Vol 9 Chapter 39: Time and Space Guardian

Deep underground in the base.
Queen Isabella was secretly observing the change of Su Ziyu's expression, guessing the man's preferences. Suddenly a sharp alarm sounded from the base's defense system.
"Alert! Alert!"
"Found an unknown high-intensity energy body!...cannot analyze the existence of the target!..."
"Starting thermal imaging scan!..."
The alarm sound at the base changed the face of Queen Isabella. After being hit continuously, she is now a bit of a startled bird, and she involuntarily approached Su Ziyu a little, and said with a voice: "There is a situation outside!"
"It's very likely that they are other Void Life Forms!"
Su Ziyu didn't break, but just took his sight from the void battery and slowly said: "Go out and see."
"Wait!" Queen Isabella quickly opened the cubic crystal in front of her and took out the void battery inside. As the void battery was taken out, the faint blue light around him suddenly dimmed a lot.
A icy electronic sound started: "The energy source has been removed. Start the standby energy source."
"The backup energy source can only maintain the normal operation of the base for 24 hours."
Why did you take out the Void Battery?
As if to notice Su Ziyu's puzzled gaze, Queen Isabella explained: "There is a spaceship in the base that can use the void battery."
"It can't stay here now."
After talking, Queen Isabella hurried out and fiddled for a while in front of a control instrument. Soon a blurry outline of a human figure appeared on the projection screen in front of her. Both men and women can't distinguish, only see a golden light and shadow, and a huge pair of wings spread behind.
"This is?...Angel?..." Queen Isabella's expression was shocked because she had never seen a similar life form.
But the Empire's interstellar warriors inherited the Holy Blood Angel, and there are many similar images.
"Is the guardian of time and space coming to support an angel?" Su Ziyu was not particularly surprised by this. He watched carefully for a while, and then said: "The target seems to have no hostility."
"Let's go and see."
Queen Isabella hesitated for a while, and then nodded gently: "Okay."
But subconsciously, she trailed Su Ziyu a little, and followed closely behind him.
All along, she was Her Majesty the Queen, but only after she stripped herself of this identity and encountered a greater crisis, she found that she was not as fearless as she had imagined. At least at this moment, the man in front of her She felt a sense of security.
Even, she forgot that she had been captured by the other party.
After all, Su Ziyu didn't really hurt her, even saved her life and helped her stabilize her collapsed mind. If there are any shortcomings in this man, it's a bit greedy for money. After the equipment on her body, even the close-fitting nano superconducting combat uniforms were not overlooked.
"Hello." Just when Su Ziyu came to the door of the base, a gentle female voice came.
This voice sounded directly in Su Ziyu's mind, as if completely ignoring his mental protection force field.
Very strong.
Very strong!
Su Ziyu's spirituality seemed to sense a blazing torch, and even a restrained breath was enough to shake other people's spirits.
Not far from sight.
A beautiful woman with white wings and a golden and red armor skirt slowly fell. She smiled at Su Ziyu from afar, and looked at Queen Isabella on the side, her eyebrows slightly. Puckering, his expression seemed a bit puzzled.
"She smells of abhorrence." The beautiful female who looked like an angel showed a trace of casual pride, but it was not arrogant. It seemed to be a high-ranking presence.
Su Ziyu did not speak, but responded with telepathy: "Are you the guardian of time and space?"
"Me? Guardian of Time and Space?" The beautiful angel with long blond hair smiled and shook his head and answered, "I am not."
"I'm just his friend."
"Strictly speaking, he should be my guide, mentor, and help me find my past."
Speaking of which, she paused and explained: "The guardians of time and space are temporarily unable to enter this crystal wall system. They asked me to help you through this crisis."
After that, the blond angel in front of him spread his right hand and smiled: "Sir Stephen asked me to bring you a gift."
"Please come."
Su Ziyu's expression hesitated a little, but then flew towards the front. After all, if he couldn't even believe the guardian of time and space, he really wanted to fight alone.
Queen Isabella seemed to reach out and wanted to hold him, but then realized that Su Ziyu might know each other.
She followed carefully, and said, "Who is she? Angel?"
"There seems to be no such race in the universe?"
"I have never heard that angels really exist!"
There should be no angels in this crystal wall system. The genetic warrior of the Holy Blood Angel is just a morphological concept, not a real angel.
"Don't worry." Su Ziyu calmed Queen Isabella a little, then stopped in front of the angel.
A strange halo appeared in the palm of the other party, and then a mysterious and mysterious rune poured out, and it turned into an invisible body with a diameter of about 15 centimeters. When his eyes touched it, the space-time monitor system immediately flooded with a lot of data.
"Conceptual Construction [Artifact (Pseudo)] [Absorbable]: The huge spell matrix made by the Guardian of Time and Space is constructed based on the rune sequence and creates a singular object composed entirely of energy."
This is an invisible wonder.
The squid can only feel the huge energy contained in it, the specific role is completely unclear.
However, the other party wanted to give it to him, he was naturally not polite. After the system scanned and confirmed that there was no problem, Su Ziyu gently touched it with his hand.
Next second.
A lot of information poured into my mind, and then there were countless runes in the pale gold sphere. They consisted of different runes and a huge sequence to form a matrix, and then attached to the Su little by little. The body surface of the roe.
"Super matrix concept construction is merging!"
"Gain high-level flame resistance!..."
"Gain high-level cold resistance!..."
"Gain high-level toxin resistance!..."
"Gain high-end sonic resistance!..."
"Get an anti-magic field shield!..."
"Get the shield of the anti-spirit field!..."
"Get [Concept Construction] with relevant information about modernization!... You must rely on divine power to activate related concept construction!... [Angel Form] Concept Construction is included in the skill tree! ... [Element Form] Concept Construction is included in skills Tree!...[Demon Form] Conceptual Construction is included in the Skill Tree!... [Magic Form] Conceptual Construction is incorporated in the Skill Tree!"
"I have read a lot of Golem data!...The Golem factory related materials are being recorded!...Iron steel Golem production is included in the database!...Diamond Golem production is included in the database!...Supreme Golem production is included in the database!... …"
"Read the relevant materials of "Floating City Production"..."
"Read the relevant information of "Anti-gravity Rune Sequence"!......"
"Read the relevant information of "Element Pool Production!"..."
"Read the relevant information of "Elemental Fission Introduction"..."
Incomparably huge data streams directly flowed out of the pale golden light sphere in front of them. The information recorded in it was no less than that of the last time-space monitor in the past. Su Ziyu can be said to be directly stunned.
He thought that the other party just sent him a great piece of equipment, but he never expected that the other party would give more and more.
Is this a sense of organization?
Loved it.
The angel in front of him has been quietly waiting for Su Ziyu to absorb the huge data. When Su Ziyu opened her eyes again, she whispered: "He still has a few words to say to you."
A little halo is like suspended particles.
Subsequently, a pale golden fuzzy figure was formed in front of Su Ziyu's eyes. It was a young man looking like he could not see his face, just an illusory projection.
He smiled at Su Ziyu, then said: "Hello. Young man."
"I am Stephen."
"One of the four survivors of time and space currently surviving."
"What you see now is a projection of my avatar. For some reason, we can't enter this crystal wall system."
Speaking of which, the phantom in front of him seemed to frown, he took a step forward, looked at Su Ziyu up and down, and then said: "Young man. You don't seem to know how to refine the power of divinity yet?"
"Did't the hourglass of time fall on you?"
Hearing the other person's words, Su Ziyu couldn't help but murmured, subconsciously wanted to speak, but held back, just saying: "Is there something wrong with me?"
"Of course." The self-proclaimed Steven Space-Time Guardian snapped his fingers and turned to the blonde angel behind him: "Shal, help him."
"My avatar does not have that ability."
Upon hearing the other party's words, the blonde angel nodded slightly: "Yes."
She reached out to make a gesture of holding a sword, and then a few red particles appeared in the palm of the other party. The countless red particles formed a beam of light, which eventually turned into a fiery sword of flame, only Seeing her reach for Su Ziyu, she said with a serious expression: "Try not to resist, I will cut some unclean things for you."
The heartbeat suddenly accelerated.
Su Ziyu instantly felt a palpitate feeling, and then some incredible changes appeared in front of him.
Wisps of black, black and purple, and black and red silk flowed from his body.
There are not many of these strange threads, but they are pouring out from all over his body. It is not a physical existence, but an unknown energy that is invisible to the naked eye. Queen Isabella on the side seems to be completely invisible, she is just After seeing that the other party took out his weapon, he subconsciously took a step forward and stood beside Su Ziyu, staring at the voice: "Be careful!..."
"Don't move." Su Ziyu reached out to stop Queen Isabella, then looked at the blonde angel in front, and slowly said: "What the is this?"
Queen Isabella was puzzled. She could not see these strange threads, but she could feel what was happening.
"Remaining evil thoughts..." The phantom of the time and space guardian looked at and said, "There are still some unclean things in the obsession after the death of the god."
"young people."
"You seem to be on the path of psionic energy, should you like to look at things with psychic eyesight?"
"Don't be too curious."
"You have to remember-don't look directly at God!..."
After he finished speaking, he nodded to the blond angel behind him, and the next second, the blond angel in front of him was holding the sword of flames and chopped directly down towards Su Ziyu.
"No! Be careful!..." Queen Isabella exclaimed, trying to move, but suddenly felt stiff, and her consciousness seemed to be stripped from her body.
Su Ziyu frowned, standing motionless on the spot, and did not resist.
The sword of energy composed of countless red particles directly cut him, but he didn't hurt Su Ziyu, but cut off all the strange silk threads.
A terrible shriek sounded.
Su Ziyu's eyes seemed to have phantoms. He first saw a humanoid ape-like monster with sturdy arms and then saw a woman with red fruits, wandering in the boundless sea of ​​blood, and borrowed It was a twisted snake shadow, shrunk like a fleshy mountain, and with the last strands of black and purple thread cut off, Su Ziyu saw a huge shadow in the void.
"The malicious lock of the space-time supervisor system has been lifted."
The blonde angel's expression was slightly tired, and she retracted the sword of flames and took a half step back. The long sword turned into a particle and dissipated.
"Divinity is not absorbed in this way." The phantom of the guardian of time and space shook his head: "But I can't help you with this matter. You can visit a death named Sauron when you are free."
"As far as I know, He is one of the deepest masters of divine power in the multiverse."
"Only He can completely remove the residual consciousness of divinity."
"Be careful when dealing with him, his temper is not very good."
"The most important thing."
"Never try to anger him, he is very, very, very dangerous!"
grim Reaper?
Su Ziyu couldn't help thinking of the strange invitation letter he had received before.
The Guardian of Time and Space used three consecutive words to describe the of death, which made Su Ziyu take a serious note. This of death is definitely an extremely dangerous character.
of course.
This point can be seen by the means of restarting the entire plane of life in the auxiliary system He used to give to Su Ziyu.
That's billions of lives, and the end is over.
"You are very cautious. Young man." After solving the remnants of Su Ziyu's evil thoughts, the ghost of the time and space guardian smiled and said: "Be careful is a good thing."
"Should the hourglass be on you?"
"No need to answer me, and don't tell others. Remember, don't give it to anyone, whether it's the Guardian of Time and Space or the Dragon of Time."
"It is a very important key! It is related to the survival of the entire multiverse!"
"I know you have a lot of doubts."
"But I don't have much time now. If you have any doubts, let's meet in the future. Let's talk. The Taling attached to this incarnation is a small gift for you."
"young people."
"I will wait for you in time and space."
A little bit of light and shadow turned into particles dissipation, the projection of the guardian of space-time in front of him gradually turned into nothingness, and then the prompt of the system of space-time monitor appeared:
"Discover the Taling Assist System."
"Are you absorbed?"
"The integration of the Taling Assist System will expand some of the capabilities of the Space-Time Supervisor System."
Su Ziyu hesitated a little before choosing to absorb.
Huge data streams are emerging.
The existence of the tower spirit seems to be similar to the auxiliary system used by the of death at the beginning~EbookFREE.me~ is also an invisible auxiliary tool made with unknown runes as the core, and these uses of energy have reached a squid fish. A height that is completely incomprehensible.
There was only the beautiful blonde angel in front of her. She looked around and slowly said: "It seems that I have come in time."
"I encountered a strange fleet before entering this galaxy."
"They drove a very rudimentary warship, and when they found me, they yelled...um...WAAAGH!...a strange slogan...to attack me...''
The blonde angel imitated the voice with some embarrassment, and then said: "Well."
"There are a lot of them."
"Very, very much!"
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