Vol 9 Chapter 78: Time anchor

Remember in one second【】
The 422nd floor of the Bottomless Abyss.
I don’t know when, the entire plane of the sky is covered by dark clouds. Lightning flashes across the tumbling clouds. A flash of electric light seems to illuminate the depths of the sky, faintly emerging. A huge phantom like a giant whale, that is a projection left in the sky when a certain existence died, it has not been wiped out after thousands of years, only when the power is awakened will it emerge.
"It looks like that little guy's talent is pretty good." Time Dragon's huge dragon head lifted up, glanced at the phantom in the sky and said: "The power of the storm has been awakened."
The second generation of Obiris demons are very powerful beings, and they are born to hold a certain law.
The existing Obiris demon in the Bottomless Abyss is very rare. After being liquidated by the ancient death Jaeger, there is only one Obiris demon currently active, and that is the King of the Deep Sea-Dagon, and he is also the only one. An Obiris demon who has resisted the Tanari Demon's rebellion and survived and is strong, even exerting influence on other worlds through the bottomless abyss.
Dagon is an aquatic demon. He has some advantages in nature and is difficult to kill completely.
Other Obiris demons, such as the Demon of Wind-Pazuzu, although he nominally controls the first layer of the Bottomless Abyss, you basically can't see him anymore.
This cautious Obiris demon had already disappeared, and he didn't know whether he was planning something in secret or simply hiding.
After all, the age of the ancient gods is already over.
The last Obiris that is often mentioned by people is Cang Ye, the mother of the devil. He is famous because he has many offspring from the existence that doesn’t know anything. Many of these offspring have become the Bottomless Abyss. The powerful lord of the surname, but he himself has been hiding in the maze and never shows up.
"The timeline is shrinking!" The guardian of time and space-His Excellency Stephen's eyes burst out with a bright golden light at this moment, his expression seemed to have a hint of joy, and slowly said: "All the future is being anchored, I see some pictures ."
Time Dragon heard this with a surprised expression, and the huge figure suddenly disappeared, as if he had escaped into the rift of time. When he reappeared, his expression became more and more surprised, and he muttered, "Unbelievable!"
"His future has actually begun to be locked at this moment!"
The shrinking of the timeline is a very complicated concept.
It can be simply understood this way, where they are now is one point, and a certain moment in the future is another point. The distance between these two points is the length of time. The length of this period of time belongs to the future, and there are many Unpredictable changes, but no matter what kind of changes, the direction that will eventually point is the anchored point in time.
Generally speaking, people with this ability.
In the observable future, there are some extremely powerful existences.
For example, the guardian of time and space itself, such as the "God Sauron", from the moment he becomes the God of God, no matter how the past and future changes, all timelines will shrink and finally reach anchor. At that point in time.
That is the moment when Reaper Sauron will become the "God God"!
This is the power he possesses in the future. When he reaches a certain height, all the bifurcated timelines will begin to converge. The observable past and the future, such as the catastrophe of the fall of the gods, no matter how it changes, he becomes "God God" are all things that are destined to happen.
As the managers of the space-time hub, the space-time guardians anchor a future without reaching the height of the gods, so the future that Sir Stephen sees at this moment is a huge giant.
His face is nine points similar to Su Ziyu, but it is a golden giant composed entirely of energy. He roams in the void, his eyes seem to be patrolling something, when he meets the eyes of Your Excellency Stephen. , His eyes seemed to span time and space, and he nodded gently towards the position of Your Excellency Stephen.
"Titan!..." Time Dragon let out a high-pitched dragon chant.
This anchored time point is pointed to a powerful Titan incarnation, which means that unless there is a huge chaos that interferes with the long river of time and space, otherwise, the anchored time point at this moment is 99% of it will appear. the future of.
Su Ziyu will use the domain he has mastered at this moment to be promoted to a Titan at some point in the future, and he who is promoted to a Titan in the future will also shelter Su Ziyu at this moment.
This ability is very important for time travellers.
Because this is an important milestone, some of the enemies they face can interfere with time and peer into the past and the future.
Take the example of "God Sauron". Before he is promoted, as long as his future time point is anchored, no matter who wants to calculate him from the past, or observe his future and past through magic, he needs to face directly. Yes, it is the anchored future-God God Sauron.
This is the effect of timeline shrinkage.
Let the self who has reached a certain height in the future become the guardian spirit of the present self.
It is close to a state of jumping out of the Three Realms and transcending the long river of time and space, forming a closed loop between the future and the present.
If the current time of Suziyu is 1, then the timeline anchor point seen by the guardian of time and space-His Excellency Stephen is 100. Between 1-100 is an anchored period of the future. All the time during this period The timeline will begin to shrink, pointing to the anchor point at time 100.
It can be understood that the air luck on all timelines begins to converge towards the timeline that is contracted.
This ability does not actually
^0^Remember in one second【】
It cannot be used to fight directly. Its biggest role at present is that no matter who it is, whether it is a or a time dragon, anyone who tries to use magic power to peek into the future and past of Suzi fish, all the spells are directed at this one. Anchor point in time for the future.
That is to say, at a certain moment when Su Ziyu is promoted to become a Titan in the future, they observe Su Ziyu's past by looking at the Titan Avatar, and observing Su Ziyu's future are also looking at the Titan Avatar.
As for what kind of counterattack this kind of prying will make the Titan Avatars make, whether they will blow their heads, I am afraid that only the future Su Ziyu will know.
This is the higher authority ‘Don’t look directly at God’!
Whether Su Ziyu can finally become the space-time traveler who dominates the space-time hub according to her own expectations, and fights against the Pantheon. His Excellency Stephen, the space-time guardian, is still uncertain. But Su Ziyu can be promoted to Titan, this is now completely certain, because any time and space variables that may appear will be suppressed by His Excellency Stephen without hesitation.
"I'll send my fellow clan to guard his timeline now." The time dragon's expression was very excited, and he opened his huge wings and said: "The time and space hub has not ushered in a new Titan for too long!"
"We must guard until the moment when this time anchor becomes a reality."
The last goal of the timeline to guard the timeline of the Time Dragon race was Death Sauron. They waited until Death Sauron was promoted to the "God God" in reality, and they ended this long mission that lasted more than a hundred years. .
Because that time anchor has already been fulfilled.
The time anchor has become an established reality that has already happened.
The Guardian of Time and Space-His Excellency Stephen didn't say anything, he just looked at the eye of the storm hovering in the sky and whispered: "Go."
"This matter is kept secret from other guardians for the time being."
After finishing talking, behind His Excellency Stephen, a clock imprint composed entirely of silver-white runes appeared. This clock ticked forward, and the scale representing the time flowed faster and faster. In the end, only one could be seen. Blurred silhouettes spinning fast.
seal up!
A silver-white rune chain entangled the clock in front of him, and finally melted into the air with it, some kind of wonderful law erased all the waves, as if nothing had happened before.
Until the future time anchor becomes a reality, even Su Ziyu can't know all this.
Memory at home.
Su Ziyu's current state is very, very painful and desperate. He feels a slow death of helplessness. This is the last struggle of the Storm Lord Bachard.
His death.
Slow, desperate, inescapable, destined death.
The entire bottomless abyss is like a closed box at this moment, and the Demon of Obiris is the object that must be purged.
The ancient of death-Jaeger began to close the net.
In addition to the Tanari demons created with human souls, Su Ziyu even saw some demons crawling ashore from the river Styx.
Stygian Memory Demon.
On the 422nd floor of the Bottomless Abyss, the other Obiris demons had already been killed, and only the huge and lonely figure of Bachard was left in the sky. The storm he set off tore the ground and destroyed the plain. There was a permanent scar that could not be healed on this level. It was a large desert of death, and all the breath of life was erased by the storm.
The innate power of the storm was urged to the extreme. The dying struggling Bachard even wanted to open the passage of the elemental plane of wind, and let the endless wind from the elemental plane erase all life on this plane.
The hurricane even scraped off several layers of ground, and ravines tens of meters deep extended to the end of the line of sight.
But this still can't stop the coming of death.
The age of the ancient gods is over.
As the last ancient responsible for the finishing touches, the death Jaeger would never allow the reign of the demon of Obiris to continue.
This purge has been doomed from the very beginning.
The scarred Bachard was no longer able to control the powerful storm. His large and dilapidated body was gnawed by countless demons. Accompanied by desperate wailing, he fell from the sky little by little, and finally turned into a shelter. The corpse of a large tract of land.
However, the power of the Demon of Obiris was truly revealed after death, and the wreckage of the Storm Lord Bachard was like the corpse of an ancient wandering in the star realm.
He was stranded on this plane forever, continuing his long death to this day.
This is the power of death backtracking.
Like the corpses of the ancient gods floating in the star realm, any existence close to him can enter his vast sea of ​​memories.
"The analysis of the storm domain is complete!"
Su Ziyu felt Bachard's death all the way. It felt like he had died once, feeling countless demons pounce on him, countless attacks falling on his huge body, painful Accompanied by the unstoppable arrival of despair.
When he finally broke free from death, even if it was in his memory in his mental state, Su Ziyu was sweating profusely, and his body was trembling slightly.
It took a long time for Su Ziyu to recover.
Then he raised his hand gently, and the invisible wind wiped out the nebula of memories like a rotten wind, turning the entire sea of ​​memories into a primitive storm like a primal storm in the universe.
Everything is breaking.
Everything is fading~EbookFREE.me~ The Suzi fish is slowly but firmly, taking the last from the Storm Lord-Bachard.
^0^Remember in one second【】
But at this moment.
A shout suddenly sounded in his ear, anxiously, fearfully, and desperately calling:
A distress signal from the time and space monitor system, spanning time and space, was read by the power of the gods he possessed with prayers that were almost like believers begging for help from the gods, and turned into an echo that floated in his ears.
Su Ziyu opened her golden eyes in an instant.
Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^
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