Chapter 46: Learn survival skills

For White Pillow, Hua Mu's sentence "I don't care about you" is not small. If she can, where is she willing to let Hua Mu do these things and touch these things?
But things are more urgent than imagined. It takes less than a month to train a delicate aristocratic girl to survive in the wild. It is as difficult as resisting the heat of union.
White Pillow stood for a while, thinking of having to have the courage to talk to Hua Mu in the future.
"Miss ..."
Hua Mu sulked while sitting on the bamboo bed with her legs crossed, pretending not to hear her, and saw her leaning over her face deliberately.
White Pillow's little courage disappeared after seeing Hua Mu's performance, stood with his lips pressed for a while, and finally retreated to the side with a fishing rod.
It is not her wish to force Hua Mu, but she does not know how to explain to the other party. She did not want to tell Huamu, nor did she dare to tell her that if the rescue still came in a month, she would not be able to accompany her and protect her.
Hua Mu waited for the sentinel to ask for comfort, but had no idea that the other party had just left without a word, and fell to the bed with anger.
Hard work can be overcome, fear is more difficult, and nausea is simply impossible to overcome! She retreated and asked to accept the earthworm next, why did White Pillow insist on this disgusting bug!
Hua Mu wanted to come now and still felt a chill.
It ’s not her fault, it ’s not good to know how to pity Xiangxiangxiyu ’s sentry!
The more Huahua wanted, the more wronged she was.
She has worked hard these days, and she has never lost her temper with the white pillow. If you go fishing, why do you use this kind of bait? You must show it to her, knowing that she is not angry yet to comfort her!
Hua Mu lost her tears for a while, but couldn't see the white pillow taking care of herself. She was so sad that she couldn't help sitting up and digging to the exit to secretly examine what the other party was doing.
The white pillow seemed to be toasting the breadfruit, and after the familiar fragrance came over, Hua Muxin was half cold.
She is angry and tears eh? This sentinel still wants to eat?
Hua Hua was so angry that he wanted to beat the man. He touched the axe at his feet ... put it down, changed the firewood ... didn't throw it out, grabbed the sand and threw it at the sentry.
The sand was too light to be thrown, but it attracted the attention of the white pillow. She heard the movement and turned around, seeing Hua Mu rubbing her eyes as she yelled, ran over nervously.
"Miss, what's wrong with you?"
Hua Mu wanted to die. She didn't throw the sand to anyone, but instead lost her eyes. She was too miserable!
"Don't worry about you!" Hua Mu shook her hand away from the white pillow. She didn't know whether she was angry with the other party or herself.
I already threw the firewood before I knew it, anyway, the white pillow skin was thick and thick, why did she feel sorry for her!
Seeing her tears raging, Bai Zhen didn't take care of her order for a while, and she asked softly in front of Huamu: "Why are you crying? Is it uncomfortable? Let me help you see."
"Who said I was crying! Me, I was fascinated by the sand!" Although she was crying before, she is really crying because of sand.
"Don't rub it, blink your eyes slowly," White Pillow held her hand so that she wouldn't move. She lifted her face with her jaw. "I can't do it. I will rinse you with clean water."
Hua Mu's idea of ​​grievances was so concerned by the white pillow that it immediately fermented into sorrow, and closed his eyes and wept: "What are you going to do with me? Let me cry and forget."
Missy has completely forgotten what she said she did n’t cry and asked the sentry for more care.
"You won't be blind, just blink your eyes and let the tears rush out the foreign objects."
The sentry was comforted with seriousness, and Huamu didn't want to listen to such words at all! She wanted to listen to a gentler, more indulgent, less rational consolation.
"It won't come out, you help me blow it."
"I'll wash it for you," it's actually useless to blow foreign matter into your eyes. Blowing into your eyes is actually useless. If you don't do it, it will damage your eyes even more.
What to wash, she is not so uncomfortable, she just wants people to blow.
"Then I closed my eyes and you blow it to me."
What's the point?
White pillow didn't understand.
But when he saw Huamu's small face, looking at her beautiful and beautiful face, and the appearance of pear blossoms with rain, this question had already disappeared.
Missy's thick and long pale gold eyelashes are like butterflies that tremble their wings gently, the colors are beautiful and attractive; the delicate and fair skin is as thin as melted velvet, crystal clear and translucent; the lips are hydrated The petals are like the cherry blossoms blooming in March.
The white pillow couldn't help swallowing.
Since the eldest lady and the eldest lady asked her to help blow it, of course she should not refuse.
The sentry gently and deliberately blew into Hua Mu's eyelids, and I didn't know why, and his heart was like it was blown by someone, and itchy.
Hua Mu is no longer uncomfortable, probably because the tears are flowing much, and the fine sand has been washed out of the eyes.
"Blow it again."
White pillow helped to blow a lot, until Hua Mu was satisfied before she let go.
"Are you all right?"
What does she mean? Her business has just begun!
"I have something!" Hua Mu pouted, with a bit of anger, "Why are you scaring me? I hate such disgusting bugs, don't you have anything you hate? If I also use it to scare you Are you angry? "
Because of the indifference of the sentry to her, Missy positively wanted to prove that she was not unreasonable.
White Pillow naturally felt very guilty, "I'm not good, I didn't understand your mood and scared you. Because I don't have anything to fear, I ignored it for a while ... but no matter what you do to me, I will not Angry at you. "
The sentry hurriedly showed his loyalty, but Hua Mu, who wanted her to think about her, did not come to Taiwan for a while. Knowing that the other party had no other meaning, she still felt that she should not be angry.
"Well, that's the matter. But why don't you ignore me and toast yourself!"
"I, I didn't ignore you," Bai Zhensheng was afraid of Hua Mu's misunderstanding, and he was at a loss to explain, "I'm just afraid to block your eyes, you said you don't want to ignore me ..."
"I don't want to care about you, and I didn't tell you to ignore me! You did something wrong, shouldn't you come to apologize to me and please me until I forgive you?"
The white pillow is one meter eight in height, a capable and powerful sentry. At this time, the eyes looking at Hua Mu are timid.
"But this way, won't you bother me? I'm stupid and always make you angry by saying the wrong thing and doing the wrong thing."
"That's better than doing nothing! I can ignore you anyway, but you can't ignore me. I'm angry and you have to sit beside me!"
She knew that the white pillow was stupid, so she did not expect her to please herself more. But she can't even let her see it, and make her think!
"I understand……"
The white pillow still has a little knowledge, but since Missy says so, she should overcome her worries and stay close to her with a cheek.
Hua Mu was satisfied, "Is your toast slice ready? I'm just hungry."
When she was angry, her belly was hungry.
"Ah ... I used it for bait. If you want to eat it, I will bake it for you."
"Yes, if you make a mixed bait, it won't make you feel sick. Just use breadfruit and some spices. We can try a few more baits to see what kind of fish you like to eat."
The sentry didn't want to think about anything, let alone toast and eat when she was angry.
Hua Mu knows that White Pillow can't speak rhetoric and has a solid heart, and will only use actual actions to correct his mistakes. This is really a thousand times better than those who do not admit mistakes or only verbally admit!
She just likes the other party-it means like in the sense of ordinary appreciation!
"Are you ready? I will take a look. You teach me how to do it, don't be disgusting."
"No, no!"
The white pillow is well thought out. The bait does not have to be meat, but also beans and flour. Although the breadfruit is a distance away from here, the road is not difficult. It seems that the biggest problem that Missy uses as a staple food is that she can't climb the tree, but this can be solved with a long-handled knife.
Of course, the skills of climbing trees still need to be taught, and can be used to save lives in case of danger. She also had to teach the young lady to distinguish edible plants and stay away from the danger zone. By the way, she had to take apart her military boots and make a pair of shoes for the young lady.
She thinks a lot, and the more she thinks, the more time she feels is not enough.
The bait is not difficult to make. This time the white pillow has been made. The sandworm is mashed and mixed into the breadfruit and kneaded, and then some dried spices are added.
The bait must be granular and dispersible in the water. The dispersion is to allow the fish to eat around the hook and not be able to eat. The granular is to let the fish bite the hook. Fish are the most sensitive to the three colors of red, white and yellow, and the bait needs to be fragrant, fishy and smelly.
The white pillow made several kinds of bait, and the two took foot water and dim sum to support the bamboo raft to go fishing in the deeper water area.
Hua Mu followed the white pillow to learn to support the boat for several days. Although he often couldn't control the direction because of lack of strength, the general technique has been remembered. She is not an impatient person. Although she only used fishing as a pastime when she was with her friends, but now it is a serious matter related to the source of food.
The two exchanged several kinds of bait, and finally found that the bait with dried clove was the best, and caught a dozen big fish in the afternoon. The fishing net is made of white pillows with vines. Not only is it strong and the mesh is fine, there is no need to worry about the fish running away.
After a day full of return, Hua Mu had another trouble. So many fish can't be eaten and can't be eaten, but it's a pity to release it.
"Miss, let's make smoked fish."
Bai Zhen wanted to reserve as much food as possible for Huamu this month, but it is located in the tropics, and the food can't be kept for long without a refrigerator. As for smoked, air-dried and salted, she can only try it first.
She only hopes that the stored food will help Hua Mu get through the initial difficulties.
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