Chapter 594: Doctor Furfur (2 in 1)

"Start with the contract wizard(
After all, Ji Meng is an unbeatable God of War. He has not been chased down by several crowns, so how could he be defeated by Su Hao's triple crown.
He just kept muttering, "Two crowns, three crowns, two crowns..."
Seeing that my brother was so solemn, it seemed that he was thinking about a certain philosophy of life, so Su Hao didn't bother to bother him, so he calculated what materials he lacked.
The current state of the dull crow looked pretty bad. He couldn't show 10% of his combat power, otherwise he wouldn't slip away several times and be caught back.
However, the wizard doctors confirmed that it can recover on its own, and it is almost no problem. It only needs to be supplemented with nutrients.
Therefore, the crow can be transferred from the critically ill area.
Ta Ta Ta-
Outside the corridor, the sound of footsteps hurried, and the shouts of doctors and nurses were sandwiched in between.
If you perceive it carefully, you can also discover scattered, chaotic energy particles, and you can perceive something strange from the laws of heaven and earth.
All this comes from the elves who have suffered severe injuries.
Many elves have extremely severe injuries, not inferior to the dull crow, but they do not have the resilience and resilience of the dull crow.
"Quick! Get a bottle of imitation water of life!"
"Don't stop the holy light injection!"
On the wide walkway, the elf doctor in a white coat shouted.
Next to him, two mountain apes were carrying a huge stretcher one after the other, and on the stretcher, lying on the stretcher was a terrestrial wolf with thorny hair and huge body.
The earth moving wolf is dying and hangs on the holy light from the holy bird.
A clockwork demon took the imitation water of life and poured it from the ground-moving wolf's mouth. Its thought power controlled it, and no drop of water overflowed, and it poured into the seriously injured ground-moving wolf.
The dying breath of the earth moving wolf improved, but after a while, it fell again.
Even if it is a whole bottle, imitation is imitation after all, and it is far inferior to the genuine water of life, and it will not save the life of this monarchy wolf.
At this time, the holy brilliance shrouded the ground moving wolf body flashed.
The earth-moving wolf was like a candle in the wind, and it was almost extinguished at this moment.
"Don't stop the Holy Light!"
The elf doctor shouted.
But the holy bird has been working continuously for several days, constantly swaying its energy, and it has already reached its limit.
It couldn't even fly, lying on the end of the stretcher, trying to lift its wings and sway the extremely limited light.
The fire of the earth moving wolf's life is dimmed little by little.
The wizard doctor was silent.
He knew that the Holy Spirit Bird could not be blamed, it was more tiring than himself and paid more.
What's more, the holy light of the holy bird can only suspend the weak life breath of the earth moving wolf. Even if other light-type monarchs can be found, it is impossible to cover it with the holy light 24 hours a day, but only the holy light Unable to continue for a moment, the wolf will return to nature if the ground moves.
It hurts too badly.
The imperial envoy of Earthmoving Wolf clasped his palms, tears streaming down silently.
I can only desperately and weakly look at my elf, bit by bit, to the end of life.
A golden light fell, holy and warm, a ray of hope in despair.
The Heavenly King Yu Lingshi raised his head, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
Anyway, as long as the fire of life can be hung, and given him some more time, he will able to find treasures for healing.
Heavenly King Yulingshi looked over.
The faint fire of life of the Earth Moving Wolf has stopped the trend of extinguishing, and is it becoming more and more prosperous?
A little bright yellow appeared on its gray hair. Around a huge wound more than two meters long in its abdomen, golden brilliance gathered and healed little by little.
So fast!
The heavenly king's imperial envoy showed joy.
The Elf Doctor widened his eyes. He turned his head and looked around. A white figure stood at the door of a certain ward a dozen meters away.
It was dressed in a white dress with long light golden hair flying, bathed in golden brilliance, like a holy nun.
Imitating the water of life is helpless, and the monarch holy bird can only hang his life... This humanoid elf can actually the earth moving wolf from the hands of death!
quite a while,
It’s about two to three minutes,
Furfur's long and light golden hair fell, and the golden light that filled the wide walkway gradually dissipated.
The huge scar on the abdomen of Earthmoving Wolf is still there, but it has improved a lot from the ferociousness at the beginning.
Its life fire also returned to a stable level, and gradually woke up from a coma.
"It's no longer life-threatening, and what's left is the recovery from conventional treatment, and it won't leave the root trauma." Su Hao said.
"thanks, thanks!"
This heavenly king's imperial envoy from a small country bowed his head and thanked him.
Seeing that there were more and more people coming up, Su Hao waved his hand to tell him not to delay, and the two mountain apes carried the stretcher and brought the earth moving wolf into a ward suitable for his size.
"This... this gentleman."
The wizard doctor just now spoke.
Seeing that the wolf was in a stable condition, he did not leave with him. He stayed after thinking about it or asked, "This gentleman, I wonder if you can keep your elf in the hospital? Its power is better than anything I have ever seen Healing elves are strong. If you go to the battlefield, it will be too...too..."
Su Hao knew what Doctor Elf wanted to say.
Furfur went to the battlefield, too wasteful.
Indeed, although Furfur can be comparable to rule-based monarchs in combat power, and even stronger than some rule-based monarchs with no special ultimate moves, as long as they are not crowned, they cannot play a key role in today's battlefield.
(Stupid crow: Ben crow is not satisfied with dumb~!)
Nowadays, there are more and more injured elves. The limited energy of hospital healing elves is not enough, and elves with healing abilities are rare. For example, the light system and the like are naturally good at healing.
Otherwise, the holy bird will not be exhausted.
Furfur staying here can save ten monarchs, fifty monarchs, and one hundred monarchs!
Isn't it more valuable than going to the battlefield? And safe!
Su Hao wanted to bring furfuryl with him.
"I agree, but I have to ask my elf's opinion... Furfur, what do you think?"
Furfur looked around. In the surrounding wards, the fire of life of the elves was weak.
It stretched out its palm and held it up.
A blazing white light wheel appeared behind, the dazzling but not glaring golden light, suddenly spread.
Shrouded in it,
The Elf Doctor felt warmer, and the exhaustion that had not rested for several days and nights was relieved a lot.
The surrounding wards, especially the dying monarchs and extraordinary elves who had just been sent to the hospital, recovered from their injuries visible to the naked eye.
The warm and holy golden light lasted for more than ten seconds and dissipated.
Furfur panted, unable to hide his fatigue, but smiled.
When Su Hao left Shanhai City, Furfur was missing from the team.
It has been left in the battlefield hospital, working with doctors and nurses to save the dying elves that have been hit hard.
"That's good, staying in the hospital, furfural can only play out what he has learned all his life, and stay with me, most of the time he is a fighter."
He knows that furfur prefers to save people rather than fight.
of course,
I like fighting, and furfur is usually more modest.
"I stay in the hospital this time, I guess I will stay deep in my body forever."
Su Hao shook his head, and after leaving Shanhai City, he flew straight to Dongcheng.
The color of the heaven and the earth faded and turned to gray, with waves of gray mist lingering, murderous intent came from all directions.
"It's a tribal spirit!"
Su Hao realized that there are still enemies lurking in the hinterland of the Alliance must be one of the elite teams that sneaked in before.
Some of them were discovered and the Alliance had to send troops to encircle and suppress them.
But there are still more hidden tribal elves, and their goal is only to be similar to themselves, traveling in real bodies, to go to a surrounding city.
From Shanhai City to Dongcheng, it takes less than a few minutes at the speed of two halin.
Su Hao had to admit that he was careless and never thought of encountering an ambush here.
There is no hidden breath.
He looked at the surroundings, the gray mist, isolated vision, isolated perception, and forbidden space.
I'm afraid that if you stare from the outside world, you won't notice any vision.
The tribal elves have plenty of time!
One crown, five rulers?
Su Hao thought.
This team is smaller than the elite squad mentioned by Brother Jimeng, but it may be the case, so that it can hide from the elves of the Alliance.
"Such a lineup is enough to kill any Celestial Emperor in a short period of time, but..."
At this time, Su Hao was surrounded by Fat Bear, Er Harin, Xiao Cai, and Die Xiaodie.
This lineup is not afraid of the championship, at least a few minutes is no problem, he has confidence in Die Xiaodie, he does not believe that the Horde blockade can last too long.
"The prey in your eyes, Uncle Su, I am not an emperor of the heavenly king!"
On the cloud,
Die Xiaodie opened a few gilded walls to guard her surroundings.
The white mist drifted away, so that the rulers of the rules couldn't tell the direction. Only the crown-level Ghost Emperor still had a great threat.
The gloomy light flashed, and a huge crack appeared on the indestructible gilt wall.
This is a combination of several temples and buildings, combined with the defense of the formation method, only in the form of walls.
A wall requires Fluttershy for several days to build and strengthen, and the stock in hand is still limited.
The shadow in the gray mist is very strong.
Ghost King was even more surprised.
It clearly perceives that the elves of this team are all at the monarch level, without a crown, it will decisively intercept and kill.
Can a monarch stop his offensive?
The ghost emperor's figure was looming, floating out of the gray fog suddenly, and instantly penetrated the heavy white fog, cutting out a black light.
One side of the gilded wall was completely shattered.
Another moment,
The second, third, and fourth gilt high walls shattered one after another. At this time, after the fourth gilt wall was broken, the gilt walls that protected the outside could not be replenished. There are loopholes in the defensive position.
The Ghost King smirked.
Sleep with this,
Inside the wall, Su Hao opened his five fingers, maintaining the posture of'Yu Ling: Summoning' for several seconds.
In the contract, a rune representing A Yan became brighter and brighter. Ten kilometers away, A Yan, located in the East City, flew out, hunting in black robes, and a halo of energy diffused.
Attracting Dongcheng Townshou, the sun sacred praying man knights all flew out to ask.
At this time,
A Yan's aura climbed to a certain height, and his figure floated forward, disappearing into the ripples of the rippled space.
The foggy sky,
The space exploded like a broken mirror. A Yan jumped out of it and stretched out his pale hand. The palm of his hand kept growing, covering the sky and sun, as if holding a world and slamming towards the crowned ghost king.
This gray mist space finally could not withstand the impact of the head-on confrontation between the two crowns, cracks spread and expanded, and the spirit of the gray mist and the aftermath of the battle leaked out from the cracks.
In Dongcheng, seeing the ghost of Yama disappeared, and the sun sacred man rider and Dongcheng Shou were still in a daze, they perceived the abnormality dozens of kilometers away.
The sun sacred man rider rushed out of the light, flew to the area where the fluctuations spread, and swept away.
It was holding a knight's great sword, and the horse charged under it, and the glory of the knight's body was getting brighter.
It was cut down with a single sword.
Cut high in the sky, on a small gray spot.
The gray mist space was completely shattered, and several figures flew out of it and fled in all directions.
The black robe Ayan and the sun knight chased the ghost.
Half an hour later,
Dongcheng, guards the mansion.
"It's a pity, the ghost emperor is too a thief, and he was still run away by it."
Su Hao regretted.
Otherwise, he will be able to win the second kill.
Standing upright like a knight, Dongcheng Mamoru said, "It's normal. It's not easy to kill in the crown, unless you are driven to a desperate situation."
"Furthermore, the ability of Yan Luo Guijun, I am afraid that the tribe is already prepared."
But obviously, the tribe and his party died at Blue Star at that time.
Why did Ah Yan's miniature underworld leak, battlefield hospital.
A bearded man walked in the aisle. He was not shy, but many doctors and nurses showed respect when they saw him, "General Zhang."
General Zhang smiled and nodded, "You have worked hard too, but now the battle is in desperate situation, and the pressure on the front line is very high. Please be sure to heal every elf as quickly as possible."
He strode away, inspected the hospital, and ordered the security guards to guard against weak links everywhere.
"General Zhang is really an admirable person."
"Yes, it is said that General Zhang came to the Shanhaiguan battle zone 15 years ago when he was an ordinary imperial envoy. The general has been stationed here for more than ten years, and his family has only been back a few times. He really dedicated his life to the battle zone. Up."
"It is precisely because there is an imperial envoy like General Zhang, we just..."
The voice faded away.
The corner of General Zhang's mouth raised, and a ray of light flashed deep in his pupils.
After a while,
General Zhang walked out of the theater hospital.
In the severely injured area of ​​the hospital, in an unmanned corner, a group of shadows wriggled, gradually turning into a humanoid elf.
It moved quietly, bypassing the security elves guarding the aisle, and entered a high-level ward.
Here lies a big blue bird.
Its tail feathers fell, most of its feathers were broken and shattered, and the dim light in its pupils was extremely dim. Although it did not die before it died, it was also extremely injured, and it was difficult to stand up.
This is a crown-ashes.
at the same time,
The elf doctor that Su Hao had met before found Furfur, "I just sent a crowned elf, and the wounds are very serious, and the holy birds are powerless. Can you go there and try? With your ability, maybe you can treat Bit, it has a little healing effect."
Furfur nodded.
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