Chapter 331: black gold

The next day, Huáguó national television reported that Huáguó's moon landing plan entered the final sprint stage, and all preparations had been completed. As soon as the news came out, countries with ambitions to go to the moon all over the world revised their plans to go to the moon one after another, and they would grab their astronauts on the moon in front of Huáguó anyway.
"Andrew, no matter what method you use, I must see our astronauts on the moon before the successful huáguó moon landing plan, and the stars and stripes must be planted on the moon." The president shouted at the current head of nasa. As the new president, he is under great pressure now. According to the polls in the United States, the public trust and approval rate of the entire zhèngfǔ has fallen below 50%. This means that half of the people in the United States now do not trust the current United States. This has reached a very dangerous point for a zhèngf 必须, he must save all this, and the easiest way is to win the next game in the confrontation with huáguó.
"Andrew, does the president really need this risky plan?" An old man asked with wide-eyed eyes in Nasa's meeting room.
"Yes, Pete, I now need the entire process of the entire plan, even the solution to the accident. You should be able to do it in three days." Andrew has a headache now, although he hates this kind of layman command It feels, but he also knows that Nasa's life and death are now in this operation.
"But Andrew, if this plan fails a little bit, it will kill the astronauts." Pete still did not believe it was an order from the president of his country.
"Well, now the whole country is under a strong threat, we have no chance. Now huáguó is more powerful and more threatening than the original bear. So I hope everyone can ask our The predecessors are on par. They did it from nothing at first, but now we have everything. "Andrew did not answer Pete's words, but stood up and said to everyone present.
The United States is always proud. Even though the chaos within their country is now chaotic, the entire Congress still passed a budget of up to 50 billion US dollars, and the moon landing time is two months later. After the news was reported, the whole world was once again shocked by the great efforts of the United States. They did not expect that the United States would now want to hang a wrist with Huáguó.
"Is this crazy in the United States? Do they know that there is a company called Huxing Group in Huáguó?"
"I am disappointed that these people are doing these things with taxpayer money."
The US network is full of such and pessimistic sentiments. Even some unemployed people shìwēi directly outside the White House. In their view, this 50 billion US dollars is not as good as investing in more industries to give them a job. The President of the United States is now frightened, because he finds that the entire United States does not seem to have a taste of struggle, and seems to be directly overwhelmed by something.
This is terrible for a country. If even the people below feel that their country is no longer saved, then there is no need for this country to exist. In fact, this is also made by the United States zhèngfǔ. Now all the products of Star Group in the United States are represented by American companies, and these major consortia are followed by major American consortia. These consortia directly set the price very high, especially for the two products of Starry Medicine, the prices of biotin drinks and rehabilitation medicines are even higher. Because if the price of rehabilitation drugs is low, no one will buy other anticancer drugs. Lowering the price of bio-drinks will directly destroy the pharmaceutical industry and insurance industry in the United States, because buying insurance in the United States is a very common thing, and the best sale is disease medical insurance.
Capital is always profit-seeking. In order to squeeze out the last resource of the pharmaceutical industry and insurance industry, they directly monopolized two products that benefit the country and the people, and directly sold the high prices, so that the bottom people in the United States also needed low prices. Medicines. This plan has also made the smuggling in the United States very rampant, but the amount of smuggling is still very small for the entire American people, and it can hardly make waves.
The President of the United States spoke, and this time there was Pete, the head of the entire moon landing program. Pete introduced to all American people the detailed plan for the moon landing, and the identity of each step was detailed, and at the end it was quite certain that this time the moon landing would be as glorious as forty years ago.
Compared to the President of the United States, this time the speech was very successful. The support rate of zhèngfǔ has exceeded 50%, and it is still rising.
"Chen Qiang, we have analyzed this plan from the United States. The possibility of their successful landing on the moon by frog jumping is really high. Do we need to advance a little time here?" The four elders were also worried, after all, this is The two countries are confronting each other, and the country does not want to lose.
"I understand what the elders mean. You mean that we should also use this frog jumping tactic, right, but have you thought about it? We are flying in formation this time, and you know that we are going to be on the moon This tactic for establishing a base is not suitable for us at all. And it is not appropriate that we announce the establishment of a lunar base after the elders wait for their formation on the moon in the United States. "Chen Qiang said insidiously.
"Is this plan a bit shady, and we plan to announce this news in the near future." The four elders said hesitantly.
"Sun Tzu's art of war once said--unexpectedly, it was unprepared to attack it. This is what he did not know in the United States first. We are just passive defense." Chen Qiang said innocently.
"Well, boy." A conspiracy against the United States was born.
Landing on the moon and stationing on the moon are two different things, so Chen Qiang persuaded the country to give up the opportunity to land on the moon first. Sometimes it is actually the best.
Shortly after Chen Qiang and the four elders made the phone call, Anderson pushed in the door and said, "General Manager Chen, the California Consortium over the United States is here. They seem to have something to discuss with you."
"Did they say anything?" Chen Qiang asked in confusion.
"They seem to be about the meteorite we auctioned." Anderson was not very clear.
"Well, we will meet when we go." The meteorite had not moved since the vaginal discharge came, after all, she was still relatively busy.
"Mr. Chen, it's really not easy to see you." A man in his fifties dressed upright stood up.
"Hello, I don't know if you have any issues with the California Consortium." Qiang Chen shook hands.
"Mr. Chen quickly said, we will not hide it. In fact, this time there is still a part of the type of meteorite you auctioned in the meteorite we captured in space. I wonder if you have researched anything and we can share information." The man said with a smile, looking very confident about winning Chen Qiang.
"Nothing was researched, after all, I never touched the meteorite after I bought it." Chen Qiang said silently in a chair. He didn't expect anyone to work with him to study these things.
"Ahem, then Chen has no idea to buy this one in our hands, we can negotiate the price." The man was also a little embarrassed, but he still asked cheekily. The cooperation just started is just a test of him. If the cooperation is successful, he will earn it. The failure of the cooperation is only embarrassing. For the cheeky, he has no burden at all.
"Oh, what price do you guys have?" Chen Qiang had a slight interest in his tone at this time.
"Mr. Chen, if you really want to, we have a big one here, which weighs about one ton. We will not accept cash for the price, how about ten Starry Group space shuttles." The man still looked Very confident, the price is very high.
"Three space shuttles at one price can be delivered tomorrow if needed." Chen Qiang directly bargained for two-thirds.
"Mr. Chen, this price is a bit harsh. Although we haven't studied anything so far, we also know the importance of an unknown material, eight." Seeing the man's appearance, Chen Qiang is ready to pull the saw.
"Just three. If there are no more, one sentence will not work. We will not be able to buy and sell." Chen Qiang completely killed the three without following the script.
The man is also dumbfounded. If Chen Qiang can engage in price tug-of-war with him, he can get at least five space shuttles, but now the master in front of him does not follow the script at all, so he can only be dumbfounded now. And Chen Qiang is also staring at the person in front of him. He knows that he is not good at this kind of bargaining, so he directly kills his own price.
"Okay, Mr. Chen, just three. The delivery will take place tomorrow, and the place of delivery will be at Xingkong Airport. At that time, you can give us permission to the plane on our side." The man finally agreed to Chen Qiang's conditions because of this Since the meteorites were captured, they have been studying them, but they have not produced any results, and they have found that although this stone looks hard and indestructible, it will quickly decompose in the water. We need to know that some of the water vapor is in our air, so this kind of stone will be less in one day. Therefore, it is better to sell this meteorite directly to the Starry Sky Group under the total of the top of the consortium. Capable pits are better.
After sending away the representative of the California Consortium, Chen Qiang finally had a slight interest in the stone from the sky. So after sending them away, I came to the laboratory.
"'Prepare' to record the data, set up file 651, research project outer space meteorites, characteristics of high temperature resistance, hard ..." Chen Qiang entered the laboratory and put on experimental clothes ~ ~ while opening the one containing the meteorite Box, he ordered.
"The establishment is complete, sir. But sir, I would like to remind you that this meteorite disappeared 130 grams during the time it was placed here." ‘Starry Sky’ reminded.
"Ah, 130 grams have disappeared. It is recorded that the meteorite will disappear in the air, and the specific cause is being studied." Chen Qiang immediately took out the meteorite and placed it on his research platform. The meteorite is also quite large, about 20 pounds, but after Chen Qiang saw the meteorite, a familiar message appeared in his mind.
"'Starry Sky' opened top secret file No. 8971." Chen Qiang became more and more excited, because it was really something in his mind, then he was really developed.
"It involves top-secret documents, please authorize it." Compared to the previous voice, the voice of 'Starry Sky' is a bit cold this time.
"Authorization," Chen Qiang said quickly, and stared at his big screen.
"Successful authorization, open top-secret files." A folder called 'Energy Block Technology Solution' appeared on the screen in front of Chen Qiang.
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