Chapter 561: Rule of Monarch Butterfly Fluttershy (2 in 1)

The rhyme of the law diffused by the five-element lotus flower is quite profound. Even if the barrier is removed and the core can be seen, to the monarchs of the field present, it is still like elementary school students studying high school textbooks, obscure and difficult to understand, they can only penetrate very few of them. Part.
Even so, it has benefited a lot.
Each series of laws covers many laws and textures, both shallow and deep. The laws derived from the five-element lotus are extremely high and deep. The upper limit of this type of law is higher, and the ultimate moves that lead it to display are powerful. It can be several times, ten times more than ordinary laws.
"And on the petals of the five-element lotus flower, there are also a series of subtle law and road patterns. These are the upper and more core realizing law patterns."
There are many types of laws. Only the fire law has branches such as burning, explosion, and high temperature. In each branch, there are countless branches and branches, covering countless branches.
Die Xiaodie and their current understanding of the laws are focused on one or two of the branch laws.
For example, the Crow is the law of golden flame in the fire system, which contains high temperature, adhesion, explosion and other abilities, which are designed to increase its lethality.
In the law of cutting, the major is cutting, cutting everything.
"But the principle of the return of all laws to the source is the same. All the laws are understood to the end, until the law of the origin. Let the old man say that the Dao pattern on the petals of the five elements lotus shows a part of the law of the origin."
The law of origin of gold.
The law of origin of fire.
Wait for the five series.
But Elder Ren also listened to other people. After all, Elder's drought is not clear at all, and the Taoist pattern on the lotus petals is a magical horse.
The poor drought can only comprehend the rhyme of the law diffused by the lotus like the monarch elves.
In the venue, the protagonists are five crowns including the giant golden steel magic soldiers.
Several staff members walked in, and behind them were a few quasi-monarch-level moving mountain apes, carrying the same materials in their hands.
The material is not heavy, but once entering the lotus pavilion, moving the mountain apes is like a new generation of big brothers, their legs are a little unstable, even if there is no elf breakthrough at the moment, the momentum is converged very well.
After all, these mountain-moving apes are working apes at the Alliance headquarters, and they are apes who have seen the world before. They quickly stabilized their minds and transported the same materials with the halo of treasures to several corners of the Lotus Pavilion.
"this is……?"
"It is a formation that can calm the mind of the elves, increase the efficiency of perception, and increase the probability of entering the state of enlightenment. When the formation is turned on, the elves can almost enter the state of pseudo-enlightenment, and then there will be a wave of empress breakthrough. It won’t interfere with other elves."
After all, he is focused enough, there are only rules in his eyes, nothing else.
"Why haven't such formations been opened before?" Su Hao asked, "It seems that the materials are not very precious."
"Not very precious?"
Old man Ren stared, "A Tier 5 treasure, dozens of top treasures, and some rare high-level treasures. Isn't that expensive? Is it possible to complete a Tier 5 ceremony for an elf!"
"More importantly, this kind of material is only enough to open the formation for three hours. Therefore, the epiphany auxiliary formation is also called the burning money formation. It will only be activated once a day during this time period, and this is only available in the last few days. The benefit of... Didn’t you receive the message on your bracelet?"
It seems to have.
Die Xiaodie was asleep at the time, and he forgot to turn off the information.
Fortunately, Su Hao came in time.
Before the formation method started, another ten or so monarch elves poured in and scattered around the lotus pavilion.
The input of materials has long been inscribed on the wall, and the money-burning array that is integrated with the entire building is opened. There is no earth-shattering brilliance. Su Hao only feels that his mind has become tranquil at this moment, extremely tranquil.
He can easily abandon distracting thoughts and contemplate the five-element lotus in front of him.
The revolving lotus flower, the rhyme of the mysterious and obscure laws, fell in Su Hao's eyes, no longer looking at flowers in the mist, but... primary school students read the doctoral thesis.
Although I can't understand anything, at least I can recognize some of the characters. This is a great improvement.
He is like a human being. The monarch elves present immediately enter a state of pseudo-enlightenment. The aura is diffused, and the halo around the body, and even the elves directly enter the enlightenment. Around the fat bear, there are many thunder cores. Like stars, yellow lines appear on the armor, which is thicker, giving the fat bear an ultimate sense of security.
The ground trembles slightly, and a stone hammer keeps zooming in, and in the blink of an eye it grows to several tens of meters before it can be controlled.
Under the stone hammer, General Bud clenched his hand.
The storm rolled up, and countless yellow spots of light gathered, and the general's body quickly swelled. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge general of tens of meters, like a mountain.
Like General Bud’s suit has long been cracked, and its stone armor has lines spreading. Although it is not as profound as the rhyme of the five-element lotus law, Su Hao took a few glances and was dizzy.
"It seems to have comprehended the law of the origin of the earth and is one step closer to the strongest crown."
Mr. Ren said.
Soon, the body of the gigantic general shrank and restored to its original shape, and the elemental storm that swept through the Lotus Pavilion gradually subsided.
The elves were still immersed in the enlightenment, and there was no sign of being disturbed.
"I can't say no."
Su Hao noticed that a few elves were a little fidgety.
They just rushed in. Several of them have not yet reached the domain monarch, and they have low level of knowledge. It is difficult to focus on the principles of deep understanding. They are also deterred by General Bud's momentum, and the whole elf is panicked.
Like him, he doesn't understand the rhyme of the law no matter how he observes it, so naturally he can't enter the pseudo-epidemic state.
Sue, righteous and strong, Hao!
Like the general breakthrough, the giant golden steel soldier, the crowned flamingo, and the colorful deer crowns also broke through one after another. From time to time, there was a gust of wind in the Lotus Pavilion.
Droughts also have gains. The ground under their feet splits and their breath becomes deeper and deeper, but their movements are much inferior to those of generals.
Many monarch elves have also been promoted.
For a time, the whole lotus pavilion has constant visions, sometimes flames burst, sometimes springs ding-dong, sometimes withered trees, and sometimes mountains uplift in spring...
These movements, even the smallest ones, are much greater than those during the Supernova Cup's experience of the'sacred flame'.
But even so, with the assistance of the formation, most elves can still be immersed in the sentiment, and there are only mysterious patterns in their eyes.
Su Hao thought about it, and suddenly noticed a slight light on the top of his head.
Looking up,
Die Xiaodie did not know when she had already flew up, hanging in the air.
Its eyes closed and eyebrows trembled, and its long curly hair fluttered, and its whole body was filled with a halo.
Green, red, blue... etc.
at this time,
There were still bursts of elemental storms in the lotus pavilion, but when it swept in front of Fluttershy, the storm subsided and turned into the purest elemental particles, lingering around it.
The light particles gather more and more, and the red light particles are intertwined with red lines, like a fire is burning.
The blue light particles converge into blue lines, just like seeing a river and ocean.
Inside the venue,
More and more elves broke through, and the elemental storm gradually strengthened. However, in the area where Die Xiaodie was hanging, everything calmed down, and only lines continued to spread.
From one rune, to ten runes, to a hundred runes.
This strange and quiet area has gradually expanded, ten meters, 100 meters, kilometers...
I don't know when, the lotus pavilion is quiet, as if time is still, only Taoist mysterious lines are everywhere.
In the center of the lines, Die Xiaodie's dress dances like a rule, like the center of heaven and earth.
The several crowns around the Lotus of the Five Elements were suddenly shocked and couldn't help looking back.
In all fairness, the vision caused by Die Xiaodie is not strong. Compared with the elemental storms of other elves, compared with the body of a general like a mountain, Xiaodie’s whole body, except for the rules and patterns of different colors, everything else... No.
Quiet, as quiet as time stagnation.
But it caused several titles to look back.
The elephant general was the first to wake up, the giant golden steel magic soldier, the crowned flamingo, and the tide-calling queen looked back one after another.
The law is different.
Originally, in this lotus pavilion, the five-element lotus is the absolute center, the center of heaven and earth, and the center of all laws. In the perception of the elves, it is like a dark and dead world. Only in the center, where the five-element lotus blooms The light.
The lotus is the sun, and the rhyme of the law is the light that blooms.
As for the other...
In the cold and dead space, it is very small and has no sense of existence. Even if the body of the general is swollen when he breaks through, the inspiring element of heaven and earth disturbs the entire lotus pavilion is full of yellow and mist. In the perception of the elves in the pseudo-epidemic state, It was still just somewhere in the dead world, with a few ripples and yellow light patterns emerging.
Compared with the five-element lotus flower that looks like the sun, this movement is almost nothing.
They certainly won't be surprised.
But at this time,
Behind them, there is a light wheel rising up, the light of the law that blooms, although it is still far from the five-element lotus, it is already eye-catching enough in this dark and dead world of perception.
Under the dazzling light of the sun, the traces of the stars were completely covered.
But the moon can still be seen sometimes.
Die Xiaodie is the moonlight at this moment, and the crowned elves who are particularly keen on the law are aware of this moonlight for the first time.
They cast their gazes, differences and surprises in their pupils.
After a while, A Yan's figure appeared from the shadows and looked surprised, but when it found that it was the head of Big Sister Die that caused the abnormality, it suddenly suddenly appeared that there was nothing to fuss about after the basic operation, and he sat down.
time flies,
The monarch elves felt it, and one after another, there were rules that the monarch noticed the strangeness, but the domain monarchs were still immersed in their perception and unaware of external changes.
Until a certain moment,
Die Xiaodie didn't speak, but her voice resounded like the most beautiful note between heaven and earth.
There is a mark of law on the center of its forehead.
It is the mark of illusion, dimly changing and invisible, staring at this mark is like seeing a palace in a palace, and there is thick fog outside.
Soon, the mark of illusion disappeared, and replaced by a leaf.
The imprint of the leaf.
These are the marks that Fluttershy had already had before, and now they bloomed with a different brilliance.
The imprint of the leaf quickly disappeared, and the imprint that appeared next, like a ball of flame, was constantly changing and beating.
The mark of fire, the flame of change.
Immediately afterwards,
It is the mark of water and the mark of soil, which appeared in the center of Die Xiaodie's forehead one after another.
Fluttershy has not obtained these three kinds of marks before, even if its perception of these three laws, especially the laws of fire and water, has far exceeded the level of touching the skin, and on the road of the laws of fire, it is not even inferior. Yu Daiya.
However, the conflict between the rules made Die Xiaodie unable to have his mark even if he refined the sacred fruit.
Until this moment.
In the state of enlightenment, the lines of the law appear, the law of heaven and earth hangs down, and the mark of the law appears naturally, and the patterns of the embodied law that linger around the butterfly are more and more numerous.
But its breakthrough is not over yet!
The five elements, the imprint of the five laws, is constantly beating and changing on Die's forehead like a slide, as if a neon light bulb is hung on Xiaodie's head, flashing and flashing.
It flickered for more than ten seconds, and the frequency got higher and higher, until...
The imprints of the five rules overlap and gradually turn into a peculiar pattern that Su Hao is slightly familiar with.
Infinite mark!
In fact, he didn't remember where he had seen this symbol, but when he stared at the mark on Xiaodie's forehead, the answer naturally appeared in his mind.
"This symbol is the pattern engraved on the gate of the Infinite Temple when it was in the temple, but..."
Su Haoming remembered that it was him who entered the Infinite Temple and accepted the infinite inheritance, not Die Xiaodie.
Fluttershy's inheritance, the hallmark of the temple is a dynamic picture, just like... its eyebrows have the appearance before the infinite mark, and the marks change.
Su Hao can't figure out the doorway, but he also knows a little bit of infinity, and he feels Xiaodie's infinite mark, which is different from his own infinite inheritance.
The mark of the butterfly is a kind of tolerance, a perfect fusion of the marks of multiple laws.
As the imprints merged, Die Xiaodie's breath became more and more mysterious, her small body almost concealed in the rhyme of layers of laws, and until this time, it had not opened its eyes.
It is still improving, the breakthrough is not over yet!
The whole body's reincarnation law lines converge, immersed in the mark of its eyebrows, and the infinite mark continues to spread, turning into a more complex symbol like countless ‘∞’.
Proof of the Law of Infinity!
In the evidence of the laws, the rhyme of many laws is diffused, and the blazing sun, the sea, and the mountains... are constantly changing.
Die Xiaodie finally opened her In her eyes, the rhyme of the rules burst out for a long time.
After nine days, Su Hao returned to the Holy Land of the God Tree.
In the Holy Land, people are still coming and going, but the atmosphere is a bit tense, and the mountains and rain are about to come and wind. He heard that the battle between the Alliance and the Horde in the wild has to happen more than a dozen times a day, and each other hurts. The damage is heavier.
The tribe seems to have invested more power.
When he came, Die Xiaodie perceives the tribal crowns around Tianzhu Mountain, there are more numbers, and a strong sense of oppression.
Temporary base,
When Su Hao first arrived, Bai Xiaoming ran in behind his heels and breathed a sigh of relief and said, "No, the tribe's Crocodile successfully broke into the spiritual space for the second time! He is about to fulfill the three conditions required by the Holy Land!"
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