Vol 9 Chapter 28: Spatiotemporal signal

   on the battlefield.
   Su Ziyu's look appeared a momentary trance, not that he was distracted at this critical moment, but from the divine value of ancient abomination, actually retained some memory and information.
  He saw a deep and dark void, and countless purple, gravel-like energies formed a galaxy like a gauze.
   This is the virtual world.
   A crystal wall space at a high latitude.
All the existences that can be active here are conscious bodies, and the lowest level is also in the form of spirits, and sometimes even encounters the existence of a huge great shore in the form of ether. They are called guides by the outside world, and most of them have been done [ The races of Psionic Soaring have all had contact with these guides. But not all directors are friendly, and some may even be disguised by some unknown horror creature.
  The virtual world attaches great importance to contracts.
   If you want to get the final result of [Spiritual Ascension] in the virtual world, and enjoy the gift from the virtual world, that endless spiritual power, then all races that perform the spiritual ascension must sign a contract with the guides.
The contract signed by Emperor Edward I of the Empire is-[whisper of the void].
   This is a typical virtual trap.
Generally speaking, if you are a race that depends on researching and climbing technology trees to obtain the conditions for psionic ascension, you will know very well what pitfalls are in this contract, and you will understand what horrible things will come out of this contract. .
   But it's a pity.
The empire on this planet did not rely on their own ability to climb the technology tree. They accepted the gifts from the ancient lost empire and directly entered the interstellar psionic age from the feudal era. The peak of the territory even colonized the neighbors. Within the galaxy.
of course.
   They didn't have the ability to build a spaceship, they just repaired an interplanetary warship of the Lost Empire that had the ability to navigate at a speed.
  Edward I did not realize the trap, and the rest of the empire did not foresee this.
   They ecstatically signed the contract and accepted the gift from the virtual world.
The gift of    has come.
The vast psionic power of the virtual world came to the empire through the star gate. Almost everyone can display psionic power for a time. They can easily learn all kinds of psionic knowledge through contact with the spiritual body, and even cross the barrier of the crystal wall system to let consciousness enter briefly. In the virtual world.
   But pollution soon began.
[The Whisper of the Void] The explosion of the empire made all the high levels of the empire fall in a very short period of time, and huge negative energies began to gather and form, directly connecting them to gather the power of the empire to condense the spirit body, a person called "Void Spirit Saint" 'The pan-conscious body is also polluted.
   Destruction comes.
   In those incomplete consciousness, Su Ziyu saw an incomparably large phantom, as if it were a bare planet, and it swallowed up all the spirits in an instant when it appeared.
   "Alarm! Alarm!"
   "Mental shock detected!..."
   The sudden sense of crisis interrupted Su Ziyu's consciousness. He quickly cut off the information attached to his divinity and reached out directly to the ancient abomination in front of him.
   The flow rate of consciousness is actually different from the outside world. Su Ziyu's trance time is almost one second.
   But the information he received was quite huge.
   The ground under Su Ziyu's feet suddenly cracked, almost when he reached out and grabbed Edward I's head, a huge worm was drilled out of the ground instantly, and a large mouth of blood was directly bitten towards the ancient abominable corpse. Before the squid fish had reacted, Edward I had only one head left, and the part below the neck and neck was swallowed by the ashes.
  The spitting of acid in the sky struck.
   The giant scorpion in the distance also turned the muzzle and aimed at the Suzi fish. In a flash, dozens of shells came.
"not good."
   "Those bugs even want to kill me!" Su Ziyu carried Edward I's solitary head, a leap to a height of hundreds of meters, and then reached out and grabbed into the sky.
  "Lightning Storm!"
   The dense electric snake burst out in a flash.
Almost at the moment when Su Yuyu launched a lightning storm, hundreds of lightning bolts fell, and the sharp spikes of dragons, insects, and king insects fell from the sky, falling like dumplings on the ground. Smash.
   Unfortunately, there are still too many insect swarms.
   There are still more than one hundred thousand Zergs on the entire battlefield. The Suzu fish can't consume them at all. He can easily kill the ancient abominations, also because the Zerg first consumed most of the enemy's power.
   Both of the ancient abominations of energy field protection were broken by them.
   "Retreat before talking." Su Ziyu made a decisive breakthrough outside the battlefield.
   One hundred, one thousand, and even ten thousand Zerg, he has the ability to challenge, but if it is enlarged to more than 100,000, his odds of winning can be said to be extremely low.
The lightning storm just summoned directly killed thousands of worms and cleared the entire sky. The squid broke out in the direction of no enemies. After breaking through the outer interference barrier, it was immediately A teleport out of the battlefield.
   "Don't chase it."
   "Bring back the body of the Scourge!" A faint murmur sounded.
The underground ash worm bite off half of the ancient abomination corpse and then burrowed back into the ground again. The coordination of the worm swarm was quite tacit. As soon as the ash worm succeeded, the other zerg immediately launched an attack on the squid fish, not at all Give him any chance to buffer.
   Slightly slower, he will be surrounded by more than 100,000 insect swarms.
"Broken Dark Crown [Legend]: One of the gifts from the virtual world, an ominous thing with the curse of the void, can greatly strengthen its own psionic power limit, and at the same time connect consciousness to a certain existence in the virtual world. , Listen to the whisper from it." [Alert! This item has an unknown curse! 】
   Su Ziyu rushed into the forest at an accelerated speed, and then came to the location of Queen Isabella again.
   He reached out and carried Queen Isabella who was still in a coma, and then evacuated away from the swarm.
  The spatiotemporal supervisor system had an abnormal prompt at the end.
   There are some hints that Su Ziyu doesn't quite understand, but this does not prevent him from noticing the last item.
  "Star annihilation weapons are coming!"
Behind the abomination of the ancients must be connected to an unknown terrible existence. It seems that it had a certain purpose to enslave Edward I. After the chess piece was killed, this existence was a bit annoyed and angry, even the space-time supervisor system on Su Ziyu. Was locked.
   So that the space-time supervisor system automatically sent out a distress signal.
   This has never happened in the past.
  In this case, the Queen Isabella in front of you is very important, because if anyone on this planet knows where there is a spaceship, then this person must be Queen Isabella in front of him.
With Su Ziyu's current capabilities, he may be difficult to fight against the existence of annihilation ability, whether it is an unknowable terrorist creature or a warship equipped with an annihilation weapon, he has no chance of winning in the face, this time only It can be seen whether the distress signal of the space-time monitor system is useful. If it is not useful, Su Ziyu needs an evacuated spaceship.
   "In the future, you can no longer easily enter the plane of high energy level and high civilization level."
   "The difficulty of double height is simply abnormal!" Su Ziyu looked at the countdown of the time and space monitor system and couldn't help cursing.
There is a lot of information in the residual consciousness of Edward I.
  Including star gods, ancient holy gods, chaotic gods, ancient aliens, etc., this crystal-walled universe can be said to be pits everywhere, and the dangers in the galaxy are innumerable. Every time a planet is completely slaughtered.
   It is precisely because of this that Edward I can’t wait to make a psionic ascension, because only successful psionic ascension can make them a firm foothold in the galaxy.
if not.
  Whether it is a demon, orc, ethereal spirit, zerg, etc., or any other unknown creature, you can completely destroy the civilization on this planet.
   This is no joke.
   Not to mention the existence of the aforementioned Star Gods, Ancient Saints, Chaos Gods, Ancient Aliens, etc., it is just this crystal-walled orc, which are very, very terrifying enemies.
   The current orc in the crystal wall system belongs to a special interstellar race.
   They are called the Orcs, Barbarians, and Greenskins, a race created by the ancient holy people who received the [Gene Ascension].
  The genetic factors of orcs are composed of a plant helix and an animal helix, which makes them not only have the hard green skin for photosynthesis, and the most important asexual reproduction ability, but also can think and act freely like animals.
   They are only keen on war. As long as there is a battle, they are very happy. In the era of the ancient lost empire, the orcs were one of the most powerful enemies of mankind.
   They roared through the sky: "WAAAGH!!!"
  Conquer. destroy.
  The planets in the galaxy have been successively fallen, and finally forced the ancient lost empire to assemble a large army and mobilize more than ten interstellar warriors, which only defeated them and temporarily expelled them from the galaxy.
  Ok Orc is the creation of [Gene Ascension].
They can reproduce asexually, split and regenerate. As long as there is a suitable environment, the hair, skin, blood, etc. dropped by the Orc will grow like a "seed", and finally grow a mushroom-like thing under the mushroom It's just an egg, and inside it is the newborn Orc.
   Gene Ascension has given them the inherent engineering technology, just like a giant dragon, they can get a lot of knowledge of in-gene programming after birth. Although the creation of the Ork Orc looks a bit rough and ridiculous, it can be used as long as it is pieced together, and even interstellar navigation, because these monsters also have a field of consciousness, even if they hold a simple wooden stick, as long as it is useful , This wooden stick can smash a tank. This ability is still a mystery for a while. It is called the "WAAAAGH force field" and is the product of consciousness distorting reality.
  Ok orcs are just an example of the current universe, and there are many races as dangerous as them.
   precisely because of knowing this.
  Edward I would be so impatient to carry out [Spiritual Ascension], and even bet on the national games of the entire empire for this.
   Known in the universe.
   Only the races of [Gene Ascension], [Spirit Ascension] and [Mechanical Ascension] can truly gain a foothold in the galaxy.
   Otherwise, it may be annihilated at any time, and the entire planet will be turned into ruins.
   A gorgeous ring of stars made of countless golden gravel.
They are like a miniature galaxy that slowly flows around a city in the center. It is a grand city completely independent of the void. From a distance, you can see countless majestic buildings, from blue to blue like steel The material poured into the walls, and occasionally a horrified groan could be heard from the deepest part of the building.
   It was an indescribable whisper, trembling into the soul, and an irresistible murmur.
  As long as anyone touches them, they will completely lose their consciousness in an instant, completely reduced to the puppets they control.
   But now they are all locked up.
   This is a prison.
  A prison that has been in existence for countless years.
   At this time, in a hall of this majestic city, phantom shadows are slowly entering.
   The entrance of the main hall is two silver-white statues. Their eyes glow like diamonds. There is nothing in their hands, but they pose with two hands holding the sword and stand motionless in front of the main hall.
   In the center of the hall is a nebula circling.
The ground is light blue crystals, and you can see the void under your feet. There are some golden seats on the four sides as if they are in the clouds. These phantoms have become one after another after being seated, and become a different figure. .
   This seems to be their incarnation.
   A total of four avatars sat on the golden chair.
Da da da.
   A rhythmic percussion sounded, followed by a gentle male voice: "You."
   "I just received a message."
   "The time dragon's lair discovered the distress signal of the space-time monitor. Since the destruction of the upper zone of the space-time temple, we have received the signal from the monitor for the first time."
   "It is very likely that their lineage will still have inheritors."
The man’s words made everyone else look at each other in surprise, and then an old man with a ring on his finger stood up and frowned:
The monitor is different from our guardians. They can easily cross the crystal wall. Department of barriers to perform tasks."
   "And our task is to guard one of the crystal walls."
   "Unless it is the key to the upper zone, it will be difficult for us to leave all of our crystal wall systems to give support."
   "Moreover, there are only four guardians of time and space in the temple now."
   "The area we guarded is either an ancient evil with a seal, or a large number of pollution sources, and some places are even fighting inter-theater wars."
   "I'm afraid it's hard to get away."
   Hearing the old man's words, the others could not help being silent.
   Then, the man who started talking said: "This is also the reason why I called you. The power of the space-time hub is not enough."
   "We are all guardians of time and space that have only been promoted in the last three thousand years, and the areas they are responsible for are very troublesome."
   "But the time and space signals of the supervisor's system have been cut off for a long time."
   "This is our only chance to find the space-time monitor."
   "If it succeeds."
   "The supervisor system of the space-time hub has been restored, and all of you can also have a method of crossing the crystal wall system."
   brief silence.
After measuring the gains and losses, one of the facial hazes was completely opened by the figure of light and shadow. The voice was a cold female voice, slowly saying: "If we gather the power of our four space-time guardians, maybe we can open the barrier of the crystal wall system. , Temporarily into the long river of time and space."
   "But we can only send one person at most."
   "But who can go?"
   There was another silence.
   The man who spoke first said: "In the area I am in charge of, the of death is fighting with other gods. I can't get rid of it."
   "There is a plutonium in the area I am responsible for. Without staring at it, the world may be destroyed at any time." The old man on the side shook his head.
   That female light and shadow also sighed: "I'm afraid I can't leave for now."
   "In the area I am responsible for, some changes have taken place in the remains of the ancient gods, and a breath of void has been detected nearby."
   was silent again in the hall.
The man who spoke first thought for a while and thought,
Can’t we open the crystal wall barrier a little bigger? I have a few floating cities that can sail in the astral world. I’m carrying star-killing weapons. If I can send one In the past, it is estimated that the problem is not big."
   "Can't do it." The woman's light and shadow shook her head very simply.
At that moment, the figure that had been silent opened up. He didn't seem to be a human, but he turned into a humanoid form. It was not clear what was specific. He only heard him say in a low voice: "Why don't we put the neutron star golem Send it over?"
   "Nonsense!" The old man snorted: "No neutron star golem guard?"
   "What if the ghost stuff in the prison ran out?"
   and the group were silent again.
   In the end, the man who was the first to speak spoke. He hesitated: "I have a friend who can resist the chaos of time and space. It is not a in itself, and is not restricted by the rules of the crystal wall system."
   "Send her over and don't know if it will work?"
The old man beside    asked: "Can she deal with the existence of the ancient evil level?"
   "Let's open four to six ~EbookFREE.me~" The man thought about it seriously: "But she is immortal, as long as there is a cell that can be resurrected, it should be no problem to save the time and space monitor. "
   "The problem of the crystal wall system can be solved later."
   "Recover the people from the supervisor's line first."
   "Only they know the whereabouts of the keys in the upper zone. Without their help, it is difficult for us to enter the sea of ​​time."
   "There is no space-time monitor."
   "Only by our guardians, the Temple of Time and Space is still incomplete."
   "Our strength is stronger."
   "Likewise they have to be trapped in their respective crystal wall systems."
   a moment of silence.
   The old man said first: "I agree."
   The woman who turned into a light also nodded and said, "I agree."
   "I have no opinion." Humanoid figure said: "In this case, then call the time dragon."
   "This time it won't work without their help."
   "Time Dragon's lair is the only way for us to get close to the river of time and space."
Speaking of which.
   This humanoid figure hesitated: "Actually, I still think it's safer to send the neutron star golem."
   "After all, there is a crystal wall system where [race ascension] exists."
   The other three guardians present shook their heads, vetoing, "The neutron star golem must never move."
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