Chapter 53: Mental picture

Both the sentry and the guide need to be trained in the tower for at least five years. Although some sentries and guides have excellent performance and can pass the assessment in advance, they must also meet the minimum four-year standard.
Tazhong pays more attention to practice than theory, so the gap between the two is very large. It took Huamu three months to complete all the theoretical courses, but let's talk about practice-she couldn't even compare to a little guide who had just awakened for three months.
Guides who can attend in the tower need to do the most basic movements. In addition to supporting the sentry, they occasionally need to attack and interfere with the enemy's spirit, so the control of the spiritual body needs to be more skilled than the sentry.
However, Hua Mu, she voice-controlled Luna.
"Fan faster, yes, run, run, fly!"
The unicorn was planted on the ground.
Good pit.
Flight ability: ×.
Communication with one person and one spirit is very laborious, and Luna often fails to understand the meaning of Hua Mu. Hattie had been lying on his side watching, only stepping forward to help when the unicorn was wrestling.
Hua Mu occasionally feels that the little guy is too pitiful and wants to appease, but most of the appeasement opportunities are snatched away by the giant wolf. She can only stand by and watch two "show affection".
I don't know if it's because of Hattie's thoughtfulness, Luna gradually no longer feared it, and even showed a very comfortable expression when licked.
Hua Mu often had to interrupt the communication between the two beasts, attracting his inattentive spirit.
There is nothing she can do here. When will the white pillow be brought back at this speed?
"Okay Luna, let's do the next training."
Fortunately, the unicorn seems to enjoy communication with the host. No matter how many times he fell, he was still full of enthusiasm.
After a day of training, Hua Mu felt extremely tired. Although most of the time she directed and Luna executed, she didn't know why, she always felt more tired than she had finished running and finished her work.
But even so tired, she still can't rest. Cooking food, boiling water, feeding white pillows, changing medicine, etc., everything seems more difficult than before.
Obviously neither catch food nor cut down firewood, let alone carry a big living person all day. Compared to the original white pillow, I do n’t know how many times easier, how come it becomes so difficult to come to her?
Fortunately, the sentinel's body temperature is very low, and her metabolism is very slow. She doesn't need to help her scrub her body every day, or even deal with excrement.
Hua Mu had also worried about this issue, and even decided to take off his white pillow pants several times. But she really didn't have the courage to look at the other person's intimate place, and she could only occasionally explore the other person's legs with her hands-through the underwear, to confirm the situation of the white pillow.
It's so worrying to be sick, how thoughtful is the sentry?
Luna returned to the scene on time at night, and Hati remained outside the shelter. Hua Mu finished brushing her teeth on the white pillow-you can not clean it elsewhere. Only brushing her teeth will do it no matter how hard she spends. After all, she needs to feed her mouth to mouth! Then hugged her and fell asleep.
For three days in a row, Hua Mu spent all this day-to-day life. Fatigue accumulated faster than expected, and she slept to noon on the fourth day. Hatti rarely came to wake her, only to look at her with green eyes when Huamu woke up.
Hua Mu habitually checked the white pillow and found that not only did she have a lower body temperature, her breathing was weaker, but her heartbeat was also slower.
She read the meter and counted the heart rate of the white pillow, and was shocked to find that it had dropped to less than twenty beats per minute. If you drag it on again, I'm afraid the white pillow can't really come back.
Hua Mu summoned a unicorn in a hurry.
Luna was licked for four days, her body was full of a circle, the original rounded lines seemed to be thinner, and she also grew to 1.5 meters.
Hua Mu has been too lazy to pay attention to why her spiritual body is the same every day. She only hopes that this little guy grows not only the body but also the ability.
As soon as Luna came out, she ran happily toward Hati, without any grace falling down in the furry body of the giant wolf. Hattie rolled over slowly, exposing his belly and letting the unicorn rub, while licking it around his neck slowly.
The ice wolf licked slowly this time and was gentle. Luna rubbed as if she suddenly noticed something, whispered, whispering, her tone sounded sad.
Hua Mu felt a little strange: Has Hatty been so small?
Although Luna did grow up a little, it was only one and a half meters. Hattie ’s height of more than three meters should n’t be a little bigger than it. Wait, hasn't this wolf stood up since just now?
Hua Mu listened to Luna's sobbing whimper, and walked to the giant wolf uneasy.
It wasn't her illusion that Hatty did shrink. Not only that, but it seems to be a lot darker, the original white shiny fur shows an ominous gray.
"Hati, what's wrong with you?"
Hua Mu didn't dare to approach it before, let alone touched it, but this time he took the initiative to put his hand on the giant wolf's forehead.
Hattie let out a sob from his throat and his body flickered, as if he was about to disappear.
"Hati, what's wrong with you?" Something in the spiritual body means that the host is also in danger. Hua Mu suddenly tense up and hugged the ice wolf's neck as if to keep it. "Don't scare me, you haven't taken me to the white pillow 'S spiritual picture ... "
Hattie whined twice, and Luna had already shed tears.
"咿 ~ 咿 ~"
He screamed sadly, rubbed the fur of the giant wolf gently with his face, and licked the corners of his mouth constantly, as if he wanted to help it.
It is no exaggeration to say that Huamu's calmness these days is entirely due to the existence of Hati. The other party's huge, strong and fierce posture gave her a great sense of security both in terms of white pillows and protecting herself.
"Hati, Hati, you don't want to disappear, I won't let you disappear, the white pillow hasn't come back ..."
Hua Mu is as helpless as his own mental body, and can only hug the ice wolf's neck in a panic. But the real feeling of holding the object became weaker and weaker, and the image of Ice Wolf gradually began to blur.
The unicorn suddenly backed away at this moment, turned around when he ran to a distance of more than ten meters from Huamu, and flew towards her body.
Hua Mu is calling the giant wolf sadly, "Hati, ha-babble ~"
She suddenly fell into darkness. The moment before, she was still crying holding the giant wolf's disappearing body, but the next moment she didn't know where she was.
This is where?
It was dark all around, but Hua Mu unexpectedly didn't feel a trace of fear. She only feels that she has never been so free, like flying in the sea, sky and universe.
She has a brisk body, strong four hoofs, and powerful wings, and she can go wherever she wants to go-for example in that light spot.
She saw a bright spot and then flew there without hesitation. The spot gradually expanded in front of her eyes, and after breaking through a film-like interface, she fell into the snow world.
The sky was covered with goose feathers and the snow was thick on the ground. Besides white or white, she did not feel very cold. Four hoofs printed small round footprints in the snow, and she ran happily, sticking out her pink tongue and licking the falling snowflakes.
It's cool, sweet, and delicious ... No, right, she still has something to do!
She's going to ... looking for Hati, it's going to find the big white wolf who will only help him lick and grow.
"咿 ~ 咿 ~"
Not a big white wolf, but a white pillow!
Hua Mu thought angrily, why is he so stupid?
Great white wolf, great white wolf!
The black unicorn bounced towards the center of the white world.
The spiritual picture of every sentinel and guide cannot be exactly the same, but no matter which picture there will be an iconic object, when the spirit is combined, the partner can recognize that it is the center of the picture at once, and can be carried out. nest".
At the center of this spiritual picture is a huge snowy mountain, and the unicorn has flown around it ... well, enough ... for a long, long time!
Great white wolf, great white wolf!
"Bee ~ yeah ~"
White pillow, white pillow!
Hua Mu always feels that his thinking is a bit slow, there seems to be something very wrong, but he can't tell what is wrong.
Is she usually so stupid?
Fortunately, although she couldn't figure it out, she flew quickly and finally found the cave she was going to on the huge snowy mountain.
Don't ask her why she knows, she just knows, this is where she wants to go, the white pillow is here.
"Bee, babble!"
The cave is very bright, and I do n’t know where the light source is coming from. The cave is very deep, and I do n’t know where it is going.
White pillow, white pillow, white pillow!
Hua Mu rushed anxiously in the cave and ran towards the depths desperately.
It seemed to be downward and upward. She couldn't tell which way she was running.
White pillow!
Luna suddenly spread her wings and flew towards the top of the cave.
It's on top, Luna knows!
But is n’t Luna herself?
She didn't think too long, because a huge, sleeping white wolf appeared in front of her.
It's a white pillow!
"Babble babble ~"
Luna issued a series of tweets expressing her joy.
Great white wolf, great white wolf!
What a big white wolf, this is the white pillow!
Hua Mu is going to be mad at himself.
Luna didn't care what she thought. She rubbed up intimately, whining, and licking the white wolf's nose with the pink tongue.
Wait, wait, wait, what is this for? What shameful thing to do? Why didn't you start talking? When was she so unpretentious?
But the giant wolf seemed to be unaware, no matter how Luna licked, it showed no signs of awakening.
Luna screamed unwillingly, rubbing the tip of the giant wolf's nose with a horn.
Great white wolf!
It suffocated a small black face, and finally a bright gleam appeared in the short angle on his forehead.
The author has something to say: Luna is more useful than Missy!
Yes, it will be reversed in the spiritual picture, and the consciousness will be attached to the spiritual body. So ... moving, animal car? (×)
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