Chapter 10: Not delicate at all!

Hua Mu can tolerate a small amount of blood, but the scene of such exaggerated convection is somewhat incompetent. She was not originally a fish vegetarian, until once she was taken by a ghost prince of a certain country to eat a freshly killed sheep embryo meal. From then on, she left a deep shadow in her heart. She couldn't eat animal meat anymore, and she gradually couldn't even accept poultry meat. .
The scene of killing a pregnant ewe was too cruel, so that every time she saw red meat, she remembered the scene at that time. Huamu never felt that he was very caring for small animals, and even secretly felt that members of some animal protection associations in the circle were too extreme, but he still became a fish vegetarian.
The seabird killed by the blow was caught in the stone crack by the current, and there was no sign of life at all.
White Pillow looked up cautiously, making sure that there were no other threats before he was slightly relieved.
"Miss, are you okay?"
Hua Mu almost hung on the white pillow, and completely hugged her neck tightly with shame, a look of shock.
"Don't talk to me!" She thought that she had been standing in the blood for a long time and was sick and hairy.
Bai Zhen didn't dare to talk again, and seeing Hua Mu had no other instructions, he had to stand quietly holding her.
Hua Mu slowed down for a while before she felt more comfortable, and then she also realized her embarrassing situation-she hung naked on the white pillow for so long!
And this posture is too ... too unsightly!
"White pillow ..."
Bai Zhen finally heard Hua Mu's voice, and he was very happy, "Miss."
"Close my eyes!"
Hua Mu said quite well that he was very strong outside the country, but his heart was extremely disturbed. She is naked now, and it might be worse to get off the white pillow than to hang on it.
White Pillow knew that Hua Mu didn't like Sentinels very much, but she didn't quite understand why she always guarded herself like a female. Fortunately, she didn't need to do more research on this, and it was the nature of soldiers to obey orders.
"Is it closed?" Hua Mu asked timidly, lying on her shoulder and daring not to look at her.
"Then let me come down now and don't let you touch it."
White Pillow is really not sure where this messy boundary is, and can only be careful not to put Hua Mu down again.
The tall sentry and the petite noble girl, with their slender and powerful hands and slender and soft waist, seemed at first glance very harmonious.
Hua Mu was carefully pinched her waist and dropped to the ground, only to feel her legs were soft, her fair skin was red, and her heart was inexplicably ashamed.
"It is forbidden to open her eyes." She told her to hurriedly take the white pillow and put her jacket on the side and put it on her body. After carefully checking to make sure that there was no spring light, she said, "Okay, open your eyes. Go and put that on Dispose of the seabird and help me get the skirt ... No need, I will get the clothes myself. "
Hua Mu didn't want to be near the water anymore, but he thought about not only the skirt, but also the underwear and panties.
By this time, White Pillow had already remembered that Missy didn't eat meat of poultry and animals, and also recalled that Elma, who often heard Missy's personal maid, said that Missy couldn't bear to see this.
She thought that she would regret and be ashamed, and she dared not look directly at Huamu. She quickly picked up the dead seabirds and threw them into the bushes on the opposite side.
Hua Mu was stunned by her stupid move.
"What do you want to throw away?"
White Pillow only listened to her tone and realized that she must have made a mistake again. He said, "You, don't you want to see this?"
She really didn't want to watch these, so she let White Pillow handle it quickly.
"Then you pick up a little farther and wrap a bag with leaves. Is such a big bird thrown away, are you stupid?"
"But Miss, don't you not eat ..."
The reason why Hua Mu feels angry every time he speaks with White Pillow is that the IQ difference between the two is too big, so the smart ones are always crying by the stupid one.
"Can't you eat it if I don't eat it?"
Missy does n’t eat. She eats such good food by herself, which is too bad.
"Don't, but killing is killing, not eating is disrespect for life. You take it downstream to deal with it, you are not allowed to look here, I will go back when I get dressed."
This is an order.
Hua Mu watched her pick up the seabirds and ran not far from the downstream to deal with, and quickly put back her wet dress. The stream was clear again, Hua Mu washed his feet a little upstream, and the white pillow had returned.
The slightly treated seabird carcass was wrapped in large banana leaves by her, and bound with flexible vines outside, which relieved Hua Mu of discomfort.
The return trip was still a white pillow carrying Hua Mu, because they did not have to take a detour, the two spent only half an hour.
The beach is still the same beach. The SoS logo made of black stones yesterday was washed up and down by half of the high tide. Beside the stove.
Hua Mu looked at the empty sea, and his mind flashed a little confused. This was just the next day, but she felt that she had passed the most difficult moments of her life.
Because of the delay of Hua Mu, the time has passed by noon, and the sun is getting hotter. Hua Mu rested under a low coconut tree, and the white pillow went fishing.
After a day of adaptation, Hua Mu felt a little less afraid of being alone. In addition, she also has something to do, so quickly sent a white pillow to the water to grab lunch for herself.
After seeing the white pillow wrapping seabirds with banana leaves, Huamu Lingji moved. On the way back, she was asked to help pick a lot of large leaves. At this time, it is necessary to verify them one by one-after all, there is only one handkerchief, and she still has more difficulties to solve.
The leaves are determined by the white pillow to be non-toxic, and Huamu needs to test their practicability. Too smooth is not good, too rough is not good, too brittle is not good, Hua Mu rubbed it with his hands, rubbed it on his skin, and his arms were all red before finally picking out a slightly satisfactory one.
Everyone survived and could not be killed by shame. After crossing one hurdle, the next hurdle looks less difficult.
Bai Zhen seems to have found a bit of fishing skills. The time spent today is much shorter than yesterday. Hua Mu looked at the two fish in her hand and cried out in disbelief.
The white pillow processed the fish by the sea and returned to the fire to insert the cleaned branches. It seemed to be ready to roast. Huamu thought it was too hot next to the fire and refused to come close, but after recognizing the two fishes, he could not help but secrete saliva.
"White pillow, this one you are catching ... star point snapper?"
The white pillow inserted the fish string beside the fire, and the mood looked good.
"It should be a perch-shaped fish. I don't know which one it is."
Bai Zhen didn't know, Hua Mu could know clearly. Wild star-point snappers are already very rare, and the number of catches is fixed every year. Even if the quality is slightly better, they are not often eaten by their royal members.
Huamu is more obsessed with seafood because she cannot eat poultry meat. Although she hasn't done it herself, she knows what seafood is cooked in what way.
Star-point snapper can be steamed, stewed, or braised, but it's a violent disaster to just roast it on the fire.
"Miss, what's the matter? Don't you like to eat this?" Bai Zhen looked at her as if staring at the fish in a daze, worried. "Then I'll catch another fish?"
Hua Mu tried his best to endure the distress of his idea and set his eyes aside: "It's okay, just this, don't roast too much."
If it is a little seasoning, it will definitely not be too bad even if it is baked. But from the beginning of yesterday's shellfish Hua Mu knew that no matter how delicious seafood is too original, it is a nightmare.
Even sashimi needs condiments!
Hua Mu glanced at the leaves that were crumpled into a hand, and he felt discouraged for a moment.
At this point, what else could she force on?
"Do you want to drink coconut milk, Miss?"
Hua Mu shook his head lazily, "Don't drink it first ... By the way, how about your bird?"
Although she brought the things back with her help, she didn't pay any attention after throwing them to the white pillow. Now she found out that the green bag was gone.
"I buried it under the fire."
"Oh ..." Hua Mu was not interested in her cooking method and turned her head. "You brought some of these leaves back when you went to fetch water in the afternoon, and then looked to see if there was anything else that could be used."
She has always been in the top position, and after a little clarification, she also habitually began to give orders.
"Oh by the way, find some hay and give me a pad, it's dead."
"And there are ..."
What she thought and said, White Pillow took notes one by one.
The fish is grilled first.
Although the fire where the two roasted did not use wet wood deliberately like the fire that produced smoke, it was not charcoal after all. These two fish are more cooked than roasted.
Huamu is not a smoked food, of course, it is also very delicious. But these woods do not have any unique fragrance, and star point snapper is also not suitable for cooking in this way.
Although not particularly unpleasant, it is wasteful.
Hua Mu ate tears while eating, and the fish with almost no taste was more unpalatable than shellfish. Although seawater is salty, it is not only rich in sodium chloride, but also boric acid in many other salts and molecular forms. The taste is bitter and astringent, and it cannot be used directly as a seasoning.
Hua Mu ate a difficult one and then couldn't eat it again, let White Pillow solve the remaining one. White Pillow naturally had no opinion, and by the way, the seabirds buried before the fire were dug out.
Hua Mu frowned as soon as he saw the black paint.
The white pillow used a dagger to knock open the hard and hot mud shell on the outside, and the green banana leaf inside was unrecognizable because of the high heat. But the leaves are intact, and there is a fragrance, which is not as bad as it looks.
Hua Mu smelled a scent, and the discomfort became curious.
It was just that she hadn't finished her curiosity yet, and when the white pillow opened the banana leaf, the smell of the smell of zizi made her retreat.
This is terrible than her grilled fish!
How can a sentinel with five senses be able to eat it? ? ?
The author has something to say: Hua Mu: Would you please be an exquisite gIrL? ? ?
It ’s the lady who is the farmer who ca n’t stand the rough life to find ways to improve it.
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