Chapter 602: The elves here are timid (2 in 1)

Su Hao doesn't have a deep intersection with the spiritual education circle, that is, in several academic conferences, he got the contact information of dozens of spiritual spiritual masters.
There is nothing else.
After decades of alliance, there are still quite a lot of great talents who have judged Master Yu Ling. Some teach in school, some do not take a step out of the laboratory all the year round, some are running around in the world of spirit callers, where their whereabouts are uncertain, and some are incognito...
Su Hao is not clear about the contact information and residence of most masters, but the commander-in-chief Sea King does.
This time, he sent a total of more than two hundred invitation letters-except for dozens of masters with whom Su Hao himself has contact, most of the others are masters who have studied chemistry, environmental science, and cultivation.
Unlike the top event in the spiritual education world, this meeting is aimed at cracking the "funnel of heaven and earth" and discussing one or several more feasible stimulus solutions.
Su Hao was not sure how many people would come.
After all, he is not yet a master of spiritual cultivation, and he has participated in very few academic conferences. He has published several heavyweight papers, studied the degenerate evolution applicable to many kinds of elves, and created a unique state of awakening.
Compared with the number of papers produced by many masters for decades, Su Hao feels that he...
It's still cute.
In quantity.
At this time it was wartime, and the crowns and kings rarely had free time, but Master Yuling was not.
The situation is not tense yet, it needs the masters of ‘bad fighting’ to play.
It's better to say,
The masters stayed in the laboratory, and some of the research results were no less effective than the few heavenly kings.
"Has more than a hundred masters accepted the invitation? This number is more than I thought... Come to think of it, the attraction of the funnel of heaven and earth is fatal to the master of spiritual cultivation."
The remaining masters either cannot get in touch, or they just can’t get away with their own subject at a critical juncture.
of course,
There were also a few masters who didn't reply to an email, and Su Hao didn't care.
He is busy, very busy!
After all, this meeting was presided over by him, not only to contact masters from all walks of life, but also to discuss with the stone city of Kangaroo country to arrange reception.
And the most important safety issue!
After all, although the five wild crowns are weak, even though they are weak, Haolai is also crowned!
Su Hao himself is not afraid, but he wants to ensure the safety of more than a hundred masters. Um... he has a headache and can only call Ah Yan back temporarily—but the battlefield is unpredictable. If anything happens in the Shanhai Theater, Ah Yan I still have to hurry back, because there is the highest priority.
"Fortunately, I borrowed some tools from Your Excellency Sea King to negotiate and negotiate. Basically, I don't need to do anything... I only need to be responsible for security."
Thinking about it this way, I seem to...
From the host of academic conferences to security?
Spirit Calling World, Shicheng area.
These days, Shicheng is getting more and more lively.
First, the Kangaroo Nation strengthened two domain monarchs and settled in this ordinary town.
Immediately afterwards,
There are several powerful kings who came from the headquarters of the alliance, stationed here, and the leaders and generals of the Exploration Department arrived.
The imperial ambassador of Shicheng was still wondering what had happened, and the entire Shicheng was completely sealed off. Except for a few big brothers, everyone else could only return to Blue Star and could not leave the city.
"What's the matter with the swelling, what's the matter with the swelling, our mission is still out of town!"
A Yuling dressed in yellow clothes was indignant and said, "When the time comes, the task will be postponed and the completion evaluation will drop. Who will be responsible for the loss!"
"The materials you want to collect are not just behind the Shicheng area, go to other areas."
Said a nearby imperial emissary.
The yellow-clothed youth turned his head and said, "Don't do it, as long as Shicheng leaves now, he can't come back. I want to see what happened here!"
Eating melon is the essence of human beings.
The Shicheng officials did not drive the Yu Lingshi away, after all...
At that time, the tactical meeting will be held. If there is a shortage of manpower, some temporary workers can be recruited.
That's what Su Guanwei said.
"Speaking of which, this academic conference is clearly a matter of benefiting the country and the people, but why..."
"I paid for the expenses myself?"
Su Hao fell into deep thought.
Probably, this is the reason why I wanted to let the Lord Sea King preside, but was pushed back.
Older gingers are more spicy.
The alliance can be reimbursed, right!
Su Hao thought, riding the Erhalin out of the city again, and on the white cloud, besides Die Xiaodie, A Yan was also present.
Before the start of the academic conference, he will communicate with a few wild crowns and try to convince them.
"They can definitely communicate well, right."
The academic conference was held in a hurry. From the invitation letter to the present, on the fourth day, Shicheng ushered in a distinguished spiritual master who has made considerable contributions to the development of the alliance.
"Old Chen, you are here too."
"After all, it is to follow up a chemistry-related meeting, how can I be absent."
"Old Geng, didn't you guys study ghost elves? Why did you come?"
"Old man, you can come, why can't I come, can't ghost elves evolve? Ghost elves have eaten your rice!"
The masters stayed at the not luxurious hotels in Shicheng, cursing, but this is the friendship of the masters.
At the hotel entrance,
A master with golden hair and a little bald face was unhappy, "Where is Su Hao, he called us over, but this junior himself is nowhere to be seen!"
"Master Miles, Su Guan is out of town, he seems to be busy setting up the venue." The hotel waiter said.
Miles snorted and stepped into it.
In front of him, a spiritual master from the Golden Eagle Federation saw him and raised his eyebrows, "Myers, you fellow, can't you tell me before?"
"Huh!" said Master Miles, "I'm studying the environment, can't I be curious about the funnel of heaven and earth? This place is not his Su Hao's!"
What he didn't say was that many well-known masters who studied chemistry and environmental science were invited to participate. If he doesn't come, people who don't know think he is not qualified to participate!
He is a senior master specializing in environmental science, and no master understands the relationship between elves and the environment better than him!
He was even nominated as a candidate for a grandmaster long ago. At the end of the year, at the four-year ‘Master’s Name’ ceremony, he is expected to become a master of Yuling.
of course,
The junior Su Hao is also one of the candidates.
Moreover, the masters and grandmasters who are optimistic about Su Hao are a little bit more than those who recommend him.
"Why is he a junior!"
"I have contributed to the league, and I have shed blood for the league, and I have written hundreds of papers. How can it be inferior to a junior who has only studied spiritual training for a few years."
"I admit that he has some talent, but it is just good luck to find the degenerate evolution and awakening state."
"Otherwise, why didn't he even have a paper for the whole year? It's not exactly revealed yet!"
In the room,
A good friend of Master Miles, Master Rekir, known as the founder of Western advanced chemistry, opened his mouth, but still did not tell the cruel fact that Su Hao cultivated three crowns this year.
He just said, "Anyway, the funnel of heaven and earth was also discovered by Su Hao, and the academic conference aims to discuss that the credit belongs to a certain individual, as long as..."
"You are right." Miles was no longer annoyed. "Since his Su Hao holds an academic conference, it means that he has no clue."
Thinking of this, Miles got up, "Instead of sitting in this room, it's better to go and take a look at the scene, Rekiel, don't you wonder what the world funnel is like?"
The city gate of Shicheng has been sealed off since a few days ago, and the walls are patrolled by the Imperial Spirits 24 hours a day, creating a highly guarded scene.
Miles came here, somewhat unexpectedly, he... was stopped.
"Do you know who I am?"
"you are……?"
Miles: "..."
He was a little misguided. He didn't take students with him this time. At this time, no one gave him his registration number, and he reported himself, and he seemed very ashamed.
"This is Master Miles. We want to go to the meeting place and study the environment..."
His good friend, Master Rekir said.
"The two are masters who participated in academic conferences..."
Miles adjusted his tie and waited for the gate to open.
Next second,
The gatekeeper said, "Then it will be even worse. Su Guantai especially warned that you cannot go to the stone forest area."
"What do you mean, what does he mean!"
Master Miles jumped and looked in front of him. The guardian of the gate said, "Young man, I advise you to do it yourself, open the door for me obediently. A few extraordinary elves can't stop me."
"Why do you follow Su Hao's orders from a junior!"
He said,
A doctor wolf, a dan grass boy, two figures appeared nearby.
All are at the monarch level.
He didn't release his aura. To him, the gates seemed to be empty, but Miles wanted to go out in an upright manner, instead of sneaking over the walls like a thief.
The gatekeeper was silent, seeming to be hesitating and thinking.
The corners of Miles' lips raised slightly.
The gatekeeper stepped back.
Miles stepped forward.
Gatekeeper: "Su Guan, let me remind you that there are wild crowns in the Shilin area, and the temper is not good."
The soldier added, "It seems that there are still five."
"Oh the five crowns..."
"Wait! The crown?!"
Miles froze.
Whether there is a wild crown or not, he believes that juniors like Su Hao dare not cheat. Before coming, he also heard that the stone forest area is not safe, so he asked them to bring more monarch elves.
Can you bring more monarchs to the throne?
A sliding shovel in the past is not yet sent!
Miles struggled.
Advance is dangerous!
Retreat, shame!
He looked at his friend.
Master Rekir lowered his head and stared at the toe of the shoe, as if his inspiration broke out and a certain research topic suddenly had an idea.
The next day,
Most of the more than one hundred spiritual masters who accepted the invitation to attend the academic conference have arrived in Shicheng, and only a few are still on their way.
The masters said that they are not as busy as the crown king, but they are also big people who go up and down hundreds of thousands of minutes. Of course, they cannot stay in the hotel all the time.
There were already many people who wanted to visit Shilin yesterday.
"The stone forest area is affected by the funnel of heaven and earth, and it has been proven that there are hundreds of monarch elves and five wild crowns."
"I know that the masters are eager to study the subject, but the papers are valuable and the price of life is higher. We will go to the stone forest area later. Masters must remember not to leave the team or go to remote places..."
Su Hao babbled.
Suddenly for a moment, how do you feel a tour guide?
Or a tour guide with the elderly group.
The Baiyun flight is slowly flying to the Shilin area.
The mountains under the clouds flew back, the vegetation rushed, and the masters on the cloud talked three to five, looking into the distance from time to time.
With a bit of anticipation, a bit of anxiety.
no way,
The Heaven and Earth Funnel is in the nest of several wild crowns. If you want to study, you must face the crown... Few people can not be nervous.
Even if they are masters who have been famous for many years, they are more aware that there is a gap between the monarchy and the crown.
Many masters have been stuck in the Quasi-Uranian King for ten or twenty years, and they are still not Uranus.
Only one or two extraordinary, a bit miserable, were carried around.
Master Miles looked into the distance and then glanced at the fairy butterfly on the cloud.
"I heard that there are only two crowns escorting us this time?"
The lineup of two titles is actually very luxurious.
But there are five opponents, Miles feels that he has no bottom, and he feels that Su Hao, a junior, is unreliable!
"After all, it is wartime, and no more titles can be vacated. The priority of this topic is very high. Once we can study something, we are not sure, it is the key to reversing the situation."
Master Rekiel said, "Furthermore, Su Hao is more talented in combat than Yu Ling, and he gives a guarantee. As long as we don’t leave the Yun Tuan, we can absolutely guarantee our safety... He contracted Ghost Lord Yan Luo, isn't there still room in the individual?"
"Huh! Say so..."
Miles dared not put safety on others, especially the younger generation.
He entered the state of ‘sharing of vision’, commanded the Pu Cao, separated from the surrounding guards, and flew towards the stone forest area at a faster speed.
Clouds and mists swirl around.
High and towering mountains, like pillars, interspersed among the clouds.
It was this beautiful picture that caught the eye.
There is no danger.
An armor-clad dragon eagle in iron armor flew out of the fog not far away, glanced at the young man Pu Cao, his wings turned, and disappeared into the cloud without looking back.
"The one just now seems to be a wild monarch?"
After all, Miles is a senior master, even at a glance, he can judge the general situation of the armored dragon eagle.
"It's just that the wild monarch is so timid?"
"Or, is this characteristic of the Shilin area?"
He has done a lot of research on ‘environment and elves’, and he knows that elves in different regions have different characteristics, and it’s not impossible that elves in a certain area have the character of ‘cowardly’.
Perhaps this is the grasp of Junior Su Hao?
In that case...
The green shirt swayed on Young Pu Cao, and it controlled the power of the wind to fly faster and shuttle among the clouds.
The clouds and mist in front of me became thin, all the high and towering peaks disappeared, and the whole area was as flat as trimmed.
It can be seen from a distance, the sky and earth funnel is extremely eye-catching.
Beside the funnel, there are two mountains as conspicuous.
One is long and pointed, and the other is flat and round.
‘Does this funnel affect the surrounding environment? ’
Miles thought.
The mountain moved, it stood up!
A vast and terrifying coercion enveloped him, and Young Master Pu Grass suddenly became stiff, and Master Miles, who was ‘same frequency’ with it, trembled.
He finally realized that something was missing!
The crown position to guard the funnel of heaven and earth is missing!
The mountain is the crown!
The sword light exploded from the back of the mountain and shot from the hole.
This second, this moment,
Master Miles used the speed of being single for sixty years, and called the Pu Cao back in a dangerous and dangerous way.
"The power of the crown and the crown is so terrifying!"
He shivered, his heart lingering.
I wanted to say something, but hesitated.
After he hesitated, the Baiyun had already flown into the stone forest area, UU reading www. is a bit farther away, that is...
Jian Zhonglong was very irritable.
Those two great gods are fine, a small monarch wants to ride on my head.
hateful! hateful!
It sensed the breath of the little monarch, and ran out, roaring to the sky.
"Roar...嘤( ̄?? ̄;)?"
On the white clouds,
Butterfly fairy dress fluttering.
The sword-like dragon, the size of a mountain, stopped, bowed his head and bent his knees.
In line with the timidity he imagined a minute ago.
Master Miles continued to be silent.
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