Chapter 326: Tianjinghuo, Liuliyan, Die Xiaodie's performance (2 in 1...

"Sacred Flame" is undoubtedly a fire-type treasure, look around, the hot eyes of other fire-type elves, you know.
No one seems to have said that only the fire elves can comprehend something from the "sacred flame".
So Die Xiaodie has some feelings, and it's normal...A ghost!
The emerald green butterfly wings swayed slightly, Die Xiaodie flew in front of his eyes, looking at each other, and saw it pull out a small white glass bead from the skirt.
The bead circled its small hand, "bumped", and restored to its original shape in the mist, the size of a fist.
There was another puff of gray smoke, floating from nowhere, lingering on the treasure ball.
For a time, a whole treasure ball, like clouds and mist, like dreams.
This state lasted for about several tens of seconds. The mirage filled the orb body gradually changed in nature, like a flame thrown into flammable and explosive gas. In a moment, the raging orange-red flame attached to the white orb and burned. .
The orb in the flame is continuously injected with energy and cooperates with the "virtual and real change" to create a "flame orb".
Die Xiaodie had mastered this skill a few months ago.
The first thing that can simulate changes is flame, but now, its three treasure can be freely switched to the three energy of ‘fire, water, and thunder’.
However, it just looks acceptable.
The true power of the ‘flaming ball’ is only equivalent to a fireball fired by an entry-level elf.
Not as good as Die Xiaodie's random thought sweep.
"Spirit Orbs + Change Orbs + Mirage Air Balls + Imaginary and Real Change" are expanded. For the time being, it can be called the secret water, fire and thunder energy. Su Hao once believed that it could only be used for magic.
No practical effect.
However, at this time, the orange-red flame color changed slightly, and under the ordinary flame, a trace of mystery was born.
It is difficult for him to describe it in words, but his instinct tells him that the characteristics of the fire of the ball are the same as the "sacred flame"!
You butterfly or your butterfly, it really understands it!
Die Xiaodie spins in midair for two weeks, with a brisk cry.
It is a kind of pleasure that solves difficult problems.
After all, the perception of "sacred flame" is also a bit difficult for Die Xiaodie~!
Even with the slightest trace of extraordinary characteristics, the power of the "flaming ball" is still scum.
But the representative broke the original boundaries and continued to improve.
It also means that a direction has been found.
Die Xiaodie is regaining his old skills and is talking about his own feelings, the nature of the flame, how to understand the "sacred flame", etc., with a very serious expression, just a pair of glasses and a pointer.
Teacher Die is completely ready.
After listening to it, Su Hao felt something.
After all, he is a learning tyrant, but as a human being, as an ordinary human being without being open, his perception of energy is far less clear than that of elves, so...
Well, it must be so.
At this time, Die Xiaodie's meticulous narration made him suddenly enlightened.
On the panel, it finally appeared, the long-awaited...high-end reference answer.
The secret of Die Xiaodie’s sacred flame.
Die Xiaodie finished her tail, attached to the blazing flame on the treasure ball, and then extinguished.
Su Hao looked at the other little guys.
Just skip the absent-minded Big Fat Bear and Er Harin... Anyway, I didn't expect them to understand.
Just looked at the idiot.
Stared for a long while.
Crow's head turned ninety degrees, "Dumb~?"
It's still a pair, Yazi who didn't understand a word!
Leave the group! Crow!
Suddenly, there was a tugging on the trouser legs, and Su Hao lowered his head and found a pale hand extending from his shadow, pulling him.
The corners of his mouth twitched.
Similar scenes, well, he is used to it now.
It's Ah Yan.
I can’t speak well!
"Oh, so you understand a little bit too, not bad...what!"
Su Hao was stunned for a moment before he realized.
Bend down directly, reached out to the shadow, held Ah Yan's head, and carried it out.
The black robe Ayan was forced to show up, so he stretched out his hand, and a faint flame appeared on his fingertips.
It also carries a faint, but perceptible trait.
Su Hao thought.
As we all know, the elves can learn other tricks besides their own attributes, so...
He looked at the dumb crow. Sure enough, you should leave the group.
"Sacred Flame" should be the most high-end treasure he has seen so far.
A treasure that is one or two higher than the top rare materials.
On the panel, there is very little information about the "sacred flame".
There is only one sentence: "A magical flame with multiple characteristics."
There is no information about where it comes from, but only by looking at the attitude of the noble flamingo towards the "sacred flame", you will know that it is not only the guardian of the "sacred flame", but also near the water tower, taking the opportunity to constantly understand the glazed flame .
The crowned flamingos were eager, and Su Hao naturally didn't hesitate... unlocked the'glazed flame ball'.
Not expensive, only 11 intelligence points.
The moderate amount of knowledge pouring into my mind is just a method of comprehension of the "sacred flame" and a secret pass that is upgraded from the combination of the "flaming ball".
It is impossible to cultivate the true "sacred flame" by this.
"According to the reference answer in my mind, as long as there is a little introduction, the elves can rely on their own continuous practice to master the weakened version of the special flame, but...
"Enlightenment of the "sacred flame" cultivation, and self-cultivation, are completely two modes, the efficiency difference is dozens of times and hundreds of times. "
He originally thought that he would have to rely on his own efforts to modify the cultivation method that is suitable for the dumb crow and the ghost, but the opportunity is rare now, it is not, he does not want to work hard by himself...
"Ding Dong, deduct 6 intelligence points."
"Ding Dong, deduct 3 intelligence points."
More detailed knowledge about the "sacred flame" appeared in his mind, filling in many details. He could say a little bit about his cognition and understanding of the glazed flame on the torch before him.
"Everyone here, everyone..."
Keke low-key.
The magical rhythm that was difficult to capture is now very clear in his perception, as if he can stretch out his hand...
"Oh? Am I really a superpower?"
Looking at the flames that suddenly rose in his palm, Su Hao realized that there was no trace of excitement, but rather dull.
"You have succeeded too, brother Ollie."
The arrest officer Xia said that she was holding two of flames in the palms of her hands, and she kept throwing them up and down...
It's like performing acrobatics.
There are obviously more than one or two people who understand the flames.
"No wonder, I'm not a little excited."
What's so good about a life that can't be forced!
Sure enough, I'm an ordinary person~~~
A position closer to the torch, where the Golden Eagle Federation team is located.
Another genius, looking at his own elves, realized some of the unique powers of "Sacred Flame", and nodded with approval and pride.
When he raised his head and saw the young man who looked like the sun in front of him with a glazed flame burning between his hands, all his pride disappeared.
"Playing on the same stage with the Son of the Sun often makes people doubt that I am insignificant."
"Don't doubt it, it's really, I are both."
Time ticked by, and the sun rose and set again.
The whole venue is always quiet. Everyone, every elves, is quietly thinking and feeling quietly.
On the way, a staff member also brought a box lunch.
Not many people eat.
If you eat less, you can reduce some personal needs and give you more time for thinking and understanding.
Hunger? It doesn't matter. The people present are all master-level imperial ambassadors, who are hungry for two meals and three meals, which is not a big problem.
"...It's so fragrant."
The Son of the Sun came out of the state of enlightenment, and felt hungry for a while.
The energy consumption is too much.
He picked up the boxed lunch that was still in a warm state, just like a crazy meal.
Looking at the time again, it was already morning. Outside the stadium, Chaoyang should have been born, and there was not much time left to realize it.
The Son of the Sun is a little sorry.
"But compared to others, my gain is definitely the biggest."
He looked at his main battle elves, the Vulcan soldiers composed of flames, and there was already a little glaze on his body.
"According to my estimation, if we can stay here for three days, the secret of the Vulcan Soldier's "Glass Body" can be completely completed, but the rest is just some water milling work. "
Every fire elves he contracted has benefited from it, and his combat power has improved visible to the naked eye.
Even himself... he is a natural capable person, and the fire of the sun has also improved a bit, acting on the elves, and the increase has become more and more terrifying.
at last……
"Time is up!" The words of Grand Duke Andre spread far and wide, "Now, those who understand the "sacred flame" stand here, and those who don't understand, stand there. "
Many imperial envoys were awakened, as if the exam time had come, but the answer sheet was still blank.
Their complexion suddenly became very anxious.
But soon, it calmed down again.
There is no other reason... Standing on the right side, there is no elf who can realize something from the "Sacred Flame". There are too many!
Ninety percent of people have nothing to gain.
These people, one by one, are all geniuses!
Some people are surprised by the difficulty of the assessment, and some people are ashamed that they are a scumbag.
But food is food, we are also helpless!
In the face of a cluster of flames, what exactly should I do so that I can realize something just by staring at it! !
They looked to the left, those who claimed to have understood.
There was admiration or doubt in his eyes.
Grand Duke Andre walked to the left area, his eyes swept, "Come on, show what you have learned from the "Holy Flame". "
A recent young man, sweating a little, looked at the blasting bat next to him, and saw that on the wings of the blasting bat, a milky white flame was lit up, burning, burning...
However, Grand Duke André continued to stare, and only after a long time he spoke, "Is this what it realized?"
"No, isn't it?"
"Tell me, what kind of characteristics does it understand?"
"I, I, it..."
Under the very oppressive gaze of the Grand Duke, the unnamed passerby youth panicked, opened his mouth, but could not say anything, but walked to the opposite side with a shame on his face.
With him, there were several others, knowing that they couldn't get through, they lowered their heads and sneaked away.
Grand Duke Andre didn't pay attention, but in his heart, he gave these people a label of "not enough".
Just continue to test the results of others.
One by one, the fire elves displayed the tricks they had just realized.
Su Hao is also watching.
These fire tricks are not powerful, but whether they possess certain characteristics of "sacred flame" can be felt almost at a glance.
"Glass flame with enhanced characteristics? Not bad!"
Grand Duke Andre, who walked to a flaming dog, exclaimed.
I saw that the fluffy hair of the Flame Dog was dyed with a little glaze, and Su Hao opened the panel to take a look.
【Flaming Dog (Enhanced by Glazed Flame)】
It was Xia, her other elves, who understood that it was also the enhancement of Liuliyan.
"With Die Xiaodie, they have different characteristics."
It's also amazing.
In the same cluster of flames, different people and different elves can realize completely different things from it.
At this time,
Not far away is a Vulcan soldier with palms together.
In a burst of flames, half of his body turned into the color of colored glaze.
It is similar to the Flame Dog, with a glazed boost mode.
Just by visual impact and general perception, you can know that the enhancement of the Vulcan soldier is much higher than that of the Flame Dog.
Not on the same level.
"Very good, it was able to evolve the colored glaze body to this point in a short period of time."
Grand Duke André praised.
The Son of the Sun raised his hands again, and two clusters of flames appeared in his palms, "Look, please."
"Oh? It turned out to be a flame of healing properties, and you realized it yourself. Casting it on the elf is equivalent to giving the elf a passive that can continue to recover... Very good!"
When the Son of the Sun heard it, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.
Even though he must be the first, he is still very happy to be praised by a big man like the Grand Duke.
Can not help but cast his gaze to Su Hao.
at this time,
The dumb crow made a "dumb" sound, and held his breath. The feather knife stretched out and cut out a touch, with a little glazed light.
"Amplification power, with a little armor-piercing characteristic." Grand Duke Andre nodded slightly.
In fact, you are already pretty good. It's just a person of the same age, there can be no one who knows flame better than me... The Son of the Sun smiles more.
But at this time, in the eyes of the Son of the Sun, there was only one Fire Elf Su Hao who said something.
"Grand Duke wait a minute."
From the shadows, a black-robed elf was raised, "Come on, cast your flames."
What flame?
Isn't it a ghost?
There are not only the Sons of the Sun who have the same thoughts, all of them stare wide-eyed and look suspiciously at...
Flames of white, yellow, and orange burst from the pale palms.
It gave them a clearer feeling than the previous one.
"The purification characteristics are interesting. A ghost-type elf actually understands the purification characteristics, not bad, not bad.
"Anything else?"
Prince Andrey asked.
He just asked casually, but...
"Some and some." Su Hao, an ordinary person, looked at Die Xiaodie, "Start your performance."
Grand Duke: "!!!"
In his eyes, a white ball flew, and suddenly, a glazed flame rose up.
Burning quietly.
With the characteristics, under close observation, there are...
"Amplification and can switch between two different characteristics at will?!!!"
Three precious with glazed flames are constantly changing, and the flames are intertwined. Under perception, other elements around them can be found, and they are all dispelled.
With a kind of hegemony to purify everything.
It is already a very skillful application of the inflammation of purification.
After dozens of seconds, the performance ended, the glazed flame went out, and the three treasure flew back to Die Xiaodie's hands.
In the hands of a wood elf.
Wood Elf...
You are a wood spirit, why can you understand flame better than fire spirit! !
The Son of the Sun who knew very well, suddenly some, did not understand this world.
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