Chapter 344: Login

"Isn't that Uncle Song, and is he the representative of the Starry Sky Group today?" Sure enough, some netizens have deep memories. They think of Song Tianye who had dealt with the American moon landing team a month ago.
"Isn't this the country's moon landing plan, why is the Star Group involved?"
"Upstairs is really not a starry sky fan. The moon landing plan was originally formulated by the Starry Sky Group and the country, and the Starry Sky Group is the main person in charge."
"Then why did the Starry Group not send someone to the moon this time?"
"Maybe there are any plans for Star Group, and you don't know if the country's affairs are the biggest."
"It is enough for me to have an uncle Song and Xingchen No. 1 in the Starry Sky Group."
Xingkong Group is still very prestigious in the hearts of netizens in China, especially in the eyes of young people. According to some self-media surveys, 90% of the younger generation of Chinese people have a good opinion of Xingkong Group, and 98% of this 90% are willing to work for Xingkong Group. Even Star Group didn't treat him as much as other companies. As for the remaining two percent, they are self-aware. They know they are not capable enough to work in the Starry Sky Group, so they give up directly.
Because all the astronauts in the country are selected from the army, they are very disciplined. Song Tianye once served in the army, so he has a special preference for these astronauts, so he picks up directly A tablet worked. So a robot appeared beside the eight astronauts, poured a cup of coffee for each astronaut and gave them a small snack.
"Well, eat it, relax. Star One is not as fragile as you think, such a great opportunity, drinking coffee and eating snacks and then watching the vastness of the universe, comrades. You can blow to your children when you go back A half-life. "Song Tianye said very easily, and netizens were also given fandom by this seemingly rough uncle.
The astronauts also received orders from the ground space command center to agree to relax. So with the attention of hundreds of millions of people, these eight astronauts began to enjoy a leisurely time. Who doesn't have a dream? The eight astronauts all stared out of the porthole. But the portholes are a bit small, so they can't see anything. Song Tianye of the cab also knew that the porthole was relatively small, so he once again struck a button on the virtual screen.
So in the astonished eyes of the eight astronauts, the entire cabin disappeared, and the rest were endless cosmic stars. And these astronauts suddenly felt a bit disoriented.
"This is an advanced version of our group's new technology, virtual reality technology. The external environment is projected into the entire cabin through a light converter, so that tourists in the cabin can enjoy their leisure time in the starry sky, you It ’s the first person to enjoy it. Treasure it. It ’s quite energy-intensive. If you need it, I ’ll lower the gravity a little, so that you can experience the sea in the starry sky with the starry sky as the sea.
Song Tianye Seeing the astronauts was a little hurried, so quickly explained.
The astronauts were a bit uncomfortable at the time. Although Song Tianye said something, he didn't forget his mission, so he didn't make any request. Seeing this, Song Tianye closed the gravity facility directly, and the astronauts flew up without preparation. Of course, these people are trained, so they quickly adjust their posture. And some people who have been moving long ago are lying in the air watching the space very leisurely. They feel that this moment is really beautiful and comfortable. At this moment there is even an urge to go on like this forever.
The starry sky seen in the universe is huge and bright, like a diamond inlaid on the dome, shining brightly. No one will refuse all this, because this is so beautiful.
"Wow, I really want to go, it's really beautiful." There is a camera in Star One, so all this is recorded faithfully, and even some netizens have started wearing virtual helmets and entered the virtual space. Enjoying it all from a distance, but after all, there is no shock or feeling at the scene.
An hour passed quickly, and the eight astronauts seemed to have forgotten their missions, one by one lying in the starry sky and counting the stars, and even a female astronaut began to look for various constellations.
However, happy times are always fast. As these astronauts are immersed in this leisurely time, Song Tianye's voice sounds out of place: "Near the starting station, you have enjoyed enough, don't forget Task. "
Turning on virtual reality to refract the entire environment around the shuttle was not included in the entire space program, and was directly added by Song Tianye because he was a soldier.
After hearing these words from Song Amano, the astronauts immediately remembered that they had a mission, and they resumed their calmness. But the Star Group's starting space station still surprised them. Even if they saw all this during the live broadcast of the moon landing in the United States, the scene looked clearer. This time, the space shuttle Star One landed directly on the bridge of the airport. Looking at the busy robots and engineers on the bridge, everyone thought they were watching a science fiction movie.
It is so shocking that such a huge space shuttle is not worth mentioning at the airport. What a huge place it is.
"Welcome, I'm Chen Jun, the station director of the Space Station. You have worked hard all the way. We have prepared a place for you to eat and rest. If you want to turn around, you can also turn around here." The members did not expect that Chen Jun would come to meet them.
"It is our pleasure that President Chen can come to meet us, so please trouble you." Yan Qianhai, the commander of the National Lunar Landing Team this time, is also the second youngest member of the Kyoto Yan family.
"Please." If it wasn't for this time it was a national mission, Chen Jun would never come, because this time the moon landing was very purposeful, and half of the eight astronauts this time from the moon came from Various families. Because he is Chen Qiang's younger brother, there are still many family children he contacts.
However, as a person coming from a poor area, he is very accustomed to the behavior of these people. Although he knew this was normal in the eyes of these family members, he couldn't accept it. Therefore, because of emotional reasons, he did not wait to see these family children.
Chen Jun did not accompany these young men, but went to do his own work. The entire companionship task was handed over to his secretary. This moon landing seemed to him to be a great show, but because Hua Guo has already paid a fee, his webmaster is also Starry Sky Group. The frontline commander of the moon landing plan still agreed.
In fact, the busiest on the moon this time is the Space Station on the starting point, because the changes in the entire moon landing time caused some changes to the production plan on the space station. You need to know that this time to build a base requires a lot of parts, and some The size is large, exceeding the carrying capacity of the first-generation space shuttle, so the processing was handed over to the starting station. Because the previous moon landing plan was on October 1st, the time on the space station on the starting point was still sufficient, but now two months in advance, this also caused a lot of problems in the production plan of the entire space station. Chen Qiang ordered that the starting point of the space station must guarantee all parts and materials for the construction of the base on the national side, so that many original plans need to be changed, and Chen Jun was doing these things during this time.
Xingchen-1 took off again, but this time his payload reached 500 tons, many of which were raw materials and a communication relay satellite. The location of Hua Guo's landing on the moon was placed on the back of the moon. The original plan was to land on the front of the moon, and then the space shuttle flew to the back within the month. But the Chinese side directly changed the entire location to the back of the moon.
"Xingchen No. 1 reached the predetermined position, whether or not to go to the moon." Song Tianye This is to replace Yan Qianhai's seat.
"Yes, start to the moon." The command center located in Kyoto, many people on the scene are watching this scene, and many people around the world are following this scene. Since the first generation of the Star Group Space Shuttle took into account both the Atmospheric Plutonium Vehicle and the Extraterrestrial Vehicle, it needed to take off and land, so the landing of the moon in the United States needed to choose a relatively flat place for landing.
After receiving the order, Song Tianye drove the Star One and rushed to the moon: "Altitude 6000 ... altitude 1000 ... altitude 500 turns on the vertical landing assist device." All of them are Song Tianye Squeezed a sweat because he drove the space shuttle directly to the moon, and it was very fast. If not for the trust of many people in the Star Group, they would have thought that this time the space shuttle was already in danger.
After Song Tianye pressed the button on his left hand ~ ~ There were two engines on the wing of Xingchen No.1. Then Song Tianye vigorously leveled the nose of Star One, so under the action of strong reverse thrust, the space shuttle landed smoothly in a large pit, which was the construction site of the national base.
Such a fierce action seems to Song Tianye that he is already very good. If he changes to another person, the vertical landing assist device will be turned on at 300 meters, because this device is very energy-intensive. Star One still uses bio-battery energy, so the shorter it is on, the better. Among them, there is a lunatic who can do a hundred meters and it is actually completed.
"Xingchen No. 1 has landed steadily, and whether or not it will be out of the capsule." Song Tianye saw that the eight astronauts were still staying there and reported directly to the command center.
"Wait a minute, the mood of the astronauts is still unstable." The people in the command center are also very worried, because the eight astronauts have not had any movement so far.
Seeing this situation, Song Tianye left the cab directly, then went to the crew cabin, lamenting the timidity of the child while walking. Want to chat with "Super Biotech Empire" with more like-minded people, and follow WeChat to "Hot Web Articles" or chat with more book friends
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