Chapter 57: wake

In general, the mental body cannot physically contact people other than its owner. The reason why awakening humans who are sentinels or guides can feel them is because they act directly on the sensory center.
To be precise, this is an "illusion".
Part of the sentinel's patience training is to counter the sensory stimulation generated by mental attacks, and because the sentinel's mental body pays more attention to enhancing physical fitness and sensory acuity, there are few useful mental bodies directly attacking the human body in war, but the guide launches mental attacks They are often used as media.
White Pillow knew that it was not a real experience, but it still had no strength to resist.
The little unicorn was as passionate as the fire, rubbing the sentry with its round and limpid body, while licking the cheek with the wet tongue.
Luna obviously liked the white pillow, her soft black tail wagging from side to side, and her two pointed ears fluttered with pleasure.
The white pillow felt a strong sense of pleasure, which was the sensory stimulation brought by high matching. Had Hati gone into a deep sleep due to excessive consumption, her current body was extremely weak, and it would be difficult to ensure that she would not make more extraordinary moves.
The study of pheromones is a fairly partial discipline in ordinary humans, but it has always been a major research direction in the sentinel and guide circles. The guide element was recognized as a kind of pheromone at the beginning, and it will be heard by the keen sentinels and have an effect on them.
Amphibians, reptiles, and some mammals have so-called vomeronasal organs, an olfactory organ specifically designed to receive exogenous hormones released by common species, and play a huge role in courtship and foraging.
This structure of most humans only appears in the fetal period and has been degraded at birth. But sentinels are different from ordinary people. They still seem to have olfactory organs similar to nasal organs, forming a so-called "sixth sense." However, whether this is a congenital existence or formed under the influence of the mental body still needs a lot of data to verify.
Because of the powerful effect of guides on sentinels, countries are struggling to study artificial guides. It is said that before the artificial steroids, that is, small white tablets, were studied a hundred years ago, sentinels would carry items or air bags commonly used by guides as supplies.
In recent years, some scholars have begun to study a class of exogenous hormones known as "sentinel". It's just that most of the "Sentinel Element" will only be felt by the highly matched or integrated guides. The dependence of the Guide on the "Sentinel Element" is not as exaggerated as the Sentinel Demand Guide Element, so the research intensity and data volume are still very small.
White Pillow fully understood the mechanism of the action of the guide element on the sentry, but she didn't understand why Missy had to appease her in this way.
The guide mainly appeases the sentry, of course, the guide element, but the way to help the sentry comb the mental body is not specific and unique. The public guide is naturally the most common and academic method, which releases the guide element as an external hormone and acts on the sentinel.
In this process, the mental body is neither a releaser nor a recipient, but only as a medium—the existence of sensory intensifiers. This is also the most essential nature of the spiritual body for human beings.
But if it is a sentinel and a guide already combined, this appeasing process will become very colorful. It is said that there are still a lot of experience exchange posts in the anonymous forum with bold words such as "unincorporated and careful entry", popular science and some appeasement skills.
White Pillow doesn't like to visit the forum part of the Neta website, so I only heard some rumors from friends.
Let the spirit body directly participate in the appeasing process, this is an advanced skill that appears only in the partner!
"No ... Missy, this ... um ..."
However, she heard that doing so would increase the strength of the bonding heat, and it was a method that the sentinels and guides could not easily try before combining.
Hua Mu found that her weak appearance and dream-oh no, the image of the white wolf in the picture was exactly the same, and she couldn't help but feel proud.
"Why not, I think you obviously like it!"
She took advantage of the unicorn to suppress the sentry and leaned over to boldly stroke her sweaty cheek.
"Are you very comfortable? You all hold Luna."
"Miss ..." The black eyes of the sentry were soaked with tears. The black hair on the forehead was slightly messy due to struggling, showing the feminine beauty and temptation of the woman. The body adds another charm that is different from ordinary women.
Hua Mu couldn't help swallowing, and heard a violent heartbeat from his ear.
Is that too bullying her? I just woke up, my body is not good, and I'm still experiencing heat ... Wait, if Luna licks her, it's not ...
"Luna, don't lick it!" Hua Mudunsheng had a vinegar feeling that his things had been snatched, and pressed it against the unicorn's face with one hand to push it away.
"Bee ~" Luna was licking happily, unwilling to listen to her order, she came back with her head on top, and wanted to continue playing with the sentry.
Her stupid spirit!
"You fool, let me go!"
Hua Mu almost completely fell on the white pillow, leaning her shoulders against Luna's mouth. White Pillow snorted, clenched the sheets and dared not hug her.
The smell of Missy's body is too good, it is better than any kind of guide element she has ever heard, and it is not comparable to the artificial white film.
Such as flowers blooming in spring, dew in midsummer and early morning, ripe fruits in golden autumn, clean edel in winter, rich, fresh, sweet and clean. That's the right fragrance for everything. One point or one point is not natural enough.
Naturally, it is the most comfortable environment for the sentry.
She couldn't help but want to put it in, wrap her, or be wrapped by her.
The white pillow was almost sobbing, "Miss ... I beg you ..."
Hua Mu sees her as she said before, preferring to endure the pain rather than offend herself, the mood is a bit complicated.
"Ask for anything ..."
"Please bring a suppressor ..."
Hua Mu didn't know how to converge the guide element. The amount released in natural state was enough to appease the sentinel's mania. White Pillow has a hunch that Hati is about to wake up. Her problem now is not mania, but combined fever that has nowhere to vent.
There is only one way, Hua Mu put on the suppressor again, let her endure the past.
"... Are you going to wander around again?"
"Temporarily, temporarily ... Miss, please ..."
"I know! I know ..."
The other party has achieved this point, should she insist on anything? It seemed as if she couldn't wait to get what she wanted ... sentry, who didn't understand her pain and sacrifice at all!
Hua Mu finally got out of bed angrily and ran to retrieve his suppressor. Luna whispered unwillingly, and her figure faded away.
"Is the head office now?" How to say is also a patient who has not yet recovered from the illness. Hua Mu is angry but it is impossible to leave her alone. "How are you now?"
The smell of the guide hasn't completely dissipated yet, and Hati is ready to move.
"Please don't come here for a while ..." The white pillow shrunk to the corner of the bamboo bed and curled up, trying to endure this period with strong support.
There is no morality in the war between nations. There are numerous drugs specifically for sentinels, and it is not uncommon to force steroid drugs that bind heat. Therefore, Netta will have a lot of targeted training for some specific sentries, combined with heat tolerance experiments is also one of them.
White Pillow not only graduated with the first place of the year, but also claimed that the best student in the tower in the past ten years was due to her strong endurance and self-control. Many students and even teachers in Neta think that she is the closest to the existence of the dark sentinel, and only she understands that it is a completely different concept.
The Dark Sentinel has always existed like a legend. They have the strength of the Sentinel but are not bound by the guide element like the ordinary Sentinel. They are highly resistant to wandering and combined heat, and can even recover from the state of eternal night. , Known as the strongest sentry.
It is said that today's leader is a dark sentry, because no one has seen her partner, because no one has seen her. Let the public guide help sort out the spirit.
White Pillow knew that it was not a legend, the leader was the dark sentry. She is only good at endurance, but the leader will not be affected at all.
She is the most common sentinel, and the ice wolf does not have any ability to overdraw. In the same period, several colleagues have special abilities that are more valuable than her. It is better to say that she is the hardest than she is the best.
Bai Zhen felt that there was nothing commendable for him, and he too received praise. But because the first is the condition given to her by the leader, she must fight for it, no matter what kind of hardships and difficulties.
She is the only subject combined with the heat tolerance experiment. Although she has failed and had to use drugs to relieve her, she has perfectly maintained her winning streak record in the last ten tests-this is her winning Huamu One of the conditions for qualification.
White Pillow finally understood the intention of the leader.
Hua Mu didn't expect this wood to be so stubborn, and once regretted that she had done too much before, and deliberately bullied her. The pain of the white pillow looked in her eyes, but it was even more incomprehensible.
Why did this happen? If she still understands in the empire, it is clearly an isolated island here. Class, law, and morality don't work here at all, even her ... even she doesn't want to insist on her identity and concerns. Why can White Pillow do this?
Hua Mu stood anxiously outside the shelter, and the white pillow finally fell asleep again because of fatigue.
Before losing consciousness, she repeatedly reminded herself of what the leader said when she accepted her as a disciple.
"You asked me why I wanted to take you as a disciple? Of course not because you are superior in the ability of sentinels. In my eyes, all sentinels are just 'ordinary'. But you are very special as a person Your efforts make you special. You have to remember that before being a sentry, you are first a person, and a strong person must have faith. "
What is your belief?
The author has something to say: there is a chapter later, in fact, the timeline is the same, but it looks a bit like a fan. Characters: Queen, leader. Everyone associates at will, and the official refuses to admit it.
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