Chapter 266: ready

"If you ca n’t sell it, you ca n’t sell it. I ’d like to see how long the government can support it. Now more than 70% of the world ’s nations have put their hope of entering the aerospace field on the Star Group. If the country If such a message is sent there, then the pressure on China will increase. "Chen Qiang also figured out that because the Starry Group has personally started the space age, the social rules are now different from before. The field of aerospace can no longer be exclusive to monopolists. Although 70% of the country's strength is not too strong, they are a very powerful force.
"The second elder said the same thing, but because of this matter, the state allocated 100 billion yuan to the space science and technology industry to plan to make China's own space shuttle." Secretary Xu said holding a tea cup.
"It seems that it is true that aerospace science and engineering require money, and plans to use it for several years to develop successfully." Chen Qiang smiled scornfully.
"It is 100 billion yuan a year for three years, with a total investment of 300 billion yuan. In fact, China has already had a pre-research project of the space shuttle, this time it is just a formal project establishment." Secretary Xu explained.
"Not bad, very ambitious, then wait and see." Since the space science and engineering industry used what name to take away 50% of the Star Group material, Chen Qiang has no hope for this group anymore. When the aerospace science and engineering industry did not loan it to the Starry Sky Group Ocean VII, he was completely disheartened.
"The country is now undercurrent, and recently there are more than 20 aerospace companies established throughout the country. One thing these companies have in common is that his legal person or actual leader is very energetic, otherwise he would not get this business license. . The domestic major banks mobilize funds more frequently, and these funds go to these companies, they may have some major actions. "Secretary Xu introduced some domestic actions to Chen Qiang, these were the second elders indicate.
There is a saying that one generation of sons and one son of ministers. Although the influence of the second elder is still huge, it is no longer enough.
"It's okay. If they want to come, let them come. If they dare to come, I dare to chop their outstretched hands." Chen Qiang was not worried at all, because he found out about the transfer of these funds, and now the domestic He also inquired about those behind the aerospace companies of various countries.
"Domineering enough, I hope you can succeed, I and the second elder will wait and see. Well, my task has been completed, I am gone." Seeing that Chen Qiang did not have a trace of fear but was aggressive, Secretary Xu was relieved, so Filed a resignation.
"Okay, go back and tell the second elder, thank him for all this. If he has any problems, he can come to Star City." Chen Qiang knew why the second elder did these things, so he promised directly.
"I see, I will convey it." Secretary Xu gave a deep look at Chen Qiang when he left, because he found that the person in front of him had become a terrible city and a deep city.
After sending away Secretary Xu, Chen Qiang went directly to the laboratory, because he needed to make adjustments to the security of his entire Star City, because now it is almost the end of the year, and it will be very close to March next year.
"Xiaolong, evaluate the current safety level of Star City." Chen Qiang ordered after entering the laboratory.
"Computation is completed. According to the current scientific and technological strength comparison of the Star Research Institute, the entire Star City security system can be divided into four levels, and the existing security level is in the second level." Xiaolong calculated this result in less than a minute. , Sure enough, the mature intelligent life is very powerful.
"Oh, then re-design the security measures for the entire Star City, and immediately launch the construction." Chen Qiang did not expect that the current Star City security level is so low. He may have used his usual thinking to think about this matter. With the current security plan of Starry Sky Group, he is absolutely leading and absolutely advanced in the world. It's just that because of the strength of the Star Research Institute, the current security level can only be ranked at the second level.
"How is Xiaolong planning on the current space station?" Chen Qiang sat down on a chair after arranging the task, drinking milk tea from the robot assistant.
"At present, the construction of ten space station modules has been completed, but the core space station module is still under construction, and it is expected to be completed in a month." Xiaolong said at this time without a trace of emotion, and sometimes even Chen Qiang felt that Xiaolong was just An artificial intelligence, not an intelligent life.
"One month, that is to say the space station's launch plan will be delayed until after the new year." Chen Qiang murmured. After another month is the New Year, the entire Starry Sky Group will be closed, so all work will stop.
"According to our planned plan, the core modules of the entire space station will be arranged in February this year. In fact, this time is too late." Xiaolong comforted, at this moment, Xiaolong had some feelings, and his speech was not so cold.
"Hope you can, and also arrange the Star City weapon defense system that we have been designing for years. All are equipped with laser weapons. Be sure to ensure the safety of Star City. Now some things really have to be done ~ ~ Chen Qiang's eyes show a fierce light, if not the current Starry Sky Group does not have the ability to settle out of space, Chen Qiang would have left the planet long ago.
No one would understand the tangles in Chen Qiang's heart at this moment, sometimes he really didn't want to use the needlepoint against Mai Mang in this way, and the result of both defeats was not what he wanted to see. In the final analysis, all this is the fault of interest and greed. If Chen Qiang brought in a few powerful people during the development of Xingkong Group, these would not happen. If the people in this world do not have such enthusiastic pursuit of interests, then there will be no dilemma for the Star Group at this time.
The most effective way to deter a violent agency is to end the war with war. How else was the word 'nuclear balance' invented.
With the current strength of Starry Sky Group in another five years, Starry Sky Group can go out. So what Chen Qiang has to do now is to fight for Xingkong Group for these five years, even if he abandons some industrial chains. However, it is impossible for Chen Qiang, a core industry chain, to let it go, or what else does Xingkong Group use to make money.
Moreover, Chen Qiang also has a lot of money, that is, a set of editing languages ​​for the core editors of artificial intelligence of the country. This language was independently developed by Chen Qiang using Chinese language. According to his programming, artificial intelligence can reach the current Starry Sky Group. The initial computing speed of the self-developed artificial intelligence 'Starry Sky'.
This is already very powerful. You must know that now the entire Star City is protected by the 'Starry Sky' except for some strategic-level security.
Such a powerful language can't be overstated for billions of dollars per country or company. So this is also Chen Qiang's hole card, but the premise is that there is an irreconcilable conflict between the Starry Group and the country.
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