Chapter 596: It’s all an adult’s task (2 in 1)

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"Check! Must check thoroughly!"
"Whether it is an undercover agent or a traitor, such an important place as the Elf Hospital has been found out, how exactly do you work!"
Outside the hospital building,
The commander of Shanhai City, Sea King roared.
His Excellency Haiwang has sparse hair than Senior Brother Wu, and has a big belly. From the outside, he looks like a standard middle-aged man.
But as far as Su Hao understood, Senior Sea King was also the first batch of imperial ambassadors, certainly not as young as his appearance.
When he roared, his belly shook like a surging sea.
A row of security guards lowered their heads, and wanted to say that the undercover undercovers with such a high status came in, and the responsibility did not lie with us.
But after all, they are just ‘little soldiers’, and they dare not talk back to a big man like the commander.
Aquaman roared for more than ten minutes before slowly asking, "How many have you found out?"
The security head hurriedly said, "There are four assassin elves, all of which have been killed or blew themselves up. Among these four elves, the nightmare of trickery, the ghost doll, and the shadow warrior have not been able to find clues for the time being, and they cannot be traced. Make the identity."
"And the three-headed dog in is roughly determined to be an elf named York in the second security team of our hospital."
"However, this York is only a certified emissary of the Heavenly King only two years ago, and his three-headed dog is supposed to be an ordinary monarch..."
The commander-in-chief Hai Wang interrupted the security leader, "Hurry up and chase after him!!"
"Uh..." The security chief was aggrieved. "When the accident happened, we found that York had already left the East City Gate, and we were not responsible for the pursuit outside the city."
And, didn’t you catch us here and spray it?
"Anyway, let me find out if there are any other imperial emissaries besides York in this assassination! Let me reflect on how the position of the assassinated Qingluan was exposed!"
"Also! It must be thoroughly investigated, I don't want to see similar things for the second time!"
After the commander sprayed, he felt much better.
no way,
He was scolded by his old friend a quarter of an hour ago, and he was wrong and couldn't refute it. After all, the old friend's partner was in his own territory and almost had an accident.
What can Aquaman do? You can only scold the people below and put pressure on the management.
After all, on weekdays, in addition to major events affecting the battle, he rarely intervenes in the management of several cities.
"Su Guanwei, before the accident, it took only three hours for Qingluan to be sent to our hospital."
"These are the three short hours, who have been in and out of the thirteenth floor of the imperial emissary list."
The security chief said,
We have defensive measures externally, but we are still negligent internally. However, if we want to know the exact location of the assassin, apart from me and a deputy dean, everyone else has to reach the thirteenth. Layer, you have the opportunity to understand."
In other words, the security chief and the vice president are also among the suspects?
Su Hao thought.
It was not his turn to find out the undercover. Many people are more professional than him in solving the case. This is not enough if he has the strength. However, Furfuran is the'first eyewitness'. Your Excellency Neptune knew about this. I hope he can serve as a consultant in the task force.
Can't catch undercover traitors, it's someone else's business to take the blame.
But if he can catch it, even if he doesn't make a lot of suggestions, he can still take a credit.
Senior Aquaman said so, and Su Hao could only follow.
"However, how high is the status of the spies that the tribe has placed among us? If it weren't for this matter, even if the enemy didn't even know that such an important place as the battlefield hospital, they would have been found out by the enemy...Will some of the usual combat secrets be exposed? Does the enemy know?"
Moreover, if furfur hadn't just arrived, this assassination would have been successful. By then, the tribe will pay at most one shadow warrior, and the undercover will not be exposed, which is a perfect assassination.
"That's right." The security chief thought of something and said, "The king of the sky, York, who fled out of the city, did not reach the thirteenth floor. The three-headed dogs of originally only patrolled the 11th floor, and they rushed over afterwards."
Su Hao took the list and scanned it.
It includes elf doctors, security personnel, and some heavenly king-level imperial emissaries.
The suspect was far beyond imagination.
The hospital lacks manpower, and it is normal for a doctor to travel between each floor.
On the thirteenth floor, there are many injured elves in the hospital. Isn’t it normal for the heavenly king’s elves to visit his elves?
Su Hao rubbed his temples.
Sure enough, he has no talent for solving crimes.
Your Excellency Sea King is not so much looking for himself as a consultant, it is better to say that he is looking for furfur.
"Fura 噫噫噫~"
Hey, answering the question for the fifth time, is already very impatient.
The Yulingshi in the task force group, even though they are industry elites, has no clue on how to find an undercover... After all, many suspects are kings of heaven, with high authority, and they don't look like undercovers.
It’s not a good thing for a big person to be a dog for the tribe, and it’s not like a normal person.
"A few elves died and were not summoned back. From this line, it is difficult for us to find clues."
"These elves must have been summoned directly to the hospital!"
"Well... if only a kind of'anti-summoning enchantment' could be invented, security would definitely be much easier."
The experts are discussing.
Su Hao is not among them. After all, the consultant is 噫噫, what does it have to do with him?
At this time, he was walking aimlessly on the streets of Shanhai City. The atmosphere on the street was a little serious. A group of Yuling dressed in black trot past.
"Ah, no, I came with my tutor a year ago, but I didn't go back?"
"Why didn't you go back?"
"Uh this..."
"What about your business license, what's in the sealed box?"
Shops on the street and on both sides of the road were checked one by one.
However, many imperial emissaries who violated the rules were found.
But all are minor problems.
"The tribe has been laid out for so many years, it would be nice if it could be checked out like this."
Su Hao shook his head.
He also guessed that without any clues, he could only rely on finding a needle in a haystack like this, what if...
He walked.
Suddenly heard the cry from furfur in the contract.
"York, the king who escaped from the city, found it? And has it been captured alive?"
"Preparing to perform phantom memory reading on him?"
Su Hao stopped.
It seems that there are still capable people, and he does not need to worry about it.
He turned and walked in the direction of the guard house.
Halfway through,
Furfur called in my mind,
Su Hao was stunned, "York has revealed a lot of information, and there is indeed an undercover agent, but that person is of a higher level and does not have any information about that person?"
Yes, senior undercover agents are really hard to find.
Like this ordinary undercover York, he used his own elves, and was basically half abandoned.
Su Hao's brain hurts again.
From the level of tracing clues, he has no ideas at all.
You can only start from other aspects.
Su Hao looked at Xiaodie, "You said, if we can invent a formation barrier that can perceive evil thoughts, will we be able to pull out the secret undercover?"
Die Fluttershy: "Hey~"
It feels that Yu Lingshi is thinking of fart.
There are such methods. For example, it can detect the maliciousness of some weak elves from a distance, but... the evil thoughts will only radiate when they are directed at themselves.
What is this Yu Lingshi thinking about.
"Goo~Hey~ (No~Okay~~
Su Hao also felt impractical.
"Or let other people have a headache."
"No, no, I've gotten a job as a consultant anyway, so I don't have to go to a meeting. I can't really fish, right?" He doesn't want any face in Su Guan's position!
Su Hao's thoughts diverged, and he turned on the bracelet to scan the war zone or Blue Star news.
Suddenly startled.
"Right! Undercover and tribe, how are they related? I remember tribes, even in terms of communication, rounding is equal to nothing."
"Even for us, the Yuling bracelet can only be used in the five cities and the hinterland between the cities, and the nearest city of the tribe... No, the nearest stronghold is hundreds of kilometers away from the north city."
This distance, not to mention the communication, is the connection between the elves and the imperial emissary, and it has become blurred.
Su Hao returned to his temporary residence, logged into the alliance's intranet, and found some secrets with his highest level of authority.
A bronze mirror.
A black ball.
And... Flying Pigeon Biography? ? ?
"Well, in the age of elves, flying pigeons is a good method, but the war zone must be guarded against this. Moreover, after the assassination of the shadow warrior failed, the elves immediately must be able to communicate in real time from a distance. Treasure."
Bronze mirrors, black spheres and the like are treasures that the league has found from some undercover agents in the past.
It is far less convenient than a mobile phone bracelet and has many limitations, but...
"It is indeed possible to send messages hundreds of kilometers apart, and since it is a message..."
"Mobile phones have electronic signals and treasures transmit sound. There must be some carrier that I don't know about. Since there is a carrier, does it mean..."
Able to catch and discover!
This is much more reliable than his previous perception of malicious thoughts.
Guard the house.
"Treasures of communication?" The steward of the guard mansion thought for a while and said, "There are half sets. There are few such things. Even if you want to borrow Su Guan, you have to go through approval."
"Oh don't take away, that's okay."
Five floors underground, in a treasure house that is not dim.
Su Hao looked at the three in front of him.
One big, two small. The big one is just right to hold, the two small ones can be turned in a circle.
"The big one is the cue ball and the small one is the child ball. When contacting, only the cue ball can open it, but the contact distance is thousands of kilometers away." The butler said, adding, "Such a set is actually It’s the first and the fifth, but many undercover agents destroyed the ball first before we caught them."
"Where is the bronze mirror?"
"Bronze mirrors are more advanced and can communicate in two ways. It is said that their principles are similar, but our alliance seems to lack certain key materials, so we can't make them ourselves."
Su Hao picked up a few and looked at Die Xiaodie.
His eyes motioned.
The palm-sized Butterfly Fluttershy can hug the big ball by holding two small hands together. For it, the cue ball is very large, but it is very simple to inject energy.
After a short while, the black sphere shone slightly.
This means it can be ‘started’ at any time.
Die Xiaodie pouted and continued to play his role as an "assistant", charging the other two ball as well-it is worth mentioning that this kind of ball battery is very poor and can only stand by for a few days when fully charged. , Or use six or seven times.
Basically, only Uranus and above are qualified to use it.
Extraordinary elves are hollowed out after charging once.
The three black spheres gleamed slightly, and Die Xiaodie flew out several hundred meters holding the ball, and initiated contact.
The light on the black sphere is brighter, it seems that it has changed from black to white, and the opposite scene can be vaguely seen.
Some distorted sound comes from the small ball.
Su Hao leaned the ball to his mouth and shouted, "Hey."
The sound came back and forth, but it didn't mean anything. After all, it was a low-low low-profile phone, but it could be used where there is no signal.
Die Xiaodie has already felt fully open.
After a while, it has a serious face, "Goooo~!"
"Captured the fluctuation, is there really?"
Die Xiaodie: "?"
Didn’t you come up with this idea?
Or, you never thought about it.
Die Xiaodie snorted, and decided not to care about this imperial emissary.
The verification is feasible, and I am familiar with this fluctuation. Next, I will pull out the undercover from the vast city!
This is not difficult.
"With Fluttershy's ability, perception can easily cover the entire mountain and sea city. Although the fluctuation of this kind of treasure is extremely weak, as long as it can be captured, it can be easily distinguished from other fluctuations."
Everything is ready, only action!
Su Hao...
Find the commander-in-chief sea king crown immediately.
Of course he can't do such an important action alone. What if he messes it up?
"The signals and fluctuations between heaven and earth are so many and messy, can your Fairy Butterfly catch them?"
In the small courtyard,
With a big belly, but still vaguely able to see the handsome lord Sea King when he was young, he touched his chubby belly and aimed at a big turtle lying on the pond basking in the sun.
It seems to be asking you why?
The big tortoise spat at him and continued to lay there lazily.
The commander-in-chief is very efficient.
Immediately, the decoy operation began.
There was some wind in the guard house, saying that some undercover clues had been found.
Die Xiaodie returned to normal, surrounded by six precious balls, and her perception of the vastness of the sea had spread, covering the entire mountain and sea city.
An invisible energy swayed.
Inside the city, a handful of rulers raised their heads slightly and looked at the guard mansion.
Most elves are still unaware, doing their own thing.
time flies.
One day, two days, three days...
The task force still failed to find valuable clues.
Fluttershy... can't catch anything.
For three consecutive days, Die Xiaodie was exhausted, and searched again and again.
Su Hao didn't say anything, but stayed with Die and prepared the best supplement for it.
Butterflies work while eating.
at last,
Its antenna flicked sharply, exhilarating in fatigue, "Goooo!"
Shanhai City,
The fifth block, villa 26.
"The source of the fluctuation is here, right."
Hai Wang squinted his eyes and looked in front of him. This ordinary villa asked his subordinates, "Check, who owns this villa."
Then ordered, "Action!"
A few ghost elves touched in silently, and within a few seconds, the door opened by itself.
A heavenly king stepped up and said, "There is no one inside."
"no one?"
Su Hao took Xiaodie and walked to the second floor of the villa, "Is it here?"
"Goooo~" It nodded.
Die Xiaodie was very tired. This time, Su Hao did it himself, borrowing A Yan's power, and reaching out a little.
The wall was annihilated inch by inch, revealing the hidden cells inside.
There is only one thing in the secret grid.
Bronze mirror.
"Commander, everyone in the villa has found out. It is General Zhang. He went to Nancheng Town to guard two days ago."
"In addition, I just asked Nancheng over there, Zhang Jiang... Zhang Peng left the city five minutes ago."
South of South City,
On the endless wilderness.
An armored dragon eagle cut through the air and galloped desperately into the wilderness.
But soon,
Ripples appeared in the space, and a black shadow intercepted the dragon eagle's road ahead.
The armored dragon eagle made a sharp turn, a chasing horse and a storm dog, blocking its retreat from the other two directions.
There was a figure sitting on both the Tianma and the God Dog.
A heavenly king garrisoned in the war zone, looking into the distance, was riding on the back of a dragon eagle with a stubble face and a complex complexion.
"Zhang...Zhang Peng, I didn't expect you to be a rape! Why!"
"Human rape? No!"
The armored dragon eagle did not escape either.
Zhang Peng, who was riding on its back, turned around and looked at the two of them, "I have never been a Blue Star person!"
"The real blue star Zhang Peng died fifteen years ago. Blame for being stupid!"
He grinned and cut his fingers.
At the fingertips, red blood drops dripped drop by drop.
But soon, the redness gradually turned blue, still dazzling in the sun.
Zhang Peng...No, there was a smile on the corner of the tribal king's savage mouth.
"Do you think I escaped in panic?"
"Ha ha ha ha..."
"It's just an order from an adult."
He fell.
The ground trembled and beams of light shot out.
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