Vol 2 Chapter 1: Abandoned town one

   The time is late at night.
   is surrounded by silence, the air is a little humid, and there is a faint light in the distance, but it is blocked by the fog.
   Su Ziyu turned his head and looked around. He saw a dirty and muddy river, some old and dilapidated houses. It seems to be a riverside town, but it has been deserted for some time.
   There is a moon in the sky.
   Su Ziyu did not find Polaris, nor saw other familiar stars.
  Coordinates are still uncertain.
   This may be Earth or a similar terrestrial planet.
   There were some ticking sounds of water in the distance. Su Ziyu took a deep breath and began to sort out what was on her body. This time the teleportation is much more rushed than the last time I left the world of wasteland, but fortunately he did not drop anything. The most critical equipment he has always been with him, but the food and water are a little insufficient, but depending on the current environment It should not be difficult to find food.
The golden gravel in the hourglass of    is really reduced a little.
  Su Ziyu checked his own data stream and found that with the unlocking of system permissions, some very special abilities were added to the original enhanced skill tree.
   Added an hourglass-shaped light dot icon beside the huge skill tree.
  "Unlock Space Law: The space law ability of the hourglass when it is turned on, activate a micro-dimensional storage space to obtain a special sense of space ability, and open the space law to strengthen the route. Consume 10 points of source power."
  "Unlocking Time Rule: The time rule ability of the hourglass when it is turned on. The conditions are insufficient to unlock."
   A light icon that looks like an hourglass.
  It consists of two golden rays, the space law strengthens the route on the left, and the time law strengthens the route on the right.
   But now only the spatial law course is activated.
Su Ziyu did not hesitate anything, with a strong curiosity in his heart, he directly lit up the law of unlocking space, and then he felt that the world was broken like a mirror, he saw a fragmented world, see At countless strange light spots, a part of the golden rune was activated on the hourglass of time, and then his consciousness was connected to a very special space.
   A different dimension space of about three cubic meters.
  The weapon in Su Ziyu's hand disappeared out of thin air, and the weapon reappeared in his hand again the next second.
   "It would be nice if I acquired this ability early." Su Ziyu said a bit regretfully.
   If he can activate this enhanced route in the wasteland world, it is estimated that he can bring a lot of weapons and equipment to increase combat effectiveness. But obviously this is unrealistic. The permission to open the hourglass has a great relationship with the dream plane and the back hand that Diana left behind. Su Ziyu's thinking at the moment when the last time is still still normal, he is obviously Realizing that the last time and space supervisor left to him is more abundant than expected.
  As Su Ziyu unlocked the law of space, three bright spots appeared in front of him.
  "Expand the space of different dimensions: further expand the storage space of different dimensions and consume 10 points of source value."
  "Space Sensing: Strengthen the sensing ability to the law of space, you can perceive the cracks of the space and the door of the plane, and consume 10 points of source power value."
   The cost of the space strengthening route is just one word!
   Really expensive!
   Su Ziyu just glanced at it and realized that this is not something he can think of now. As for another online time law to strengthen the route, it is something he can't expect at present.
   The last activated skill is special.
Because it is connected to the enhancement route that Su Ziyu previously opened, on the psionic strengthening skill tree, the highest branch extended an extra light spot, which has been connected to the space law of the hourglass, and then A new ability is added to the location of contact.
  "Teleportation: The preconditions are not enough to unlock."
   This is a very advanced psionic expansion ability.
   Su Ziyu didn't even light up the ‘Mental Flight’ that he needed in front of him. This ability of ‘Mind Teleport’ is for now.
  He put things into the storage space of different dimensions one by one.
   Su Ziyu felt the ease that he hadn't had in a long time. The long-term weight-bearing made him feel relaxed now, and he even wanted to jump up and move his muscles.
   The idea moved, and the anti-material sniper rifle appeared in his hand.
   Very good.
so perfect!
   It is estimated that no one can think of an unarmed person who would suddenly pull out such a large weapon.
   It's a pity that bullets are really few.
At first, because of the weight problem, Su Ziyu could only carry a limited number of bullets. There were only twelve rounds of pistol bullets. The anti-equipment sniper rifle had a little more bullets, about 20 or 30 rounds. There are a lot of bombs. The BTL82M modified anti-equipment sniper rifle uses 12.7MM bullets. The weight of a bullet is about 120 grams. The armor-piercing projectile will be a little heavier. At that time, the squid took almost six or seven kilograms of bullets.
   "I knew I would have brought less food, medicine and gold." Su Ziyu said a little regret.
   The first question considered at that time was survival.
   If you still enter a desert terrain, it is useless to carry more bullets. He has fashioned a lot of food and water, and the energy bar has not been eaten up to now.
   "The bullets need to be saved."
   "No need to carry weight now, ordinary combat can be solved with melee and psionic power." Su Ziyu secretly said.
  Bearing weight-bearing combat is too bad.
   In the dream plane, he basically used guns to solve battles.
  Ooooo~EbookFREE.me~ A strange wind blew through.
   Su Ziyu clenched his black short blade alertly, and then he heard a faint voice, like a woman's light laughter, very flirty, floating in the wind.
   A shadow suddenly flashed!
   Su Ziyu instantaneously moved sideways and waved his knife, but he didn't touch anything. The blade directly crossed the air, and the shadow disappeared.
   "What the hell?"
   "Is there no physical monster?" Su Ziyu's expression gradually dignified.
  With his current skills, he can be sure that he had definitely hit the target at that moment, but there was no sense of touch on the blade. It can only be understood that the shadow is nothing.
   A strange murmur sounded.
   In the night, something seemed to be wandering around him.
Su Ziyu's eyes gradually emerged a white aura, and in his sight, a female silhouette appeared in the sky not far away. She had a messy hair like a grass, and the lower body was a broken gorgeous Long skirt, the legs have been transformed into nothingness, there are a lot of rotten scars on the body surface, a pair of arms are pale and slender, with extremely sharp black nails, the face looks quite charming, but the expression has been twisted, full of carved bones Hatred, viciousness and resentment.
   She rushed over again with a scream.
  The thunder burst on the flat ground, and Su Ziyu's palm shot a dazzling lightning head-on.
There's no after that.
   Su Ziyu squatted down and watched a black bead that had fallen after the ghost was evaporated, and picked it up curiously.
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