Chapter 108: Not scientific!

"... Miss, Miss."
Hua Mu was so sleepy that when it was lightly shaken, it was already dark. White Pillow sat beside her, gently stroked her short hair, and laughed: "It's time to eat dinner, and go to sleep after eating."
Hua Mu rubbed his eyes, moved his head, and pillowed him on his thigh.
"Did I sleep for a long time?"
"You seem tired, so I didn't call you."
Hua Mu slept softly and didn't want to move at all.
"I'll wait to cook."
"It's okay, I've done it almost, you have a good rest today."
Although he wanted equality, Hua Mu didn't hate the feeling of being loved. He rubbed his thigh with a white pillow and sighed comfortably.
"Uh ~"
"Then I'll do octopus sashimi now."
"Wait, I'm not very hungry yet." Hua Mu held her and coquettishly said, "You will stay with me again."
"it is good."
The setting sun shines on the red sea, the breeze is warm, the sound of the waves is mixed with the chirping of seabirds and dolphins, and the atmosphere cannot be described as quiet and peaceful.
The two of them did not speak for a while, quietly enjoying the unique comfort of the isolated island.
It wasn't until the sun sank completely below the sea level, and the reserve grain sleeping next to it stretched out to get up, and Hua Mu slowly asked, "What day is it today?"
"Today is December 5."
"Isn't it about the New Year soon?"
It is difficult to feel the passage of time when living on an island that is closed and has no obvious seasonal changes. Since the island of Liuluo, eight months have passed unconsciously.
There have been many things happening in these eight months, but it really seems to be just a moment in retrospect.
"Yes, your birthday is coming soon."
Hua Mu's birthday is January 11th, which is indeed near.
"Why so fast!" The life on the desert island is by no means interesting, and the way to pass the time is really few before. In terms of sense only, Hua Mu even feels that the current time is too slow.
But eight months have passed, and the New Year is her birthday, and she will be away from home for almost a year. When she ran away from home on an impulse, she never expected it to evolve to what it is today.
"Time always passes silently and silently." Bai Zhu looked at her with some sadness in her eyes.
Hua Mu noticed that the sentinel's literary breath had exploded, and she rolled over and sat on her lap.
"This is our first new year alone, we have to plan well. And my birthday, how can you mean it?"
White Pillow is naturally willing to please Huamu, but the gifts that can be found on this deserted island are not worth much compared to the things Huamu once received.
"Miss, do you have anything you want?"
"Give the gift and ask the person, you are too sincere. No, you think slowly."
In fact, it doesn't matter what flowers are sent by the white pillow, she just finds a trouble to the other party, so that she can't be cranky.
She could more or less realize that White Pillow was more worried than she was about not being able to leave Neverland.
"Okay, let's go to dinner, after eating early ... cough, rest."
White Pillow didn't hear the implied meaning of rest, and nodded naturally. Hua Mu doesn't care either-anyway, this trick will always open.
Thanks to the harvest of Huamu in the afternoon, the dinner was quite rich. The white pillow followed the flowers and ears, making great progress in cooking. Fresh seafood sashimi with homemade seasonings requires little processing.
The two cats were full of food, and the night had just begun.
This trip to the coast replenishment, because it took too much time to "rest", the two stayed for five days before they almost filled up what they needed.
After returning to the mountain, it continued to rain for two days in a row. Until the physiological period of Huamu arrived, White Pillow finally had time to repair the oil press.
The ancient oil press is actually a human press, and its structure is not complicated. And because the white pillow needs to be operated by a single person, the machine needs to be more compact and simple, and the bumper and fuel tank are not made very large, so it took less than two days.
In the past, Huamu also used coconut oil, which is a by-product of grinding coconut milk with coconut meat. It is still not enough as a food oil.
With the oil press, the next step is to prepare the raw materials. The two people first thought of the oil palm forest in Houshan. Oil palm fruit has a high oil yield and abundant resources on the island, making it ideal for experimentation.
After all, White Pillow left the rainforest at the age of twelve, and it was also the first time to really squeeze the oil from start to finish. There were many places to explore.
Hua Mu was trapped in the physiology period and was quiet for a few days. When he could jump around, the top of the small oil-pressing workshop was covered. She minded that she didn't help, and volunteered to follow the white pillow to collect raw materials.
The island is rich in palm plants. In addition to coconut trees, there are thorn sunflower, sugar palm, betel nut, water coconut and oil palm, etc., which will greatly help improve the lives of the two.
Like ordinary palm plants, oil palms are tall plants, and the fruits grow under the top leaves of the trees, and there are relatively high requirements for picking.
Hua Mu fears high, even if Luna can fly, she can't use it. She can only stand at the bottom of the tree carrying a basket to pick up the fruits thrown by the white pillow. Mature palm fruit is not as large as quail eggs, and the oil content of the flesh and kernels is very rich.
Huamu had also boiled it before, and it tasted good. The thick fiber inside had some dents, which made her not very fond of it.
The white pillow was agile and climbed to the top of the tree with bare hands in a few seconds. Although Hua Mu knew her skill, she still had to worry.
"White pillow, be careful."
Hua Mu shouted at the top of the tree. The white pillow only changed his posture. He gripped the trunk with his legs and sat firmly on it.
"It's okay, missie, be careful below, don't get hit."
"I have a hat." Hua Mu raised his head against the brim and looked down from above to see how the Sentinel did not do any protective measures. He hangs on it like this.
White pillow specially made a straw hat for her with palm leaves, in addition to shading, it can also prevent being injured.
"Then I started, you just put the basket down."
Oil palm fruit generally grows in bunches under the petiole, and the palm petiole is hard and prickly, which is very difficult to pick.
Fortunately, the dagger was sharp, and the white pillow was strong enough to harvest quickly. A series of oval oil palm fruit fell directly into the basket from the air, and it didn't take Huamu to worry at all. Only a few drops occasionally required her to bend over.
Just when Hua Mu was bored, White Pillow had already picked a plant and came down from the tree.
"Obviously, I'm working together, aren't you the only one busy?"
Hua Mu pouted, annoyed at her uselessness. She was unable to do many things because of fear of heights. Obviously Luna has the rare skill of flying, and the result has become a chicken rib.
"I know you want to help, but there is no way to fear heights. And for non-professionals, this is indeed a bit dangerous. You can help me below."
The two came to another tree with the basket, Hua Mu suddenly whimsically said: "You said I can overcome the fear of height? For example, take Luna every day to fly ... Luna will fly! So powerful! I'm totally useless for the skill of pulling wind, so it's a pity! "
If you can really overcome the fear of heights, the white pillow is also happy, but the simple and crude way is obviously not good for this.
"Miss, we can take this slowly. If you are bored, why don't you help collect some palm leaves. I can't throw this right, you need to pick it up."
Seeing that she did not support it, Hua Mu was frustrated and said, "Wouldn't it be fine for me to find something to do, why do you want palm leaves? Haven't you paved the roof?"
"This is for making pancakes. There is no suitable straw on the island. I want to pick some leaves to dry and give it a try."
"Okay," they said reasonably, Hua Mu was a little bit happy, pinched his fist to show his talents, "Then I'll try to find some other leaves together, is it long and wide Better?"
Hua Mu was affirmed and immediately rolled up his sleeves to dry. However, after being taught by the snake bite, she is now extremely cautious and summoned Luna early to alert him. White Pillow is more careful to let Hattie follow him by his side.
After the combination of the white pillow and Huamu, Hati's figure does not increase but decreases, and now the normal shape looks only as high as Huamu. But getting smaller does not mean weakening of the power. On the contrary, even Huamu can feel its danger and power.
In just one month, not only the size, but also the shape of Hatilian has changed a lot. The originally white wolf hair now looks more elegant and thick, but the figure is more sophisticated.
The most remarkable change of Hati was still on the face. There was a new crescent-like dark hair on the forehead without any trace of hair, which made it look a bit more majestic. The eyes are greener and deeper, the fangs are sharper and sharper, and every time you "breath" exudes coldness.
"Bahh ~" The unicorn immediately saw the white wolf put its hooves up and hugged it.
The white wolf is not as tall as a unicorn at the moment, and it looks like it is unable to resist. He obediently fell down, exposing his belly and neck, embracing the unicorn to make him intimate.
Hua Mu has long been accustomed to these two being more greasy than himself and the white pillow, and disgusted: "Can you lick and lick as soon as you meet?"
Although she and White Pillow have time to indulge, they also have a lot of rest time. But these two? It is not enough to feel empathy when they are lingering, and they will come out licking and licking when they are resting.
Speaking of pornography, these two are real pornography!
Hatty moved his ears, but Luna, as if she hadn't heard her at all, pressed the white wolf and rolled underneath.
So hungry! So hungry!
Why is there such a shameless spirit body for the noble lady who is as reserved as she is?
So unscientific!
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