Chapter 31: Will there be happiness on the north side of the island?

Hua Mu was anxious to check if the clothes were dry every few minutes-of course it didn't do anything. She was desperate.
"Miss, what's wrong with you?"
White Pillow noticed her anxiety and hesitated or decided to ask. Because Hua Mu did not let her approach, she had been standing more than five meters away from the other party.
Hua Mu's legs are sore and want to cry.
She's so tired, why is she so happy every time.
"I, I can't stand ..."
In the end, she could only ask White Pillow for help.
"Then you sit for a while."
Speaking so lightly, does this idiot know what is happening to her now? ? ?
"Where do you think I can sit?"
Hua Mu said, pulling the pull-out pendulum, vaguely reminding the sentry of his current situation.
White Pillow reacted, and was a little embarrassed.
Hua Mu only wore a white pillow jacket, and the wide collar just happened to be stuck on her thin and thin shoulders. The clothes only covered the small thighs, and the two thin legs were exposed to the air. If you consider the situation in the clothes, this scene is really unspeakable.
Of course, White Pillow couldn't think of the young lady in the direction of sexuality and affection, but she didn't know why she suddenly blushed and her heart couldn't think.
"Then, hold on for a while ..."
She didn't know what she was talking about, only that the suggestion in her heart must be suppressed. Missy is not willing to bring her close, how could she be willing to sit on her?
This unconscienceful white-eyed wolf actually let her continue to stand!
The flowers are so painful that they are hurting!
Hold on for a while and say so lightly, she just finished her physical work yesterday!
"I don't want to stand, my leg hurts, I feel uncomfortable, I'm going to die!"
Hua Mu was too distressed for himself. In such a tragic situation, there was only a conscienceless sentry companion.
White Pillow listened to her seriously, without being scolded, and leaned over nervously.
"Miss, you won't die ... If you are tired, shall I, I bear you?"
The sentry racked her brains and finally came up with a compromise. She could not see anything behind her back. Missy should not be so shy.
This was pretty pleasant, and it had a lower degree of shame than sitting on the sentry. Hua Mu didn't even pretend to hesitate. He quickly let the white pillow squat in front of him.
Her legs are really sour, like vinegar. The muscles hurt again, and the tendons seemed to be pulling all the time.
The white pillow is wider and wider than the average woman's shoulders. It looks solid and reliable. Hua Mu pressed the fabric on the buttocks and lay down carefully.
The white pillow subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold up the flowers, but he felt a delicate and smooth hand.
"White pillow !!!"
There was a roar of the elder lady in her ears, and a series of small fists fell like rain on her shoulders. Bai Zhen was a little ignorant, and confirmed the feel again. After realizing what he had done, he almost didn't drop Hua Mu.
Even after being beaten, I dare to touch it again!
Hua Mu lowered her head and opened her mouth to bite on her back neck. As a result, her teeth were sore.
"Bah, yuck, you pervert, eroticism, rogue!"
The white pillow put her down in a panic, prostrate and blame.
"Sorry Miss, I, I didn't mean it ..."
Hua Mu saw that she was deliberately intentional, and touched it so carefully after hitting her. What was not intentional?
"You bullshit, you, you sentinel!"
Hua Mu leaped his legs while pressing on his clothes, while beating the head of the white pillow.
She is a pure young girl. After growing up so big, she touched the place where no one had touched except her parents and aunts.
Honestly, it was just an illusion, and none of the sentries did not covet her, as did this white pillow!
The white pillow had a hard time arguing, not knowing what to do in a panic, and suffered a weak thump from Hua Mu, lowering his head deeply on the beach.
"I'm not good, Missy, you can punish me any way you want, don't get angry, you ..."
Hua Huaqi returned to the air, but to say that the punishment really did not consider. How can I punish? The sentinel was thick and fleshy, beating her own hand with pain; she was always terrified, and she didn't mean anything at all.
"Say, are you intentional?"
It's too dangerous, her chastity is too dangerous! Great crisis!
"I didn't ... Missy, I really didn't mean it ..."
Bai Zhen has always regarded Hua Mu as a longing and yearning, that is, she lent her 180 courage, she did not dare to do things that make the other person hate. Just now she really didn't react, after all, she never, never touched the kind of place.
She only hated that she was not clever enough to offend the lady, and she could not explain it to her.
Also quibble!
Hua Mu hates this even more than being touched!
The white pillow's tall body lay at her feet in a surrendered manner, but the obedient appearance did not make her happy at all.
Hua Mu wished to kick her with his feet, considering that he hadn't worn anything underneath and put his feet down again.
Bai Zhen didn't hear Hua Mu's response, and he felt ashamed for a moment. She finally won the trust of Missy, and now she pays for it all—perhaps this is the punishment for ecstasy.
"Miss, I have never thought of offending you ... If you, if you don't believe me, when I go back, I, I will quit the job of guarding ..."
She couldn't think of any other way to prove herself innocent, and she could only think of it without hindering Hua Mu's eyes. She has a lot of reluctance in her heart, and she is not so confident in words?
Hua Mu was shocked in his heart, and his mind was suddenly confused.
Who is this white pillow who is not her guard?
"You quit, anyway, I also ..."
Hua Mu was aggrieved to death.
Admit that it is so hard to touch her butt? Resign.
White Pillow heard a cry, and panickedly wanted to raise her head, and heard Hua Muji said: "You are not allowed to raise your head and continue to lie on your stomach."
She had caused the mistress to be very unhappy, and naturally she dared not go against her again, and went back on her stomach.
The white pillow fell down and felt the lower back suddenly sinking. The bright touch on the bare skin made her realize that Missy was sitting on her body.
She hurriedly adjusted her posture, fearing that she might fall.
"Big and Missy ..."
"My legs are sore, and giving me a stool is a punishment for you."
White Pillow doesn't think this is a punishment. Isn't it something more like a reward?
Missy wants her to be a cushion, she is the cushion of Missy, and Missy wants her to be a stool, she is the stool of Missy!
Hua Mu was so sad that she had to find her way down the stairs when she lost her temper.
Does the sentry have a pit in his head? He said that he would resign if he wanted to resign. She wanted to be the guard sent by her to line up, but he could circle the equator for a week!
Huh, of course, she doesn't have to be a white pillow as her guard. It's just that Netta's most outstanding graduate in the past ten years, who will not be her guard?
"I just believe that you didn't mean it just now, and with the protection these days, let's just forget about it."
White Pillow moved, "Thank you, Miss."
Huamu just sat down at first just because of anger. After calming down, he found that the more comfortable he was sitting, the more disturbed he was.
"Cough, forget it, but I'm a little too excited ... are you tired?"
Her aunt is a queen of human rights, and she would never be able to do something like a white pillow for herself in the Duke ’s Palace. It was just anxious and angry, and her legs were sore and sore. Just looking at her elm head and tight waist, she sat down without thinking.
Will White Pillow feel that she has a bad temper, will she feel insulted, will she still want to resign?
"Not tired, is your leg sore, miss?"
Hua Mu's weight was nothing to White Pillow. Not only did she not feel that Hua Mu insulted herself, but she was deeply moved by her trust in herself. Obviously, she was willing to sit on her without wearing anything. This must be the way for the lady to appease and give her trust!
The sentry's concern made Hua Mu uncomfortable.
"Fortunately ..."
"If you don't sit well, tell me."
"Uh, no discomfort."
Well, it's actually quite comfortable.
How do you practice the waist of the white pillow? Sitting on her, a big living person, she didn't collapse at all.
"That's good."
What's so good, how does she feel that the white pillow is quite happy?
Don't be a shaker!
Hua Mu glanced at the back of the white pillow, and the adults decided in large numbers to stop worrying about her, and said stiffly, "What are we going to do next? Do you want to go into the rain forest?"
She shouldn't be too irritating to each other in language, otherwise this stunned child might not have to resign-her idea of ​​resigning is not very beneficial to her life on the desert island.
The two came to the island for almost a month, but the real explored area is probably less than 5% of the total area, and the active area is almost outside the rainforest. The purpose of the white pillow is very strong, the two are not here to explore, so as long as the safety of Hua Mu and the survival of the two are guaranteed, they will not go on unnecessary adventures.
"Miss, there is a potential danger in the rain forest. We might as well go further north. If nothing is found, go back to the south."
There is no opinion not to enter the rainforest Huamu, but she goes back to the south ... She doesn't want to live a life where she can't take a bath every day. Anyway, it was already on the island. As long as fireworks were raised, it was the same as waiting for rescue along the coast. She wanted to stay here.
Although it is a pity to abandon the shelter that was originally established in this way, it will not live long anyway. There are white pillows that can be solved in other places, only the water source cannot move.
"Wait for the clothes to dry, then look north."
But she was also afraid of the danger here, so she decided to look at it first.
After lunch, the clothes were finally half dry. Although it is still a bit uncomfortable to wear, it is better than not drying it.
White Pillar also washed the rest of her clothes and hung it in place, carrying Hua Mu and continued walking north.
The author has something to say: Hua Mu: Is it so difficult to admit to coveting me! ?
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