Chapter 182: Secret: Spirit Orb!

[Elf: Dream Butterfly (Elite)]
[Information: Omitted]
[Features: Omitted]
[Trick: Omitted]
[Cultivation plan: omitted]
① Constant dream scene;
②Five sense control;
③Spirit Orb (can be renamed) (unlocked by 21 points of intelligence)]
Su Hao: "!!!"
Rubbed his eyes to make sure that he was right!
He opened the information of elves and other elves, and browsed from the homepage to the end.
"How not?
"Is it because I'm not present? Or...?"
He saw that the masters were discussing, after thinking about it, he reached under the table and opened his fingers...
Summoned the velvet crow with the least movement.
Before the awkward-faced Flamingo screamed, he pressed it down.
Suddenly he became even more confused.
who am I?
where am I?
What did Su Hao call me for?
At this time, Su Hao was staring at the panel. For one or two minutes, the option of "Spirit Orb" still did not appear on the Tinder Raven message.
"Looking at it this way, only Mimengdie meets the unlock conditions.
"The other elves can't develop the'Spirit Orb' even if they master the method?
"What the is the'Spirit Orb'?"
There is no discount at 21 points.
Su Hao didn't unlock it directly, but chose to pay by layer.
With 1 point of intelligence, the simple description of "Spirit Orb" was unlocked.
[Spiritual Orb: The dream butterfly realizes the spiritual power, and the orb created by it has the ability to store the spiritual power and enhance the power of the illusion system. It can also be used as an attack weapon. ]
"It uses the technique of mental strength curing, but it is not all. It is a special...special mystery that is extended from the technique and is most suitable for the dream butterfly."
Su Hao has been unable to find a secret suitable for Die Xiaodie.
If this continues, waiting for the velvet crow rate to advance, the combat effectiveness is likely to surpass the dream butterfly-in fact, it is not much worse now.
Die Xiaodie was at a disadvantage in one-on-one combat.
Even if you learn to break out of spirit, you can't make up for the disadvantages of head-on combat.
Of course, Die Xiaodie is the absolute core of team battle.
"But the secret of the'Spirit Orb' can undoubtedly greatly enhance the little guy's frontal combat ability."
He is greedy.
Too greedy.
But it did not unlock immediately.
Still listening to the discussion of the masters intently.
One hour, two hours...
The question of Longdu University is the last one, and it is very topical.
Neither the school mentors nor the judges were willing to leave.
In this way, Barabara discussed "how to solidify mental power".
Later it turned into a dispute.
Many masters and experts look like real people PK.
Su Hao listened carefully.
It’s just that some words can’t be heard clearly—the masters are arguing too chaotically and too ecstatically—but fortunately, Die Xiaodie, whose hearing is much better than himself.
Su Hao asked Die Xiaodie to convey to herself.
It's too hard.
Without it, what would this dumb Su Hao do~
The Flamingo followed and nodded.
Two hours,
There were already three "+1s" in the intelligence alert tone that sounded by Su Hao's ears.
Looking at the intelligence value needed to unlock the "Spirit Orb", it also dropped from 20 to 18.
When he comes and goes, he makes 5 points.
Ok, Ok!
Most of the students couldn't understand, couldn't sit still, and used the toilet to escape.
But Su Hao held back.
Unwilling to leave for half a minute, I can only grievance the bladder.
Just to hear more valuable information.
But most of him still don't understand.
Hearing a little dizzy.
Dim sunlight shines through the window.
It's sunset.
The many masters and experts who discussed the half afternoon session were also a little dry.
Seeing that there is not much time.
Su Hao opened the panel and closed it again.
Open and close again.
Finally, he couldn't hold back his hand and unlocked the "Spirit Orb".
The content unlocked by the intelligence value of 18 points, like a tide, flooded into my mind.
The noisy sound seemed to go away in an instant.
Su Hao held his forehead with his hand, slowly digesting the information he had just unlocked.
Mental strength curing.
Orb forming.
Exercise and use.
Etc., etc!
The amount of information is comparable to a thick textbook, which was instilled in his mind.
Su Hao realized.
The surrounding voice gradually became clear.
He could understand most of the content discussed by the masters on stage.
"That idea is wrong..."
He wanted to say that, opening his mouth and closing it.
Look at the dream butterfly again.
"Would you like to open a hanger for you?"
Su Hao took out paper and pen to write and draw.
"It's similar to the way you leave a mark when you use the spirit to explode. Then, first put on a spiritual barrier, and then this...and then...and this way..."
The difficulty factor is very high to construct the spiritual orb.
It is even difficult to express clearly in language alone.
Su Hao used the contract to transmit the information, and it took several minutes before finishing the outline.
Die Xiaodie listened, her big eyes gradually surprised.
Su Hao has become smarter~!
"Can it be done?"
You are embarrassing the butterfly!
"Um..." Su Hao held his chin, "It's really unrealistic to want you to master it all at once, but..."
He looked at the freckled-faced one side, "Classmate, can you buy me some crystal for mental training? I will transfer the money to you."
"Oh, alright."
The freckled-faced girl looked down at the drawing like a ghost drawing.
I don't know how serious it is.
It was immediately accepted.
She ran out in a hurry.
Lin Xueguang and others wanted to ask, but seeing Su Hao's busy look, they didn't dare to ask.
It's uncomfortable!
Two minutes later, the girl with freckles came back.
She bought ten crystal from the canteen outside the venue.
Fist size.
Die Xiaodie was injected with mental power, and the crystal ball emitted a slight brilliance, and slowly floated.
It continued to stand on the table, watching Su Hao write and draw.
From time to time, I nodded my little head, if I realized something.
Ten minutes later,
Die Xiaodie started playing tricks on the crystal ball, experimenting with the method given by Su Hao.
The crystal ball floated in front of it for a few minutes.
The ball broke.
Die Xiaodie replaced another one and continued to try.
The second, the third...
After breaking the five crystal balls, there were no accidents.
Su Hao saw a small glass bead inside the sphere.
Bright white.
He looked left and right, and picked up the tinder crow by his feet.
"Cut this ball, lightly."
"Dumb? Dumb~!"
The Flamingo stretched out its wings and gestured across the face.
Slightly cut open the sphere, the glass bead inside suddenly flew out.
Lin Xueguang, freckled-faced girl, tall and thin boys and other classmates, they held their breath and watched in confusion.
When they saw this bright white glass bead flying out, their pupils all shrank, and a crazy idea came to mind.
"Could it be...?!!!"
Su Hao did not answer.
He reached out and touched the bead.
Hard, the texture is similar to ordinary glass beads.
He stretched out his hand to hold it again, but didn't force it...
The whole glass bead shattered, the fragments scattered, and in the blink of an eye they turned into light particles and dissipated.
But because its nature has changed, the shock wave has not spread.
It's like a normal glass bead breaking apart, but leaving no trace.
Su Hao: "..."
He turned his head and saw Die Xiaodie staring at him with a bad expression.
At the guest table.
"The nature of mental power is too illusory. The mental power and spiritual power should be combined, just like the unique tricks such as mind impact and mind shield, which are the combination of two powers..."
"No, the solidified energy must be pure before it can be used as a battery!"
"I think it can..."
"I don't think so!"
"Don't you think..."
An elderly spiritual master is blowing his beard and staring.
He was stunned, his eyes were really about to stare out.
The Master Yu Ling on the opposite side was startled, and turned his head to look, only to see...
Bright white glass beads are suspended in front of a dream butterfly.
Someone touched with a finger, shook it...
The bright white glass beads shattered with a bang, and countless fragments flew away, and finally turned into pure light particles to escape.
Master Yu Ling's eyes widened, and his hand punched uncontrollably.
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