Chapter 225: A feast for the principals

Everyone was very puzzled. They felt that Chen Qiang had some big problems. Eventually, Huang Fusong was eliminated. At the same time, the admissions institutions of 37 colleges and universities have officially settled in Xingkong Academy. There will be a week-long admissions promotion conference. Not only are these schools choosing students this week, but students are also choosing schools. In each school, several teachers from our school will give a class at Xingkong Academy. The course time is one week. Students can choose their favorite class to go to. If they like this student, they can choose to go to this school to study.
In order to recruit these schools, they have revealed their families. This time, dozens of academicians have come to Xingkong Academy, and these dozens of academicians are all in the top four fields of machinery, aerospace, communication and biology. That group of people. However, these students of Xingkong Academy were not fools. The students of this aerospace institute had to question the academicians of Northwest Industry. However, the academician was not angry, but invited the student to be his own disciple on the spot. You should know that this academician has already retired long ago, and he has not brought students anymore. This time, he came to Xingkong Academy to invite the principal.
Of course, the student was not that kind or unkind, so he directly agreed to the academician's invitation. Don't look at the industry name of Northwest China, but the school has always been the boss in the field of aerospace. You must know that half of the country's aerospace field is now supported by graduates of Northwest Industry. Therefore, the students also like this school very much.
With the first successful example, these academicians became very hard, and their classroom almost became a large discussion classroom. And sometimes these students have some tricky questions, and they can't answer them. However, they are also people who have experienced wind and rain. They directly put some tricky questions in the classroom for discussion. Not to mention that these tricky issues are really discussed by these students, as long as further research will become a big scientific research result.
These academicians also felt the horrors of these students intuitively for the first time, so almost every one of them had a disciple. After a week of double elections, 1,500 students were divided up by major universities, of which three military schools received 450, almost half of them. However, the universities did not complain. The remaining few schools were almost evenly divided and they also got what they wanted.
As for Huang Fusong's first place, universities are also very eye-catching, so they have also approached the student, but it seems that this blow has made the child a little decadent, and all universities have died. Finally, President Wu of Northwestern Polytechnical University came forward and talked to Huang Fusong personally for an hour. Huang Fusong joined the arms of Northwestern Industry.
They were also very curious about the methods used by the principal Wu and other principals, so they collectively blocked the principal Wu in an office and asked why. When President Wu talked about space science and engineering, the principals also understood why Huang Fusong entered Northwestern industry. No, it is accurate to enter Aerospace Science and Industry Group.
The double election was over. Everyone got what they needed and happily left the school. At the same time, those students who had been eliminated were left. After the students were eliminated, Star Group gave them six of the three-level salary of Star Group. Monthly salary compensation, 50,000 yuan per person. Tens of millions of yuan is not a problem for the current Starry Sky Group, but these fifty thousand yuan is indeed a huge sum for these students.
To do this, the Starry Group is also doing its best. At the farewells of former classmates, these students boarded the planes already prepared by Xingkong Group. The entire airport was full of tears. Although they haven't been together for a long time, their six-month classmates, together with day and night, have long established friendship in their hearts.
But parting always came quickly, and the plane took off. All the eliminated students silently watched Star City disappear from their eyes from the plane's porthole. Each of them knew in their hearts that this might be the last time they came to Star City, and that the distance between them and those who stayed in the same class as Star Academy would get wider.
However, one of them stared at the starry city but flickered the golden mang.
"Starry Sky City, I will definitely build a city greater than you in the future." Huang Fusong said secretly to which Starry Sky City that was disappearing in front of him.
Some people have left, and those who remain need to have a carnival. Because they got the Star Group employee contract yesterday, and they also got their own house. At present, the real estate in Huaguo is becoming more and more foamy. However, the thought that Huaguo can't start a family without a house keeps the bubble from being burst. So now it is a very happy thing to own a house of your own.
It is for this reason that the Pearl Group has no fear. It is important to know that the share of the Pearl Group's housing occupies 10% of the country. This is a large number.
However, this situation may change now ~ ~ Because Chen Jun's first anti-gravity car has been successfully manufactured today and has entered the test phase.
"Xiaojun, are you ready? Your brother has brought the entire senior management of the Starry Group today." Mu Bing asked Chen Jundao secretly while Chen Qiang talked with the R & D personnel.
"Relax, sister-in-law. If you don't believe me, then you can't help but believe in the Starry Research Institute." Chen Jun knew Mu Bing was worried about himself, so he patted his chest and said.
"It's good if you are confident. It's another month to celebrate Chinese New Year. Your girlfriend should also see her parents. The parents have urged them several times." Mu Bing is also worried that Chen Jun's lack of experience, Seeing that Chen Jun was in a good state of mind, she was relieved, and this was what she said today.
Chen Qiang's parents have told her about this many times. As for why to tell her, that's because they didn't see Chen Jun as a person at all. Since the beginning of this experiment, Chen Jun has been staying at the Star Academy. Although Chen Qiang's parents can also enter the research language, in order not to trouble Chen Qiang, they generally do not participate in the company's affairs. Even Chen Father grasped this measure very well.
"Chen Jun, President Chen is calling you there." Cao Yun, the deputy chief designer of this project, said at this time.
"Okay, start preparing." Chen Jun ordered directly.
Cao Yun was recruited by Zeng Long as a deputy when Xingkong Group established the Precision Instrument Branch. For this project, he was transferred from the project team in the research institute. Although he is the title of Deputy Chief Designer, he is still very satisfied at this time. We must know that the Chief Designer is the brother of President Chen, and through the cooperation and contact these days, he found that the brother of President Chen can really afford it. Such a project.
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