Chapter 411: Top Kings Tournament

The news of Tianzhu Mountain was not known to many people at first, but as the battle became stable and the battle between the kings of heaven was confirmed, the news swept through like a hurricane.
All discussions related to the awakening state were instantly suppressed.
"Fighting against the Horde for the Ninth Championship, my major alliance bull beer!"
"This time, we will not return!"
The more high-ranking the emissary is, the more aware the alliance's disadvantages when facing the tribe.
Although these disadvantages are much closer than before, the remaining gap is still far away, and it may take 20 to 30 years to basically equalize-this is based on the premise that the tribe has not made a big breakthrough.
But the imperial ambassadors did not expect that in this year, the league's several crowns were just up to the tribe, and they did not lose the wind!
It feels incredible.
There are also some people who vaguely know that the champions can be four against nine, which is probably related to the state of awakening.
The coach I have to learn to be awakened!
The alliance broke out and smashed the top powerhouses of the tribe. If this was the first thing that inspired the entire alliance.
Then the battle of the kings of heaven is the second thing that excites the strong in the alliance.
"Before, we could only stick to it, too awkward, but now...Since there is a chance to beat the strong tribe, I must participate, and I must become the representative of the alliance to participate in the war!"
Said the king who is stationed in the war zone.
"After I became the king of heaven, I couldn't find anyone who could compete and exchange. There has never been a large king of competition in China or in the league. I must participate in this match of the king of heaven!"
There is a warlike king with a raging fire in his eyes.
In just a few days,
The leaders of the three major departments, the professors of the elves, the patriarch of the Yuling family, the head of the genre, and so on have successively voiced, expressing that they will participate in this war, not only looking for self-breakthrough, but also contributing to the alliance.
This time, the news was slightly public, and it was also the first time that the ordinary elite-level Yu Lingzhi learned that there were humans from other planets who were on the opposite side of the Blue Star Alliance.
But he was not too surprised, let alone panicked.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Alliance put the alien tribe on the semi-obvious face, calling on more Yulings to make their efforts stronger.
The alliance intranet is boiling.
"Oh oh oh, I am on fire too! I hate that I am only a quasi-King, and I can't participate in the trials! I am really a chicken!"
"The middle-stage master-class, who is not as good as the chicken, is passing by, and the chicken just wants to ask where the tickets for the game are sold, and want to feel the charm of the king of war."
"The elite class who is not as good as the scum is passing by. By the way, I would like to ask how much the tickets are. I am a little worried about not being able to afford it. The scum leaves tears of poverty."
"Wake up from above, how can the king of heaven show you the game casually? Is this a matter of money? You can't even bear the aftermath!"
Su Hao had quietly returned to Whale Island University while discussing the battle of the kings on the intranet.
During this period of time, two-thirds of the championship has been held in the league, and the semi-awakened state has been mastered. As long as you continue to practice to reach the fully awakened state, the outbreak can last more time.
At the Heavenly King level, some people have also begun to learn the half-awake state, such as Brother Wu.
But his work of teaching the essentials of awakening state still cannot stop.
Especially now, we need to prepare for the duel of the kings of heaven.
"The number of top kings in our alliance is definitely far less than that of the tribes. There is no way. This is the gap accumulated over time, but fortunately your awakening state can smooth this gap."
Brother Wu said, "During this period of time, the second and third batches of learning kings will be sent from above... I said, why don't you get excited at all. If I can teach so many kings, this thing can blow up. lifetime."
What's the use of blowing for a lifetime? Fishing is the most important thing!
Besides, "I can blow things for a lifetime, and that's not bad."
Brother Wu: "..."
[Wu Tian Wang has left the private chat]
He walked into the distance with vicissitudes in his face, where was the entrance to the new world.
Only by relying on his strong strength and achieving excellent results in the battle against the kings of heaven can he continue to pretend to be forced in front of the younger brother, instead of being forced.
His brother is too difficult.
Time has passed, and the trials within the league are still under preparation.
And Su Hao has already sent away the second and third batches of the Heavenly Kings who came to learn the essentials of the awakening state - naturally they can't learn it in a short time, they just came to ask some points and difficulties, and leave after a few days.
Most heavenly kings are in important positions and cannot leave their positions for a long time.
Su Hao has never seen a few of the heavenly kings as leisurely and healthy as Brother Wu.
"So, if I like fishing so much, I must have been infected by Senior Brother Wu."
During the period of imparting the awakening state, Su Hao himself did not idle, batches of precious treasures were transported to Whale Island University via Dongfeng Falcon, many of which were top treasures.
There are even some rare treasures that are not in stock in the entire alliance.
Su Hao took these things at ease.
Yulingshi is the main business.
The spiritual master was only interested. At the beginning, he took the qualification of spiritual master to make money, but somehow he became a master of the national treasure level...the alliance treasure level, but the increase in strength cannot be left behind.
Several elves took a box of treasures to increase their strength. Following Die Xiaodie and Ah Yan, Big Fat Bear became the third elves to break through the monarch level.
It's just that its breakthrough seems a bit ‘unremarkable’.
That is, when sleeping at night, the thunder mark on the forehead suddenly appeared, and then blue-violet thunder arcs emerged from its body, crackling, scorching the floor of the bear’s den, not far from it. One of the top-of-the-line computers was blown up directly.
Such movement awakened Die Xiaodie and Su Hao in his sleep.
The bear also woke up, but at this time it could no longer control itself... For the first time, it discovered that it was extremely difficult not to break through.
The thunder arc emerging from its body became more and more dazzling, its momentum rose, and the movement became louder and louder...
Su Hao shouted, and the space in the shadow was distorted not far away, a black shadow flew out instantly, and the black robe was like a huge curtain covering the big fat bear.
The crackling blue-purple arc disappeared, and A Yan Dun entered the shadow, and in just a few seconds he crossed a few kilometers to the thunder-type training ground like a bowl of noodles, and threw the big fat bear down with his black robe.
The fat bear growled.
The thunder on the thunder system field was directly absorbed, and thunder rang out in the sky under the night. After only a moment, there was a bucket of thick purple thunder and lightning blasted down on the sky, like a thunder tribulation, banging on the big fat bear.
It was already Thor's battle armor covered its body, and the whole bear was bathed in thunder. Such a scene lasted for more than ten minutes, and the big fat bear broke through to the monarch level without any difficulty and smoothly.
Simple and ordinary.
Just a little caught off guard, the maintenance staff of Whale Island University had to repair the burned line overnight.
After the bear broke through the monarch, Su Hao finally no longer needed to be busy with awakening, and could consider arranging an advanced ceremony for Die Xiaodie.
At this time, the league's internal trials, which had been prepared for more than half a month, finally came out.
Named: The Peak King Race!
It is not only to select the top players to play against the tribe, but also to treat it as a large-scale event. If the results are good, there may be another King of Heaven event every few years in the future.
And today,
There is a special window on the league intranet, and the Tianwang Peak Tournament officially begins to accept registration.
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