Chapter 499: Wizard analysis? We are professional

In the tactical headquarters, forty kings gathered together. Compared to two days ago, it is now much sparser and there are fewer elves.
They are receiving treatment.
A few days between the first and second rounds is the time for the elves to heal.
"Now, the Windsor captain of the medical team reports on the recovery time of the elves."
A figure came forward.
She was wearing the white knee-length skirt uniform of the Union Medical Department, with the logo of the Medical Department painted on it-a white snowflake-shaped hexagon.
"Most elves can recover to their heyday within five days, and some elves need to apply for supplementary treatment with top treasures."
"In addition, there are a small number of injuries that are too serious and can only recover slowly over time, or suffer from the root cause of the injury and cannot be healed."
She paused and read some elves.
"At the beginning of the second round, King Longtao's Molong King could only recover to 80%."
"The sunburst flame bat of the King Ritian can only recover to 50%."
"The God of the River God Yehe was burned by a terrible flame, and the root cause was injured. There was no cure in a short time."
"Vulcan Crow of the King of Vientiane..."
When Captain Windsor said here, he paused, "It is very spiritual, but according to our medical assessment, the Vulcan Crow suffered a serious internal injury. The body, spirit, and soul have all suffered an unknown damage. We have used many treasures to achieve great results. Wei, when the second round starts, the estimate can only recover to 40%~50%."
Emmmmm is really a mental boy. The other elves are so badly injured, and then go into a coma. It's fine, and it is still clamoring to play.
"However, it can only recover 40%~50% in five days? Not enough."
People like Captain Windsor don’t understand
Sword Slashing the Shackles
and can only be judged by experience, but the Crow didn’t play cards according to the routine. It can also be said that he was often injured and beaten more severely, and his recovery was beyond imagination. fast.
Su Hao estimated that it would be able to recover to 70%~80%, which is more than enough for the Crow, and can fully display its full combat power.
Other kings, many of their own combat power were damaged and difficult to recover. After discussions with think tanks, they decided to replace them with substitutes.
People like Ritian and River God were unwillingly replaced.
Su Hao naturally did not.
At the end of the first round, the six heavenly kings were replaced. I believe that the tribe is even more miserable. Far more elves have fallen than the alliance.
"The elves who fell in the first round of the tribe are just ordinary elves. The true top and invincible monarchs are all intact, and the tribal heritage is more abundant than ours, and their replacement kings are far more than us."
Perhaps the top heavenly king, the invincible heavenly king, the tribe is just as rare.
If this type of king can be promoted to the crown, their elves can become a ‘stronger’ crown in the future.
But ordinary, there are many tribes with two or three domain kings.
The alliance is replaced by a substitute, and the strength will inevitably be weaker by the first half grade, but the tribe is almost unaffected...This is also the reason why the second round and the third round are more difficult to play.
Everyone looked solemn.
"However, we also have our own advantages."
A veteran of the United Front Work Department spoke.
Under the control of the staff nearby, the treasure that looked like a bronze mirror bloomed with brilliance, which was about one person tall on one side, and projected a lifelike elf on the clearing not far in front of the mirror.
This is a black flame crow, the most common monarch elf of the black crow tribe.
It spread its wings and flew, and a monarch's coercion spread out. Sitting in the second row, the king said in surprise, "The breath of this black flame crow is almost exactly the same as the one I played against in the morning!"
"It's that one."
The veteran knocked on the bronze mirror and said, "It's just that its illusion simulation is flawed and cannot be perfect, but it is enough to use it as a material for analysis."
He added, "This Black Flame Fire Crow was selected by us, and the strongest domain monarch of the Immortal Black Flame."
The Ye He of a certain day king was shrouded by its eternal black flame, and continued to burn, only to lose the unrecoverable root injury.
The veteran continued, "Indestructible Black Flame has a strong phagocytic nature, and can use almost any energy as fuel to make it burn more vigorously.
"So, when facing the Eternal Black Flame, you can't use defense against it, you should avoid it, and try not to use tricks to attack, unless the elves are integrated with super-top fire, thunder and other treasures.
"In addition, many Black Flame Fire Crows have mastered a top secret "Black Flame Sun". When facing it, the best way is to temporarily avoid the edge, and drag it until the Black Flame Sun cannot sustain it.
"Finally, if most of the elf's body is enveloped by the eternal black flame, just give up and summon the elf as soon as possible, so that it won't suffer irreparable injuries."
The conventional black flame crow has long been a subject of research by the United Front.
The analysis was very detailed, and it even brought Su Hao a little extra income of intelligence value.
The elves fight, intelligence first!
Grasp the opponent's detailed information, and the win rate in a battle can be at least 30%!
The veteran of the United Front Work Department listed the conventional black flame crows in the first round of the battle, analyzed their characteristics one by one, and then took out the previous battle to analyze.
Many kings nodded suddenly.
"If I could think of this tactic in the morning, where would I be defeated!"
This is not because his commanding ability is weak.
The Heavenly King’s Spiritual Envoy has countless battles in his life, and his commanding ability is not weak.
It's just that when fighting, the battle situation changes rapidly, and the kings cannot be perfect.
At this time, the review and analysis of the veterans is to gather the strength of an entire tactical analysis team, and there is plenty of time to compare.
"Next, I want to talk about the unconventional Black Flame Crow."
On the bronze mirror, a brand new fire crow was projected.
The same is a black feather all over, but compared with other black flame fire crows that are the size of a fighter, this one is extremely small.
Only the size of a normal crow.
"This one, I prefer to call it "Black Feather Fire Crow". Its black flame is not strong, but Black Feather is not ordinary."
On the central screen, a video of the morning battle was played.
This is a very clear image taken with a special treasure ‘Shadow Crystal’.
On the side of the Alliance, the swordspin assassin was fighting, standing on the ground, his figure and the earth merged into one body, and the aura of the figure disappeared.
The Swordthorn Assassin blinked, came behind Black Feather Fire Crow, and pierced out with a sword.
Stabbing a cool heart, the Black Feather Fire Crow didn't seem to be affected, and the black feathers spread along the Thorns Sword, unexpectedly grabbing the Sword Thorns Assassin and directly shackling them.
There were only eleven seconds before and after the entire match.
"This round was defeated by not knowing it at all."
Said the veteran.
The second battle was played on the screen.
This time, the king dispatched a frozen air stickleback, using long-range spellcasting tactics.
Faced with this tactic, the Black Feather Fire Crow was divided into thousands, and the Frozen Acanthopanax could not find its true body at all. The entire battle lasted for three minutes, and the Frozen Acanthus was defeated.
The Black Feather Fire Crow was harmless.
The video of the battle stopped here, and the veteran looked solemn.
"We have repeatedly researched, and we can't really determine which type of secret this black feather clone belongs to.
"On the surface, it looks like an ordinary feather clone, but no matter how realistic the clone is, there are flaws, and it's impossible to differentiate that many incarnations."
The veteran paused and asked, "In the previous battle, did any of you find out its true body?"
The kings sitting in the first row shook their heads.
The king sitting in the second row looked at each other.
The veteran was not surprised, he just asked another question unwillingly.
after all,
The kings and elves watching the battle are at least ten kilometers away from the core of the battlefield. The distance is far, and they are disturbed by the torrent of shock wave energy and are blocked by the field. It is very difficult to perceive carefully.
At that time, he also asked the three crown positions on the scene.
But the champions also shook their heads-their main energy was confronting the three crowns of the tribe.
At this time,
The veteran found someone hesitant to speak, he asked immediately.
"Su Tianwang, did you find something?"
"No, I didn't find its true body, but..."
Su Hao paused, recalling the elf information that had been parsed not long ago, and slowly said, "Black Feather Fire Crow does not have a real body."
"There is no real body? Impossible! Can it switch between each clone at will? But even so, it can trap its real body and use its ultimate move to kill with one blow."
After all, he is a young king, and his experience is still worse.
Someone thought.
Su Hao did not speak, but stepped forward and waved to the assistant Die.
Fluttershy snapped his fingers.
Light and shadow are intertwined, and the real illusion creates two elves.
A Black Feather Fire Crow, and a Chao Quan Ling.
Most of the people looked at it and didn't understand what this meant, and a few were thoughtful.
"Could it be that Su Tianwang, you mean elementalization?"
Su Hao snapped his fingers.
"The reason why each clone of the Black Feather Fire Crow has the same breath is because it is'feather elementalization', and each feather is equivalent to every drop of water on the body of Chao Chao Quan Ling..."
Su Hao said.
Fluttershy sitting on top of his head understood, and the illusionary light and shadow immediately turned into a wave, and on the waves, there appeared densely crowded Tide Summoning Spring Spirit figures.
The elemental incarnation secret technique for calling tide spring spirit is available in the alliance.
Many kings are familiar with this.
Compared with the Black Feather Fire Crow, they found that it seemed, as if... really similar?
"But how do you prove that the Black Feather Fire Crow is elementalized, not a mere clone, and even if it is elementalized, it is not the same as Chaochaoquanling. How do you crack it?"
[Elf: Black Feather Fire Crow]
[Trick: XX, XXX,..., unknown, unknown,...]
[Special: Incarnation of Crow Feather]
[Crow Feather Incarnation: The Black Feather Fire Crow has 26,524 black feathers, 11,265 of which have been bred, each of which can be transformed into a black feather fire crow, and can be leveraged by each other, the feathers are immortal, the fire crow Immortal. The black feather fire crow that enters the ‘emergence’ state can ignore the physical attack, ignore 80% of the energy damage, and moderately reduce the law damage received. ]
①: Every feather that has been nurtured has the spiritual mark of the Black Feather Fire Crow on it, and the spirit-oriented elves can discover and erase it under careful perception. This is the most labor-saving way to defeat the feather incarnation. ]
②: Fear of burning damage, some special flames can spread to other incarnations by igniting one of them...]
This is the most fatal flaw of the Black Feather Fire Crow, but who would have thought that, as a fire spirit, it was actually afraid of fire?
"It is not afraid of all fires, first of all, at least if it is a top-level fire, and it is an attached conductive type."
Su Hao said.
This condition is still harsh for the Heavenly Kings, but for the strong guys present, it's normal.
Who doesn’t have one, two, three, or four top fires?
At least five or six elves can be found in the meeting
Looking at the information Su Hao wrote on the blackboard.
From tricks, to secrets, to the weakness of the elves.
Extraordinarily detailed.
It is also exceptionally reasonable, and you will know at a second thought, it can't be made up.
The kings have this vision.
But this is... true to a bit false.
I'm afraid that in the tribe, the king from the same movie doesn't have such a detailed understanding of teammate elves!
Say, did you open the perspective hanging!
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