Chapter 9: Basic training

   Su Hao is not that devil in the end.
   is mainly the baby silkworm at this time, unable to keep up with the speed of his bike riding.
   When he came to the back mountain of Donghu Mountain, Su Hao was almost out of breath. This was still half running and half walking.
   The baby silkworm turned over, with eight short legs facing the sky.
   It just ran all the way, the full speed was only comparable to Su Hao's trotting, and there was no room for breathing.
  Su Hao took a look at the data of the baby silkworm, and the status showed ‘very tired’, "Hoo~ very good, we can start the next training."
   "Goo, gooo??"
   The baby silkworm turned around with his short legs and turned his back to him.
   Su Hao stretched out his hand to turn the baby silkworm back. The baby silkworm in the ‘extremely exhausted’ state has no resistance.
   "You have to believe that the training plan I made is absolutely reasonable..."
   The so-called absolutely reasonable is that if you don’t practice, you must practice to death.
  Su Hao thought for a while, and said earnestly, "Think from another angle. If you can't complete the training task, the time will be extended. If you are diligent, complete the training task and meet the requirements, can you do other things in advance?"
   Well, advance to the next training phase.
   Su Hao added in his heart.
   The baby silkworm reluctantly agreed with his statement, turned over and began to exercise spiritual power.
   Its mouth bulged, and spouted green light particles toward the front.
   Each light grain is about the size of a rice grain, and it is scattered after being sprayed out, dissipating in the air in less than half a meter.
   The degree of cohesion is unqualified.
  The strength is unqualified.
   Not enough spiritual power.
   "Strong hard, hard, spiritual power condenses in the mouth and sprays out in a straight line, just like me..."
   Su Hao imitated the way of spiritual cohesion in the plan, and made a little saliva in his mouth, shrinking his mouth, spit out forcefully.
  The drool made an unpleasant arc and fell less than a meter away from him.
   The baby silkworm was full of disgust and moved aside.
   But it feels that it's better to give a little bit of face, after all, it is its own imperial emissary...Although it is a bit silly.
   It puffed up its mouth, and accumulated energy for two or three seconds before violently expelling the spiritual energy from the body. It was still fan-shaped, but the angle had been reduced a lot. The maximum distance increased from about 40cm to 60cm now.
   Some fallen leaves were swept by the light particles of spiritual power, and they were flying up and down.
   "It's roughly the level of a gust of wind..."
   Su Hao stretched out his hand and blocked the spray of green light particles. He slowly leaned forward from the farthest end, feeling like raindrops falling on his skin.
   The lethality is approximately equal to nothing.
   Clicking on the data of the baby silkworm, 6's spiritual power is only 2.3, and two spiritual power breaths consume 3.7 spiritual power.
The    spiritual power column has become "expensive".
   "In addition, each breath can last about three seconds, but I lack a precise timer."
   "There is one training program. While the silkworm baby is exhausted, he needs to deplete his spiritual energy, and it must be reduced to at least 0.2 to achieve the best exercise effect."
   He comforted the baby silkworm, plus a flick, before finally letting the baby silkworm continue to spit out spiritual power-this is the easiest way to use spiritual power, it is like instinct to the elves.
   But if both physical and spiritual energy are exhausted, it must feel uncomfortable.
   It's like running here from home in the morning, tired enough.
   Fortunately, the baby silkworm is training very hard, just like him.
   The third spiritual breath, the farthest distance is only a little more than 50cm-Su Hao didn't wear a measuring tape-the duration was shorter.
   1.1 units of spiritual power remaining.
   The baby silkworm is pitiful: (ó﹏ò?).
   For the fourth time, the baby silkworm spit out after a long time to increase the spiritual power by 0.2, which only consumed 0.8, leaving 0.5.
   The baby silkworm wants to cry without tears: (?_?).
the fifth time……
   When the silkworm baby's spiritual power was only the last 0.1, the whole elf lay on the ground with a seemingly unlovable appearance.
   Thanks to the fact that he can see the specific values ​​of the silkworm babies, he can formulate such a detailed and comprehensive training plan. Otherwise, in the third or fourth time, he may have to be passed by the silkworm babies.
   looked at the time, um, it’s not the meal yet, but in order to reward the silkworm babies, Su Hao took out a box of Fat God’s milk that was originally intended to be used as bait and plugged in a straw...
   The baby silkworm jumped up all at once.
   Su Hao turned his head and looked around. He always felt that it was a pretense, but he had no evidence.
   The baby silkworm lay softly on the ground again, staring at Kazilan with wide-eyed eyes.
   "Well, it was originally for you."
   It moved to the front of Fat God Milk. He took a few mouthfuls, raised his head, hesitated, and pushed the milk carton in front of Su Hao, "Hey, hey~"
Su Hao was stunned, then burst into laughter, and touched the baby silkworm's head, "For you, I have to grow white and fat... Bah, I have to become stronger quickly... Don't push it, drink it, I have it myself. ."
   He took out a bottle of Pulsation from his backpack, and took a gulp-he was tired and thirsty. If it wasn't for the silkworm baby to be a role model, Su Hao wanted to stretch his hands and feet and lie down.
After the baby silkworm's physical and spiritual energy was exhausted, it was time to recover. During this time, it was necessary to avoid using spiritual power, but Su Hao did not let it idle, but took out his mobile phone and played some videos that had been downloaded yesterday Fighting video of silkworm babies.
   The silkworm babies in the video are much larger than those in Su Hao's family. They are probably close to the maturity stage. After a period of training and nurturing, they have a certain fighting capacity.
   The eight short legs ran very fast, shuttled through the arena in a mountain environment, and fought with another elf, and finally seized the opportunity, one slammed and defeated the other elf.
   watched the silkworm baby's heart surging, and the training enthusiasm of "gumbling" was high. After all, Su Hao chose the videos of the silkworm baby's victory.
   The little guy also wants to enjoy the attention of the public like his family.
After    waited for the silkworm babies to recover, their physique and spiritual power really rose a bit. According to the instructions of the training plan, this ‘extreme training method’ can be used three times a day.
   "Okay, let's do speed and responsiveness training next."
   Su Hao brought out two props—throwing frisbees for teasing dogs, and small elastic balls—that he bought by a street shop in the morning—he wanted to use a more intelligent method, but he was poor.
   "I threw the frisbee out, and you need to get the frisbee back as fast as possible, understand?"
   "Grumbling!" The silkworm baby's short legs planed the ground, confident. UU reading
   Su Hao picked up a frisbee, held it tightly, and flew out suddenly.
   The baby silkworm rushed out, stared at the Frisbee, and leaped vigorously. The upward momentum stopped when there was one or two slaps away from the Frisbee and fell quickly.
   It used too much force, failed to maintain its balance, and fell to the ground and rolled several times.
  "Goooh/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~" The baby silkworm has tears in her eyes, and she is always hurting.
  Su Hao comforted, "Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, if you really get hurt in the future, you will find that the current pain is not worth mentioning... Well, I mean you won’t get hurt easily if you become stronger in the future."
   Can Bao Bao looked at him suspiciously, always feeling that a Yu Ling made an uneasy and kind Azi.
   Su Hao pinched his short legs again and gestured, "When exerting strength, it should be like this... When jumping, the body should keep balance..."
"Furthermore, you have to try to use your spiritual power when you exert your power, gather your spiritual power on the soles of your feet, and explode your spiritual power just before you exert your power... What? You ask how to gather on the soles of your feet, of course... Um... You have to realize it yourself."
   Su Hao does not have spiritual power, but in fact, there are detailed power and spiritual power application methods in the training plan.
   He didn't say much, let the baby silkworm try more, only when he is injured, he will remember more carefully.
  The characteristic of the silkworm baby is to rejuvenate, and its spiritual power has a slight recovery effect. If it is not injured, is it a waste of precious characteristics?
   Exploiting the potential of the elves in many ways, Su Hao felt that he was already an above-average imperial emissary.
   is not a devil.
   The baby silkworm is exhausted, and she has to roar in a hoarse voice, "please ask for a recommendation ticket~!!"
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