Chapter 70: Please treat her as a dead person

For the entire island, the area explored by the two is very limited. The roads leading to the water, coconut groves and bread trees have formed obvious trails because of the frequent walking.
Hua Mu was carrying a bamboo basket and an axe, ready to cut some firewood while returning to relax — to be honest, even she was a little surprised that she could still think of this when she was angry.
White Pillow was naturally worried, but he didn't dare to follow, and had to let Hattie follow the alert. The sentinel's spiritual body can be used as an outpost, becoming the ears and eyes of the sentry, but the distance between them is different, ranging from a few hundred meters to even ten kilometers.
Hatti's detection distance on the plains can be five or six kilometers, but this distance in the jungle will be greatly shortened.
Hua Mu walked along the path to the coconut grove. He walked all the way and took the axe and cracked it. He actually vented a lot of emotions. She knew Hattie was far behind her, because Luna was there.
She quelled a little, thinking about it and feeling like she was making a big deal. She always knew that the white pillow was dull. What's wrong now? Anyway, this guy has never liked other people, and he is so honest and honest, it really can't run away if he is really tied up.
As long as she can give up on herself, be single-minded, be stupid, be stupid, and be romantic if not romantic, at least at that time ... quite, very enthusiastic.
She figured it out herself and packed her things up to get home. It was just that when she was about to carry the basket, she suddenly flew down a gray-brown "vine" from somewhere, and it fell right under her feet.
Hua Mu was taken aback, but he hadn't seen what it was that he had stepped on.
Something on the ankle seemed to be stung, and then something cold and slippery wrapped around her calf and took another bite inside the thigh.
Hua Mu was scared to the ground almost instantly.
It's a snake!
Even if I haven't touched the snake, the shape of this touch must be a snake.
The dangerous white pillow of the jungle has always been emphasized by He Mu, so she dared not drill into the forest and walked on the well-opened trail all the time. White Pillow will check it along the way every few days, and she will also spread insect-repellent plant powder on the road. She walks quite at ease.
I really did not expect a snake to fall from the sky today!
"Hati, go call White Pillow!"
Shocked and frightened in her heart, she shook her hands and turned up the skirt to pull the snake around her legs. Because she was panicked and scared, she wouldn't catch the snake. After being bitten in her hand, she finally cut off the snake with an axe.
The flower snake struggled a few times, and gradually disappeared.
Hua Mu only heard his violent gasp, and her heart was beating violently, as fast as she was about to jump out of her mouth. The wounds on the ankle, thigh, tiger's mouth, and wrist were painful, itchy, and bloody.
Hua Mu looked at his wound and could hardly think, only the thought of death was entangled tightly with her.
She is dying!
Although she has little contact with snakes, she also knows some basic knowledge. Snakes with triangular heads are poisonous. The snake has a triangular head, black and white scales, and a series of orange spots on the back. It is very fancy and looks like a viper.
I don't know if it's a psychological effect. Hua Mu has begun to feel weak, and his eyes are dark and breathless. She can even imagine how the venom flows quickly through the blood and invades the entire body.
She must have been bitten for four times and she will never be saved!
"Ooooo, white pillow ..."
She suffered a shipwreck and did not die. She lived in awkward life on a deserted island for months. She endured countless shame. She finally tasted a little bit of happiness. She hadn't communicated with the people she likes. died!
"White pillow, white pillow ..."
She regrets so much that she is angry with the white pillow. She regrets that she didn't tell her that she likes her, and why she didn't do it a few more times ... Her life would end so pale and meaningless.
"White pillow ..."
The white pillow almost hurried towards Hua Mu when he noticed something was wrong through Hati. The sentry exerted his physical functions to the extreme, but it took only five minutes before and after. When he found Hua Mu, the other party was covering her face while calling her name, crying so well.
"Miss!" White Pillow rushed to her and hurriedly checked her injuries. "How are you doing?"
It is not possible to see the exact picture directly and clearly through the spiritual body, only a rough perception. But when she saw the dead flower snake at the scene, she understood what had happened for the first time.
As soon as Hua Mu saw the white pillow, she couldn't care about it, Ruyan plunged into her arms.
"Woo woo white pillow, white pillow ... I'm going to die ..."
White Pillow saw the wound on her hand and held it up and sucked it in her mouth regardless of it.
"No, don't it ... useless, I was bitten for four or four times ... I'm going to die ... ooooooooooooooooooooooooing" Huamu cried with a snot and tears, with no image at all. If she can die more valuable, she must work hard to show the dignity and dignity of the royal family.
But what is this? She is going to die meaninglessly on this deserted island, just because she is angry with white pillows!
White Pillow sucked a few mouthfuls of blood and vomited to the side. Although nervous, he asked calmly, "Where else have you been bitten?"
Hua Mu sobbed tragically: "Foot, still, and thighs ... White pillow, I'm not saved, I know ... Woo ... You don't have to work in vain, if, if you have a wound in your mouth , You will be poisoned ... "
The white pillow lifted her skirt while comforting: "Miss, you will be fine."
Hua Mu dragged her in a hurry, fearing that he would not finish his last words for useless rescue.
"White pillow, you, listen to me ... woo, me, I have something to say to you ..."
White Pillow lowered her head to the wound on her ankle while saying, "You said, I listen."
Hua Mu only felt that she was doing useless work, but she was unable to stop it again, sobbing: "I, I'm dying ... you burn me after I die, otherwise the corpse will be ugly ... woo woo , You have to live alone and live on the island well, and wait until the rescue comes ... take my ashes back ... you do n’t tell my dad and aunt that I was bitten by a poisonous snake ... you, you To be more powerful ... "
She had completely forgotten how long a sentry could not live alone without a guide.
White pillow vomited a few sips of blood, and then sucked the wound on her thigh, repeating in her mouth: "You will be fine."
Being bitten by a poisonous snake and without serum, even if he has been sucking the poisonous blood for a long time, he will still die. Hua Mu knows that he has not been saved. The best proof is that the white pillow will her blood.
She pulled and pulled a lot, and finally afraid that she was dead, White Pillow didn't know her intentions, holding her head and choked with sobs: "White, White Pillow ... I, I'm going to die ... I have words, I have something to tell you ... "
The sentinel sucked the blood from the wound and checked it a little to make sure that it wouldn't be a big deal and finally let go.
"Miss, you will be fine ..."
Baizhu wanted to tell her that although the golden snake had some toxicity, it could only poison the lizard at most, and it was not fatal to the human body. But Hua Mu couldn't hear it at all. She took her hand and shook her head in tears: "You don't need to comfort me ... White Pillow. Before death, I just want to ask you a question ... Do you like me?"
White Pillow looked at her tearful tears and froze for a moment.
Hua Mu saw her staring blankly at her, without replying for a long time, but felt her head full of blood for a while. She really didn't expect that she would be mad at this dead sentry before she was poisoned.
"White pillow ..."
She's almost dying, won't she deceive her?
"You ..." Hua Mu burped cried and said intermittently: "A stupid person must have a limit ... How can I like a big stupid like you ... woo woo ... I'm too miserable ... … "
Hua Mu was sad and uncomfortable, thinking that this was the symptom of poisoning. He would soon be dead in the world, and finally he could no longer speak out. He spit out the emotion that had been suppressed for a long time.
"Miss ..."
"Don't call me ..." She reached out and pushed the white pillow, so small that she wasn't as big as a cat. "You're not an idiot, I'm an idiot ... how come I like you ... my dad wants me to marry someone, you a little bit There is no reaction ... I ’m going to run away from home, you still advise me to go back ... I ’m such a good girl like you, why are you so careless, feeling so little! "
White pillow still looked at her blankly, as if she couldn't understand what she was talking about.
Hua Mu didn't come up in one breath, almost fainted. Even if it ’s stupid, why is she dying and the white pillow does n’t even shed tears?
"Aren't you sad? Is it easier for me to be away? I, I ..."
Hua Mu felt that he had said too much in his last words. He even lost a lot of people before he died. He simply died of poison.
"I'm dead forget ..."
White pillow suddenly hugged her tightly in her arms.
"Miss, you will be fine. The snake is not very toxic. Go back and I will give you some herbs."
"Even if you say you like me now, I won't believe it. You must ... what do you say?"
White Pillow was agitated and repeated her arms around her.
"That's the golden snake of paradise. It is very toxic and can poison a lizard at most. I've taken the poisoned blood out for you. After I go back, I will give you some medicine and it will get better soon."
She originally thought Hua Mu would be happy to hear the news, but the people in her arms did not move for a long time.
Bai Zhen wanted to check Hua Mu's situation, but the other party seemed to be born in her arms, and he refused to die.
"Miss, what's the matter with you? Are you allergic? Miss, Miss?"
Hua Mu grabbed the arm of the white pillow and wished to find a hole in her to get into.
Don't shout, she is already a dead person, please treat her as a dead person, please.
The author has something to say: hhh, is it startling to see the title?
Popular science, the paradise snake grows in the rain forests of Southeast Asia. Although it has no membrane wings, it can glide between the branches with a curved body. It feeds on small animals such as lizards. The toxicity is not harmful to humans.
The animals that came out to assist were all dead, Missy is not miserable, they are so miserable.
Hua Mu :! ! !
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