  Death is just the fastest way to lose humanity. In addition, if one’s beliefs are shaken, or the mind is in chaos, it may lose humanity.
   Some priesthoods, as well as warriors, turned into mad living corpses in this way.
   Perhaps it is because they have lost the guardianship they must insist on.
   This world is already like this.
   People with a slightly weakened will may lose all their humanity due to despair.
   "Obtain one source value."
   Just as Su Ziyu was about to leave and enter the magnificent palace, the prompt of the space-time supervisor system suddenly appeared.
   is a little girl.
   his daughter.
   Su Ziyu is not fighting now, and there is no source value available nearby. It must be that the little girl as a space-time apostle killed the distortion, which allowed Su Ziyu to obtain the source value.
   "Can't let her daughter compare!"
   Su Ziyu's mind can't help but show the picture when he left. At that time, the little girl said seriously, Dad, when I grow up, I will protect you.
   This is the second time to appear out of thin air to get the source value.
   She is also fighting!
   Su Ziyu's heart suddenly showed obvious mood swings, both comfort and a bit of worry, so that the next sister Fryde could not help but looked at him a few times.
   The heavy door was pushed open by Su Ziyu.
   appeared in front of a gloomy hall. Some mud-like secretions were flowing on the ground, and there were some traces of being drilled on the floor. I don’t know what ghosts were drilled from the ground. There were some bishops holding ceremonial daggers in front of them, but unfortunately all of them were already living bodies, and there were signs of decay on their faces. They should have been living for a long time.
   Pat! Click!
   Some strange, slimy, sticky creatures fell off. Their dark brown bodies were covered with disgusting material, and they didn't know what they were.
   Fortunately, these enemies are not difficult to deal with.
  As long as they are careful not to be ambushed by them falling from the ceiling, they are basically not threatening at their creeping speed.
   "It's inside." Sister Frid whispered.
  After speaking, she lowered her voice again: "The entrance to the world of painting may be near here."
   This is the royal city of the Protoss.
   The entrance to the painting world is said to be a painting, but no one knows where.
Before Su Ziyu took any action, the younger Shika on the side stepped directly into the hall, and the two could only keep up with it when they saw it, lest the half-dragon girl be directly given by Aldrich Killed.
   "Brother Wang?"
   The first thing that came out of the hall was a voice full of surprises, but immediately followed by a desperate cry of sorrow: "Brother Wang!..."
   Then Su Ziyu also followed.
In his sight, a slim figure wearing a golden sun mask appeared, wearing a black robe on his body, holding a spear with a dark purple radiance in both hands, the first look looked like this figure It’s a female, but if you look closely, you can see that it is actually a male. There are traces of severe corrosion in the entire hall, there are many mud left on the ground, and mottled walls and statues are dirty feces. The marble floor is also covered with nausea and stickiness. liquid.
  This is the Shadow Sun-Gwyndelin?
  The Sun King-Ge Wen's child raised as a daughter?
   What about Eldridge?
   As Su Ziyu stared at the front alertly, the body of the Shadow Sun-Gwendelin suddenly floated up, and then his lower body, which was hidden under the disheveled robe, also appeared.
   It was a strange creature like a giant black maggot.
The body part of Gwendelin’s lower limbs was completely swallowed up by it, and a part of his body was hidden under the disgusting maggot. When a group of people walked in, the Grindelin of the upper body immediately waved around the dark purple light. Raising his hand is a swipe, while recalling a dark energy arrow.
"He is dead!"
   "Every body was half digested by Aldrich!"
   "Be careful underground!"
Sister Fryd's expression was rather dignified, she clenched the huge sickle in her hand, and said in a deep voice: "Eldridge seems to control Gwyndlin's body."
The upper body of the monster in front of him is a beauty, that is, the body left by Gwyndrin, and the lower body is a huge black maggot, which is the body of the ghostly saint-Eldridge, a famous for eating people Monster.
"Do not!"
On the side, Youer Hika suddenly made a scream, and the figure flew out and rushed to Aldridge in front of her eyes. This time Su Ziyu really felt the loss of humanity in the half-long girl. It was a very special kind of induction, and it was obvious that her emotions were disappearing little by little, and at the same time a part of reason was lost.
  Dark purple energy arrows shot towards Youer Shika.
not good!
   Su Ziyu saw that the situation was wrong, he flew up and drove the half-dragon girl out seven or eight meters away, but he was a rapid roll to avoid, suddenly hiding behind the stone pillar.
   But the attack did not stop, because the energy arrow summoned by the enemy could actually turn.
Su Ziyu was forced to fling to avoid it. At this time, he really couldn't take care of Youji Hika. His attention was completely attracted by the energy arrows like tarsal gangrene. The whole person was almost transformed into a residual image. Evade, circling this hall around for a while before completely avoiding the attack. Behind him at this moment were thousands of energy arrows, which filled the ground and disappeared slowly after a while.
"His weakness is the lower body!" Sister Frid's sickle appeared a black fire, and while Eldridge attacked Su Ziyu, she also found a chance to shoot. Maggot-like lower body.
   The scream of pain came.
  Eldridge controlled Gwyndelin’s body directly into the ground, and the entire hall was empty.
   Su Ziyu is also the first time to face an enemy who will dig into the ground, the other party is still a powerful salary king.
Not far away, behind Sister Frid, a pale figure suddenly burst out of the ground, and a flame appeared on the dark purple spear, followed by Gwendelyn’s upper body body waving a long pistol, and Elder swept away. Leach's lower body maggots suddenly spit out large pieces of liquid that looked like muddy yellow.
   "Alarm! Alarm!"
   "Corrosive damage detected! Toxic damage detected! Negative energy erosion detected..."
The disgusting lower body maggots spit out venom constantly, and a disgusting sticky substance filled the ground. The taste alone was unbearable. Sister Frid was undead. The squid was better. I just felt dizzy when I smelled it.
  "Gun of the Sun!"
   Su Ziyu thought about it, but summoned a gun of sunlight, and then threw it out at the moment the enemy attacked Sister Frid.
   With a crackling thunder, Aldrich made another scream and suddenly slammed into the ground again.
   The lower part of this palace is estimated to be full of holes, and it has already been corroded into its own nest.
  Sister Frid pulled back and took out the element bottle to take a sip. She and Su Ziyu covered each other back to back, and said in a deep voice: "Its weakness is below the waist."
   "It only ate Gwyndelin's lower limbs."
   The ground underneath shook suddenly, and the two retreated towards both sides almost without hesitation.
   A spear with a burning flame pierced.
Gwyndelin’s body appeared again, but Eldridge’s body disappeared, and Su Ziyu not far away suddenly developed a strong sense of crisis. He almost took it out without thinking. The dragon gun, attached with a golden flash of lightning, turned into a dazzling lightning gun and penetrated into the ground.
A huge black maggot burrowed out of the ground, along with the spitting venomous venom, while the squid was enveloped by the corrosive venom, the dragon hunting gun also mostly penetrated the maggot's chrysanthemum, splashing out a A large disgusting muddy dark yellow blood ~ EbookFREE.me ~ Eldridge was hit again and got into the ground.
  Its body is estimated to be more than ten meters long. It is a disgusting and huge maggot, but it can also creep like a muddy mud.
  Most of the salary king's body is underground, and it shows that Gwyndrin's body has not been eaten clean, but it can also control Gwyndrin's body, and can also cast Gwyndrin's spells.
   This enemy is a bit tricky.
  "Sword of Sin Karma!"
   A plume of crimson flames ignited in the hall.
   Watched Eldridge dig into the ground again, and almost all of the palace was full of corrosive venom and its aggressive negative energy gas. Su Ziyu hesitated for a moment and took out the sword of sin karma obtained earlier. The dragon hunting rifle is still left in the of Aldridge’s lower limbs spewing venom. It is estimated that it is difficult to deal with it with other weapons of the squid. Now you can only try the power of the great sword of crime.
   is another big rain of arrows, but this time the target is Sister Frid.
   Su Ziyu took a deep breath.
   He silently watched all the changes on the ground, and at the same time he carefully watched the energy arrows summoned by Gwendelin's body, silently searching for the position of the enemy's body.
   Suddenly the ground shook slightly.
   is now!
  When Aldrich's sickly maggot body drilled out again and spewed venom, Su Ziyu squeezed the sword of the karma with both hands without hesitation.
  "Time accelerates!"
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