Chapter 431: The hand of god

On the turbulent Yinyue Lake, a god-like water unicorn was leaping continuously, and there was no sign of serious injuries or weakness.
The sacred beast water unicorn did not go straight toward them, but went sideways to the opposite bank of Yinyue Lake.
Ji Meng, the world's largest crown giant who can go anywhere, will hesitate a bit.
"That elf is the same breed as yours, right? It looks very uncomfortable. I think we better keep a distance from it."
Brother Ji Meng's face says I can't afford it.
Su Hao knew that this water unicorn was strong and capable, but the more injured, the less threatening things he would get close to him.
People, animals, and elves are all the same.
Even if you want to PY with this sacred beast, water unicorn, you have to talk about tricks and detours-this is the same as gift giving requires skill.
‘By the way, what is the attribute of the Holy Family? There is no such department in the teaching materials of the alliance! ’
At first, he thought that it was the water unicorn who broke through a certain limit—isn’t there often such a saying as the holy level and the level?
But when he kept staring, his eyes were a little sore, another line of information popped up on the panel.
[Equal rank: crown position]
This sacred beast Qilin and Brother Ji Meng’s white scale black dragon are powerful elves of the same level, but the specific expressions of power...just from the expression on Brother Ji’s face, one can see one or two.
The difference in there is not only the opening of the crown itself, but also the difference in the opening of Jimeng, which is just a cute new crown. It is probably due to this holy attribute.
Su Hao was still thinking, and suddenly heard Ji Meng shout, "It seems like an elf is chasing that water unicorn!"
The rain curtain was pouring, and the vision was severely restricted under the gloomy sky.
If it was Su Hao, he would not be able to see clearly from a kilometer away, but for Die Xiaodie, whose eyes were so good that he still had a sensing antenna, it was not a problem.
Your eyes are my eyes.
He loaded the Diexiaodie VIP plug-in and looked in the direction pointed by Brother Jimeng.
In the rain curtain, a huge figure passed over the surging lake.
It has a grayish white fish-like huge body. The fins on both sides spread out like a pair of wings. Driven by the force of the wind, it keeps flying on the lake surface, and the huge air current blows the lake water apart on both sides.
"That's... the cloud swallowing giant Kun?"
The genie of Jukun is the final evolutionary type, but it can expand into a number of completely different advanced pathways. These subjects are often studied by the master of spiritual cultivation.
Su Hao Haolai is a master of spiritual education, and he has mastered a wealth of knowledge through his own hard work, and at a glance, he can recognize the species of the huge figure in the distance.
But when he looked closer, he found that there were still many elves around the cloud swallowing giant Kun.
Tell the dead bird, the purple electric wings, the gargoyle ghost dragon, the fire-blow Cangluan...
All the momentum is not weak, like a gleaming elf with the word 80-level BOSS on it.
more important……
"How does that cloud swallowing giant kun resemble a space battleship? There are too many things installed on it?!"
"Moreover, there seems to be someone on the cloud swallowing giant kun!"
It's too far away, and the elves that can even be large and large can barely identify, but since the cloud swallowing giant kun has a lot of obviously modern equipment installed on it, it is normal for someone on it.
What makes him even more concerned is that this team is...?
"It's the hand of God."
Ji Meng suddenly said, "On the cloud swallowing giant Kun, there is a sign of the hand of God!"
Su Hao opened his eyes wide and looked again, and he did find a mark that looked like a big hand in the sky.
It is clear! Unlike the black society hiding around like a ditch mouse, the Hand of God organization is afraid that others will not recognize them. Many instruments and equipment are spray-painted with the organization coat of arms.
Appears to understand spiritual construction very well.
Su Hao was also surprised.
He had dealt with the Black Society and Wan Enjiao, especially when he was performing the task of a trainee inspector... But the Hand of God organization, only by its name, has never seen any member of this organization.
I didn't recognize the heraldic ‘Hand of God’ at the beginning.
"Is the Hand of God the strongest among the three terrorist organizations? Are they hunting the water unicorn?!!!"
Ji Meng also felt incredible, "That water unicorn can arouse the power of such a wide range of heaven and earth, I don't think it will be chased by the hand of God, but..."
But the facts are obvious.
In the distance, the cloud swallowing giant kun flew at a very fast speed over the lake at low altitude. Behind the giant kun, there was a dark blue flame ejected from the propeller, and the distance between the sacred beast water unicorn and the holy beast was narrowing visibly.
It can also be said that Shui Qilin did not run fast enough.
Ji Meng frowned, "The black guild with the most powerful of the three major terrorist organizations should be the black guild, but the guild itself has a large number of members and a loose organizational structure. The Hand of God is the opposite. Among them, the most mysterious organization with the fewest appearances."
"You may not have read the relevant dossier. Since God's Hand has few bad deeds, why is it included in the three major terrorist organizations?"
"This starts with the goal of the Hand of God organization."
"The Hand of God is different from the black guilds and Wan En Sects that deliberately create terrorist attacks and brainwash the bottom personnel. The Hand of God only targets powerful elves, or hunts, researches, and turns the power of special elves into their own use... This is also them. The origin of the name of the organization was suppressed with only one hand."
Ji Meng shook his head, "Originally, if God's Hand was only aimed at these powerful elves, there would not be much conflict with the Alliance, at most it would be a gray organization."
Su Hao understood.
After all, the alliance’s number one enemy is the tribe. Even if it is said that people and elves live in harmony and protect elves, they are only limited to the elves contracted by the imperial ambassador, and some elves that can be expanded to the primitive zone, all of the blue stars.
It has nothing to do with the elves of Spirit Calling Continent.
The Blue Stars themselves may not be able to protect themselves. Where can they spare time to protect the wild elves in the spiritual world.
The practice of hunting powerful elves everywhere by the hand of God is at best displeased by some people.
"Yes..." Ji Meng continued, "However, the Hand of God is an organization that acts without scruples. They once robbed a particular elf in a first-tier city in the Golden Eagle Federation, resulting in hundreds of casualties. Similar things happened. Several times."
"But if it can't rise to the international level, then..."
He paused and said, "The second and fifth laboratories of the Golden Eagle Federation, the third laboratory of our Dragon Nation, the wild elves research area of ​​the White Bear Nation, etc. etc., many important scientific research bases have been Attack by the hand of God."
"They are trying to steal scientific research materials and equipment. Among them, there are successes and failures, but without exception, they have caused great losses to the base. It can be said that ordinary people are far less disgusting with the hand of God than the other two organizations, but When it comes to the damage and loss caused to the alliance, the three major organizations are similar."
"A lot of people!"
While talking,
The water unicorn leaping on the lake in the distance seemed to be aware that it would sooner or later be overtaken if it continued to run.
Immediately turned around.
Su Hao seemed to hear the waves roaring, the lake water under Shui Qilin stirred and rotated violently, and in an instant an extremely huge water spout broke through the water and flew out, and the water flow gradually changed, carving out dragon whiskers, dragon heads, dragon scales... blink of an eye It becomes a huge water dragon hundreds of meters long.
Roaring and roaring, the figure continues to grow in the rain.
Even a cloud swallowing giant kun with the size of two or three basketball courts is extremely small in front of the roaring water dragon of hundreds of meters.
The mighty power can be noticed by Die Xiaodie and other elves across a long distance.
Su Hao opened his eyes wide, watching the huge water dragon fly high, and then suddenly fell, flying out an inverted U shape in the air, directly attacking the cloud swallowing giant Kun.
this moment,
A certain device on the cloud swallowing giant kun was activated, and a huge blue light shield emerged, covering the cloud swallowing giant kun.
At the same time, the few powerful elves that fell behind because of insufficient flight speed were all summoned to the front.
Bright beams of light burst out one after another.
That was a full blow from the monarch elves.
boom! ! ! !
The eruption of powerful elves such as the dead bird, the purple electric wings, the gargoyle ghost dragon, and the fire-fighting Cang Luan, was like a fragile piece of paper. Under the roar and impact of the holy water dragon, it snapped open.
The aftermath of the impact swept away, and several elves flew upside down one after another, leaving only the cloud swallowing giant kun at the core, with its mouth wide open like a black hole.
Swallow clouds, spit out fog!
A column of white clouds and mist sprayed out, shaking the space. Although it was still torn apart by the holy water dragon, it gained a little time and weakened a little water dragon's power.
A terrible loud noise erupted, and the cloud swallowing giant Kun was slammed into the bottom of the lake.
It can be seen to the naked eye that the entire lake surface is sunken to form a huge pit with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers. The center of the pit is the cloud swallowing giant kun.
It was not injured, but the sturdy energy shield has become very transparent and seems to disappear at any time.
With just one blow, it is clear.
Su Hao finds it strange this is it, this is it?
Who gave the courage to chase the sacred beast water unicorn, the hand of your god?
The lake in the distance turned up with turbulent waves again, and countless waves of water stretched like tentacles, like a large net covering the cloud swallowing giant kun, the dead bird and other elves.
But suddenly,
The tentacles of water that rose to a height of tens of hundreds of meters lost their power support, and they collapsed and turned into countless drops of water falling. The tumbling lake water tended to gradually calm down, and the pouring rain stopped instantly.
The sacred beast water unicorn who was still driving the Wushuang just now, with a mournful cry, was about to stand unsteadily, the original innocent aura quickly faded, blinking like a candling in the wind.
The change comes too suddenly like...
Before Su Hao returned to his senses, Er Harin pulled his sleeves and said, "Hey--!"
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