Chapter 299: Challenger from Bangzi Country

Whale Island University’s No. 1 Battle Hall is the largest and highest-level competition venue in the school.
It is not appropriate to say that the stadium is not appropriate. The entire battle hall consists of four columns and a huge 500×300 battle field. On the side of the battle field, there is an inconspicuous auditorium.
The auditorium is easily overlooked. On the field, the golden flames and the blue-violet thunder can be seen far away.
As soon as Liu Ren arrived, he caught a classmate and asked.
He turned his head and said to him, "They are from the country of Bangzi! The imperial ambassador of Bangzi country is so strong? I heard that he has lost two of our school in a row!"
But Liu Ren couldn't find out much. Those students who came early had little knowledge of the Bangzi Country team and their imperial ambassadors.
"Find a mentor and ask."
Su Hao glanced away.
Ding! Discover the high-level NPC Hanhai Tianwang.
Right in the middle of the auditorium, other tutors and some familiar students from the special training camp were also there.
Not far away is the Bangzi Country team. There are many young women in the team, waving their arms and shouting "Come on Yanyan" and "Come on Oppa".
It's a bit arrogant... Su Hao touched his chin.
Many students gritted their teeth, but Heavenly King Hanhai and some tutors were relatively calm.
"Wei Tianwang." Su Hao said hello to Hanhai Tianwang, and then asked what was going on, whether it was related to the Supernova Cup.
"It's related to the Supernova Cup." Wei Mingyuan said, "In fact, as a great power of the imperial spirit, the Dragon Kingdom, every time before the Supernova Cup, there are teams from other countries to our domestic universities and dojos to challenge. To these challengers, we Also welcome, playing and communicating are good for both of us.
"But... the normal challenge team is for the Yu Ling envoys to take turns on the field, so that everyone can experience it... Of course, they may retain one or two hole cards.
"But the Bangzi Country is different. The one they are currently playing... The Yulingshi who has given himself the title of'Golden Yan' should be the strongest one in their team under the age of 30. For the others, look. Looks like he has no plans to play."
King Hanhai shook his head slightly.
Su Hao looked at the instructor who was fighting, and he also knew him.
His name is Zhu Dong, a third-level tutor at the school.
Ace Elf is a lightning leopard cat.
It looks almost the same size as an ordinary leopard, with a gorgeous blue lightning pattern on its body. Its tail is also folded into the shape of a lightning bolt. It can act as a lightning rod in a thunderstorm and absorb the energy of natural thunder.
On the opposite side, the elves of the stick country player did not hold a stick, but an elves that Su Hao was very familiar with.
Vulcan Crow.
"But I have to admit that his Vulcan crow is unique, and it is already at a superior level in the Transcendent level."
Said Hanhai Tianwang.
At this time, the Vulcan Crow was bathed in golden flames, like a golden Vulcan, swaying a monstrous flame.
Golden flame mode!
And almost endless energy!
It is the reason why the Vulcan Crow suppressed the Lightning Ocelot.
"How can it have such sufficient spiritual power!" Some students did not understand.
"Have you seen the jewel on the head of the Vulcan Crow? It should be a special case where the essence of the fire source and the Vulcan Crow are fused together, so that it has several times the energy reserve of the same level." Sun Gaoang Mentor analysis.
If Die Xiaodie perceives, we can find that there are two energy reactions in the Vulcan Crow.
The energy response of the gem above the head is even higher than that of itself.
Su Hao glanced at the panel and understood: "This kind of fusion is equivalent to an external piece of equipment, and its growth is very poor, but for the Vulcan Crow at this stage, the improvement is definitely huge."
The Lightning Leopard adopts a strategy of avoiding delays.
Its own consumption is smaller than that of the Vulcan Crow that wilfully wields the golden flames, but the thunder light around it has become thinner, and the golden flames on the Vulcan Crow's wings are still burning.
Instructor Zhu Dong had to change his strategy and take the initiative to gain first-line opportunities.
He changed his strategy.
The lightning leopard cat whimpered, and the thunder light lingering around its body bloomed again and jumped into the sky. When the upward momentum slowed down, the thunder light's lingering flesh claws stepped down suddenly, like stepping on the ground, turning into The streamer suddenly appeared dozens of meters away.
It stepped on its four claws, and its figure changed from side to side, like thunder flying and changing in the air, directly hitting the Vulcan Crow flying high in the sky.
"it is good!"
A student called.
But the mentors are not optimistic.
I saw that the fire crow screamed, and the countless golden flames and flames that were originally swayed by it seemed to come alive in an instant. The endless golden flames gathered from all directions, like a big hand, to close the lightning ocelot.
The sky above the entire venue was brilliant gold, the thunder light was like a candle in the wind, and the sound was drowned in the roar of the sea of ​​fire.
A huge thunder and lightning leopard cat rushed out of the golden flames, and the body constructed by thunder was stained with a lot of golden flames, and they were colliding with the thunder arc constantly, annihilating each other.
In the blink of an eye, the huge thunder and lightning ocelot was riddled with holes, revealing a normal-sized ocelot inside.
"It doesn't have enough energy."
Instructor Zhu Dong failed.
The young people from Bangziguo pretended to "accept" in a not fluent Longguo language, and brought the fire crow to the audience.
"Whale Island University, who else can fight me."
He lifted his chin slightly, full of spirits.
The sun shines on the side of the face, and the handsome face drew a group of female Yuling screams in the Bangziguo team.
Are you coming for experience or doing idol activities?
Many people were speechless, and they saw that the Bangzi Country team quickly took out the restoration products, and together with the healing elves, he restored and massaged the Vulcan Crow. After a short time, the state of the Vulcan Crow was restored to its peak.
It was the same after the last two games!
The eyes of the students and tutors twitched.
Very angry, but nothing!
Seeing that there was no one on the court for a long time, the leader of Bangziguo looked over and said, "We have traveled all the way to Longguo, why are you guys, you are not welcome, just played three games and stopped?"
A student is angry, "What about the other people? Why don't the other imperial ambassadors in your team come out? I challenge the others in your team!"
"No, no," said the leader of Bangziguo. "Only if Jin Yan is defeated, the others will play."
It seems that Jin Yan is the weakest person in their team.
But they clearly saw that the whole team was serving Jin Yan alone!
However... faced with the shamelessness of the Bangziguo team, the students and mentors present are really unable to do so.
Can't beat and beat, and on the face, it's not as good as the opponent.
"Wei Tianwang, where is the ancient teacher?"
Just now, Su Hao learned from the other population that the first three who were defeated were a senior he didn't know.
After graduation, he stayed at school and worked in Longting Lake area.
The second and third are Mentor Yang Deyu and Mentor Zhu Dong.
They are all talented mentors under thirty.
At Whale Island University, there are many people who are eligible to participate in the Supernova Cup, but the only ones who are likely to qualify from the Longguo Division are Yang, Zhu, and Gu.
It can be seen that the young imperial ambassador from Bangzi Country does have a few brushes.
Mentor Yang Deyu and Mentor Zhu Dong were both suppressed.
Among the three instructors, the strongest is instructor Gu Feiyi, who was already a secondary instructor of the school at a young age.
If he is on the court, he should win.
"Ancient tutor..." Wei Tianwang said helplessly, "An ancient tutor is in the new world for nine months a year. He doesn't know where he is now, and he can't get in touch at all."
That's it.
And Whale Island University, after all, is just a university, it is normal to lose to the talented talents of Bangzi Country... Su Hao thought.
Didn't you just go back to school? Why do you seem to know everything... Liu Ren's small eyes stared at Dabing's face, and he fell into doubt about his ability to collect information.
"Is there no one at Whale Island University?" The leader of the Bangzi State shook his head pretendingly. "The same is true of Flamingo University, and your Whale Island University. The prestigious schools in China are really not good..."
Heavenly King Hanhai's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he looked at Heavenly King Bangzi Kingdom.
" Let's practice?"
"No, not very suitable."
"It's all kings, you and I are about the same age, what's wrong?"
Heavenly King Hanhai stepped forward, as if there was a storm.
The heavenly king of Stick Country sneered, "This is a stage for young people."
They restrained a little, not daring to be too arrogant.
Whale Island University has gained a bit of face.
But after all, the school has lost three games in a row.
Other imperial ambassadors under the age of 30 were not very sure and did not dare to play, and there were other unknown students on the sidelines, wondering why there was no one in the school.
In the audience, the tutors and the students were not pretty.
Su Hao thought about it for a moment: "How about I come to fight him?"
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