Chapter 157: Black club

   Wanmu Manor.
   When he came here again, Su Hao found... the whole forest was still the same.
   not much.
   is not less.
   He felt very unreasonable.
   "With the speed at which Brother Wu’s goat-horn fairy planted trees, it shouldn’t take long for the mountains and plains to grow green, but there are still so many trees here... Is it possible that Brother Wu is still working part-time in the timber business?"
   The wood spawned by the monarch-level elves should be... very good and very valuable.
   He looked at Mimengdie.
   Mi Mengdie is also looking at him.
   One person and one elf seemed to have the same idea.
   But it occurred to me that the little guy is not good at growing plants.
   "Gu 喏(???︿???
   When Su Hao saw King Wu Tian again, he seemed to have an illusion.
   His hair is not so thick anymore.
   "Little brother is here, sit down."
  Wu Tianwang boiled water to make tea, and his pupils were a little tired.
   "What's the problem today?"
   "Uh, no, I have reached a bottleneck in the strength of the three elves now. I am ready to take some tasks and take them to experience."
   King Wu Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief.
   is not just asking questions.
   Since that day, he recommended several tricks and secrets to Su Hao.
   I thought that these problems were enough to keep Su Hao busy for a whole semester. Who ever thought...
   "Brother, the mental explosion is a trick. I don't think it is necessary to use illusion to leave a mark. Actions, sounds, and even spiritual characteristics can be used. I modified it for your reference..."
   "Brother, I don't think the two kinds of meanings of burning fire and flame are suitable for the velvet raven. According to my analysis... (one thousand words omitted)... It is better to have some kind of meaning that can make the flame flow like water."
   "Brother, Dielang Upanishad, my family Shui Lin has learned, is there anything else I can learn..."
   "Brother, Huo Yu gesture I think so..."
   The series of questions left King Wu Tian out of breath.
   After many years, he took out his book to review.
   His jet black, thick hair has lost several strands.
difficult! difficult! difficult!
   How did Xiao Su's head grow?
   The King Wu Tian sighed.
   When I heard that Junior Brother was not here to ask questions, Wu Tian Wang's waist seemed to sit up straight.
  "Want to do the task of catching wanted criminals?
   "With your current strength, completing the B-level mission is enough, but in many cases, you are not fighting the wanted criminals, but assisting the local guild in chasing and intercepting, avoid acting privately, and know how to protect yourself."
  He paused and said:
  "Actually, there are two kinds of arrest tasks. One is to hunt down ordinary wanted criminals. These people often have no cards and are less dangerous.
  "There is another category, which is hunting terrorists or elf hunters.
   "Then you have to be very careful. Even if the target is only a formal imperial emissary, there may be stronger ones behind him... You have been attacked by terrorist organizations before."
   Su Hao nodded.
   After thinking about it, I tried to ask again.
   "Brother, how strong are terrorist organizations...?"
   "Terrorist organization..." He sighed slightly, "Terrorist organizations are like a malignant tumor rooted on our planet. Although they can't be compared with the alliance, hiding in the dark has caused a lot of trouble.
   "These organizations can be roughly divided into three."
   "One is Wan En Sect. This organization is tightly organized and brainwashed to control the lower level, while the upper level is mysterious..."
   He shook his head.
"The second is the hand of the gods. This organization has relatively few personnel. The top ten strong are called the'Ten Fingers.' They are mainly active in the new world. They seem to be aiming to capture some kind of powerful elves, as opposed to alliance conflicts. slightly less.
   "But the Hand of God once attacked the No. 2 Laboratory of the Golden Eagle Federation, and the key was success, stealing some information."
  "The last terrorist organization was called the Black Club.
  "It is actually a united body of countless small organizations, which has accommodated many felons, internal chaos, a large number of personnel, and many fanatics. It is the main target of the alliance.
   "On the mission platform of our school, occasionally there will be missions such as assisting in destroying the black strongholds... those are considered large missions."
   "There are hunters again, but those elven hunters are more ghostly than terrorists, and it is difficult to catch them."
   Wu Tianwang gave advice.
   First take two or three C-level tasks to practice hands-the platform also needs to be upgraded to receive B-level tasks.
   then take on more difficult tasks.
   "Remember, don't hesitate to face these wanted criminals. If you can't capture them alive, just...kill them decisively."
   Whale Island University, mission building.
   Su Hao has already selected the task on the Yuling bracelet, but still needs to go to the task building to get it and swipe the student card.
   Early in the morning, he rode a water beast.
   saw the magnificent mission building from a distance.
   and students going in and out.
   Su Hao walked into the hall and looked up.
   On several walls of the mission hall, there are display screens, scrolling through some missions.
   He observed for a while, walked to one of the processing windows, and handed over the student card.
   "Hello, I want to receive task number 0125."
   The front desk staff picked up his student card and dropped it.
   On the screen facing Su Hao, a message emerged.
  [Student: Su Hao, freshman]
  [Combat Power Evaluation: Elite Level]
  [Task History: None]
   After some operation, he quickly received the task.
   arrested a criminal named Wang Erkun.
   "Toyokawa Village?"
   The first task, including the delay on the road, Su Hao spent a total of 4 days.
   In the second task, the criminal is more cunning. He searched a mountain and forest for three days before he found the trace and grabbed the opponent.
   It took a week before and after, and after returning to school, I had to fill in a leave application for compulsory courses.
  The third task...
   The wanted man in front of him was full of hideous faces. His elf had already fallen, but he suddenly took a grenade from his trouser pocket and pulled the lead.
   Su Hao was startled by the explosion.
   But the Shui Lin Beast sitting down has already retreated far away with a horse's hoof.
   A layer of water curtain emerged in front of him, blocking the aftermath.
  The wanted criminal who had exhausted his guarding ability was obscured by a grenade, and he fell unwillingly.
   After completing the three tasks, Su Hao was promoted to a two-star student.
   can receive B-level tasks.
   "I have seen blood..."
   After all, the last mission, the death of the wanted criminal is called a miserable one.
   He was about to take a B-level mission, and suddenly in the mission hall, a B++-level mission that was marked red and eye-catching appeared.
  【Large Mission: Black Meeting Base】
   [Mission introduction: traces of gang criminals have been found in the suburbs of Linping City, now it needs the support of an elite-level or above]
   [Mission Intensity: There are multiple elite level]
   [Requirements: Elite students (0/20) (★★certification)]
   [Reward: 100-500 credits, a B-level resource exchange voucher]
   [Remarks: tutor led the task remaining time: 00:59:48]
   Su Hao was startled.
   There will be a dazzling red light in the entire mission hall.
   "Is it urgent?"
   He recalled that Linping City seemed to be an ordinary city very close to Whale Island.
   Su Hao is considering whether to take the task.
   Not to mention the credits, that B-level redemption voucher can be exchanged for some limited edition rare resources.
  He is very greedy.
   But this task is risky.
   can't answer.
   The dazzling red light in the hall seemed to indicate an emergency.
   He stood for a while, and saw the brothers and sisters who had heard the wind.
   The number of people receiving the task will jump from time to time.
   Only ten minutes, the number of task recipients has already reached half.
   A boy dressed in white ran into the hall quickly. Suddenly, he turned his head to look.
   The ice elf on his shoulder also turned his head.
   Qi Qi looked at Su Hao.
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