Vol 9 Chapter 61: Unknowable

Unknowable place.
The gray sky can't see a ray of starlight, and a faint haze envelopes the line of sight. The light gray fog makes people completely unable to see the road ten meters away. There seems to be some ghost in the haze. It turned into some non-existent figures, or knights with broken armor, or monstrous monsters, or emperors on the throne, or angels with wings falling.
The space in front of me was rippling like ripples.
Immediately after the dark and deep void emerged, the torn space was like a broken mirror surface, which seemed to contain a terrible space-time storm. If you didn’t pay attention, it would crush everything into nothingness, and then a human figure gradually appeared in the mirror projection. The figure, followed by a slightly lazy young man who came out, with nothing in his hand, walking slowly along the blue-grey stone brick road under his feet, but disappeared from the virtual film and television that appeared around him.
The sound of the waves gradually came from far away.
In front of the young man, an inconspicuous little pavilion emerged. It was suspended in a void, out of tune with everything around it, as if completely tearing the surrounding space, erasing the ground and ocean underneath, rubbing it in Turned into a void together, they were pieced together in this heaven and earth.
The endless blood-red ocean flows slowly.
Which seems to be brewing some kind of extremely terrible force, want to explode, but it is suppressed here, but the waves that are occasionally inadvertently set up, so that the space on the sea surface appears a wave of spreading ripples, rippling like water waves It has been extended to the end of this plane.
Inside the pavilion are two figures that can't be seen clearly. The center is a square chess board with all kinds of chess pieces.
They seem to be playing chess.
But neither side did anything, just watched the changes on the board quietly, and the pieces were fighting like living creatures. The pattern of the entire chess board is a bit similar to ancient Wan Xiang, a kind of chess similar to chess, but the pieces are more gadgets, only popular in the ancient and ancient Thorium era, the original Arcanists were very fond of this interesting Pastime.
Although it is still impossible to see the face clearly, the outline of the two people in the next issue is revealed.
The figure on the left is thin and slender, the vague face is full of a sense of killing air, and the eyes are extremely dark, like an unfathomable vortex, containing an endless breath of silence, his figure seems to be inside the pavilion, but it seems to be everywhere , Just a phantom is located here, also completely suppress this side of the world.
The figure on the right is much easier to distinguish. He is not projecting the general form of humans, but a tall phantom with dark skin, a small pair of dark red angles extending from his forehead, and a slender body projecting gorgeous The incomparable red and black robe is like an elegant nobleman, and like a above him. He holds a three-foot ruby ​​scepter in his hand and holds a code invisible in the palm of his hand. And in order to turn to the young man who came suddenly, he stared at the Vientiane chess board in front of him.
Vientiane chess board.
A crimson dragon piece suddenly rose into the air, and a piece of divine breath radiated from the piece. Suddenly the sky roared, and the mouth spouted a fiery dragon's breath toward the ground.
A terrifying dragon's breath swept the battlefield.
The chess piece on the opposite side instantly contains a fallen angel piece and a red devil piece melting like candles.
Two broken souls flew out.
The phantom on the right side of the chessboard suddenly spread out his palms, grabbed these two souls, and held them in his palm. A faint power of law emerged, and these two souls gradually merged into the unknown code.
The dragon's chess piece is still raging on the chessboard. It summons a virtual shadow of the abyss dragon, and it flies to the enemy's base camp like a storm.
Pieces of cracked one after another, they are either greasy monsters, or immortal kings, or fallen angels, or cunning devil, each piece of cracked into dust flew out of the ghost of soul , Directly transformed into streamer escape into the black code in the palm of the right man.
The war on the Vientiane chess board is over. The chess pieces on the right side are almost completely wiped out. Although the chess pieces on the left side are greatly damaged, the raging abyss dragon still hovering and roaring above the chess board.
"You lost." A calm male voice sounded.
The thin, slender figure on the left side of the chessboard stood up slowly. As his figure stood up, a corpse of blood rushed out like a person, as if to see a stack of countless bones. The Great Pillar of Optimus, a throne is projected on the giant pillar, and a dark figure is entrenched on the throne, looking down on all the souls in the world with cold eyes.
"You won." The man on the right also got up afterwards. He turned his head to look at the young man not far away and said in a deep voice: "That chaotic plane is yours."
A crimson flame appeared.
The figure with diagonally dressed red and black robes gradually disappeared, as if it had never appeared in this world.
"Why are you here?" The thin and slender figure in the gazebo got up, and the Vientiane chess board in front of him waved away.
The young man who was not far away came over with a smile on his face, sitting cross-legged directly across from him, hehe said: "What about fishing law enforcement again?"
The thin figure didn't reply, but just looked up at the other person calmly, slowly: "What's the matter?"
The young man seemed to be a little embarrassed. After a short pause, he just said: "I want to ask you to do me a favor. Save me."
"Who?" A Gujing waveless voice sounded.
"A time and space watcher." The young man pondered for a moment and then said: "He seems to be in a little trouble and is locked in the void."
The thin figure frowned slightly and slowly said: "You should be able to solve this kind of thing yourself."
"It's not a double insurance." The young man smiled and said with a smile: "Time and space hub found him for three thousand years. In case something goes wrong, I don't want to wait another three thousand years."
"The hourglass on him."
The thin figure narrowed his eyes slightly, and an invisible pressure made the young man a little nervous. The murderous man in front of him was too heavy to determine the life and death of hundreds of millions of creatures in one word. Even he didn’t feel too much. comfortable.
"You just want to be lazy." The thin figure turned and looked at the boundless sea of ​​blood under his feet, said lightly: "Yes."
The young man suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and stood up with a smile on his face: "Then nothing is lost."
"Even if there is an accident, it should not be difficult to bring his soul back."
Speaking of which, the young man looked around himself for four weeks, and then said, "Why are you still fooling with Him in vain, and with the power you have now, it should be enough to flatten Hell."
"The deepest part of is not that simple." The thin figure didn't look back, just calmly said: "The battle can't be stopped."
"Since it's here, help me do one thing."
The young man suddenly heard a bitter face and said: "I know."
"what's up?"
The thin figure flicked a finger, dropped a ray of divinity into the palm of the other party, and then said: "The chaotic plane sealed a group of hundred-armed giants from the age of ancient gods."
"Abyssal dragons can't deal with them alone."
"You help me catch them."
The young man couldn't help but smoked, suddenly regretted that he had come here, he sighed, and got up: "Are you really going to break the line?"
"Well," the thin figure said calmly.
The young man took a deep breath and said, "What are you going to do?"
The thin figure gradually faded away~EbookFREE.me~ It seemed that the phantom projected here gradually dissipated, leaving only a faint word.
"Living to death."
The young man chewed the other man’s words silently, and said to his head:
Whatever is dying, the wall of the unbelievers was smashed by you, and no one dared to jump out and put a fart.

The space in front of me was like a wave of water, and then the torn space formed a turbulent flow, which directly locked the chaotic place somewhere.
"I just finished Heaven Mountain and wanted to take hell."
"Big brother."
"Can't you settle down a little? Our time and space guardians are also difficult!"
"How much to save face!"
The young man complained, and his figure escaped into the chaos of that space.
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