Chapter 266: research team

Baiyun City, Explorer Hall.
   After an eight-person research team purchased the map, they found the person in charge of the lobby.
   "We want to hire guards to go to the northern sky lake."
   The research team leader, an old man with slightly white temples said, and showed his team's proof.
   A fixed team that has official certification and has participated in many large-scale researches.
  Similar teams are often the predecessors of individual laboratories and need to be formed with the status of a senior spiritualist, so the person in charge of the hall can be found directly.
   When the person in charge heard this, he immediately took out his portable tablet to operate it, and handed it to the elderly.
   "The first 20 pages are all the imperial ambassadors with high reputation. Mr. Qian can choose by himself. Of course, after the selection is made, it depends on the intention of the other party. The contract can only be signed after both parties agree."
   "In addition..." The person in charge added, "The Lake of Sky is far away from Baiyun City, and there may be powerful wild elves on the road. Therefore, I suggest that Mr. Qian hire a master-level imperial emissary."
   By the side of the old man, the young man in his thirties opened his mouth and whispered, "Teacher, would you be too hiring a master..."
   He made a gesture, meaning it was too expensive.
   The road to the Lake of Sky is far away, but there are often teams coming and going, and the possibility of encountering a transcendent elves on the way is not high.
   Transcendent is not a Chinese cabbage!
   How good is it to keep the cost of hiring a master guard?
  Youth thought.
   Mr. Qian shook his head at him, then looked at the person in charge,
I should hire a master-level imperial emissary. Safety when going out is the most important thing... Does Manager Guo recommend anyone?

   "Master-level, and a high-reputation imperial ambassador, currently there are only three registered in the Baiyun City Explorer Hall."
   The person in charge said that the number of masters in Baiyun City is naturally more than that.
   Some have no plans to go on a mission, while others have insufficient credibility.
   If you only post tasks and need someone to explore or collect precious materials, then the recipient's reputation value does not need to be so high, but if it is a protection task, it is very particular.
  Because there is no signal or law in the wild, the research team, as a weaker party, needs to screen the guards one by one.
   Mr. Qian looked at the three people displayed on the tablet.
   The first one is Shao Zhenghao. He has completed 19 protection missions without any failure, and the customer reviews are very high.
   The second one is Li Keke, and his mission is equally high. He has saved many people in the wild.
The third……
   Seeing that very young face different from the first two, Qian Wenshi was taken aback, especially...the third person's mission record was empty.
   He was still thinking, and the young man Yi Jiarong beside him couldn't help but ask, "This person named Su Hao, he clearly has no mission record, how can he have such a high reputation rating? Your system can't go wrong, right?"
   "Xiao Yi!" Mr. Qian drank, and checked the other information of the third person. Except for gender, age was all marked with a question mark, and the others were all due to insufficient authority.
   Qian Wenshi understands.
   It is not only mission records that are related to credibility. Other resumes and identities are also important. An official emissary and a social emissary have a different initial reputation.
   The third person on the tablet, looks young, and is probably a high-achieving student from a prestigious school and a descendant of the Yuling family. They don’t have to, and it’s impossible for them to do something black and eat black. Isn’t the reputation value high?
   The person in charge said, "The person I recommend is Su Hao. Mr. Qian, regardless of his youth, is by no means weaker than the other two in terms of strength. Moreover, the spirit of his contract is very comprehensive and able to deal with various crises."
   He said about other advantages of Barabara, Qian Wenshi nodded slightly.
   Although it is a little bit of suspicion of sales, the reputation value given by the exploration department is not wrong, and Su Hao's reputation value is higher than the other two.
   Thinking about the somewhat tight budget again, Mr. Qian nodded.
   Cafe, inside the box.
   A big fat bear sat on the ground, Su Hao leaned on the soft fur of the big fat bear, picked up the drink, and took a few sips.
   Beside, Die Xiaodie is studying, her small face frowns sometimes. Suddenly from time to time, it seems to be stunned.
   Su Hao thought, should he play for a few days...a few minutes of games, relax?
  At this time,
   "Ding Dong~!"
   Yuling bracelet rang, he clicked it to take a look.
   "Manager Guo's work efficiency is so fast? Let me see, a research team that went to the Lake of Skyrim Research Station gave a price of 8 million, and the purified lake water of the Lake of Skyrim."
   8 million, obviously not worth the value of a master-level imperial emissary, the mission to the Lake of Skyrim cannot be completed in one or two days.
   It is estimated that it will take ten days and half a month.
   But he also told Manager Guo that he didn't really care about the compensation. It was normal that he could not receive the task for a month or two.
   "The purified water of Lake Skyrim is also a bit interesting... Is this team developing equipment?"
   He clicked on the bracelet to indicate that he took the task.
   On the same day, Su Hao signed the contract in the Explorer Building.
   The next day, early in the morning.
   Su Hao rode Erhalin to the north gate of Baiyun City, which was the agreed meeting point.
   The mount maintained a speed of 20 kilometers per hour and was jogging on the road in the city. The big fat bear carried two boxes of goods in both hands, and followed behind him with his head drooping.
   Butterfly Fluttershy is still lying on top of his head, beating.
   Baiyun City is not big. After riding for eight or nine minutes, he arrived at the North City Gate, his eyes swept, and he saw the old man Qian Wenshi who signed the contract yesterday.
There are seven people around Mr. Qian. They should also be spiritual educators, or some other survey personnel, mechanical engineers, and they are also members of the research team. They have also been ranked as imperial ambassadors themselves, but they are all exuding. The breath of the person.
   The other three people, each of them are followed by two elves, all of them are in the final evolutionary form, their power... barely.
   is probably a guard other than him.
   "Mr. Qian."
   "Mr. Su Hao."
   Mr. Qian strode forward to greet him.
   The three elite ambassadors in the team were greatly surprised.
  ‘Is he the master? They knew that the research team had hired a master-level imperial emissary. Otherwise, the risk would be too great and they would not necessarily take over the task.
   At this time, seeing the people coming, there are only two feelings.
   Besides being handsome, he is too young.
   Does he really own a supernatural elves?
   is that horse? Not like.
   is that bear? The appearance is very strong, according to the feeling it should not be weak, but...
   Seeing it hung two boxes with both hands, it looked pitiful, and it couldn't be hooked with the Transcendent.
   They looked at Su Hao's head again, and there was an elf lying on his stomach. It was just... a dream butterfly, an evolutionary type, even more impossible.
   Die Xiaodie, who has transformed herself into a "dream butterfly", raised her head and glanced up and lowered her head again, continuing to study the orb in her hand.
   "Teacher, did you hire the wrong person? I don't think he is worth eight million..."
   Yi Jiarong, dressed as an educator, couldn't help but speak.
   No matter how he looked at it, he felt that apart from being handsome, Su Hao was nothing like those powerful master-level imperial ambassadors.
   He is really too young! It's not that the photo was taken early, it was really young!
   Didn’t graduate from university?
   The information is not fake, right?
  Qian Wenshi glared at him, a student who has no emotional intelligence. Just when he wanted to say something, he heard...
   There was a loud cry from above.
   A gust of wind blew violently, and everyone couldn't help closing their eyes. When they opened them again, a majestic and blushing Vulcan crow swooped down suddenly, bowing their heads, revealing a gentle appearance.
   But the few elite-level elves around were so scared that their hairs exploded, making a low roar.
  The weaker ones even collapsed to the ground, or hid behind their own Yulingshi, making a weak and pitiful whimper.
   That Vulcan Crow is undoubtedly extraordinary!
   Yi Jiarong, who wanted to question, met the pupils that were burning like flames, and suddenly froze.
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