Chapter 119: foundation

The two continued to move forward, and the surrounding scenery gradually changed. The surrounding rock walls were gradually replaced by metal walls. The light strip at the top even began to appear faint lights-after many years, some of the facilities at the base are still running Not long after walking, the two were blocked by a hydraulic metal door. On the right side of the door, there is an interface for identity verification. The two people obviously need to go through this verification if they want to enter.
"Oh, what now?"
Hua Mu didn't think so much. For this situation, she was a little ignorant, but the white pillow was already prepared. The power facilities on this island apparently existed independently. From the appearance of the spirit, she guessed that the base's backup power supply could at least provide some equipment for operation. The security system belongs to the foundation of the foundation, of course, it is one of the first batch of equipment guaranteed. It is impossible for the two to enter.
"Miss, you retreat farther, I will destroy the circuit first, and then open it manually."
If it is placed in the past, she will definitely carry special tools, as long as it is black. But now I have to use the simplest and most brutal method, only hope that the security system thirty years ago is not so advanced.
Hua Mu was surprised when she saw her rubbing hands. The hydraulic door in front of the two people weighs at least a few tons, and the manual opening from the outside is pure brute force.
"Are you all right?"
She has a deep understanding of the power of White Pillow, but how can this door be too heavy?
"Try it."
If she used to be a white pillow, she naturally did not feel that she could do such a thing, but now she is somewhat inexplicable.
Hua Mu swallowed her saliva and suddenly admired her physical fitness. Is it true that she is already very strong? Otherwise, why hasn't been hit by this sentry for so long?
White Pillow walked in front of the identity verification machine and said to Hua Mu: "Miss, you should go back as far as possible ..."
Her words were interrupted by a murmured female voice, and the sensor probe detected her presence.
"Hello ... At present, the base is at the highest level of alert ... Please perform DnA authentication above the supervisor ... Please select the corresponding level of authentication after the tone."
"Please choose one for the supervisor level, two for the person in charge of the base, three for the person in charge of the plan, and four for the royal family ..."
Hua Mu couldn't help but say: "I really don't know if this system should be advanced or backward, there are still options for identity verification, can't it be automatically recognized?"
White pillows know why, and the general reason for this is that the genetic algorithms for identity verification are different. Some genetic identity verifications are for individuals, and some are for family-specific gene fragments. The latter was very popular more than 100 years ago. In some countries, the royal family often urgently built such secret bases in order to leave wealth for future generations before they were overthrown.
"The genetic algorithms that should be members of the royal family are different, so they will be separated ..."
"Is there any royal family involved in this project? Which royal family is so shameless?"
"... I have chosen the royal family."
The system seems to have an automatic recognition function for a specific language, and mistakenly took the dialogue between the two as an option answer.
Bai Zhen didn't pay attention to it, and explained to Hua Mu: "This project was originally a formal project with the support of several royal families, but later ..."
"Dear members of the royal family of the Sheng Dynasty, welcome to the Frankenstein base, please put your hair and blood samples in the sample tank."
The slightly stereotypical female voice suddenly became sweet, like entering the business model.
Hua Mu was stunned when he heard it, and the white pillow was a little stunned.
"I just heard ... Is it Sheng Chao?"
Hua Mu involuntarily stepped forward, looking at the spirally opened sample slot next to the verification interface and hesitating: "You said, will it be useful if I put it in?"
"I don't know ..." This news is also very unexpected for White Pillow. She may not be surprised if there are multiple royal options in the royal member column, but there is only one ... This is obviously the result of changing the settings later.
It is said that the royal family still secretly supports the latter part of the project, but there is no conclusive evidence to whom.
Hua Mu simply pulled her hair and threw it in, and took out the dagger and scratched the wound on her fingertips-not only the white pillow, but she was also more and more curious about the base.
"White pillow, it seems that it's more than you alone."
After Huamu dripped blood, the sample tank closed quickly. After about a minute or two in silence, the female voice of artificial intelligence sounded again.
"The verification is successful, and the base gate is now open for you. I am the artificial intelligence florist of the Frankenstein base, and I will serve you wholeheartedly. If there is a demand, please call" Little Flower "to call me and thank you for your guidance.
Xiaohua ...
Hua Mu finally resisted the urge to vomit.
"... It seems that my authority is quite high?"
The hydraulic door is slowly opening, probably not started for many years, the foundation is now lack of power, and there is a loud noise during the door opening process, and it even stopped only halfway through.
But the scene behind the gate still appeared in front of the two.
Under the dim light, the first thing that came into view was a balanced scooter parking lot, where about a dozen small scooters were parked. Huamu has n’t seen modern technology in a long time-although it was thirty years ago, he was a little excited to run up and check.
It's a pity that the scooter has no electricity and can't be used at this time.
Hua Mu sighed regretfully, "I thought I could be lazy."
"If you are tired, I can hold you."
"No, I can go."
Huamu got off the scooter and brought it to the platform along with the stopped conveyor along with the white pillow. There is an elevator entrance on the left and right sides of the platform.
In front is the entrance of the laboratory. This time the two of them walked to the door and the door opened automatically.
This is an empty hall, and there is almost nothing but a huge canned transparent cultivation chamber in the middle.
Hua Mu saw the things in the training cabin at a glance, and she almost vomited out what she had just eaten. It was a brain, and it was incredible.
The brain is suspended in the nutrient solution, glowing with bluish fluorescence, and seems to be still alive.
"What, what is this ..."
Although it is a brain at a glance, this volume is really shocking. Even if it is a whale, the brain is only about nine kilograms, but this one is as big as her.
"Miss, are you okay?"
Huamu's mouth pantothenic acid, barely waved his hand: "I'm fine ..."
"I want to take a closer look at that brain, would you like to wait for me here?"
"... I'll go together, too, and it's no big deal."
That being said, Hua Mu turned his back when he walked to the training cabin. The closer the impact, the greater the impact, and the groove on the brain and the surface texture stimulated her stomach to wriggle.
"This may be the brain of a whale-shaped intelligent creature. I heard that individuals who have reached more than 100 meters in length have been captured."
"Why did you leave a brain, this is too abnormal ..."
Hua Mu heard hair all over, and remembered "Little Flower", and quickly called her to answer questions.
"Xiaohua, what is this?"
A spot of light on the nutrition compartment flashed slightly, and the voice of artificial intelligence also sounded.
"Hello, this is the brain of the intelligent creature originally of the blue whale genus, which belongs to the individual named Leviathan. Leviathan was captured in the deep sea of ​​three kilometers near the Niles in October 2101. To a pregnant mother whale, it is 145 meters long and weighs about 30,000 tons. Its bones play a very important role as a basic material for the construction of the base, and other parts of the body are also used as precious experimental materials in various areas of the plan. The brain is currently used as a terminal of a ground-based intelligent system ... Do you have any questions? "
"Wait, you mean it's alive ... no, don't you mean that you, you are ..."
"I can't answer this question for you."
Hua Mu was horrified to hear, and the arm holding the white pillow wished to get into her arms.
"White pillow ..."
Seeing her trembling, White Pillow just picked her up.
"It's okay. Although it is used as a terminal, it should not be self-aware."
Hua Mu didn't succeed this time, and the embrace of the white pillow made her feel very secure.
"Then what should we do now?"
Without this artificial intelligence, White Pillow was originally intended to conduct a carpet search, but now it does not need to be so troublesome.
"Xiaohua, how many surviving subjects are currently in the facility?"
"Searching for you ... The search is completed. Most of the subjects were transferred in March 2143. At present, the number of subjects in the base is thirty-seven, and one is still alive."
"where is it?"
"The location is on the negative B floor, do you need to screen the way for you?"
"Where is the reference room?"
"The data storage location is in Room 306, Floor A, do I need to screen the way for you?"
"Under screening ... The elevator has insufficient power to start, please take the safe passage. Now the real-time navigation is opened for you. The safe passage is located 50 meters on your right hand side, please go straight upstairs."
Just when the artificial intelligence started the navigation, the rusty leopard cat who had been hiding behind the white pillow also crawled out of the basket and got into Huamu's arms.
"This little guy refused to come out after hiding in the middle. I almost forgot about it." Hua Mu was amused when he saw it as a counsel, "It must be followed before, now so timid. "
"Meow ~"
White pillow frowned, and suddenly asked: "Xiaohua, is there a project in the base that uses cats as the experimental body?"
"Retrieving for you ... Hi, three items have been retrieved, which are experimental materials using the subgenus Tiger, the subgenus Lion and the genus Leopard."
"Which experiment does the rusty spotted leopard cat belong to?"
"Hello, the rusty spotted leopard cat belongs to the sub-project of the heLA project and is classified as an emergency response measure. It is designed to detect and suppress the mental body of heLA individuals. The successful experiment of this project is six, four transfers, one death, one Flee. "
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