Vol 7 Chapter 47: Salary King

  Airedel's painting world.
  Sister Frid has been missing this place for a long time. Su Ziyu couldn't help but move her heart and said in a deep voice: "It's not very safe to leave here."
   "Ireder's painting world?"
   "Just right."
   "I also have some things I want to ask you!..."
   Youer Xika raised her head gently and said, "Your Excellency. Youer Xika will do everything she can!..."
   "It's not a particularly difficult thing." Su Ziyu walked over and whispered a few words beside her.
   Then Yuer Hika nodded gently to make it clear.
Airedel's painting world is specifically a half-plane drawn by a protoss with blood. The birth time was roughly when the initial fire began to dim. There were some peculiar life in it, and the descendants of the protoss were responsible for taking care of it. . It is said that this world was born because the Protoss anticipated the extinction of the flames, and they quietly made a world in the painting as a place for others.
   The time of day passed quickly.
  After Janor Lund had a little rest, and after his injuries were almost recovered, Su Ziyu was ready to leave for King Roslyk.
Sister Freed suddenly disappeared.
Naturally, it is impossible for him to go to the world of Airedel’s paintings by himself, but Youer Hika has already passed the resurrected Gwyndrin, and their current situation is not suitable to continue to stay in Janorlund, and this protos once There are no living people in the king's city.
  Go to Sister Freed first, and then consider how to visit the last salary king.
  Unlike other salvaged kings who have been resurrected, the double princes of Losrik City have not been burned by the initial fire, which means that if they have not been alive, they will probably maintain a certain sense of reason.
   However, it is estimated that it will be more dangerous in the city of King Loslik.
  Just look at the corpses of the huge flying dragons outside the city and know that some of the existence strengths in the king city are not weak, and there are also people's pus there.
   "Five salary kings have been killed by me three."
   Su Ziyu returned along the original road of Illusir, but he did not pass the underground Casas Necropolis, but directly relied on psionic flight to the direction of the French fortress. "There are only two salary kings left."
   "Prince Losrik was in the deepest part of the royal city, and he never showed up again after the bell of the fire passed."
   "Soul refining warlock-Rudous is already in the fire sacrificial offering ground."
   "This salary king has also spread fire."
"Sister Fryd said that he had seen him, and Ruthus' body was burned in half, and his lower limbs were all gone. According to the theory, this salary king should also be very good to deal with, but this place is the place where the fire is sacrificed. It’s very dangerous in itself. It’s not worth the risk to go to the enemy’s base camp for 1 divine value.

  The double prince of Losrik is crucial.
   They are fire extinguishers.
   and have never been burned in the initial fire, and the possibility of becoming a living corpse is extremely low. If it can be drawn over, it is a very important help.
  But Su Ziyu didn't know their attitude towards other salary kings, and they didn't know what they wanted.
   must first find a way to contact.
   is really not good.
   Then you can only find a way to kill it!
  With the ability of psionic flying, Su Ziyu went all the way across the mountains. It took about half a day, and finally returned to the vicinity of the French fortress. On the way, Su Ziyu saw a large church. There should be a ghost church. He is now eager to go to the King City of Losk, and no one is exploring in depth, but he found some executed bodies outside.
  Embers without fire have been here.
   And when he returned to the undead settlement, he immediately discovered that the giant on the tower had died.
   "Who did it?" Su Ziyu landed gently on the tower.
   Although this giant has become a living corpse, it is not bad in nature and will not attack people at will. It is just the white tree over there from afar. It should be the last remaining obsession in his heart.
   There are some scars behind the body.
   This giant was killed by a sneak attack from behind. It has been dead for some time. It is unclear who did it, but there is a high probability that it has something to do with the embers of the fire, because the nearby campfire is lit.
   "Hey." Su Ziyu sighed and turned away.
   Night came.
   Su Ziyu finally returned to the vicinity of the King City of Losk, but before he could enter the inside of the King City, he saw a behemoth in the distance suddenly vacated and spread his wings.
   A dragon!
   That is a huge flying dragon alive!
This dragon is bigger than the dead outside. The wings are estimated to be more than 20 meters. The huge body casts a large shadow when it flies up, but it has just lifted off about a hundred meters. Suddenly, the body was a stagger, and fell down staggeringly.
   "What the is that?" Su Ziyu looked over and saw a strange black matter.
   In the lower extremity of the huge flying dragon, a pus-like wound kept pouring out some black viscous material, looking quite familiar.
   "Human pus?" Su Ziyu frowned, murmured: "Is Feilong also infected with human pus?"
"and many more."
   "It seems that all the flying dragons of Loslake City are made by people?"
   The huge flying dragon struggled for a while, the huge body fell bit by bit, and soon fell back to the ground again, setting off a large dust.
   It was injured.
   A large group of black human pus is spreading on the surface of its body.
   After the huge flying dragon crashed~EbookFREE.me~ Su Ziyu hesitated a little, but still approached the king of Losk.
  The twin princes of Losrik are still going to see him.
This time the squid fish directly crossed the high wall of Loslik, and just entered the inner city of Losrik. He saw a large number of knight corpses. Many knights were cut off their heads, which were also mixed. The bodies of some patrollers and living corpses.
   They are basically facing in one direction.
   That is one of the most magnificent palaces in the king city of Loslik. It is said that there is the sleeping palace of the double prince of Losrik.
   They are praying for the prince to pass the fire.
Before the bells of the firefighting ritual field sounded, a fierce civil war broke out in the city of King Losrike. The firefighting faction and the firefighting faction fought a battle. From the results, it should be that the firefighting faction won, or else the fire sacrifice There is no need to ring the ancient big bell to wake up those salute kings.
   Su Ziyu's figure fell gently, and then suddenly a crystal white shimmer fell.
  The alarm prompt of the space-time supervisor system sounds:
   "Alarm! Alarm!"
   "An unknown source of pollution has been detected!...analyzing!"
   "Found traces of human pus pollution!..."
   "The hourglass when activated!"
   "Activate the power of divinity!".
   A filthy black mud-like substance appeared on the shoulder of the squid fish, and before it had penetrated into the body of the squid fish, a trace of pale golden lightning had evaporated it.
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