Chapter 134: Respective roads

   Ancheng, the candidates returning from the examination room are like wild horses that have taken off their reins.
   The college entrance examination that took more than half a month is finally over!
can play!
   can wave!
   Liu Ren immediately suggested that dinner, KTV, and Dabao Sword (crossed out) were a train.
   Su Hao originally... I didn't want to refuse.
   So half-push and half-situ agreed.
   It’s not just the second class that has dinner together, the whole Elf class students are here, and there are several teachers such as Lao Gu and Lao Chen.
   Liu Dafu had planned for a long time and had already booked several big tables.
   The money was paid directly.
   said to celebrate his entrance to a prestigious school.
   Although the scores for the third stage and the scores of each school are not available, after a simple calculation, Liu Ren has a 99% probability that he can go to a famous school.
   1% left is for not being proud.
   Of course, although Liu Ren was so happy that he was almost grinning at the base of his ears, he did not act too hilariously.
   He has to take care of those classmates with average grades.
  Most of the students who choose the junior examination area are not getting better results. They are not sure whether they will be admitted to the Wizard University.
   after today.
   Those who pass the exam, those who fail, are likely to embark on a completely different path.
   If you meet again in the future, you will be the people of two worlds.
   "Old Su, to you this cup, I will do it first."
   Liu Ren gurgled a glass of wine into his throat, and there was a bit of alcohol on the face of the cake, or a flush of excitement.
   I know my family's affairs.
   Before the third year of high school, Liu Ren really never thought that he would be admitted to a prestigious school.
In the   Krypton mode, it is not easy to be admitted to a key university.
   But since Su Hao's guidance, with the complete set of elf cultivation plans, and after-sales improvements from time to time, the lava turtle's strength has been rising.
   In the eyes of other people, Su Hao is at best an excellent intermediate spiritual teacher.
   Liu Ren knows it himself.
   Can an intermediate spiritual teacher hang like this?
   Charcoal Tortoise first consulted, and he was looking for an intermediate spiritualist!
   In contrast, Su Hao's analysis of the elves is too accurate and comprehensive.
   is just hanging on the wall!
   The thighs must be held tightly.
   Su Hao drank wine...Fortunately, the improvement in physique made him drink a little too much.
   He thought for a while and wanted to ask, "Are you sure you want to report to Whale Island University?"
   With Liu Ren's results, he is relatively stable in attending a prestigious school.
   But when I get there, I can only count as a phoenix tail.
   is one of the ordinary students in Yunyun.
   If you choose a key university, you are very likely to be favored by your tutors, you will be more valued, and you will get a lot of benefits.
These ones……
   Su Hao also told him.
   Liu Ren said, "Old Su, you just leave me a place for the pendant."
   There were scrambled at the dinner table, and many people asked him to toast, but Su Hao couldn't drink all of it, and couldn't drink.
   Some people were happy, and some people smiled, and then they laughed and cried.
  Drinking wine glass by glass, the big tears could not stop falling from the sides of my cheeks.
   Su Hao looked.
   is a girl.
   I don’t remember the name, I only know it’s from Class 3.
   I heard someone say that she failed the exam.
  The first stage and second stage test scores are not bad, I hope to be admitted to the Wizard University.
   But in the third stage, because she was not calm enough, and for other reasons, she was surrounded by wild elves and was eliminated on the first afternoon.
   got very few badges.
   The actual combat test is the stage with the most scores. She almost missed the Wizard University!
  A whole year of hard work, family contributions, and heavy pressures are like a mountain.
   I dare not waste a single cent of my time, training elves, exercising myself, learning knowledge...
   Her experience is like a portrayal of an ordinary Yulingsheng.
   It's just that some people succeeded.
  Some people have failed.
   is like the last straw that crushes the inner strength.
   That kind of unwillingness, grievance, and sadness turned into tears that kept dripping.
   I can’t persuade.
   The grades are about the same as her, she didn't work hard.
   and almost desperately like her, the grades are basically better than her.
   She sobbed for a while, but she wiped away her tears and smiled freely.
   "Although I can't go to the Elf University, but in ordinary universities, I can also train elves, and can also become an imperial emissary!
   "One year's hard work is not a waste. At least, I can work to subsidize my family during the summer vacation, and the trainee Yuling makes the income from work higher than ordinary people..."
   She raised her glass and drank it aside.
   Other people are also very impressed.
   Even a krypton gold monster like Liu Ren.
   Did he not work hard?
   Of course he has!
  Su Hao can provide a cultivation plan, but how effective can the plan be? It all depends on the imperial emissary!
   If you don’t train with the elves, how can the elves obey your command?
   If you haven't exercised enough physique, reaction ability, and not calm enough, how can you judge the situation in actual combat?
   Liu Ren, who is smiling and unreliable on weekdays, has no less effort behind him!
  Successful people are sweating in places invisible to others.
   hide my sadness and grievance in my heart.
   Su Hao,
   deeply touched.
   It will take a few days for the total score of the college entrance examination to come out.
   In the past few days, the topics discussed by netizens have always been inseparable from the college entrance examination, the actual test!
   The live broadcast of the actual combat test seems to have lifted the veil of mystery to ordinary people.
   Someone is afraid.
   Someone is excited.
   is more about watching the lively people eating melons.
   The badge score of the actual combat test was not disclosed to the public. However, some up owners collected countless materials and edited the most exciting and powerful elf battle scenes.
   The original battle scene.
   No special effects are needed.
   Among them is the dream butterfly.
   Mi Mengdie lay on the soft and comfortable nest, fixed the phone in front of her with thought force, and brushed her two short hands happily.
   cell phone.
   Su Hao rewarded it.
   The little guy didn't want it at first, thinking that there was a conspiracy.
   cannot be taken for nothing.
   Take it for nothing more expensive!
   So after some "bargaining", Mimengdie "buy" this mobile phone for the price of exercising illusion skills while playing with mobile phones, and supervising the training of water monsters, velvet ravens, and new partners in the future.
   bought it's more at ease.
   As for illusion training?
   Stupid Su Hao didn't even know that he could complete the whole day's task assigned by him only by practicing for eight hours.
  I can't beat this butterfly at all (o???)~!
   On the screen, the energy ball flew out of an arc, exploding the sky full of smoke and dust.
   One wild elves fell down.
   The picture turned again,
   Facing the siege of several wild elves, the dream butterfly is plain.
   The translucent shields that revolve around its petite body on both sides isolate all attacks.
   A blade samurai flew to it, his sword arm was raised, but he froze on the spot.
   fell straight down.
   And Mimengdie, she didn't move a finger from beginning to end.
   Looking at the barrage of "666", "Butterfly's Contempt", "Butterfly God's Misconduct" and so on, Mi Mengdie rolled around holding her mobile phone, grinning smirkly.
   The speech of sand sculpture netizens is so nice!
   No wonder Su Hao likes to use mobile phones so much.
   The fifth day after the actual combat test is over is the total time allocated.
   Also announced at the same time, as well as the scores of the enrollment of the Elf University in each province.
   The test papers and test venues of each province of the college entrance examination are different, and the natural scores are also different.
   But there are only slight differences.
   Su Hao came to school early in the morning.
   The score can be checked at home.
   But as the best student in Ancheng No. 1 High School, Ancheng's champion, of course he has to give the school a long face.
   Let the reporter interview or interview.
   There are Liu Ren, Gu Lingyao, and Li Songting who came together.
   went straight to the school computer room and only waited for the time to check the score.
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