Chapter 83: notes

The two kissed secretly, deaf to everything around them. Until the embroidered cat was intolerable, the two people finally jumped up on Huamu's stomach.
The kitten, no bigger than a slap, looked at the two with yellow, green, round eyes, and murmured in his mouth.
I'm hungry!
Hua Mu doesn't hate cute creatures, but interrupts her beautiful things, and even cute makes her unhappy.
"Where did you pick this guy up, and why is it so sticky? Doesn't it mean that wild animals don't love close people?"
Hua Mu leaned against the shoulder of the white pillow, complaining softly.
White pillow hugged her, and there was some unsteady breath. Just now, she was almost out of control. The taste of the guide element is extremely delicious for her who consumes too much mental energy.
But now is not the right time in any aspect, she still needs to consider a lot.
The white pillow lifted the embroidered cat and said to Hua Hua: "Miss, are you hungry? Let's have dinner first."
It ’s okay to say nothing, but I ’m really hungry. But now Huamu is no longer the first lady at the time of the disaster, and she began to consult the materials carefully.
"Is everything okay? How long is it enough to eat?"
"It should be able to persist until the tide has receded outside. You can rest assured to recuperate without worrying about food."
Hua Mu pouted, "Aren't you giving me a meal alone?"
White pillow warmly said: "I will eat, but in an emergency, there is no way to eat as much as usual. It is normal to eat more than usual."
"Humph, you're so ridiculous."
Hua Mu hummed in his mouth, didn't say much. The sentinel's character is clear, and she is very rare to be willing to eat a little.
The staple food for dinner is dried bread, and the side dishes include fish sauce, lemon squid flower, salt grilled tuna and bacon. The amount is not a lot, but it is still quite rich. The white pillow obviously spent a lot of thought, and Hua Mu was a little surprised.
The two escaped in a hurry. The cooking utensils did not have time to bring a few pieces. There was only a small iron pan, a bamboo tube holding water, two bowls made of coconut shells and a few spoons of chopsticks. However, the white pillow seems to have turned out something that can be used from the hole. There are several ceramic pots with water in the hole that have not been seen.
Hua Mu is sitting and sitting, and the white pillow allows her to lean on herself and feed her bit by bit. The young lady enjoyed her peace of mind, and her command was also handy.
"It's too hot, you blow me again."
Each spoon of the white pillow helped her to blow to a palatable temperature, sticking to the body.
The wind outside the cave has become much smaller and the rain has stopped. With the shelter of the woods and the vines, the turbulence outside can hardly be felt in the cave.
Hua Mu couldn't help but think of the night when he went to the trapped cave in the north. It was a bit nostalgic and a little weird-why did the two always encounter such a situation?
And this time was worse than last time, she had broken her leg.
But from another point of view, this leg is quite worthwhile.
"I can't eat any more, you eat the rest."
The white pillow didn't push away, and as always, she ate the rest of Huamu's food with no disgust.
After dinner, White Pillow had to take Huamu Jian some oral medicine. Even if the injury was controlled, the fever caused by the inflammation still worried her.
Hua Mu couldn't move, he could only lie down and rest. The pain in her leg was still tormenting her, and she had to try to get her attention.
At this time, the rusty spotted leopard cat who came out for food came back and was dried with a white pillow and thrown to Huamu for play.
Huamu originally thought it was a kitten, and wanted to feed it. After making some popular science for her, White Pillow threw the cat out of the hole for food.
The two actually thought that it would not come back, but did not expect to see it again after dinner. The kitten looks only about a kilogram, but it is already a small hunting expert. This time I went out to eat my stomach, not to mention, there was also a reptile in my mouth that didn't know whether it was a lizard or a salamander as reserve food.
"I didn't expect this little guy to use it that way." Hua Mu rubbed his belly and felt instantly healed.
"Miss, please be careful not to get scratched by it."
Although small, the paws and teeth of the embroidered leopard cat are not vegetarian. The white-pillowed white wolf has a deterrent effect on its weak animals, so it dares to let it be close to Huamu.
Hua Mu poked his head carelessly, "Ha ha ha, is it? This little meat paw? Since you are back, I will give you a name ... what about the reserve grain?"
"Oh ..."
The grain reserve responded in a low voice.
"White pillow, you see it likes this name!"
White Pillow looked at the flower with a bright smile on her face, and somehow it was cold behind her.
"... just like you."
As for whether the embroidered cat likes it or not, it is not in the consideration of the white pillow-who let it choose to come back?
Hua Mu plays with the cat, but the white pillow cannot be idle. Not to mention cooking decoction for the time being, only that the temperature is so low now, Hua Mu is getting sick again, and the fire can never be extinguished. Fortunately, there were a lot of planks on the side of the stand, enough for the two to stick for a while.
"Miss, I will pick up some more boards."
"By the way, is there a lot of other things there? Did you find anything?" Hua Mu woke up and saw some unseen items, remembering the scenes he saw before, can't wait, "You'll let me See what works. "
Her former status and life, even if it was not extravagant, was definitely not about frugality. It's just that these five months of transformation have completely transformed her into a hoarding and collecting little people who are committed to turning everything into supplies.
For the time being, I don't say whether something can be used, but only that there were people on the island that made Hua Mu excited. Why did he or they come to the island? Was it as difficult as they were? How long have they lived here, did they leave the island in the end, what now?
Hua Mu has many questions.
This is a good way to make Missy distracted. Although the White Pillow was afraid she was tired, she nodded her head and agreed.
The cave is deeper than the two imagined, and there is a road behind the stand, but it is too dark to see the end. White Pillow didn't have time to manage it for now, and concentrated on finding something that could be used in this storage room.
The ceramic pots she took to collect the water were empty, and no food residues were found elsewhere, nor did she know that it had not been stored at that time, or was dragged away by other animals later. She is still not sure whether the former owner here died on the island or has left, hoping to find clues from these things.
A few iron boxes were kept intact, and one of them was even locked. White Pillow first moved the box back and broke the lock a few times.
Seeing that this battle was not small, Hua Mu held the cat and sat up excitedly. As a result, he accidentally touched the wound and screamed in pain.
"Miss, be careful."
"Oh, hurry up and see what's in it!"
But even if it hurts, her curiosity can't be stopped. Missy has completely become the incarnation of "desire", comparable to the state of shopping.
The iron box is not only well preserved on the outside, but also tightly wrapped inside. The outer layer of sackcloth is very loose, and it almost breaks when touched. There are two layers of oiled paper in the sackcloth and plastic cloth in the inside.
Several layers of white pillows were disassembled, and a light, camphor-like smell filled the air. But when she saw what was inside, she couldn't help but stunned.
"What is it?"
Hua Mu couldn't see the specific situation inside and asked anxiously.
"It's a book ... no, it's like a data note."
"Eh, it's not for food?"
If it was Hua Mu before, you might still be interested. After all, there are no entertainment activities on the island, which is really boring. But now they are avoiding disaster ... still in love, where is there any leisure to read?
The data was kept intact. White Pillow gently picked up the top one. I saw that the cover was in a format similar to the system standard file. It used Spanish and Imperial Bilingual with the project name in the middle.
This book in her hand should be one of the "rAJI" project notebooks. The date listed below is August 2135, which is nearly thirty years away.
Today's paper books almost follow the luxury route. It is not that the raw materials are expensive or the process is backwards. It is simply because there are too few users, which leads to excessive costs, and this has formed a culture of small prices and high prices.
In the field of scientific research, paper records are still rare. Even more than thirty years ago, paper records were rarely used.
But this iron box is obviously all kinds of record files, and the white pillow slightly flipped over and found that there are at least hundreds of copies.
"Oh, forget it. I'll take a look. You will move some other boxes."
Although Huamu dismissed it before, but think about it, it is better to have a text than to do nothing, and have to pass the documents from the white pillow.
The cover of the document is printed, but it is all handwritten. There are two types of fonts. Spanish and Imperial are used interchangeably, and they are annotated with each other. It looks like they are communicating.
Huamu's foreign language is well learned, but there are too many professional terms in it, and many places are not well understood. Even so, she only felt a cold hand and foot after reading just a few pages.
White Pillow came back holding the third iron box at this time, seeing Hua Muhe's dignified face with the notebook, he was a bit worried.
"Miss, what's wrong with you?"
Hua Mu was heavy in his heart and handed the book back to the white pillow. "Look at it."
The word "rAJI" was originally the name of a lymphoma cell line hundreds of years ago, when the cancer could not be overcome.
The white pillow is unknown, so I opened the notebook and read a few pages, but I was surprised.
The project that this record belongs to is a human transformation experiment that has always been included in taboos. As a sentinel, White Pillow has repeatedly participated in the arrest of such experiments.
Because the number and merits of sentries and guides largely determine the national strength of a country, how to increase the number of awakenings in the sentinel direction was launched as a national key research project a long time ago. Gradually, some of them became dissatisfied with the conventional methods, and then turned their attention to more dangerous methods.
The use of hormones to enhance the ability of sentinels and guides can only be regarded as one of the more conventional types of research projects, some of which have even succeeded, and were absorbed into the system after reform and improvement.
But more are ridiculous and cruel experiments, such as attempts to use radiation and targeted cancer injections to create cell mutations to force ordinary people to awaken; for example, they want to stimulate the awakening conditions by transforming the human body and implanting nano-robots or chips.
Most of these experiments are extremely inhumane to the subjects, and there is even a complete industrial chain to provide the test products, which is not uncommon until now.
And a genetic modification project thirty years ago caused an uproar all over the world.
The reason why this incident is concerned is mainly because of four points.
First, this plan, called the "Angel's Hand", was originally an international project developed by a number of countries. It involves a very wide range, including numerous sub-projects, and no one knows the exact number.
Secondly, the person in charge of this project was once a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and the honorary president of the International Science Association. It is an absolute master in the field of science, and he cannot be related to crime anyway.
Third, in addition to countless deaths, this plan also brought life-a life destined to bear the "non-human" mark from birth.
Fourth, the most terrifying point is that many of the projects in this plan have indeed succeeded.
Although Baizheng was not born at that time, she did a detailed investigation of this matter when she traced her life-almost it can be confirmed that the items recorded in all the documents in rAJI or this box are this genetic modification plan. a part of.
The person who fell on the island is probably the fish that was missing at that time.
The author has something to say: Now that we are in love, we can also take the plot. The last part of the previous chapter has been revised. If you feel that you can't connect, you can look at it again.
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