Chapter 50: Putian Tongqing

Running out of white films is undoubtedly a disaster for the sentry in a mission. Because the senses are too sharp, they do not need the protection of the barrier all the time except in the silent room. The establishment of a barrier requires the support of the spiritual body, and the soothing of the spiritual body requires the guidance element.
It can be said that the guide element is the food of the spiritual body.
Regarding sentinels and guides, there are several theories in theory, one of the most famous and mainstream is the high-dimensional projection theory. To put it simply, the spiritual body is a higher dimension-for example, the projection of the fourth dimension in this dimension-that is, the drop of the third dimension.
The mental body is the interference image seen by the three-dimensional human being, and the reason why it displays various animals-including the images of creatures in myths and legends is the brain's reappearance of interference. This also explains why only sentries and guides can see the projection, because they are the objects of the projection themselves, and there is a connection with higher dimensions.
After the sentinel and the guide awaken, the spiritual body will also grow with the host, this is because the projection is deepened. For example, when a sphere passes through a plane, it is only a small point at first, and then becomes a small circle. The circle will become larger and larger as it gets closer to the center of the circle, which is why the spiritual body will grow with the host.
And when the host passes the golden year, even after the plane passes through the center of the circle, the ability of the spiritual body will begin to slowly weaken, just like the circle projected on the plane gradually shrinks.
Humans do n’t know what the purpose of these higher-dimensional creatures is, but from a historical point of view, they seem to like humans very much-or boarding on the human body, so not only help the host obtain the capabilities that ordinary people do not have, as much as possible Increasing the lifespan of the host, prolonging the heyday, and even changing the host's body in order to allow the host to progeny.
There are many facts that prove that the descendants of sentinels and guides are more likely to be hosts.
Just as three-dimensional creatures can play with plane creatures at will—even if humans cannot interfere with the real two-dimensionality according to the current level of science and technology, after all, even the method of observation has not yet been found.
But it can be seen from the fact that the structure of the cartoon characters on the drawings can be easily changed. If humans can observe, they must be able to interfere. So for those higher dimensional creatures, the human body is completely transparent, as long as they are willing to change the physiological structure is as easy as it is.
This theory is extremely difficult to prove, because studying higher dimensions is more difficult for modern technology than for flat creatures. But because it explained most of the actual conditions, it was widely accepted by sentries and guides.
Hua Mu also knows this theory, and also knows that the food for the sentinel's spiritual body is the guide element.
The projection image of the high dimension is very strange, and there is almost no repetition-it is almost used because although it has never been found, it is not ruled out that such a possibility may be in the future. Special abilities also vary, but there are only two types of basic abilities-sentinels and guides.
The sentinel's spiritual body can increase the senses, while the guide's spiritual body mainly focuses on spiritual maintenance. The high-dimensional projection theory also explained the situation, calling the sentinel the explorer and using the host's senses to learn more about the dimension; calling the guide the maintainer to help stabilize and maintain the explorer.
The relationship between the two is the same as the information-gathering robots and logistic robots launched by humans onto other planets.
This can also explain the problem of matching. If the robots are of different models and different batches, the two may not be matched for maintenance.
Today, the most fortunate thing for Baizheng is that Huamu is a versatile logistics robot that can "correct" almost any sentry. Unfortunately, this robot has not worked for a long time, and has suffered great psychological shadows. It is now at a loss.
Have you run out of white pillows? Why did she know now? Why did she tell her now?
No, no, she should be aware even if she didn't say it. It was not that she forgot, but she deliberately ignored it, thinking it would happen without thinking.
Before the rescue arrived, the sentinel's white film had been exhausted, which was undoubtedly a difficult dilemma for her.
Seeing the other person kneeling on the ground incomparably weak, Hua Mu was a little confused.
What should she do?
What should she do ...
Even if the suppressor was lifted, she didn't know how to appease the sentinel, how to sort out the spiritual body. She had only seen her own spiritual body a few times, only knowing that it was a black unicorn named Luna, long With a pair of wings but like a pony-six years ago.
What should she do?
Bai Zhen didn't hear Hua Mu's answer, but she was unable to seek the answer. She had fallen into a frenzy in the jungle once. If she had n’t heard the gunshots, maybe she would n’t have seen the last side of Missy today.
The ice wolf was eager to seek guidance, as if a sharp knife was cutting her nerves. After losing the barrier, the surrounding news came to her with a brain. The sound of the waves, the wind, the crying of Huamu, all kinds of sounds penetrated into her ears; the smell of sea water, the smell of firewood, the smell of food, various smells eroded her sense of smell; , The touch of the wind, and all kinds of touches penetrated her skin like a needle.
She was cold, but she had a strong burning sensation. The heart is like boiling magma, and every stimulation makes her want to explode. I want to scream loudly, I want to dig out my eyes, I want to scratch my skin, I want to stop them by all means.
The sound of the waves is mixed with the sounds of fishes swimming in the wind. There is a frequency of seabirds fluttering in the wind. Has the bee chased it? She just emptied their lair.
She knew this feeling, and she knew that she had experienced this feeling shortly after she became a sentinel, during the time she ran away from the tower.
It seems that the marching ants crawled all over the body, eating the flesh, eroding the body, biting the nerves, and consuming the bone marrow. She realized all the uncomfortable senses, pain, itching, burning, cold, helplessness and despair.
The world is dark, it is better to let her die like this.
"White Pillow ..." Hua Mu finally knew where the source of some of the wounds on the sentry body was-she injured herself.
The ever-tough and strong sentinel was as fragile as a child at this moment, and he never shouted a sore scream in his aching mouth. She stood tall and crouched on the beach, curled up in a ball, her fingertips deeply embedded in her skin, and scratched out a blood stain.
The bright red blood oozed out of her mouth, nose, corners of her eyes, and even her pores, and the white pillow was soon dipped into a blood man.
Hua Mu was terrified and stared at it all for a while, and it took a while for her to react to stop her cruel behavior. But when she touched the sentry with her hand, the other party made a more terrible cry, and then pushed her down to the ground.
Hua Mu has no time to think about the irreparable consequences of lifting the limiter, and he ca n’t take care of whether he can use the wizard ’s skills. He hastily removed the necklace on his neck and left it aside.
"White pillow!" She rushed towards the sentry again, but finally dared not touch her with her hand, "White pillow, tell me what to do, white pillow!"
Clearly lifted the limiter, but she didn't feel anything, how to summon the spirit body, how to sort out the spirit body, and how to release the guide element?
Isn't that right? Isn't Guisu naturally exuding? and so……
Hua Mu sat on his knees on the ground and suddenly felt a icy cold at the back of his neck. There seemed to be a creature's breath that fell on her neck, but the breath was very cold. Immediately afterwards, a little thick hair sticked to her skin, but it felt very slender, as if it wasn't true that the hair touched her, but something that made her feel touched by the hair.
What is it?
Hua Mu stiffened his body and slowly turned his face.
A pair of green eyes was close at hand, with the hunter's gaze, the breath of the cold wolf sprayed on her face, making her cold.
It's Hati.
As Huamu thought, it was even more fierce than Huamu thought. The ice wolf has sharp fangs, a huge mouth of blood basin, a long scarlet tongue, nearly three meters in height, its white hair is soft and shiny, and its huge body is like a horse.
very scary.
Hua Mu had a strong dying experience, his body shivering, his brain was blank, his limbs were sore, and the inner side of the frontal back of the cerebral cortex almost lost control of the spinal cord reflex.
Hattie stared closely at her face, sticking out her tongue tentatively.
Screaming was choked in the throat, and when the tip of the cold and soft tongue touched the skin, Huamu finally fell back in fear.
It's over, really out of control.
Behind her was the white pillow, the tall body of the sentry became her flesh pad, and the Ice Wolf also came forward at this time, sandwiching her in the middle.
Hua Mu only realized that White Pillow didn't know when it had quieted down, and seemed to be in a coma.
White pillow!
She remembered her purpose and knew she could never go on like this. This belief gradually restored her consciousness, and her vocal cords were finally able to make a sound.
"White pillow!"
White Pillar couldn't hear her, but Hattie reacted. It stopped its tongue and looked at Hua Mu's face suspiciously, and then continued to lick her happily-it can be seen that Ice Wolf liked Missy very much.
Huamu didn't feel any weight, but the pressure still made her breathless.
The only mental body that can cope with the mental body is the anxious young lady who finally remembers a little of the past teaching content. The easiest way to summon the spiritual body at the beginning is to call its name and let it become familiar with the master's will.
"Lu, Luna, Luna!"
Hua Mu called the strange name a dozen times in a row, just when she was about to fall into despair, full of regret that the attitude of the past class was not correct, a black creature finally flew from behind her The head violently pushed the unprepared giant wolf.
The author has something to say: I will publish it earlier today. The high-dimensional projection mentioned in this chapter probably doesn't know a few settings, but the explanation part is written indiscriminately, and I don't know how to explain it in other texts.
A popular science point: the medial aspect of the anterior back of the central cortex controls the movement of the and bladder.
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