Chapter 80: Tsunami

On the mountainside above the cliff, there is a flat land with a large area. Although there are many vegetations, the gap between the plants is slightly wider than that of the dense jungle.
Luna carried Huamu and flew for nearly 20 meters and landed here. Huamu also fell from the unicorn's back. The huge waves brought "rainfall", and Hua Mu was soaked when he fell to the ground. The improper landing posture caused severe pain in her calf, and the materials in the basket also smashed her to Venus.
Huamu couldn't take care of these, dragged his injured leg to the edge of the cliff, and shouted, "White pillow, white pillow!"
But all she responded to was the scream of the waves, the destruction of the jungle and the commotion of countless animals. The mountain has become a vast ocean, only some tall trees with crowns. The muddy sea water made people unable to see clearly what was underneath, and Hua Mu was constantly calling for white pillows on the edge of the cliff.
Luna also leaned to her to "babble" tweets, seeming to worry about the white pillow and the ice wolf.
"White pillow, woo woo, white pillow!"
Hua Mu was crying with tears blurred in her eyes, and his voice was exhausted.
Time passed by one minute and one second, the giant waves were still incessantly invading the island, a large amount of seawater was flooded into the hinterland before it could recede, and the water level line kept rising.
"White pillow ..."
Hua Mu was almost desperate, crying heartbrokenly around Luna's neck.
"You liar, you liar, white pillow!"
Luna showed a bit of sorrow, whispered and licked her cheek, seemingly comforting her.
The unicorn seemed to feel something in anticipation, with its ears standing upright, whispering happily under the cliff.
Hua Mu looked subconsciously under the cliff, and saw the muddy water surface boiling like bubbles, gurgling.
"White pillow ?!"
Her voice naturally couldn't be heard too far in this case, but the sentry finally came out of the water like he heard the call. She was attached to a huge ice floe, and she jumped high immediately after the water came out, flicking the eagle claw hook attached to the end of the saber towards the cliff.
The movement of the white pillow was done in one fell swoop, and the body clenched vigorously on the cliff.
"White pillow, white pillow!"
Hua Mu was ecstatic, almost half of his body reached into the air.
The white pillow climbed up quickly. Although it was submerged by the sea several times on the way, it finally reached the mountainside smoothly.
"White pillow!"
The sentinel was so drenched with dampness, a half-length black hair was tangled together, and the bruised scars were on the bare skin.
Hua Mu hugged her excitedly.
"White pillow, white pillow!"
The temperature of the white pillow is very low, and even trembling involuntarily.
"White pillow, are you okay?" Hua Mu stroked her body panicly, trying to check whether she was injured.
White Pillow exhaled a cold breath, "I'm fine, Miss, let's find a place first ..."
This time she consumed a lot of energy and her body temperature dropped a little too low. The tsunami didn't know when it would last. The two had to hurry and find a place to evacuate.
Hua Mu saw that the white pillow was safe and relieved under her heart. While relaxing, she felt the pain on her calf more deeply.
"Wait, wait, my left leg hurts."
White Pillow hurriedly inspected her left leg, and saw that the originally fair and symmetrical calf was swollen and red, showing signs of not so optimistic.
The more Hua Mu put her attention on her legs, the more pain she felt, and the more she was afraid when she saw her injury.
"Is my leg broken? It hurts!"
This injury is obviously not suitable for riding Luna again, and Luna's every consumption will increase the burden of Hua Mu.
White Pillow made a cold compress for Hua Mu, and picked her up hard.
"Miss, I will examine you later."
"Woo ... I, I know, let's go ..."
Hua Muwo stood in front of the sentinel, tolerating pain.
White pillow suddenly remembered something and said to her: "Please put my hand into my underwear ..."
The Sentry only wore a set of underwear, and Hua Mu discovered that her seemed fuller than usual.
Did the white pillow suddenly open?
But even if it's a trick, isn't it time to do that kind of thing now? She was so painful and tired, there was no energy at this time.
"You, you, what are you talking about?"
"Miss, I met a small thing in the water. I don't know what happened. Can you show it to me?"
Just like to confirm the white pillow, the cloth wrapped around it moved, and a small furry head came out of the soft gap.
It was a petite kitten with gray-brown hair and black stripes, and a pair of yellow-green round eyes made it full of germs, but it did not look good at this time.
The sentinel rescued a embroidered cat while running away, and the little guy happily hid in her underwear until his head appeared until now.
Seeing such a young and fragile life at this critical moment not only surprised Hua Mu, but also moved her.
"You saved a kitten?"
During the great disaster, the animals fled one after another. Even now, the two of them fled many small animals from time to time.
Hua Mu took the embroidered cat from the chest of the white pillow and warmed it carefully in his arms.
Like the sentry, the little guy's body temperature is a little low, trembling with sneezing.
Seeing the cat safe and sound, the white pillow lowered her heart a little and ran towards the jungle with Hua Mu. The situation at Yamashita has become even worse. Thankfully, the two are temporarily safe.
There is a small area on the mountainside that is flat. The white pillow hugs Hua Mu and finds something very strange and inconsistent.
The jungle on the mountainside is much sparser than the one below it, and even a bit unusual-just like the coconut forest below. In the middle of such a jungle, there is a dilapidated and dilapidated log cabin that has been invaded by various plants and has collapsed by half. Although it is almost impossible to see the original appearance, it is undoubtedly a building built by human beings.
This place has obviously been deserted for a long time, and it is definitely not suitable for temporary shelter at this moment. Behind the chalet is the mountain wall, and there is a hole in the green vines.
It is not known when it started to rain again, mixed with the water vapor generated by the tsunami, with a salty smell.
"what is this?"
Hua Mu temporarily endured the pain in her legs due to the cold compress and the soothing effect of the embroidered cat, and the appearance of the cabin had a great impact on her.
White Pillow is not without curiosity, but she knows when to be curious, and now is clearly not the time to explore these.
They are in urgent need of shelter from the rain. The rain is not only not good for her with persistent low temperature, but also for the injured flowers.
"Let's go to the cave to avoid rain."
The caves in the tropical rainforest are by no means synonymous with safety, so the white pillow is especially cautious. She knelt down on one knee and sat Hua Mu on her thighs. Then she removed the basket behind her and took out a wooden stick with hay and resin on top.
When it rains, firewood is often damp and difficult to ignite. This is a torch specially made by White Pillow to cope with such a situation. A large amount of resin can better support combustion, and it can be easily ignited even in light rain.
Hua Mu sat carefully on the legs of the sentry, holding the cat in one hand and cuddling her neck in one hand, watching her lit the torch.
"Are you going to take a look?"
White Pillow took the warm cat from Hua Mu's body and put it on her shoulders, then handed the torch to Hua Mu's hands.
"Miss, I'm carrying you, please trouble torch."
Hua Mu swallowed the pain in his leg and transferred it to the back of the white pillow. He protected the embroidered cat who was still weak in one hand, and held the torch in the other.
White Pillow slowly approached the cave. After listening for a while, after confirming that there were no large creatures inside, he took out the dagger and cut off part of the vine. There is a slight odor of sulfur in the cave, but otherwise the air does not appear muddy. The part of the hole is higher than the ground, which can play a good role in waterproofing.
White Pillow carefully inspected the cave wall and found a trace of suspected artificial excavation. The cave is not necessarily excavated, but it must have been processed.
Hua Mu swallowed nervously, holding the white pillow's neck carefully between the embroidered cat.
The cave seemed to be deep, and the light of the torch could not be reflected in the end. The white pillow saw something deep in the depths through the dim light.
There are a lot of moss lichens growing on the ground and on the walls of the cave. The air is a bit cold and humid, but it is not so uncomfortable. If it is placed in normal times, this is a pretty good place to escape the summer heat.
"White pillow, what's inside?"
Hua Mu didn't have the keen vision of the sentry, and couldn't see the scene in the cave.
"It may be a storage room here." Perhaps because of the smell of sulfur, the cave is very clean and there is no trace of long-term animals.
The white pillow went further, and the fire light gradually cleared the scene inside.
This is indeed a storage room. There are many containers, iron boxes, wooden boxes and crocks scattered under the collapsed stands. The stand has not been completely destroyed. The wooden board seems to have been treated and has not completely rotted.
Now is not the time to explore. The white pillow removes several already sparse wooden boards with bare hands and brings them back to the hole. It serves as a mat for isolating moisture, and then the canvas is taken out from the basket to spread.
Both of them are exhausted and urgently need to be repaired and restored.
White pillow's body hasn't been warmed up, and excessive consumption made her sting all over. But Huamu's injury made her care more. She couldn't care about herself, and first put Huamu gently on the canvas.
"Miss, I see your injury."
Hua Mu's pain was already a little numb, and I just felt the whole calf was unconscious. Not daring to look at his legs, he cried and said, embracing the embroidered cat: "Is my leg broken or not?"
Hua Mu's calf swelled in a big circle, very shocking. White Pillow looked a little dignified and touched her shin carefully.
At almost the moment her hand touched, Hua Mu screamed.
The white pillow sinks.
"White pillow, it hurts, it hurts!"
There is no doubt that the tibia fractured.
The author has something to say: Miss Lady's Passion is not a white cry.
Hua Mu: Say good welfare! ! !
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