Chapter 142: Indecent interview

陈 Under Chen Qiang, everyone came to a store, although the store was not very large. But it was easy to accommodate more than thirty reporters.
"Lao Song, is there any Liangpi?" Chen Qiang shouted directly into the store.
"Mr. Chen must have it." An aging voice came from a door blocked by a curtain.
"You count, how many people we have." Chen Qiang told the reporter nearest to him. Xingkong creature boss please eat something, the reporters are very happy, although they were all full in the night market just now.
"Well, President Chen, why are there so many people?" An old man came out of the door around the apron and was surprised. It seems that he put down his work plan, and the flour on the hand that came directly has not been cleaned yet.
"Lao Song, can so many people make it. Today I asked these reporters to eat." Chen Qiang asked.
"Yes, it's really time for you to come. I just made four of them. You guys are just right." Old Song heard these reporters and smiled.
"That line, there are thirty-six bowls in total, and I need some more spicy food from the big names, plus two gimmicks." Chen Qiang said after getting the number of reporters.
"Okay, you sit first, I'll cut it." Lao Song went straight to the chef after he said it.
嘞 "Well, you also find a place to sit. Today I asked you to eat the cold noodles of our hometown." Chen Qiang agreed to Lao Song and told reporters.
The reporters also found a seat and made it. After all, standing like this is not the way. After all the reporters sat down, the reporter who had just been commissioned by Chen Qiang to count people asked: "Is President Chen here often?"
"Yeah, Lao Song is a native of our hometown. It is a must to do this. He has been setting up a stall since Liancheng. I have been a frequent visitor to Lao Song since then." Chen Qiang could not help recalling his original relationship with Mu Bing was scolded by his mother that day. He hasn't been with his family for a long time, and even this year's New Year he hasn't returned home.
听说 "I heard that all of the staff members of Xingkong Biology are here. Isn't President Chen planning to let go of Xingkong City?" Now that the first person has spoken, the reporters became active.
"This can't be said like this, Starry Sky City was originally the location of our Starry Sky Biology headquarters, and these living facilities are also for Starry Sky Biology employees." Chen Qiang thought for a while.
"Mr. Chen, does that mean that after this meeting, Star City will be closed again."
"This has not been considered, but before Star City is fully established, I will not let many people enter Star City." In fact, Chen Qiang also thought about letting Star City go for some visits and tours, but after deduction with Xiaolong, At this time, Star City did not have that ability.
"Mr. Chen, do you have anything to say about this meeting?" A reporter asked a chicken thief.
"This question is very broad, and a special press conference will be held tomorrow, so everyone just needs to wait until tomorrow." Chen Qiang did not answer positively.
喽 "Come on, Mr. Chen, your noodles and hoe." Lao Song came out with a plate, and behind him, his son and daughter-in-law also carried a plate.
Chen Qiang took the bowl from Lao Song's hands, stirred it and ate it. The reporters also picked up their own bowl and began to eat. As for Lao Song and others, they returned to the kitchen after sending Liangpi.
"Mr. Chen, you haven't eaten so late." A reporter asked while watching Chen Qiang eating a bun.
"No, I'm really hungry to tell the truth, everyone forgive me." Chen Qiang took a and swallowed with cold skin. At this time, Chen Qiang could not see that he was a successful person who started such a big business, but a Little brother next door.
The reporters are not asking Chen Qiang questions, but put their thoughts in the bowl of Liangpi in front of them. It may be that Chen Qiang ate too sweet, so the reporters present were very sweet regardless of their gender.
Because Chen Qiang's bowl is big, when all the reporters have finished eating, Chen Qiang still has some. The reporters were also very patient, waiting for Chen Qiang to finish his Liangpi, so under the watch of more than thirty people, Chen Qiang drank the Liangpi in the bowl with the seasoning juice.
"Mr. Chen, why did you even drink the sauce?" Just after Chen Qiang wiped his mouth, a reporter asked curiously.
"Habit, never let the bottom of the bowl be kept at home. Plus, when I was a kid, my family was not rich, and it was not easy to eat Liangpi once, and of course I could not waste it." Chen Qiang said embarrassed.
Seeing a look of incomprehension, Chen Qiang once again said, "Although my dad was a civil servant, the salary of the civil servant was very low at that time, and my dad was for the second uncle to go to school. The family's money was a little tight. In my college At that time, all the food in my house was grown by myself ... "This was the first time Chen Qiang talked about his family and some things in the public, so the reporters were very surprised.
"So why did President Chen and a group of domestic business leaders invest in the cultivation of oil-producing coconut trees in lagging areas?" A kiss female reporter asked.
"Similarly, today's grain planting requires large-scale mechanized operations in order to be profitable. And such a self-cultivation and self-cultivation model is very profitable ~ ~ now planting an acre in my home The cost of the land is 3,000 yuan, and the maximum output of 2500 yuan per acre for growing grain is basically losing money. Moreover, there is no way for mechanized planting in the gutters on our side. It's very hard for people to do it with two hands, so I set the oil palm planting area in those poor mountainous areas. "Chen Qiang organized a language.
"Mr. Chen, I heard that this time the virtual network construction was operated by starry creatures. Then why do starry creatures have this qualification?" A very small reporter stood up and asked directly. This question is starting to ignite, and reporters have set their sights on this reporter. In their opinion, the reporter was a little bit watted, and he described such a stupid question, what if Chen Qiang was gone?
"You are a reporter from the Asahi Daily. Your prime minister has returned home with his tail in the air. Why are you still here?" Chen Qiang said directly. He also had no good opinion of the Asahi Daily. This newspaper is controlled by the newspaper. The newspaper has more than once denied the incident of Japanese invasion of China, and its textbooks have frankly altered history.
"General Manager Chen, this is my freedom as a reporter." The short man raised his proud head.

It ’s my freedom not to answer your question. You can leave. I do n’t like the environment in which your Japanese live.
Chen Qiang directly ordered a guest.
The reporter of Chao Chao Daily wanted to stay here again, but when he saw so many killing eyes cast on himself, he finally walked away slumped.
采访 After this episode, the interview continues. The reporters are also very decent, and did not ask any particularly difficult questions, and Chen Qiang answered these questions as much as possible.
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