Chapter 227: Exercise ability

A nine optional advanced directions.
But Su Hao found a blind spot.
"There is "degenerate evolution" in the advanced direction of Crow, and Die Xiaodie also has it in the advanced list. Is it possible that it is a universal evolution? "
"At present, there is sufficient theoretical support in the alliance, and the more common advanced evolutions include "large evolution", "elemental evolution", "aggregate evolution" and other advanced evolutions.
"Among them, the theory of "giant evolution" has the highest value. "
Su Hao thought.
There is a "flame body evolution" in the stepping direction of the dumb crow, which should belong to the "elemental evolution", but the elementalization requires various elements to be subdivided. Different attributes require completely different theories.
"If the Crow is simply "evolved with the fire element", the fit may only be 70% to 80%, but the fit with the "flame body evolution" is 91%...
"And "Huge Evolution", it's also the same name in the Dodger List, and it has a half discount.
"The Great Master, who has researched out the theory of greatness, is really strong!"
Su Hao admires sincerely.
In the direction of Die Xiaodie's advancement, naturally there is no giant evolution, so it doesn't go with it.
But there is "degenerate evolution".
"Is it just a similar name or... the kernel is similar?"
If "degenerate evolution" is also a universal evolution, then the value is great! The theory of the scheme can be applied to other elves, not only to Die Xiaodie.
Su Hao had the urge to write a paper, but soon calmed down.
For now, he has not studied the conditions for advanced evolution.
There is no suitable elf at hand.
At his level, it is not enough to borrow high-level transcendent and quasi-monarch elf research.
The intelligence value is spent on it, and it seems wasteful for the time being.
Slowly, don't worry.
Keep it in your head first.
Die Xiaodie evolved, made breakthroughs, and demonstrated his strength, and the whole morning was almost over in the blink of an eye.
King Wu Tian said in general:
"A blink of an eye, I didn't expect you to be a master-level imperial emissary, time flies... so fast!
"Do you remember what the teacher said at the beginning of school?"
Wu Tianwang is talking about the principal.
Of course, Su Hao remembered that when he became a master-level imperial ambassador, he would go to New World and study with the principal.
"You might have guessed that there are two entrances to the new world owned by Whale Island University. One of them leads to the Longting Lake area, and the other is very dangerous and threatens our world. The teacher and his The elves stayed there for a long time.
"I thought I would have to wait until the next semester of the sophomore year to start letting you touch those, but I didn't expect..."
All of a sudden, it disrupted Wu Tianwang's original plan for a holiday.
Thinking about Su Hao again, he is already a master in less than one year after enrolling in school!
19-year-old master class!
Little Junior Brother is not the youngest, but it is possible, from contract elves to achievement master... Su Hao is the fastest one!
Less than two years!
The wife surprised him!
After a pause, King Wu Tian continued, "But that entrance is more strict in management and has a fixed time of entry and exit... For the time being, you should not leave school, and get familiar with the powers with the elves, and master some of the extraordinary abilities as soon as possible. .
"When I arrange things, I'll take you there... Well, you have to be mentally prepared."
Su Hao nodded.
Guanhu Garden, Villa.
Die Xiaodie hugged her mobile phone and danced in the air, very comfortable.
It looks like the final form, it is super satisfied!
After getting smaller, he can stay on Su Hao's head.
It's getting bigger and can play with computers and mobile phones by hand.
Perfect grunt~!
It looked at the floor-to-ceiling windows of the villa, where the big chubby bear pointed to the back and yelled "嘤嘤".
It's saying: ask for flying, ask for double row~ 嘤~!
Die Xiaodie thinks so.
After evolution, it will dominate the top of the Yuling.
"Pause for a moment, let's test first, the extraordinary elemental manipulation ability."
Su Hao came out.
Die Xiaodie thinks that's fine.
The big chubby bear said with a grudge on his face, but did not dare to resist. He scratched his head and looked at the other friends in the villa.
Vulcan Crow, PASS.
Water Lin Beast, pass again.
It looked at the shining white brilliance of Hui Ye Ling, its eyes moved down, and it had hands.
This little friend can!
Dian Guangxiong pointed to the computer room and issued an invitation.
When Hui Yeling heard it, she pointed to herself and asked weakly.
It saw the big chubby bear patted his chest, as if saying, little old girl, come with this bear and take you to the top~!
So Hui Ye Ling went to the computer room of the villa and found a place to sit down.
Look ahead...
QWERT...what and what?
Outside the villa, in the garden.
Die Xiaodie's small body flies around, like a small bee.
Su Hao's eyes swept around, and there were many flowers and plants in the garden.
There is a dedicated person in the dormitory area who takes care of the flowers and plants in front of the villa every once in a while.
"It just happens to be used to test the manipulation of wood elements."
Elemental manipulation is an instinct for Transcendent Elves.
At this time, on the Xiaodie panel, it displays:
[Wood Element Control LV1, Magic Element Control LV1]
Two element manipulation is the advantage of dual attributes!
"Go Die Xiaodie!"
Die Xiaodie was in the middle of the garden, her hands slowly stretched out, and her small white palms aimed at the front left and front right.
There was no particularly big movement.
But in Su Hao's eyes, the surrounding lawns, flower beds, potted plants... countless plants grow wildly.
The fluffy lawn is quickly raised, reaching calf height, thigh height, and waist height.
Blossoms of flowers, the fragrance of flowers overflowing.
Several small trees and brown branches are also elongating and growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.
It's like a miracle.
This is the transcendent level!
Power completely above the elite level!
Su Hao admired.
But in a blink of an eye, I discovered that the originally green and blooming small garden became messy in the blink of an eye.
The lawn grows too fast, just like weeds.
Flowers of various colors are blooming, but because there is no plan, the lumps of flowers are not beautiful.
Die Xiaodie, who hung in the air, was lost in thought, resting her cheeks in her hands.
Die Fluttershy has tried both wood element manipulation and magic element manipulation.
It mainly studies the manipulation of magic elements.
With the help of elemental manipulation, Die Xiaodie reproduced all the pavilions and pavilions in the mirage relics a few days ago, unfolding like an illusion, and shrouded the villa in the blink of an eye.
When compared to the elite level, only a few flowers of various colors can be changed, which is a world of difference.
"Very well, first set a small goal, within five days, achieve the fine control of the free elements ~ ~ fully master the power, fill the energy of the spiritual orb, complete three daily improvements, and then..."
Die Xiaodie went from nodding slightly to widening her eyes, and finally played a question mark slowly.
It flew back to the villa, opened the refrigerator, Nianli grabbed a bottle of Fairy Happy Water, flew to the front, and unscrewed it with a snap.
Suddenly, it heard sounds coming from the computer room.
As soon as the figure flickered, he flew to the room where five desktop computers were placed, and saw a big fat bear sitting in front of an extra-large computer seat with red eyes and slapped the special keyboard trembling.
Die Xiaodie glanced at the screen, "1-8-3."
I glanced at the computer next door, Faye Ling, "0-19-0."
It was silent for a moment, and flew out of the room decisively and quietly.
Three hits seven, can't get to the crown of grum~!
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