Chapter 146: Rescue

Catherine quickly received news from Mettler and confirmed her identity before rushing to the rescue site. Although the contact signal shows that the communication entity is a single-person diving cabin that has been "wrecked" for more than thirty years, according to the cracked news, the sender is the white pillow and Huamu.
Five civilian ships merged with the warships halfway through, and with the help of radar quickly confirmed the position of the diving cabin. Thanks to the speed gap, the fleet found each other in less than half a day.
However, the bizarre scene let the imperial navy or civilian search and rescue experts be horrified. A small iceberg floats in the tropical waters. The iceberg is surrounded by a vessel that has been tilted and overturned, leaving only a small half of the hull floating to the surface, while an old spherical single dive cabin is pulling it slowly forward in surface navigation mode.
Mettler quickly determined the rescue plan and decided to use a fishing net to salvage the diving cabin.
"A dolphin is next to the iceberg." Because the situation was too weird, Asma repeatedly confirmed the situation around the small iceberg through the telescope. "Wait, there seems to be a person on it."
A bottlenose dolphin closely followed the side of the iceberg, and from time to time came close to lift an object. Even after finding the fleet, he did not leave, but instead began to actively voice.
Catherine snatched Asma's telescope without hesitation and lay on the railing to look over.
"Lying trough, it's a white pillow!" Even though her appearance was covered by her long hair, she recognized the sentinel almost at a glance. "Preparing another net, let's go to the iceberg."
The well-trained Imperial Navy plus the best civilian rescue experts, the diving cabin was quickly salvaged out of the sea, and the iceberg slowly stopped after losing power.
"Long, you go to the warship to see the situation of the diving cabin. I followed Asma to the iceberg." Catherine had put on her diving suit, and the warship also built a connecting bridge with the civilian rescue ship after salvaging the diving cabin.
"Is White Guarding her okay?" Hua Manman was very anxious when she heard the name of White Pillow, but Catherine dared not show her the scene and said nothing to her.
Catherine knew her little girl's thoughts and coaxed: "Hey, that stupid big man is so strong, it must be fine. Good, you go to see if Mu Mu is in the diving cabin, I will rescue her immediately. . "
Hua Manman thought of her friend for a while, and he nodded and agreed.
After being captured, the spherical diving capsule began to issue alarms continuously, and the warship dropped it onto the deck after scanning. When Hua Ran saw the dive capsule landing, he could not wait to step forward, and then yelled in surprise.
"It is Mu Mu, Mu Mu, really Mu Mu!"
The round glass cover clearly reflects the scene inside. Who is not Hua Mu who is unconscious on the chair?
Commodore METTLER, who was in his fifties, was tall, powerful, and bluffed. As an A + -level sentinel, he rose to his present position in just twenty years as a civilian, and he can be considered a battle-hardened.
"Miss Manman, please give me some clearance. We will open the door."
The safety lock of the diving cabin has been locked. If you want to open it from the outside, you can only darken your brain.
Hua Ranman stepped back a few steps immediately, and a navy stepped forward to put the portable light brain on the hatch.
"Intrusion detected, warning, please stop ... turn on defense mode, enter the countdown ... 3, 2, 1 ..."
Unexpectedly, the military light brain was easily counterattacked by the automatic defense system and went down on the spot.
Mettler frowned, waved his subordinates away. He moved his hands and feet a little bit, and the atmosphere at the scene seemed to have changed a little bit. Everyone will only see that his figure becomes taller and more burly.
Mettler's ability is the ultimate physical strengthening, after the blessing strength of the mental body can be increased dozens of times, the physical strength will become extremely tough. He stepped forward and grabbed the door of the diving cabin. His hard fingers like metal were easily inserted into the side seam of the cabin door.
Mettler whispered, and the door of the diving cabin was slowly opened in a rapid alarm and loud noise.
"Meow meow!"
At this moment, a small brown figure suddenly jumped out of the diving cabin and rushed to METTLER's face with agility.
The battle-settled Brigadier General, who was slammed into the face without precautions, is simply the biggest crisis in his life.
"Wait, Brigadier General, don't hurt it!"
Hua Long saw that the kitten was about to be dumped by METTLER, and quickly stopped to stop. At this time everyone had also seen the little guy-a fierce but cute little kitten.
"Meow!" The scene where the kitten fluttered on Brigadier General's face looked a little funny, but no one at the scene laughed. Even in the absence of defense, a sentry should not be attacked so easily.
As a subordinate of METTLER, the navy who was present knew the strength of the chief, so he felt cold behind this unexpected situation.
METTLER finally removed it from his face. Ying Wu's face was scratched with several scratches on his face-after being strengthened, ordinary knives and guns could not cause damage to his skin.
"Aoao Aoao!" The reserve grain was squeezed by the back of the neck with big hands, and he could only open his teeth and dance his claws in the air, whining to show sharp tiger teeth.
Mettler was surprised and vigilant, and at the same time, she became a little interested in this little thing. Only when not thinking about it at this moment, she looked at the dazed crowd and frowned, "Shall we move the lady out soon?"
Mettler is a very stern officer. Several female navies heard the order and hurriedly moved Hua Mu out of the diving cabin. Hua Long followed him closely and looked at his friend's face.
Although it looked haggard and awkward to wear, it was not malnourished. It's better to say that it looks slightly plump than the original slim figure. A lot of food and water are stacked in the diving cabin, and it does not look like it is troubled by food.
"Mu Mu, Mu Mu!"
Hua Mu was quickly transported to the infirmary, and the rusty leopard cat was temporarily put into a cage and waiting for examination.
Catherine and the crew approached the iceberg in a small boat, and finally saw the state of the sentry.
The entire left arm of the white pillow was frozen in the iceberg, and the body was almost completely immersed in the sea water. The dolphins following the side helped her to lift her body from time to time, as if to help her maintain breathing and body temperature.
The water around the iceberg was very cold. Fortunately, there was an integrated diving suit on the boat, so the rescuers got the water.
Catherine has a diver's qualification certificate, plus the impression that she has always given everyone a good impression. At the moment, she said that she would participate in the rescue and no one dared to stop it. The two navies were the first to launch, and the dolphins did not seem to be afraid of humans, and quietly followed beside several people.
"how is she?"
Catherine almost thought she was dead when she saw the state of the white pillow, but the persistent figure of the dolphin gave her some hope.
Several rescuers lifted the body of the white pillow together, and the face under the black hair gradually became clearer. Sentinel, who has always been known for his wheat color, has an unprecedented pale face at this moment, and his body temperature is different from the coldness of ordinary people.
In this state, ordinary people probably have no chance of surviving.
"Miss Catherine, Major White still breathes!" The two navies who came to the rescue were sentries and responded quickly to vital signs.
Catherine personally checked her breathing and heartbeat, probably soaking in the cold water for a long time, her breathing and heartbeat were very slow.
But fortunately, people are alive.
Catherine breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to worry about how to get the white pillow back. She didn't know what happened to the two of them, and she felt the tragic situation just by looking at the sentry.
Bruises and bruises all over the body, and the wounds have been soaked for a long time. The most terrible thing is her frozen left arm, because of the low temperature and huge tears, the muscles and bones have suffered huge damage, the posture is twisted, and the skin is open.
Not to mention the amputation surgery that needs to be performed at that time, only how to get her out now is a big problem.
Waiting for the iceberg to melt is obviously unrealistic, and there is no professional person to perform the operation on site. In the end, the most conservative method can only be chosen to temporarily use the pontoon to carry the body of the sentry, and then the iceberg is partially melted.
When Catherine hurried back to the warship, the aircraft was ready to take off. Although Hua Mu was still in a coma, Brigadier General METTLER had already received the order of the Queen to send her back to the Imperial Capital first.
"Miss Catherine and Miss Manman will also go back together. It's been a hard time for two during this time."
Indeed, the two came to find Huamu, and it does n’t make much sense to stay here now.
"But the white pillow ..."
Because Huamu always hides her guards, Catherine is not very familiar with White Pillow. But Huaran grew up with Huamu from an early age, and the love of a girl with a white pillow has a long history.
"Catherine, how is Bai protecting her? She, is she okay?"
Catherine did not want to worry her, and vaguely said: "There should be no life threatening for the time being, but the rescue will continue for some time."
"Can't we wait for her to go back together? Mu Mu hasn't taken a rest yet ... Besides, she and she would be very anxious if she didn't see the White Sentinel when she woke up."
Catherine sighed, "Your Majesty should be worried about Mu Mu, or let her go back to reunite with her family earlier. If you are really worried about staying, I will go back with Mu Mu."
Hua Ranran looked a little bit distracted, but eventually shook his head.
"I should go back with Mu Mu, I can't help here ..."
Catherine understood that she was taking care of Huamu, but said helplessly: "Also, then go back with Mumu, I will stay here. If there is any situation, I will notify you in time."
METTLER could not force Catherine to accept this proposal. Hua Ranman accompanied Hua Mu, who was still in a coma, and boarded the aircraft to fly towards the Sheng Dynasty Empire.
The author has something to say: White Pillow still has some preparations for it.
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