Chapter 121: The answer

The flower clusters never thought that one day the guzheng would lie in a sterile isolation cabin, and the person who was originally pale and almost transparent was suspended in the light green restoration fluid, and it seemed to be dissolved in it.
It has been a week since the flower kite was still awake, but the body that was able to recover quickly is now worse than ordinary people. The medicine hardly worked for her, and the flower cluster later realized that the body bomb was not aimed at itself, but at the flower kite.
Huace has found a way to deal with Huazheng. She is no longer the existence that is far above all living beings.
After the incident happened, Huacui quickly issued a statement.
The credibility of the government has undoubtedly been questioned to a certain extent, but Huace ’s behavior of using young children as human bodies has completely angered him, and he has begun to support the official to adopt a tougher attitude towards Hezhou ’s military operations.
The flower cluster has been a queen for more than ten years, and it is also the first time that it has been attacked by a human body. The cute face of the little girl became the lingering shadow in her heart, and she had had nightmares for several days in a row.
But the situation of Huazheng made her more worried.
Although the energy of the human body is swallowed by the spirit body in time, there is still a huge impact and heat. The clusters of flowers are too close, and there is no other way for the kite to protect her than her body.
The flower clusters don't know what hands and feet Hua Ce moved on the little girl, but the injured part of the flower kite has no recovery ability like the past, because the drug has little effect on her, and the wound is unable to heal. In order to avoid wound infection, Huazheng was placed in a sterile cabin.
There are too many things to deal with in the flower cluster, so I have to move the office to the hospital. Hua Jian's old wounds have not been cured, but now that the situation is urgent, he has to go to the front line again to command.
The flower clusters only sleep for a maximum of two or three hours a day these days. They are almost nightmares and their faces are haggard. But after finishing her official duties, she will still stay beside Huazheng, hoping to let the other party see herself as soon as she wakes up.
Hua Zheng's long hair was cut short for surgery, and there was a conspicuous burn on the right side of the head. The wound spread to the lower jaw. Not only the head, but also the body of the zither is full of scars, and the wounds on the slender limbs and right abdomen are most conspicuous.
Her cloak was also used to protect the flower clusters, and her body was almost undefended.
The flower clusters stared blankly at the people inside through the transparent hatch.
The first time I saw the flower kite, the flower cluster knew that she was definitely not her father's so-called adopted daughter. Even though her appearance is over-whitened, she can still see the obvious royal characteristics from the other person's appearance.
At that time, the flower cluster was only twelve years old, and of course thought of another possibility. Only three years after her mother's death, an illegitimate girl, who was at least eight years old, suddenly appeared. This is a blow to the flower clusters that looked at the parents' love since childhood.
The possibility of Hua Zheng's illegitimate daughter makes her no longer calm when facing her or her father. She is aiming at Huazheng everywhere, mocking her and insulting her with the childish methods and methods that now seem extremely naive, but Huazheng will only call her sister behind her with the appearance of innocent innocence, weakness and kindness. What came out of the kite was just that she was easily deceived in the past.
In fact, Huazheng does not have the same feelings as a normal person. She said that she was nice and reasonable and fair, and that she was hard-hearted and cold-hearted. The attitude she showed was what she thought was the most appropriate response, and it did get the response she expected.
After all, her opponent's flower cluster-she was just a canary at the time.
"Azheng ..."
But this same person has protected her countless times so that she can no longer distinguish her feelings. Love her or hate her. The only wish of the flower cluster is that the flower kite can wake up.
She would rather be angry with her than want to see her look like this embarrassed, this is not her kite.
Because of its special status, Huazheng must be careful even when receiving treatment in the tower. Her appearance is too obvious, it is easy to think of a premature adopted daughter adopted by the royal family. In order to take care of her nearby, the flower cluster didn't even bring her maid.
Hua Zheng's expression is very calm, she has always been this cold and calm look, only occasionally will have a malicious and narrow smile.
She has never said that she likes to see her laugh, even if Hua Zheng smiles, it means she is destined to be angry.
"Azheng, if you don't wake up again, I will ..." Hua Tu wanted to say something threatening words that he knew had no power, but he choked with sourness in his throat. Hua Mu is missing. After Hua Jian was injured, she was able to support it because of the presence of Hua Zheng. She was the shadow her father prepared for her, her mirror, her lock, her omnipotent sentry. "I really don't know what to do."
The flower cluster grew up as the crown prince, and there are many things to understand. Of course she knew what to do-she just couldn't help being coquettish.
As long as there is a flower kite, she can't help but want to rely on her. After his father died and his brother became a family, the other party has been her pillar.
Hua Mu watched nervously as the white pillow dripped blood into the rapid analyzer, silently praying for something to turn around.
"Compared with the gene bank, the project belongs to Bazinga, No. 301 experimental individual, welcome to the Frankenstein Experimental Base."
Only when the voice of artificial intelligence sounded again, the hunch became a reality.
"White pillow!"
"I'm fine, Miss." The sentry looked at her with a light smile on her face, comforting, "Really, although I can't say a sigh of relief, I really let go of something."
"You don't want to leave me?"
Hua Mu was terrified of her brain, thinking of something that was not there, and the white pillow showed a puzzled expression, "Why are you worried about this? I won't leave you by any means."
"Don't lie to me!"
Bai Zhen understood her concerns a little, and sighed: "Miss, you think I'm too selfless ... No sentinel will think of leaving her guide after joining. The origin is destined. , I ca n’t change, but I wo n’t make you sad because of this.

Hua Mu embraced her arm, "That's good, don't forget what you said today."
The white pillow can adjust the mentality naturally, which makes Hua Mu very happy, but the problem has not been solved, and the two words of artificial intelligence just made the two care about it.
"Xiaohua, can you monitor the condition of the experimental body through the monitor?"
"The monitoring authority for transferring the test body was completely handed over in October 2040, and currently only the data of the test body in the base can be monitored."
If she had been living under the supervision of others for all these years, it would be terrible.
"So you can't be sure that the monitor in my body is working?"
"No, you can be sure that the monitor in your body is still running normally. It will monitor the changes and combinations of various data in your body, but please be assured that it is safe and harmless."
It's really reassuring!
Hua Mu couldn't help but vomit in his heart.
Just know that the monitored body data is scary enough?
"Then ... is there a way to take it out?"
"You can use the changer to take it out. The changer is under your right-hand console. Please make sure there is no new monitor in the sample slot. The use aspect now shows you the image, please follow the steps.
Hua Mu listened to the artificial intelligence, and felt a strange feeling in her heart.
"Is this guy too intimate?"
Although her authority is very high, but this artificial intelligence is still so active in helping the subject to take the monitor, is it a bit of a trick?
Bai Zhen gently touched Huamu's arm, as if to remind her.
Hua Mu was shocked in his heart, shut his mouth obediently and stopped talking.
The operation of the changer is not complicated, but because it has to be taken out of the back neck, it must be performed by Huamu. Although Hua Mu prides herself on being talented and clever, she will learn everything at once, but she has to work on the white pillow.
"It's okay, Miss, this won't hurt."
"Tell me if you hurt."
Nanometer monitors are so small that they do n’t feel much at all.
The white pillow sat on the chair with his back to Hua Mu and lowered his head to expose his slender neck in front of her.
"It won't hurt."
"Humph, you won't hurt, I will hurt!"
She didn't feel distressed until now, this abominable sentinel.
"Miss ..."
"Stop talking, I will take it out for you."
Hua Mu couldn't help but feel a bit sullen, and pressed the head of the white pillow to the head of the changer boldly.
The changer looks like a small manual electric drill, and the buttons are extremely simple. Eliminating that little psychological factor, Hua Mu pressed the replace button.
Nothing seems to happen, but the white pillow can obviously feel the whole person loose.
Without comparison, she might never find out, after all, the monitor is something that has been in her body since she was born. But now that she is removed, she only feels that the world is more open. Unlike the feeling of increase after combining with Huamu, this time the shackles disappeared.
"How do you feel?" Hua Mu asked nervously, and raised the changer in his hand to confirm the situation in the old sample slot.
The red light has been converted to a green light, indicating that there is indeed a monitor.
"I feel good."
This feeling is wonderful, like ... suddenly released from the cage.
The flower cluster fell asleep next to the aseptic cabin because she was too tired, but her light sleep was quickly interrupted-the aseptic cabin was slightly trembling due to the struggles of the people inside.
The cluster of flowers was hitting the bulkhead to wake her up, and it took a while to remember to call the medical staff.
At this moment, the flower kite suddenly surfaced, close to the glass bulkhead and suddenly opened crimson eyes.
The flower kite didn't seem sober, and took off his breathing mask with difficulty, as if trying to get out of the sterile cabin.
"Don't mess up, you still need treatment."
Huazheng opened and closed her lips like she was saying something, but the flower cluster could not hear her voice.
"What do you want to say?"
"White, white pillow her ..."
White pillow?
"Small, sweethearts are, there are dangers ..."
The author has something to say: Flower cluster: I kept you for a few days and nights, and when I woke up, I called another woman's name?
Huazheng: But I don't want Little Sweetheart to die in bed!
Hua Mu: No, I think!
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