Chapter 19: Dissatisfied!

Hua Mu opened her mouth, and the white pillow ran off her leg. The stove is easy to build, but collecting distilled water is not as easy as imagined.
Fortunately, the white pillow with great hands-on ability was really executed. It took only half an afternoon to set up the distillation device in Huamu's conception.
emmmmm ...
Hua Mu looked at it for a long time, and found that the effect of this thing was completely different from what he expected.
The white pillow placed a wooden frame on both sides of the fire, and two inclined iron plates leaned against the wooden frame. A bamboo was cut at the lower end of the iron plate to receive the distilled water that flowed down after condensation.
The white pillow embedded both sides of the iron plate in the wooden pile, the stability is not bad, but the effect is really not complimentable.
This is certainly not the reason for the white pillow. Hua Mu realized that he thought too well.
Not to mention that the distillation method itself is a relatively inefficient way of desalination of seawater, just saying that the loss caused by this device cannot form a closed space makes Hua Mu desperate. And the iron plate is getting hotter and hotter, and the condensation effect is not as good as it starts. A lot of water vapor slips away from the gap, and there is very little fresh water that can finally flow down.
Although it is not without some effect, for the two of them, it is really a lot of money.
Bai Zhen's mood looks good, watching the fresh water in the bamboo tube gradually increasing, I am amazed by Hua Mu's idea.
"Miss, there is water!"
Don't look at Hua Mu, staring for a long time without a sip of water.
"Of course there will be water." It was just not enough to drink. Even if they had coconut juice and other fruit supplements today, they still consumed nearly two liters of fresh water. "You still have to find a water source tomorrow."
Except for the first time they went to the stream to drink the raw water, the white pillow would boil the water with coconut shell every time after taking the water back, and then put it in the water bottle. In the wild, the cleanliness of drinking water is sometimes directly related to human life safety.
But Huamu now thinks that boiling water is also a waste of resources. I don't know how much steam has been lost.
"Miss, what's wrong with you?"
Seeing that Hua Mu was not happy at all, Bai Zhen felt a little sad in her heart.
Hua Mu leaned back on the hay, leaning her back against the white pillow and saying, "It's fine, I'm tired. You are going to prepare dinner, I will rest for a while."
White Pillow hesitated for a moment before finally leaving silently.
Although the south coast is not as rich as the east coast, White Pillow is more familiar with it. The shipwreck belt started about 100 meters away from the coast. Because of the ocean currents, she could no longer explore, but it was enough to recognize the terrible area around the island.
Although Hua Mu saw that she had salvaged a lot of things and came back, she had never seen these shipwrecks in almost all historical eras in person. So far, she has only regarded the crash of the two as accidents.
If the shipwreck circle is the death circle, then this island is probably the island of death.
White pillow faintly worried.
The warships of the empire are naturally unfavorable, but how long can they persist in the face of the storms encountered by the two at that time?
Only in today's situation, no matter how worried, White Pillow put his energy back on how to make Huamu cheer up.
The shortage of fresh water is indeed a difficult problem for the two of them. Hua Mu's attitude of actively trying to solve it makes White Pillow both moved and guilty.
Had she not been too useless, how could Missy worry about such a thing?
White Pillow can see that Hua Mu is not satisfied with the result of this device.
Huamu really felt a little tired today, and still felt uncomfortable everywhere after lying down for a while. She turned around and saw that the beach was empty, not knowing why she was a little flustered and bored.
Obviously it should be adapted, why are you afraid of someone today?
It must be caused by physical discomfort.
Today, she didn't go much. She spent most of her time on the back of the white pillow, but why not only felt backache, but also had a stomach lift ...
Missy suddenly sat up.
She remembered something, something that was so important that she had been deliberately forgotten.
"14th, 15th, 16th ..."
The two arrived on the island on April 4. Today is the thirteenth day, which is April 16.
Hua Mu felt more and more painful in her lower abdomen, and she cried without tears while covering her stomach. Today, she ate three sea urchins.
Huamu's physiological period has always been difficult, no matter how to adjust to no avail. So at this time of every month, she turned into a family house, and could not move without moving.
But now in such wild countryside, let alone painkillers, she doesn't even have sanitary napkins.
"White pillow ..."
Moreover, she was super fragile during her menstrual period!
Where did the white pillow this go! ! ?
White Pillow swam westward along the coastline for more than a nautical mile. The coast here is full of cliffs, sea reefs, and the number of shipwrecks is far more than other places. The waters near the beach where the two are located are basically fragments of ships, but there are many more complete ships here, and even many large ships have their heights above the sea.
Because the nearby water is relatively turbulent, Bai Zhen didn't explore it carefully before, but this time she decided to take some risks.
There is a medium-sized passenger ship far away from the island. The ship type should be a ship of nearly ten years. The total length of the passenger ship is about 40 meters, and it breaks from the middle. The bow and stern are deeply inserted into the seabed. The middle break is much higher than the sea surface. The hull is full of sea creatures such as barnacles, and you can only vaguely see the words painted in red on the hull.
White pillow swam around the boat, didn't find enough entrance to pass through his body, and finally chose to climb from the top of the boat. Attached marine life reduces the difficulty of climbing, but also increases the possibility of injury. Fortunately, the white pillow was well-trained, stretched his hand quickly, and reached the ship's rupture with no surprise.
The entire hull is inclined at an angle greater than sixty degrees, and the cabin layering is not very obvious. Looking from the top, you can directly see the clear sea below.
The white pillow took out the multi-purpose saber and attached the climbing wire made of bio-steel, and then inserted the flying eagle claw at the tail of the saber into the iron plate of the hull. The other end of the climbing wire was connected to the automatic retractor at the end of the dagger. After buckling the dagger to the belt, the white pillow took a deep breath and jumped into the cabin.
Because the sunlight is not direct, the water in the cabin is colder than the outside and the light is dimmer. For insurance purposes, White Pillow ate a small white tablet beforehand, and then began to search for the cabins where the materials were placed on the boat.
Hua Mu was worried about her physiology while waiting for the white pillow to come back. She sat and waited until the right did not see her. She couldn't help being angry because of panic and worry. The pain in her stomach is no longer a level of psychological effect, but she has no courage to check it by herself.
What should she do if it is really the menstrual period?
But in the world, except for death, which ca n’t be escaped, for a woman—except a female sentinel—a big aunt ca n’t escape either.
Hua Muzhi felt aggrieved, and somehow this kind of thing happened to her. She did not dare to move in a position and scolded the white pillow ten thousand times in her heart.
It wasn't until the sky was gray that Hua Mu finally saw a figure slowly coming up from the sea. The white pillow seemed to be dragging something heavy, and the pace was much heavier than usual.
Hua Mu sat down on her knees and couldn't help but want to yell at her, but she hadn't yelled out yet, the other party seemed to suddenly notice something, throwing things on the beach, the leopard rushed towards her come.
Hua Mu hadn't lost her temper yet, but was startled by her panic.
"Why, why!"
Hua Mu didn't know whether White Pillow was born with facial paralysis or was trained by sentinels. She only knew that she hadn't smiled a few times in the five years she became her guard. As far as tensions and worries appear, they do not appear to be too famous.
And the reasons expressed always make Hua Mu feel depressed. Anyway, he is either afraid of his father's blame or afraid of the queen.
However, when he arrived on the island, the emotion of the white pillow was indeed released. For example, the panic at this time was very obvious.
Bai Zhen's face was pale, and Hua Mu's arm seemed to want to check her body.
"Miss, where did you get hurt?"
Hua Mu somehow.
"How can I get hurt, you, where did you go, and it took so long to come back!"
Bai Zhen thought that she didn't want to worry about herself, and anxiously said: "Miss, don't lie to me, I smell blood. What happened, did a seabird attack you again? Or, did you go pick mussels again? Alright? "
Damn the sentinel!
Hua Hong blushed.
She has cursed the sentinel's keen senses more than once, but this time it must be the worst she ever scolded.
Damn the sentinel!
Her physiological period is really here!
Bai Zhen sees Hua Mu flushed and looked at herself without saying a word. She couldn't take a moment to smell her body and wanted to find out where she was injured.
Hua Mu raised her small fist and beat it her face.
"Big lady, big lady?"
Bai Zhen looked at Hua Mu in panic, and when she saw her, she started tearing again, and it was a sour heart.
"Are you in pain?"
Hua Mu is about to die! But tears are more due to grievances and shame! Why did she encounter such a thing?
"……my stomach hurts."
Bai Zhu's first thought was that Hua Mu ate his stomach.
"Is there something wrong with the food I eat today? Is it the sea urchin ..."
It's impossible to turn around with wood. Huamu gave up struggling and opened the door straight away: "My menstrual period is over, okay? The girl's menstrual period, the one that comes every month."
In such a straightforward statement, White Pillow should understand even a male sentinel!
During the non-mission period, her physiological period also came on time. However, the body of the sentry is born for the task, and the mental body can be used to adjust the physiological response autonomously during the execution of the task.
This is similar to the time when animals choose to estrus based on changes in environment and climate, except that it depends on the release of hormones by the mental body, so the rate of increase in sentinel fatigue value will be greatly improved.
In other words, White Pillow suspends its physiological period at the cost of speeding up the consumption of small white tablets.
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